Distortion Dark and Divergent giveaway including a $100 Amazon gift card, English tea and biscuits and more {WW} (12/05/2024)

2024.11.25 15:50 PuppyLover77 Distortion Dark and Divergent giveaway including a $100 Amazon gift card, English tea and biscuits and more {WW} (12/05/2024)

Distortion Dark and Divergent giveaway including a $100 Amazon gift card, English tea and biscuits and more {WW} (12/05/2024) submitted by PuppyLover77 to giveaways [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:50 Garelk The Herta reveal in a nutshell

The Herta reveal in a nutshell submitted by Garelk to HonkaiStarRail [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:50 Sans876 Rate my build guys...

Rate my build guys... and tell me what should I improve on ...
submitted by Sans876 to furinamains [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:50 NoOlive567 Bwc tribbbinng nudes or hot pics on kik, msg me at noolive567

submitted by NoOlive567 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:50 _stupid_horse Will I feel rested if I sleep for 8 hours after a 36 hour binge?

I've been binging since yesterday, i'm really tired rn and I took some seroquel and clonazepam to help me with sleep, i'll also smoke a joint if the meds don't end up helping. Now, after my last 36+ hour binge I slept for about 20 hours, woke up once or twice but I pretty much just slept through the whole day. If I go to sleep now and get 8 hours of sleep will I feel tired when I wake up or will it be enough? I could sleep longer but I have some assignments I need to finish for school so my plan is to wake up at like 1 or 2am so I can finish those.
submitted by _stupid_horse to speed [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:50 missjbuckley Descobri que uma moça está usando meu e-mail na conta do Instagram dela

Tenho cinco e-mail do Google, mas uso apenas um como principal, que o mesmo que utilizo a minha própria conta do Instagram.
Ontem, recebi um e-mail do Instagram em um desses meus e-mail secundários. O e-mail era de segurança, informando que havia identficado um acesso a conta do Instagram em um dispositivo desconhecido. O dispositivo era o Windows, no Chrome em Minas Gerais (sou de SP). Na hora achei que fosse minha própria conta do Instagram, mas olhando o e-mail com mais atenção vi que era a caixa de mensagem desse meu e-mail secundário, e o nome no Instagram era desconhecido. A menina tem o nome que eu, mas o sobrenome é diferente, e o e-mail que está sendo utilizado tem o nome parecido com o dela.
Por medo, mudei a senha de acesso achando que estavam usando meu e-mail pra algum tipo de conta fake no Instagram. Aí eu resolvi entrar no Instagram, usando esse meu e-mail secundário e a senha que resetei. A conta é de fato de uma menina, normal, com quase 2 mil seguidores, ativa, enfim, não é um fake.
Mas agora eu me pergunto como raios que essa menina conseguiu fazer um Instagram numa conta que não é dela??? Beleza, o nome e o sobrenome dela são parecidos com o domínio desse meu e-mail, então acredito que na hora dela fazer o cadastro no Instagram, ela colocou alguma letra a mais e deu no meu e-mail. Mas po, ainda sim, como que ela fez isso??? Quando a gente cria uma nova conta no Instagram, ele não encaminha um e-mail de confirmação?? Eu busquei na caixa de entrada e não encontrei nenhum e-mail dizendo que havia sido criado um Instagram com aquele e-mail.
Hoje tô recebendo um montão de e-mail do Instagram pedindo reset de senha, a menina deve tá tentando logar e não consegue.
Como devo prosseguir? Graças a Deus esse e-mail secundário não tem nada, não uso ele, mas ainda sim possui minhas informações pessoais (data de nascimento, nome completo, localização, etc).
Que eu faço? Deixo a menina perder o Instagram? Eu aviso ela? Tem uma forma da menina mudar o e-mail principal da conta dela e aí livrar o meu?
submitted by missjbuckley to ConselhosLegais [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:50 hehskeledk Rebel (CMG) sentenced to 23 years for murder of Smallz (Siraq)

Rebel (CMG) sentenced to 23 years for murder of Smallz (Siraq) submitted by hehskeledk to ukdrill [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:50 Brilliant_Pin_9184 The beautiful Amy Smart.

The beautiful Amy Smart. submitted by Brilliant_Pin_9184 to FamousFaces [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:50 OutrageousMood5784 Looking for new shipper....

Looking for a new shipping service preferably in east Plano. I used Malik at Plano Mail at K & Park for 20 years but he sold out. New guy is an idiot. Who do you use?
submitted by OutrageousMood5784 to plano [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:50 cozycreeping updated collection! <3 shelves and records :)

updated collection! <3 shelves and records :) submitted by cozycreeping to PERSoNA [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:50 raduniversity Looking for some friends w silly names!!! Wanna give away the last of my gifts to folks with a silly name like mine :)

submitted by raduniversity to ACPocketCamp [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:50 Sprague51 UFOs: What We Know and Don't Know (w/ Robert Powell of the SCU)

UFOs: What We Know and Don't Know (w/ Robert Powell of the SCU) submitted by Sprague51 to ufo [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:50 toki_doki06 I think my friend is dating a creep

I (18) have a friend that just turned 19 who recently introduced his new boyfriend (25) to the friend group. That was a red flag from the start, because what on earth does a 25 yr old have in common with a 19 yr old? And apparently they're doing the polyamory thing and he's dating another 19 yr old as well.
I love my friend tho, and didn't want to be super harsh on his judgement right away. I especially didn't want him to feel isolated from me or the group bc we don't like his boyfriend, so I held back my judgements until I actually got to know the guy.
We met him in person and I was immediately off-put by him, but tbh I can't really name a reason why so maybe it's my preconceived notions. It just seemed like he was trying really hard to get us to like him and he particularly latched onto my girlfriend (probably because she's very polite and was keeping up conversations with him despite also being a little freaked out by him).
My girlfriend was the only one of us that he met who he began to text with regularly. The convos spanned from normal banter to trying really hard to convince her to visit his farm (alone), which made us both a little uncomfy but we brushed it off. I told her to lie about me and say I was too controlling to allow that if she didn't feel comfortable just saying no and that seemed to get him to stop.
Well, until last night when he sent her a message along the lines of "[my friend] and I were talking about how you guys were joking about seeing eachothers boobs and I told him I wouldn't mind seeing yours." We were on call and she immediately froze up and didn't know how to respond, so I told her not to respond and he began bombarding her with apologies (like seriously a new message every few minutes for half an hour) but tbh it felt a little manipulative to me.
I reached out to my friend to let him know what his boyfriend had said and to have him ask the bf to tone it down bc it was making me and my gf very uncomfortable. He was apologetic but also excused the bfs behavior by saying he's just "curious about anatomy"---which feels like bullshit to me because that's what you say about a young child, not a fully grown adult. He also claimed the bf didn't mean it in a sexual way at all but tbh it doesn't matter, at his grown age he should know what is widely considered sexual and who not to talk to abt that stuff. He said that the bf is just getting super comfortable super fast bc he doesn't have any friends besides his two partners.
All of this is to say, am I right in being creeped out by this guy and what should I say (if anything) to my friend about it? I don't want to interact with him anymore, and I want the same for my gf but I'll let her make that decision on her own.
submitted by toki_doki06 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:50 Whatusername2024 Vacation vibes

Vacation vibes submitted by Whatusername2024 to SelfieOver25 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:50 floral_larolf Métro B

Salut !
Je me demande si à tout hasard quelqu'un aurait déjà calculer même approximativement combien de jours/mois au total la ligne du métro B aurait été à l'arrêt depuis sa mise en service en 2022 ?
Si quelqu'un à la réponse ? 😁
submitted by floral_larolf to Rennes [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:50 Stijn-315 Raid 6760 9193 4571

Raid 6760 9193 4571 submitted by Stijn-315 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:50 Best_Construction492 Total Wireless Referral Code

Total Wireless is having a promotion right now - 50% off the Total 5G Unlimited Plan ($25 for a $50 plan) which gives unlimited and prioritized data on the Verizon network.
Using my code (entered after the checkout process) will give 5,000 points equivalent to 2 months free.
Note: the code expires after a certain period or after 5 uses, feel free to message me for a risk-free process
submitted by Best_Construction492 to referralcodes [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:50 Ok-Wafer-4802 someone: how many blessings were there? me:

someone: how many blessings were there? me: submitted by Ok-Wafer-4802 to gottagetagrip [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:50 AdContent6768 Filozofski - promjena jednog programa

Teoretski, da sada sam sada druga godina, i odlucim promijenit jedan program, dakle pocetkom sljedece godine na jednom programu bih bio 1., a na jednom 3. godina, znaci li to da ne mogu upisat diplomski iz ovog na kojem sam 3. godina dok i na drugom ne stignem do 3. godine?
submitted by AdContent6768 to studenti [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:50 lysalan Dagger Rogue.. Nelf or Human?

I have a 15 night elf rogue and a 19 human rogue (because I couldn't decide on race). I want to play and level as a dagger rogue (maybe sub leveling) and primarily do pvp. Which one should I continue leveling? I have no interest in playing swords as I really don't want to compete with warriors for weapons, plus dagger rogue just seeems more fun.
submitted by lysalan to classicwow [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:50 Few-Firefighter1341 How come there's no black characters in this show?

submitted by Few-Firefighter1341 to MrInbetween [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:50 EarlyPlateau86 Making money on and off the books in MSC

When I die in my current very long running playthrough I intend to start over intent on making money using only sources that are off the books. The Fandom wiki is quite helpful but not fully comprehensive in answering which is jobs add up as legal income or not. I know for example that emptying sceptic tanks and selling wrecks is legal work, while selling Kilju and picking berries are not, and obviously looting the video poker machine does not show up in your books. Venti/Blackjack winnings are also off the books. It would be quite unrealistic for grandma's money to count as legal income but I've not found a source confirming this assumption.
I'm not finding answers regarding selling firewood, collecting all haybales and delivering the combine, but I'm guessing these probably count towards your legal income. What about lottery winnings? What about prize money for rally racing? I intend to make that playthrough all about supporting the rattiest rally racing career so eventually I will be winning that money regardless, but I am curious if it counts towards legal income or not. Fleetari is a dutiful citizen so I'm thinking it probably is but I've not found a source on that.
Looking forward to knowledgeable, non-speculative answers, fam!
submitted by EarlyPlateau86 to MySummerCar [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:50 Wonderful-Contest-90 Just completed asynchronous interview, now what

Hello all, I just completed my asynchronous interview questions for one school and now I’m thinking: what now? I know it’s all a waiting game, but I’m wondering if anyone else who did an asynchronous interview had to do another round of them or go in person or if you were accepted/denied following that interview alone.
submitted by Wonderful-Contest-90 to PTschool [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:50 NaturalPorky What does the R and V in prayer books stands for? And are the literature used in weekly sermon gatherings supposed to be read in a group or can they be read alone?

Hi I'm currently in prospect about changing my faith from Hinduism into some other religion and I been reading some old discarded prayer books that a classmate has stored in his home. He gave me one out of a request I made that was used for Catholic religious service gatherings (or whatever they call it in this specific religion).
Throughout the prayer book there is and R and a V tat teh start of some statements and it seems to rotate throughout prayers. I'm wondering what do these stand for?
In addition I was told these prayer books are meant to be used in groups during the sermons on the weekly gatherings. I'm not yet converted and am still officially a Hindu on government records but as I read through the prayer book and even try to recite it out loud, I'm wondering is the way I'm doing it wrong? Do I have to have another person or maybe even a group to use the prayer book? Or can Catholics (maybe other Christians even) just use the entire book for solitary worship?
submitted by NaturalPorky to Prayer [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:50 Nice-Cartoonist6356 Need a BULL to teach me the mwaning if Feargasm please :(

submitted by Nice-Cartoonist6356 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
