2024.11.25 15:14 Sharp-Raspberry5592 What do you think brothers? I was thinking anout adding a dreadnought and something else as theres still some points left. Any suggetions or changes you would make?
submitted by Sharp-Raspberry5592 to Salamanders40k [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 15:14 plushPeach525 30 [F] [O] Hey there, just reaching out to offer a kind ear during the holidays
Hey everyone, I know the holidays aren't the most cheerful time of year for everyone. (For some, it is the best and that's okay too). So I wanted to reach out and offer to listen to anyone in need at the moment. Feel free to leave me a comment or message me and I'll respond. Looking forward to hearing from you! Casual chats are welcome, but so are focused vents or rants as well.
submitted by plushPeach525 to KindVoice [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:14 Koonda Cooking habits survey (Worldwide, everyone)
Hi everyone,
we are some friends with an idea for a new take on cooking recipes and are looking for some first-hand data on cooking habits. Here is the survey, it's only 11 questions so it should be fairly short. TIA for your time!
submitted by Koonda to SampleSize [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:14 -baksuz- [WIP] [ICONS] a few more icons for various social media in my style
submitted by -baksuz- to androidthemes [link] [comments] |
submitted by Nerdycat92 to ShinyPokemon [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 15:14 gordonf23 Statler Hotel of Detroit Mid century cocktail recipe list
submitted by gordonf23 to cocktailmenus [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 15:14 bscoop Logic System - Unit [1981][Japan]
submitted by bscoop to TheOverload [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 15:14 Paintngame Kairos - Done
Finally got to finish a simple Kairos paintjob
2024.11.25 15:14 Cciliaa Ma voiture est essoufflée
Coucou J’ai une voiture, une classe A de 2009, la vieille style monospace. Je l’aime beaucoup, elle est nickel, confort et roule bien. Cependant depuis une petite année, elle est essoufflée.
Je m’explique: quand je suis à l’arrêt, j’entends un ronronnement fort (vroum,vroum,vroum…) et l’aiguille des tours par minutes bouge légèrement à chaque vrombissement.
J’en ai parlé au garagiste lors d’une visite qui n’avait pas l’air alarmé… Une idée de ce que ça pourrait être ?
submitted by Cciliaa to voiture [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:14 Tom_K_2013 What Is blevin doing there?
1.wasnt he smashed by laser Beam? submitted by Tom_K_2013 to FortNiteLore [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 15:14 Jurassekpark Behold, the barely mentioned Oilsky M308 - Small review
submitted by Jurassekpark to DigitalAudioPlayer [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 15:14 hellbin Victorious with Pestillens
I have really struggled to play Skaven, and finally managed a win (basically wiped my enemy in R3). I usually play against my friend who usually bring Slaves to Darkness. He brought a Darkoath-heavy list, which isn't the best, but it felt good to not have Knights and Varanguards smashing into me this time.
Anyway, I thought I'd share my list if someone else would like to give it a go. It was very fun to play, with al the prayers and smaller units of monks that was way more flexible than the big block of 40 I usually run. The Plague Claws did an awesome job with his Marauders and Warriors.
Pest 2k 1920/2000 pts
Skaven | Virulent Procession Drops: 4 Spell Lore - Lore of Ruin Prayer Lore - Noxious Prayers Manifestation Lore - Manifestions of Doom
General's Regiment Verminlord Corruptor (360) • General • Skavenbrew • Short-tempered Plague Monks (140) Plague Monks (140) Plague Monks (140) Plagueclaw (140)
Regiment 1 Plague Priest on Plague Furnace (340) Plagueclaw (140) Plaguepack (140)
Regiment 2 Grey Seer (120)
Regiment 3 Master Moulder (100) Rat Ogors (160)
Faction Terrain Gnawhole
submitted by hellbin to skaven [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:14 JohnnyTheBoneless OLPX up 32% in 6 days (8.4% so far today)
Just sharing an observation.
submitted by JohnnyTheBoneless to Burryology [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:14 randompogtato Not all sniper mains are sweat
Today in badwater i met a sniper, i threw mad milk at him, he threw jerate at me, we both kill binded soon after. 10/10 experience this is what gaming was all about
submitted by randompogtato to tf2 [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:14 leadnuts94 [MEME] Yoink
Via lagalaxyhumor on IG submitted by leadnuts94 to MLS [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 15:14 WebLinkr Business and LLC Taxes in Nevada
submitted by WebLinkr to YouTubeCreators [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 15:14 plane-notify Blake Shelton's Jet Landed in Van Nuys, California, United States. Apx. flt. time 3 h 2 min.
submitted by plane-notify to CelebrityJets [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 15:14 jamboski1982 RC505 MK 2 Crackling/Noise
Hello All. Quick question that starting to wind me up now and am running out of ideas.
So my setup goes.....Macbook into Audient ID4 into 505 MK2 on either instrument channel. Makes no difference if I bypass the ID4 Interface and just go straight from Mac to 505. If I play anything via guitar through a plugin or Ableton I get this wierd clipping / noise suppression thing going on towards the end of any note or reverb tail. I have set the NS on the 505 to 0 and it still does it. If I bypass the 505 and just go straight to the speakers...no issues at all but the sound through the 505 is just rough. Have tried headphones only with no monitors connected, still the same. Anyone familiar with the issue at all? Much appreciated.
submitted by jamboski1982 to LoopArtists [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:14 di11ard Black Friday: Considering Aqara Sensors – Thoughts on Reliability?
With Black Friday deals, I’m looking to add a few new sensors to my home: water leak detection and temperature sensors for a few rooms.
I’m considering the following: - Aqara M3 hub - 6 Aqara water leak sensors - 3 Aqara temperature sensors
My #1 goal is reliability (uptime & low maintenance). I’d appreciate any feedback or suggestions for alternatives.
submitted by di11ard to HomeKit [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:14 TrinityKeeper Security system outage help
Camera system of 12. Lost power couple weeks ago and came back on couple hours later. Once power was on, turned on cameras and All video videos loss and came back after 2 hours. Power goes out again for Andy before returning and now once powering system on again, all cameras says video loss and hasn't came back on for 2 days still. Its a older style system that's not connected via wifi. I posted a pic of the fuse box and I use a monitor to display the feed of cameras. Any idea how to fix ? submitted by TrinityKeeper to videosurveillance [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 15:14 jonf3n Monitoring P2P network & privacy
Hi all, I was following and even contributing to Beam early on, but not for a while now. In the past we had privacy issues where observers on the P2P network could reconstruct some of the TX graph before the data was completely obfuscated. This could be combined with timing, etc to reduce anonymity set drastically. Is this still the case?
If not, can someone point me to a detailed analysis of why this is not the case now?
submitted by jonf3n to beamprivacy [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:14 bigmaks Want to play Football.
Hey, Y'all 25M here, I haven't played football in almost 7 to 8 years and i was wondering if someone plays regularly around punjab cooperative ( ghazi road ) and if I can join, by no means was I a good player but i need to get out more and be active. I stopped playing after hurting my ankle and I still have pain in that ankle, gained alot of weight aswell, went from 68kg to 105, was 118kg a while ago but trying to shed off weight and increase physical activity. I miss playing and will appreciate if anyone has any leads on where i can go play.
submitted by bigmaks to Lahore [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:14 BeGood25 Which currency should I take if travelling both to Hong Kong and Macau
Hello everyone!
I, an Indian passport holder, will be travelling to Hong Kong and will be spending a part of my trip in Macau as well.
My question is that which currency should I buy forex for? I want to convert here only to avoid paying conversion fees.
Do I need to have both HKD & MOP? Or does having HKD only suffices? I have read at places that HKD works at Macau as well, is this true currently also?
Also, I am doubtful which e-sim would be beat considering the cost. I do can activate my domestic sim’s roaming pack but I think getting an e-sim would be a wiser choice(?) since I will be there for 7 days.
Any popular e-sim brand suggestions? And where to get them?
Thank you so much for any help uou could provide!
submitted by BeGood25 to HongKong [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:14 Holiday-Ad-8777 Jacket help
Hello!! I bought this jacket years ago in a charity shop & was wondering if it’s worth something? I can’t seem to find the jacket online. Thank you in advance :F submitted by Holiday-Ad-8777 to Nike [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 15:14 Inner_Craft_3138 [Hiring] VA
I'm looking for a VA in a customer service upvote and comment for more details
submitted by Inner_Craft_3138 to VirtualAssistant4Hire [link] [comments]