Remove 2 Ratings

2024.11.25 15:51 Humble-Shine-274 Remove 2 Ratings

Remove 2 Ratings Has anyone else noticed they are removing the 2 lowest ratings now?
submitted by Humble-Shine-274 to InstacartShoppers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:51 SColmant Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving submitted by SColmant to Mustang [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:51 CrazyGnomenclature Pick Up (pt. 11/13) - Tiff🏳️‍⚧️& Eve

Pick Up (pt. 11/13) - Tiff🏳️‍⚧️& Eve submitted by CrazyGnomenclature to comics [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:51 Classic-Feisty Where to Sell Ship Models (Built & Unbuilt) in Austria/Europe?

Hi everyone :)
I'm reaching out on behalf of my parents, who live in Austria, and are looking for advice about where to sell a collection of model ships. The collection belonged to a recently passed-away relative who was a passionate ship modeler.
The collection includes both built and unbuilt models, some of which are still in their original packaging. My parents would like to find a good home for these, where they would be appreciated, but they’re unsure of the best platform or place to sell them.
Would anyone have recommendations for:

Thanks in advance !
submitted by Classic-Feisty to ModelShips [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:51 Bulbabuddy123 New player here

New player here Been playing for a week or so, I’m a wilders main, and I wanted to see if I’m actually doing any good in this game, thoughts?
submitted by Bulbabuddy123 to afkarena [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:51 Freddemac Help me identify brand and info

Help me identify brand and info Bought a vintage brown shearling jacket. Does anyone have info about brand.
submitted by Freddemac to VintageFashion [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:51 IronsolidFE Setting ACE Objects to ACLs with propagation flags, but avoiding propagation.

As a preface to what I'm doing and why I want to do this:
Background - I am remediating 20 years of bad practice on multiple petabytes of file shares. My intention is to leverage our XDR capabilities of remediating inconsistent and broken permission.
Goal - Set permissions on top level folder with appropriate propagation flags (as if we were creating a new folder), but not propagate the permissions beyond the root directory, and additionally not change any of the inheritance or propagation flags that would flag directories as not being broken.
The new permissions we're setting are very similar to the ones before. The only actual change (in most cases) are the way the root folder is build. Sub folders/files would be effectively unchanged (I'm sure there is some sort of underlying change due to the way the root is configured, but I do not know for certain)
While I cannot provide exact code I am currently using to set ACE objects to my ACL objects, I will provide a relevant example:
$ident = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount("$domain\$group") $rights = [System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights]::Modify,"Synchronize" $type = [System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType]::Allow $inhFlags = [System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags]::"ContainerInherit","ObjectInherit" $propFlags = [System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags]::None $grpobj= New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($ident,$right,$inhFlags,$propFlags,$type) $Acl.AddAccessRule($grpObj)
$acl.setowner($((Get-AdGroup "ADgroup" -properties SID).SID)) $Acl.SetAccessRuleProtection($True, $True)
$folder = Get-Item -LiteralPath $folder -Force $folder.SetAccessControl($acl)
How do I go about setting these permissions to the folder root, while keeping all of my flags in-tact, but also not propagating any (or minimal) ACL changes?
The only thing I can come up with is setting the access controls inside of a start-process, and terminating that start-process after 10-15 seconds, ensuring the root was sent (accounting for any network delay), and terminating the propagation. The issue I see here is, it may break permissions on a folder, causing underlying folders to become inaccessible for a period of time. This is manageable, as I can control the runtime of our XDR remediations, but preferrable to not possibly encounter this.
submitted by IronsolidFE to PowerShell [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:51 Individual-Sale-242 Nahuatl Language: Diccionario de Geografía Nahuatl (1983) – Digital PDF for Mesoamerican Studies For those passionate about Mesoamerican culture and language, the Diccionario de Geografía Nahuatl by Cesar Macazaga Ordoño (1983) is an essential resource. This Nahuatl-Spanish dictionary dives into the linguistic richness and geographical details of the Aztec world, offering invaluable insights for students, researchers, and anyone interested in indigenous studies.
This digital PDF edition makes it easy to access the knowledge of Nahuatl language and its cultural significance. Ideal for educators, linguists, and history enthusiasts, this work preserves the cultural heritage of the Nahuatl-speaking people.
Download instantly and expand your understanding of Mesoamerican history!
submitted by Individual-Sale-242 to mexico [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:51 SuperKingPapi Saddlemen Seat is pretty great

My butt is weird, or my weight is the issue. Whatever the case, motorcycle seats are a literal pain in the butt. I have an Indian Scout, and got the expensive Mustang seat, and it still wasn't great. So, I ride my daughter's ninja 300, and the stock seat sucks. It's a 2013, so maybe it's old, but it just felt like my butt was sitting on the plastic backing, not the foam cushion. Finally bought the Saddlemen seat, and it's actually amazing. Feels so good. Sits a little higher, the back half is bigger and soft, there's just the right amount of grop so I]m not sliding forward the whole time, and there's a middle gap, which is great for my tailbone (I'm pretty sure I injured it a couple times in my life). It was $300, which is crazy, but while my Indian is getting some maintenance at the shop for a couple weeks, I needed (wanted) to daily the ninja, and even a 15 minute ride was uncomfortable.
submitted by SuperKingPapi to Ninja300 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:51 mclovin1999007 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by mclovin1999007 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:51 wolfyboii321 what if in the movie shadow dlc we get to use a gun?

what if in the movie shadow dlc we get to use a gun? submitted by wolfyboii321 to SonicTheHedgehog [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:51 Effective_Cattle5402 Gambling 🤑

Gambling 🤑 submitted by Effective_Cattle5402 to BattletoBecomeAGod [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:51 Creepy-Remote5420 help me find a statistician for our research pls

hey guys! kanang quantitative ning research namo ba and we really need a satistician nga mo help og interpret or calculate sa among gathered data from our surveys.
submitted by Creepy-Remote5420 to Cebu [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:51 Jaegerspielt Hey quick question. Is the jet plate supposed installed by default? |3090 EK vector strix water block.

Hey quick question. Is the jet plate supposed installed by default? |3090 EK vector strix water block. submitted by Jaegerspielt to watercooling [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:51 Thin_Opportunity5836 PC SHUTOFF, NOW TURNS ON FOR A SECOND AND SHUTS OFF

PC shut off twice, now it turns on for a second then shuts off
Just as title says, my pc shut off twice. Once while idling, once while playing BO6. Now, it turns on for a second then shuts back off. All the fans are spinning, so I'm not too sure what to do.
submitted by Thin_Opportunity5836 to pchelp [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:51 TransitionClassic210 New Secret Music or AI??

Has anyone come across these tracks on YouTube Music or Apple Music??
The tracks are dope, would love for them to be real but there's no telling with AI these days.
submitted by TransitionClassic210 to tylerthecreator [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:51 Flaky_Job4402 Green Reversible Raincoat with Hood

Hi! I saw this incredibly chic woman in City Pharma Paris wearing a reversible rain coat with hood in an olive green color with cuffs in more of a brighter green.
Can someone help me find this gem? Thanks!
submitted by Flaky_Job4402 to findfashion [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:51 hashtag-girl late but couldn’t let this beauty go unappreciated

late but couldn’t let this beauty go unappreciated this cookie is a masterpiece. each element goes together so well so such a balanced and flavorful bite and mix of flavors+textures. i love an oatmeal cookie, and this version is just elevated to the max. the mousse is light and fluffy with a light vanilla flavor, the cookie has a light but warm cinnamon spice, and the warm butterscotch caramel brings it all together perfectly! an easy 10/10
submitted by hashtag-girl to CrumblCookies [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:51 EmbarrassedMotor5657 Suche junge w bin m jung Sessions:05712994044a1c1ecc7903b1d383cce025936dbdec741450b343c5372ba3a2106a

submitted by EmbarrassedMotor5657 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:51 deliberatelyyhere Better Call Saul (2015-2022) S6E9

Better Call Saul (2015-2022) S6E9 submitted by deliberatelyyhere to CineShots [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:51 Moosemuffin64 TIFU by bringing my boyfriend to Friendsgiving and revealing that I don’t have a prostate.

Here’s the backstory: every year, a group of my college friends from undergrad take a vacation together. Last year, we went to Hawaii. There are two couples who started dating while we were in college and got married after graduation. The trip included the two married couples, three men, and one woman (me), who were sharing two hotel rooms. I was supposed to be in a room with one of the married couples, sharing a bed with the wife. It wasn’t unusual because we were all RAs together in college and had shared close quarters during parties and functions. We had taken similar trips since graduation.
A month before the trip, one of the married couples announced their divorce, and the wife decided not to attend. The other woman didn’t want to switch rooms, so I ended up in a room with two of the men. I thought it would be fine.
Fast forward to last weekend at a Friendsgiving celebration. In attendance were all of my RA friend group (except for the divorced couple), some of whom brought dates, and my boyfriend and me. We started dating after graduation. He attended a different university but had met everyone in the group either once or twice.
After dinner, we played a game where you had to use one-word clues to describe a secret word for people to guess. The secret word was my name. In hindsight, I believe this was intentionally planned by the men. The clues they gave were “friend,” “woman,” “brunette,” “short,” “bathtub,” and “prostate.” They all guessed incorrectly, so everyone had to explain their clues if they weren’t obvious. One of the men mentioned “bathtub” because there had been a debate on sleeping arrangements during the trip, and at one point, I had suggested sleeping in the bathtub. Another man mentioned “prostate” due to something that had happened on the trip. I asked the two men I shared a hotel room with to go to the other room so I could use the bathroom. They were teasing me about it, so I jokingly said I could hold it in and not use the toilet. One of them responded, “That’s not good for your prostate!” I explained that “I don’t have a prostate!” I think the men did this intentionally out of jealousy or to irritate me and my boyfriend. My boyfriend knew I had gone to Hawaii with a friend group before we started dating, but he didn’t know about the sleeping arrangements. Now, I’m pissed and don’t want to associate with most of the friend group anymore.
TL;DR: I took my boyfriend to Friendsgiving. My “friends” made sure he knew that I shared a hotel room with two men, even though I didn’t sleep with either of them. Never have, never will.
submitted by Moosemuffin64 to tifu [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:51 LifeOfSlice89 Date later with bad belly

Basically I got a date later on and i have “the poops” it’s too late to cancel and I also don’t want too but what’s the move ? Cus nobody wants a poop date
submitted by LifeOfSlice89 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:51 AlternativeBother185 Japanese

Japanese submitted by AlternativeBother185 to nightcafe [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:51 DesperateEgg1271 Good Sign ??

Good Sign ?? submitted by DesperateEgg1271 to cabincrewcareers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:51 Legitimate_Key4234 #AEWFullGear Predictions & Preview
submitted by Legitimate_Key4234 to ChannelMakers [link] [comments]