I can't believe they took off

2024.11.25 16:50 downtune79 I can't believe they took off

I can't believe they took off submitted by downtune79 to LoveTrash [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:50 camels_are_cool Valkyrie Drive

Is there any romance elements to this show? I'm 2 episodes deep and I don't want to get invested and then disappointed if there aren't.
submitted by camels_are_cool to yuri_manga [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:50 RiXaO Hisense U7N 55' or LG B4 48'

Could you please help me to decide?
Is the B4 worth the extra $120?
submitted by RiXaO to 4kTV [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:50 rewkom The Middle East Crisis: An Update - Battaglia Comunista

The Middle East Crisis: An Update - Battaglia Comunista submitted by rewkom to LibertarianSocialism [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:50 Milkhunter23 How high ist that chance ?

How high ist that chance ? submitted by Milkhunter23 to pokemon [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:50 MiaLeeSakura IFI Holiday Sale + coupon code 11/22-12/31

IFI Holiday Sale + coupon code 11/22-12/31 Spread holiday cheer at the IFI Online Store with up to 65% off from 11/22-12/31! Use code "REDDIT10" for an additional 10% off!
They're US based but FAQ says they ship to most countriess
submitted by MiaLeeSakura to otomegames [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:50 enzolikesdolphins Scarlett Solo (3rd Gen) Direct Monitor Audio Issue

I've encountered an issue when using my headphones (WH-1000XM3) with my audio interface (Scarlett Solo 3rd Gen). Fully inserting my 3.5mm TRS jack into the 1/4-inch adapter results in audio that is muffled and lacking in bass.
The only workaround I've found is to partially insert the 3.5mm TRS jack into the headphones, while twisting it until I get a proper sound. However, this setup is unstable as any slight movement will cause the audio to cut out on one of the two channels, or even both.
I've already tried two TRS adapters, so I'm unsure if it's a stereo-to-mono mismatch.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.
submitted by enzolikesdolphins to Focusrite [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:50 MendedPearl Slime Soldering!!!

Good Monday Morning! Grab your tea and sit down as we solder some more!
submitted by MendedPearl to vtubers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:50 McBoomer_ Looking for P2P Exchange, you profit!

Looking to exchange USD $20 to SOL, I’ll include extra for your profit. I will also provide some personal information for you. i can send a payment through INTERAC E-TRANSFER or Paypal. My reason: i’m under 18 lol
message me if you’re interested!
submitted by McBoomer_ to dogecoindev [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:50 Successful-Reach-489 18F searching for someone to trib my pics on kik: trishee3

submitted by Successful-Reach-489 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:50 Lordtouretts One out of 3 packages out for delivery

Hi Guys, I'm new to this but I currently have 3 packages being held at the same facility and only one of the 3 got scanned and is out for delivery today. Is there a chance that the other two packages didn't get scanned but will still get delivered today?
submitted by Lordtouretts to usps_complaints [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:50 BidenxKungLao hey i wanted to ask for the next good decks taht our coming out like maliss and ryzeal what can there choke points be

thank you for the help and i hope you guys have a nice day :)
submitted by BidenxKungLao to Yugioh101 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:50 itsokayyoucanlaugh Mustaaaarrrrdddd

Mustaaaarrrrdddd submitted by itsokayyoucanlaugh to SpongebobMemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:50 Adorable-Cup833 🌟✨Limited-time offer! Use coupon code ASHBF18 + rewards code BHDGDR to save up to 23% at YesStyle! 🛍️❤️

submitted by Adorable-Cup833 to PromoCodeShare [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:50 theneoindian View more images at higher resolutions with their complete descriptions on our website.

submitted by theneoindian to IndianExceptionalism [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:50 REanarchy777 [Anketa] Pomozite mi da isprofilišem IT sektor u Srbiji

Dragi bredditori,
Potrebna mi je vaša pomoć (nisu pare!). Sprovodim istraživanje IT sektora u Srbiji i imam anketu koju bi trebalo da mi popune zaposleni na bilo kojoj poziciji unutar te industrije.
Nema veze da li trenutno imate posao, u kojoj ste firmi, koliko imate iskustva – bitno je samo da pripada IT-ju i da posluje u Srbiji.
Ovo je ➡️ link ka anketi
a ispod je više informacija o svemu 🤓
Ideja da sprovedem istraživanje nastala je nakon što sam, kao psiholog, osmislila svoju metodologiju merenja mentalnog zdravlja kompanija.
Onda sam razvila upitnik i sada želim da dobijem stvarne rezultate, od stvarnih ljudi. I da od svega ovoga napravim jednu smislenu i realnu priču, bez klasičnih HR-ovskih i menadžerskih bulši*a kad se priča o mentalnom zdravlju i srodnim temama.
Predmet merenja — mentalno zdravlje kompanije — sastoji se od dva velika faktora: emocionalne stabilnosti i kreativnosti. Ako vas zanima, evo linka ka mom sajtu, tu možete videti sve i o metodologiji i o meni.
Anketa nije (jako) dosadna, obećavam 🙏 Trebaće vam oko 7 minuta da je popunite, a meni će to puno pomoći.
Anonimna je, a unutar nje imate opciju da mi ostavite svoj mejl pa da vam pošaljem rezultate kad sve bude gotovo.
Mogu i ovde da ih postujem kad dođe vreme, ako vam bude zanimljivo.
Ako budete imali još bilo kakva pitanja, samo pišite, tu sam da odgovorim na sve.
Hvala, živi bili, pozdravlja vas long time lurkerka, first time posterka 😊
submitted by REanarchy777 to programiranje [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:50 aMnesIA21420 I know it’s not a great image, but any help would be appreciated.

I know it’s not a great image, but any help would be appreciated. Circle is dog bed. I am getting a small bookshelf once the desk/cabinet is out.
submitted by aMnesIA21420 to FengShui [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:50 DiogenesDaDawg Dozer and Dad

Dozer and Dad First pic was at 100 days old. Literally the last time he could sit in my lap. The second was taken at 1.5 yrs
submitted by DiogenesDaDawg to DOG [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:50 Empty-Schedule-3251 Am I the only one who wants to jerk off to a hot w*man instead of the other hot w*man

Am I the only one who wants to jerk off to a hot w*man instead of the other hot w*man submitted by Empty-Schedule-3251 to okbuddycinephile [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:50 lss_web_1444 AMA post title 865

AMA post body
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:50 zazzsazz_mman How do you use fairies in your world?

I know fairies are a staple of fantasy worlds, so what kind of fairies are in your worlds? Are they friendly, or are they maniacal tricksters?
In my world, fairies are fluffy moth-like creatures covered in colorful feathers that live in the forests. They are about 1 foot in size. They help travelers who get lost in the woods and are incredibly skilled in magic. Their admiration of people means they often live in homes as helpful assistants. However, threatening or attacking the gardens and forests they live in will have consequences.
submitted by zazzsazz_mman to worldbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:50 Foxthyballoon I think I have an addiction, but it’s good music

submitted by Foxthyballoon to JohnDenver [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:50 Aairn2cute What is the best batch for airpods?

I scroll through this community and find many people recommending other sellers so what is the best batch?
submitted by Aairn2cute to RepTronics [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:50 Sighto How do stats and caps work on skills?

Taking a skill like this is:
Increases skill ATK by 75 ~ 90% based on 1×WIS ※ Effect Parameter Cap: 232 ※ Category: AttackUp (Count)
For stats, does that mean at 0 WIS/INT it would boost ATK by 75% and with 15 WIS it's 90% and any points after that are wasted?
For caps, what does 232 mean? We have skills that do 2,502 ~ 12,510 potency and 232 seems like nothing.
submitted by Sighto to heavensburnred [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:50 dibull looking for someone who can f33d their wif3da4s1sm0m and I willd3grad3 tele:dibullq

submitted by dibull to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
