“A flower for my flower” by Acclast2 on Insta

2024.11.25 16:22 TemperatureWaste7217 “A flower for my flower” by Acclast2 on Insta

“A flower for my flower” by Acclast2 on Insta submitted by TemperatureWaste7217 to NightwingxOracle [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:22 DjinnDreamer I Think, Therefore I am Not. Commentary on Lesson 4

These thoughts do not mean anything. (ACIM, W-4.1:1–6:3) ¹Thoughts are fundamentally irreconcilable, because Spirit cannot perceive and ego cannot know. ¹²They are therefore not in communication and can never be in communication. (ACIM, T-4.I.2:11-12) This describes the conflict within a “divided mind”
²Thoughts can represent the lower or bodily level of experience, or the higher or spiritual level of experience. ³One makes the physical, and the other co-creates the spiritual. (ACIM, T-1.I.12:2-3) ⁸Our perceived understanding inevitably values Spirit wrongly, and by endowing all thoughts with equal power obscures peace. (ACIM, T-2.II.1:8) We said before that the Holy Spirit is evaluative, and must be. ²Spirit sorts out the true from the false in our mind, and teaches us to judge every thought we allow to enter it in the light of what God put there. (ACIM, T-6.V-C.1:1-2) In Sanskrit, thoughts are “vrtti”. Flitting here and there. Undisciplined, thoughts become a barrier to peace. Allow thoughts without judgments of “Good or Evil”
²The aim here is to discriminate meaningless thoughts (that feel like fear) from the meaningful (feel like love) ³for the long-range purpose of learning to see the meaningless as external and the meaningful within us. ⁴It is also the beginning of training our minds to recognize what is the same and what is different.
(Lesson 4 Instructions)
submitted by DjinnDreamer to spirituality [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:22 alwayssunnyinShuloch Is watching a nude video/looking at nude pictures of my SO just as unhealthy as watching porn?

Hey all. I’m very new to the idea of quitting porn and curing myself of the addiction. I’ve been going for a week now and things have been good.
My question is as I’ve said above though. I’m not trying to find any loopholes, I just want to give my brain the time it needs to reset itself and hopefully maintain that for a lifetime, and if images/videos of my gf prevent that than I’m entirely willing to avoid looking at them.
Let me know your thoughts or if you can direct me to any studies that have explored this as I was not able to find anything online.
submitted by alwayssunnyinShuloch to PornAddiction [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:22 A2001q University of the people Community

Guys, we have a whatapp group for UOP students Community, we try to help each others
Log in plz
submitted by A2001q to UoPeople [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:22 ObligationAware3755 Hercules - The Gospel Truth I

Hercules - The Gospel Truth I submitted by ObligationAware3755 to Musicthemetime [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:22 riccettaforever A duet featuring Chiary and Vibrato!!! What are they singing tonight?

A duet featuring Chiary and Vibrato!!! What are they singing tonight? collab with: u/Nic3Tim3
(in my opinion they are singing Just the two of us :3)
submitted by riccettaforever to hazbinocSFW [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:22 AshamedTrust5969 Amazon just not delivering my package.

I had bought an item on Wednesday. Supposed to get it Friday. Didn't deliver. Now supposed to deliver today. Package hasn't even been out for delivery yet. If I contact customer support, they say that I need ID proof for return, but I hadn't even asked for a refund. What are they even doing?
submitted by AshamedTrust5969 to amazonprime [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:22 Pyotr_WrangeI [S2 spoilers] So, isn't Zaun still pretty much screwed in the finale?

From the very start of the series we see oppression of the people of Zaun by Piltover's unjust system and I really thought that, since subsequent Series' are going to take place in other regions of Runterra, we would see some kind of resolution to this conflict in season 2. As act 3 was wrapping up I started to worry that we'll just get Caitlyn issuing some sort of order that magically improves things and 2 sides just forgive each other for everything as part of ending montage. What we ended up getting I think is much better but... is it really a resolution at all?
Only thing we really see for sure is Sevika joining the council, which is great, we love seeing a bad bitch win, but what does this actually entail? Throughout the series the Piltover council has been shown to be very flawed and unjust, it's just largely unqualified aristocrats making decisions almost entirely in the interest of themselves and their clan/company/etc. I honestly thought that the resolution would be replacement of the council by some sort of Senate/Parliament or even Roman Republic style Tribunes, any sort of institution that acts in the interest of the people, however it seems that with the exception of Sevika the new council is not particularly different from the old.
At first mere presence of Sevika on the council appears as a massive improvement over the situation at the start of the series, Zaunites now have an actual representative who can protect their interests, except, how is she supposed to actually do that? Council seems to make all decisions via simple majority and Sevika is all alone opposed to 6 councillors from Piltover whose interests still largely contradict those of Zaun and in the aftermath of Silco's death we saw that while Sevika was very capable at running what remained of his empire she lacked political skills to bring in line other leaders. And that's not even the end of it, we've also been shown with Heiberdinger that councillors can be voted off by unanimous decision, so if Sevika actually tries to do something significant on her own, like how Jayce was conducting his corruption investigation, other councillors would simply remove her without an ally like Mel.
Sevika and the council aside however, we still have the issue of increased animosity between the 2 sides. We the audience know that almost the entire conflict was manipulated by Noxus, but there isn't any actual evidence that attack at the memorial at the start of Season 2 was orchestrated by them, and even if it was, that was still a brutal massacre of Piltover civilians committed by Zaunites. Jinx's earlier killing of the Councillors had no Noxian involvement at all and as far as Piltover knows she was never punished for it and Zaunites still revere her for it. Caitlyn also personally committed acts of chemical warfare against people of Zaun and, whether her emergency dictatorship was manipulated by Noxus or not, it still had her Enforcers killing and torturing Zaunites with approval of people of Piltover. This kind of mutual animosity can't disappear after a victory over common enemy, just temporarily cool off until some form of compromise can be reached and the new Council with 6 representatives of Piltover vs only 1 representative of Zaun is very unlikely to provide such compromise.
I really want to stress here that I am not disappointed that we didn't get a happy ending, no, I think this series was too good to end with Piltover and Zaun somehow reaching stable harmony, I am glad that didn't happen. But if we're really leaving this region for future series, then what did actually end up happening? The two sides now have even more reasons to hate each other and the only concession to Zaun that we know of for sure is actually quite insignificant. This is not the resolution I could have guessed based on season 1.
submitted by Pyotr_WrangeI to arcane [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:22 Lordwarrior_ Online shopping and taxis ?

Hey everyone,
I would like to know which apps are active in Udupi region for online grocery and household item delivery? A few of them suggested Udupifresh.
Also is ola or uber active in Udupi ? Where can I book taxis/cabs in Udupi.
Thank in advance 🙏🏿
submitted by Lordwarrior_ to Udupi [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:22 LizzyLiu673 Election-Related Emotions & Generative AI for Emotional Expression/Coping

Did you experience Depression, Worry, Other Emotions during or Post-Election? Are you interested in using drawing as a way to understand and cope with your emotions? We’re inviting you to participate in a study that combines digital drawing with the assistance of generative AI technology to explore and cope your emotions.
In this study, you'll have the opportunity to interact with a generative AI tool that creates 360-degree immersive images. You’ll explore your emotions through creative expression and see how this innovative platform can help you better understand and manage your feelings.

If you are interested, please complete the questionnaire. If you have any questions, please contact Jiaying Liu, Ph.D. candidate, School of Information, the University of Texas at Austin at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]).
submitted by LizzyLiu673 to atlantajobs [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:22 Away-Ad-8828 Yale can't provide a CSS fee waiver

I filled out their CSS fee waiver application form twice, once in October and once more 2 weeks ago. Although the form mentioned that Yale's finaid office will get back to me within a week, they haven't done that once. Also, while they kept beating around the bush when I sent them emails asking for a clear response to my questions, they finally sent me an email saying that they can't extend a fee waiver to me, for the entire application season, without any specific reason. The International CSS deadline for Yale is approaching, and I need a waiver soon. What is the correct course of action from this point?
submitted by Away-Ad-8828 to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:22 anime_cool45 Je rêve d’une meuf dévergondée de 16 ou 17ans

submitted by anime_cool45 to influenceuse_fr5 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:22 Salt-Reporter-2243 Assistência técnica - Televisão

Boa tarde pessoal,
Alguém tem indicação de assistência técnica de tv? Não conheço uma boa e a autorizada teve um atendimento péssimo e é longe.
A minha está com problema, começa a ligar e desliga, ficando em loop.
Próximo da região da Pampulha seria o ideal
submitted by Salt-Reporter-2243 to BeloHorizonte [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:22 Fluffy-County-4168 Descontos do dia - Amazon

Robot Xiaomi apenas 162,63€ - https://amzn.to/3AXmM7c
submitted by Fluffy-County-4168 to Tascadosdescontos [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:22 gasbrielyuri Experiência de lemon Tek + 3 amigos

Fala galera. Então, vou dar o relato da trip que tive no sábado
Pegamos 10 g de cogus, trituramos e fizemos lemon Tek, deu cerca de 4 colheres de chá para cada xícara e uma ficou com 5 (a minha), cada xícara continha 1/2 limA e um pouco de um limão que foi dividido entre as 4 xicaras
Começamos a misturar as 19:30, e a cada 5 minutos misturavámos. Foram 20 minutos desse procedimento e as 19:50 tomamos
As 20:20 começaram os efeitos, braços pesados, sono e alguma coisa já tava meio estranha. 20:30 começamos a rir pra caralho pq já tinha batido, visual bem forte nos próximos minutos, fechava os olhos e enxergava 3d, eram colunas pintadas com arte marajoara (DDD 91) com as cores do reggae (amarelo, vermelho, verde e preto).
Colei algumas artes na sala e havia apenas uma luz UV, o que provavelmente intensificou a brisa
Meus amigos e eu caímos num loop e todos nós vimos as coisas distorcidas (tipo imagens IA e sobreposição quando ligavamos a tela do celular.
Minhas duas amigas estavam super ativas, conectadas e me eu amigo e eu estávamos numa trip muito fdd hausejajsusus. O loop o pegou valendo, ele agia estranho, enquanto eu estava recluso, não entendia nada com nada, principalmente a conversa das amigas.
Cada vez que tentava interagir eu me afundava mais por não conseguir e me frustrava mais ainda.
Não tivemos badtrip fortes, só umas neuras e rimos pra caralho posteriormente (já eram quase 23:00 quando passou) de como estávamos agindo.
Eventualmente tinhamos diálogos, mas eu fiquei bem impressionado com o visual porque nunca tinha experenciado dessa forma, já tinha consumido 5g in natura, mas foi diferente
A brisa fez com que a luz uv deixasse apenas objetos claros iluminados e todo o resto escuro. Inclusive, deve ter sido por isso que meus amigos viam os rostos e a gatinha distorcidos. Eles tiveram experiência com toque e textura, já eu não.
Enfim, foi muita doidera e só consigo falar sobre por conta da conversa, onde fomos relatando coletivamente e lembrando da brisa, se não fosse por isso não conseguiria lembrar e elaborar nada, além de insights.
submitted by gasbrielyuri to Cogumelos_Brasil [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:22 jershdahersh Didn't notice when it happened, but I got this from a ship aswell, same day as my chalice

There goes my luck for the rest of the year
submitted by jershdahersh to EggsInc [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:22 r3crac BlitzWolf BW-FYE16 Plus LED Screen TWS Earbuds for 21.99 USD with coupon (Best price in history: 21.99 USD)

Here is the link (Banggood): BlitzWolf BW-FYE16 Plus LED Screen TWS Earbuds
Best price with coupon code (apply in the cart!): BG2bbc20
Current price is 21.99 USD. The lowest price in my database is 21.99 USD.There're already 5 records in DB. Price monitoring since 29.7.2024!
Visit CouponsFromChina if you want e-mail PRICE ALERTS (or maybe coupon doesn't work and you want current coupons)? Just go here: https://couponsfromchina.com/blitzwolf-bw-fye16-plus-led-screen-tws-earbuds-discount-price/
It's a real discount and real deal.
Image: https://i.imgur.com/ZME1f63.jpeg
submitted by r3crac to xiaomi_discount [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:22 Knightro2011 Monday Thread presented by Should Have Taken PTO

What I said... I should have just taken this week off. Work has been absolute shit fucking sandwich.
submitted by Knightro2011 to CFBOffTopic [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:22 Hyperion75474 Stuck in starting biome?

I just created a random map in shadow of death(HD mod). XL size, no underground, 7 AI. I quickly find out that i'm completely stuck in my starting biome. There are 2 one way monoliths but both have exits in the same biome. I have no roads leading to other biomes so i'm basically stuck for the rest of the game since no fly or DD are aviable. Is this a bug?
submitted by Hyperion75474 to heroes3 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:22 lss_web_1444 Link post title 154

Link post title 154 submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:22 justin_quinnn Mexican government announces expansion of the Port of Manzanillo

Mexican government announces expansion of the Port of Manzanillo submitted by justin_quinnn to MexicoNewsHub [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:22 Kaaz_ck Custom Metallica Cover (Art by me)

Custom Metallica Cover (Art by me) submitted by Kaaz_ck to furry [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:22 Hefty_Society_9787 Irgend so ein Kleinschreibung loser hat mir seine geile Schwester geschickt haha 05ed958a0e939ec712d51ac706599a59fb8507de54d44e78de64cd7df0d99dc960

Irgend so ein Kleinschreibung loser hat mir seine geile Schwester geschickt haha 05ed958a0e939ec712d51ac706599a59fb8507de54d44e78de64cd7df0d99dc960 submitted by Hefty_Society_9787 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:22 basselsak whats your fastest unseeded a20 heart win ?

whats your fastest unseeded a20 heart win ? submitted by basselsak to slaythespire [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:22 malregorg Need more prison simulator games for mobile

Need more prison simulator games for mobile Do you guys know anymore games available for mobile that has "prison" theme on it
submitted by malregorg to AndroidGaming [link] [comments]
