2024.11.25 18:00 erer1243 Currently, it's November 25, 2024 at 01:00PM
Currently, it's November 25, 2024 at 01:00PM
submitted by erer1243 to every15min [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 18:00 AreGophers I captured the moment our younger cat went from grooming to play fighting.
He's only 8mo and still very rambunctious. Our 4yo girl has just started to accept him because he does stuff like this. submitted by AreGophers to blackcats [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 18:00 Electrical_Tap_2873 perfumes that heavily resemble icing?
basically anything that smells like this picture lol. there are a lot of perfumes out there with cake notes but i struggle with finding a strong, long lasting scent that smells exactly like buttercream icing. i want something very sickly sweet. i dont have a budget but ideally nothing over $200. open to etsy/indie shops as well! submitted by Electrical_Tap_2873 to FemFragLab [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 17:59 textbookstuff the after party (jack vettriano study)
jack vettriano study ft ocs because i have just terminal brainrot submitted by textbookstuff to ImaginaryLovers [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 17:59 2_Blue Taylor Swift Once Stalked A Creepy Old Guy With A Beard, May Have Wanted Syringes Full of Happy Drugs
submitted by 2_Blue to Equivocal_News [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 17:59 Cayden__acedit my dad is abusive
tw; sa and abuse and sh/s*icide
can somebody tell me how to find persistence to keep going cos i truly dk how to like im trying so hard here for nothing like can someone please just comfort me
i cannot leave my situation and seek help im not physically able to like i CANT i have nowhere to go my dad always punches me and verbally abuses me, my mother verbally abuses me too and doesn’t defend me ever. when i got r*ped she stopped speaking to me for a month and my dad strangled and hit me multiple times. he strangled me at the top of the stairs when he thought i had a boyfriend. i got sa’ed and was gr00med by older men online and they found out and punched me. a few of my friends have literally randomly turned on me too like i deadass dont know what ive done other than try and be there for them but now they’re just talking poorly about me behind my back. my best friend told me that if i really needed help i should add strangers on snap and talk to them because people in real life simply don’t care so i am posting here. my paranoia and sh and everything has gotten sm worse i feel so depressed all the time. like i just wanna end things. i have nothing to live for. i’m only fourteen i shouldn’t feel like this. i’ve posted on here before but im posting again please can somebody just say something or offer me anything ill be so happy. please any help will be appreciated have a good day
submitted by Cayden__acedit to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 17:59 ShelterNo1367 Converting nfa into a dfa
Struggling with the last part of converting this nfa into a dfa. Is anyone familiar with these?
The starting state for the dfa is A, B and with a 0 we move to state A,D. And instead with a 1 we move to state C. Is that correct?
submitted by ShelterNo1367 to askmath [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 17:59 Personal_Square3414 I will play as Kareena Kapoor in a rp Dm if interested only para players
submitted by Personal_Square3414 to BollyGlamandRP [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 17:59 barelysatva Beginner friendly online instructions
Hi, I used to practice one style of qigong before covid but since then lost interest as I lost trust in the teachers due to some issues.
But recently due to health issues and stress at work I'd like to get back to qigong and especially zhan zhuang.
Could you please recommend me some resources for simple qigong routine? 8 brocades would be probably best.
Is the video series Stand Still Be Fit any good?
Any reccomendation is welome. Thank you.
submitted by barelysatva to qigong [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 17:59 Primary_Owl4146 W-W-3-1
Gotta work on milk management, almost spilt submitted by Primary_Owl4146 to latteart [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 17:59 pineforestmoon [WTS] Senchi Alpha 60gsm Hoodie, Medium, 3.7 oz
Senchi Alpha 60gsm Hoodje in “nightshadow” (purple) color $65 shipped
purchased in June, have worn it for a couple nights sleeping & worn on 4 day hikes. I’ve washed it 2 or 3 times in the bag on delicates/cold water and air dried it each time (no machine dry). The fabric looks and performs the same as when I got it, just selling bc I want a black one instead.
submitted by pineforestmoon to ULgeartrade [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 17:59 SpreadCommercial9176 Rant about a boy & am I overreacting
I just wanted to rant and I didn't know who else to rant to besides my fellow teenagers:
So, I go to school with this guy, we'll call him Connor. So, last year in second period he and I started talking a lot and it felt honestly flirtatious sometimes. Onetime, we were in a group with a friend of his, but he talked to me more than his friend.
This year, I have fifth period with him and we still talked. We get put into groups at random. At the beginning of the year, we'd talk when we were in a group together, or if we were out in the hallway waiting to go into class. I genuinely thought he might actually like me, and I like him.
Well, one day, he met a girl that went to a different school and she asked for his number because she thought he was cute. Well, after that everything changed between me and him. He never talks to me, he won't even look at me half the time, and it's always super awkward when we're in a group. I feel like he's totally freezing and shutting me out. It was just a total flip. One day we'd talk, the next I didn't exist. He found someone else, and just like that, I didn't matter in any way to him.
I get he may not like me. That's fine, that's a me problem not a him problem, but why did he have to be this way about it. We could just be friends. We could just talk. But no. Ahhh, boys are frustrating.
Am I overreacting or being unreasonable?
submitted by SpreadCommercial9176 to teenagers [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 17:59 AthanasiaDione Should i still pull for Aventurine or wait for Sunday? I'm about 70ish pity after losing on Aventurine's banner
After 76 pity i lost to bailu and he's still not home 🥲🥲 submitted by AthanasiaDione to StarRailStation [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 17:59 Ok-Dot-5343 Anyone want to chat? Could be about anything.
28M here. Just looking for someone to chat to. Feeling kinda down today, doesn't happen often.
submitted by Ok-Dot-5343 to lonely [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 17:59 Ill_Pride5820 Guns I would add concepts
Hey guys, Ive just been brainstorming and made a list of some calibers and guns i would add so more builds can use the ammo they find on lower tiers, i tried to not over do it with too many new ones.
5.7x25 which has less damage then the 9mm subs but very high armor piercing.
7.62x54R which would take the place of the most powerful caliber in game
Mosin Nagant Rifle: a classic Russia 5-shot tier 3 rifle.
OBREZ PISTOL: a sawed off mosin nagant pistol used by the Russians during WW1. holds 5 rounds. And would be a tier three pistol.
PKM: a large tier 4 belt fed machine gun. Devastatingly powerful, and fast ROF, however it only has 50 round mags but can have the entended mag perk to make it 100.
HUNTING PISTOL: a tier one single shot 44 mag break action pistol which can attach scopes!
RUGER 44 Rifle: a civilian market tier 3 semi-auto hunting rifle. Equipped with fast 4 round tubular mags.
5.7 pistol: a weak but armor piercing tier 2 pistol with a standard 10 round mag, which can be extended to 20.
P90 (pistol class): Belgium tier 4 sub machine gun. Hold 50 rounds! Extensive armor piercing.
PS90 (CIVILIAN): A tier 4 semi-auto civilian model rifle of the Belgian p90. This has specific civilian 30 rounds or 50 by the entended mag mod. It has more range, damage, and armor piercing than the P90.
Shotguns: M30 Luftwaffe Drilling: A americanized tier 2 ww2 shotgun, which features a double side by side shotgun, with an under 7.62x51 rifle barrel.
submitted by Ill_Pride5820 to 7daystodie [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 17:59 Perfect-Log-455 day 3 no contact- and he reached out
I asked ex not to contact me unless there was true issue re apartment we both share.
3 days in and i get several missed calls about water leaking on floor below us. this call was fine... ie he wasn't threatening or yelling or putting me down ... but it turns out landlord only asked for us to be more mindful of water dripping from shower as floor below said there were " couple drops" of water . So there was no actual reason for him to call me ? This is something he could have forwarded to 3rd party i asked him to contact instead of me or maybe he could give me the land lords number? and they could call me directly.
backstory: we've been living together for 6 months. the same day he was fired from his job , he came home , said we were broken up and he was driving across the country. Before he left , he stole my car . the next day , he called me and said " only 2 ways this could work, he would return the car with no plates on it , or i would accept what i paid for it". every conversation : interaction with him has been unpredictable and erratic. It was just too much for me. so I asked for no contact .
am i over reacting here? also, feeling frustrated about going back to day 1 no contact?
submitted by Perfect-Log-455 to ExNoContact [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 17:59 ForbiddenSoul232 For the long term holders.
BTC is set to half next cycle correct? If so how will this effect $MSTR. I assume this would be bullish for long term holders as well correct?
submitted by ForbiddenSoul232 to MSTR [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 17:59 keepdiettips Balanced Meals: The Key to a Healthy Lifestyle
submitted by keepdiettips to diet [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 17:59 MoonFeller Hülye voltam és glett gipszet használtam ajzat kiegyenlítésre
Gipszes ajzatkiegyenlítőt használtam, de az valahogy sok helyen mélyedést hagyott. A mélyedéseket betömtem glett gipszel. Mekkora gondot okozhat ha így erre rakok szivacs + laminált padlót?
submitted by MoonFeller to lakokozosseg [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 17:59 thebetchabygollywow Drafting Separation Agreement with children
Hello everyone, do you have any idea how to draft separation agreement, should I ask my spouse to get his terms and show him my terms then pass it to the lawyer? Do you know any lawyers who can do the services online? Thank you!!
submitted by thebetchabygollywow to adultingph [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 17:59 ni-cul no longer want tickets…
help! I ordered early bird tickets for truck on a payment plan as we had such a blast last year (and loved the lineup)… this year is not looking so appealing to us now. what’s the protocol if you want to cancel your tickets? is that possible? 🥲
submitted by ni-cul to truckfestival [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 17:59 Kata133 Akkor szánalmas de most már vicces történetek?
Nekem milyen strory-tok van? Amit amikor átéltetek vorzasztó volt vagy kínos, de most már vissza gondolva vicces és szívesen meséltek róla.
Kezdem én. Hozzáteszem ha nem velem történik nem hiszen el az egészet úgy ahogy van. Sok sikert a végig olvasázhoz.
Olaszországban laktunk, még fiatalok zölfülűek voltunk. Nagy péntek volt, amikor neki indultunk a nagy útnak haza kocsival húsvétozni a családhoz.(akkor még magyar rendszámos autóval) Kb 2 órát mentünk amikor felforrt a hűtővíz, félre álltunk az autópályán, vártunk míg hűl és mentünk tovább gondolván, hogy hátha jó lesz így. Gondolom kitaláltátok, hogy nem lett... mert mentünk kb 5 km-t és megint megállt a tudomány. Na ekkor google felcsap és a legközelebbi szervízbe elvittük a kocsit, meg-meg állva. Ott mondták, hogy két dolog lehetséges, vagy valami alkatrész tönkre ment, vagy hengerfejes az autó. Na itt már ránk jött a frász.. Végül az lett, hogy kicseréltek egy alkatrészt ott voltunk kb 2 órát és mondták, hogy így rendben lesz nem lesz baj. Ott hagytunk persze egy rakatt pénzt a javításra.
Neki indultunk újra a hazaútnak, megnyugodtunk, hogy minden rendben, de kb 1 óra múlva megint ugyan az történt.... itt már tudtuk, hogy bizony hengerfejes az autó. Full idegben újra, itt az autópályán telefonaltunk a segélyhívón, hogy valami legyen (azt kihagytam, hogy ekkor még az olasz tudásom sem volt a toppon). Jött értünk egy trailer, elvitt minket egy sehonnani, világvégi helyre, valami szervízbe, akkor már este 9 fele járhatott. Hívtam a biztosítót, persze az nem akart semmit fizetni, a kocsinak meg persze már senki nem akart neki állni, sőt körbe rögögtek, hogy mit akarunk itt húsvét hétvégéjén. Mert persze mi (olasz) haza akartuk vonttatni a kocsit, de mindenki tette fel a kezét, hogy ők most biztos nem csinálnak semmit majd jövőhéten esetleg. Na már itt sírás közelben voltunk...
Úgy voltunk vele, oke most már aludni kellene. Szerencsére volt egy szórakozó hely ott a semmi közepén aminek a felső részén voltak kialakítva háló részek. Gondolhatjátok milyen állapotokkal, de már nem érdekelt, hogy ilyen kéjlakban kell megszállni. Majd másnap újult erővel átgondoljuk mi legyen.
Reggelre, sikerült trailert szerezni Magyarországról, akik kisegítettek minket a bajból. Természetesen meg kellett várni őket, de azt már a kocsiban tettük így ott töltöttünk még egy éjszakát, mert az előző helyen már nem szándékoztunk mégegyszer megszállni. Valahogy hajnalban érkeztek meg értünk a srácok megmenteni. (Innen is örök hálánk) Felcsapták a kocsit, és indultunk haza Magyarországra. Megkönnyebülés végre valaki segít, sínnen vagyunk stb.
Majd Szlovéniában a magyar határtól kb 20 km-re az autópályán, úgy hogy a kocsink a traileren hengerfejesen, elütöttünk egy nyulat.... ami a kocsinkat érte.... Az elülső lökhárító lejött, a lámpa betört, az ablakmosófolyadék tartály megrepedt, plusz behorpadt az oldala az autónak és még egyébb mások. Nagy sebességgel történt mindez. Na itt félre álltunk, én már nem tudtam sírni itt. Viszont volt olyan mázlink, hogy a srácok jártasok voltak a vadászatban és tudták, hogy ezt a vadkárt az autópálya biztosítónak állnia kell mivel autópályán történt az eset és ennek nem szabadott volna megtörtennie. (Nem pontosan tudom, mi a szabály de valami ilyen). Na hívtunk itt rendőröket, a jegyzőkönyv miatt, hogy majd a biztosítónak le tudjuk adni, hogy tényleg mi történt egyfajta igazolásként.
Na hát elmeséltük a rendőröknek mi történt. Am naagyon kedves volt a rendőr, mert meghallgatta a story-t komoly arccal írdogált valamit, majd vissza ment az autóhoz elmesélte a társának és konkrétan elkezdtek sírni a nevetéstől, hogy ez a két szerencsétlen milyen helyzetbe került.
A vége az egésznek az lett, hogy hazaértünk. Bejelentettem az autópálya biztosítónak a kárt és kifizették az egész javítást a hengerfejjel egyetemben. Eladtuk az autót és még kerestünk is vele egy keveset.
Így vissza gondolva már jót nevetünk rajta a férjemmel, de abban a szituban ott helyben, mind a ketten sírtunk és remegtünk az idejtől. A nagy tanulság az volt, hogy mindig kötünk utasbiztosítást. Ti is tegyetek így! És annak a nyúlnak nagy köszönet.
submitted by Kata133 to askhungary [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 17:59 16ank Puja Banerjee
submitted by 16ank to Dream_Queens [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 17:59 Dry_Class_1380 HELIOS ONE: POWER HOUSE? WEAPON? OR BOTH? [Fallout: New Vegas in 2024]
submitted by Dry_Class_1380 to GetMoreViewsYT [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 17:59 SeriousBank3972 What’s going on with my money tree?
I’ve had my money tree for 4 years now and it used to be so beautiful and bushy, now its leaves are falling like crazy and I can’t seem to get it happy again. I water it when the soil is dry (usually 1-2 times a month) with fertilizer every 8-10 weeks, its in indirect sunlight and gets supplemented light when it’s not sunny enough outside with the weather. I can’t see any pests on the leaves but maybe someone will see something I can’t. submitted by SeriousBank3972 to plantclinic [link] [comments] |