2024.11.25 18:00 AutoModerator Partage d'une œuvre musicale francophone qui vous a marqué
submitted by AutoModerator to musiquesQC [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 18:00 woodshores How Sylvain Berneron Created the Most Audacious Watch of the Year
submitted by woodshores to horologicalpost [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 18:00 Slim910 Dolby Vision/Dolby atmos addicts
When studios decide not to include Dolby Atmos or either Dolby Vision to a release why do the enthusiasts of those two forms of specifications go crazy? Does every movie release need these two specifications or are we all just so caught up in our individual viewing experiences that we just want to have it all? I personally do not have an Atmos setup but I do enjoy Dolby Vision. Do I get bummed out when I see a release not include the medium? Not for every release, but I know not to expect it from releases like those from RLJE.
submitted by Slim910 to 4kbluray [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 18:00 OkEntry9 The two after dark sisters finally in bloom
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! So happy, had an aborted spike on black pearl, and a lot of blasted buds on after dark (pic #2), but regardless LOOK AT ALL THOSE BLOOMS 😵💫😵💫😵💫😵💫. Waking up to the vicks rub scent of after dark is the best this season. submitted by OkEntry9 to orchids [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 18:00 K0dx2012 Not sure if thumb wound is infected?
For context, 3 days ago I accidentally took a chunk from my thumb with a shaving razor. I was in Colombo, Sri Lanka at the time. I was taken straight to a local hospital where they applied iodine and bandaged it up immediately. They did not give me instructions for aftercare. A nurse friend of mine told me to change the bandages daily and clean with saline or iodine. Woven gauze kept getting painfully stuck in the wound. I’m now on day 4 and this is what the wound looks like - is this a ring of pus? Is it infected?
submitted by K0dx2012 to woundcare [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 18:00 sktzo Your favorite techno albums start to finish
For me its
Steve Rachmad - The secret Life of the machines Aril Brikha - Deepartures in Time
submitted by sktzo to Techno [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 18:00 jacksucksatgaming What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by jacksucksatgaming to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 18:00 MacaronHungry8701 الاردن والقضية الفلسطينية
ما يخفى على احد ان الاردن اكبر داعم للقضية الفلسطينية وان ملوك الاردن كانو اكبر المقدمين لهذه القضية
وان الاردن مستقبلة اكبر عدد من اللاجئين ليس فقط من فلسطين بل من كل بلاد الجوار
ولكن بسبب التطور التكنولوجي اصبح الحمير يتكلمون في السياسة، ومثل ما راينا ان حماس كانت مع ارهابي الرابية فهناك ما يجب توضيحه
اولاً، الملك يقدم سلامة شعبه ووطنه ويضعه اولوية قبل كل شيء وهذا شيء عظيم يشكر عليه
فهو يدعم القضية الفلسطينية بكل ما يقدر عليه ولكن بدون المساس بشعرة من سلامة وطنه
ثانياً، فوق كل ما يقدمه الاردن من دعم وايواء فان هناك مشككين حتى من نفس الاردن هؤلاء المشككين يريدون وضع الوطن في حرب وتعريض كل الشعب واللاجئين للخطر وعدم امان باسم نصرة القضية
ثالثاً، رغم كل ما قدمه الاردن بتاريخه للقضية فان ما قابله كان الاجحاف والسوء بداً من اغتيال الملك المؤسس على ابواب الاقصى، وايلول الاسود، وتفجير الطائرة المختطفة في ارضها وغيرها الكثير، الى اليوم اذ ان رغم كل الدعم الذي يبدله الاردن وملكه اذ ان هناك اجحاف وانكار حتى من نفس افراد الشعب
رابعاً، الولد الصغير الغير مسؤول، الفلسطينين ومثال عليهم حماس مثل الولد الصغير يبداون مشكلة من ثم يختبؤون خلف ظهورنا ويبداون بلدعاء علينا و التشكيك بدعمنا وتحميلنا المسؤولية لا اعلم ما الخير القادم لنا من دعمهم لانهم يقابلون هذا بكل سوء وقد راينا مثال على هذا على صفحة "حماس" على التيلجرام
فلوطن والملك قدم لهم ودعمهم دائماً وضحى لهم على مر التاريخ ولم يقابل الا بلسوء حتى من نفس افراده ولهذا يجب للجميع ان يعلم، ان تربة واحدة من وطني اشرف من كل هذه القضية
submitted by MacaronHungry8701 to jordan [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 18:00 mrsxyou Advice Needed - Moving as a family
Hi all,
My first ever post on Reddit! I'm asking for some advice as Google and the AUS government website is making my head spin.
Myself and my partner are thinking about moving to Australia in the next 3-5 years from the UK, but we would like to bring my parents with us.
My partner works for an IT firm and they can sort out his visa etc. I'd be covered on his visa (or I could potentially get my own using the skilled visa option).
In approx. 5 years, my mum would be 71 and my dad would be 63. I've been looking into it and it seems like I could get an aged parent visa for my mum (if applied onshore) so she could be awarded a bridging visa until her original application has been approved or denied. For my dad, he should be able to get a visa through work (as he is also able to get a transfer). If not, it would need to be a parent visa. The only snag is that there is no bridging visa for this type, so I'm assuming he wouldn't be able to stay in Australia.
The main issue is that we all wanted to move over together at the same time. We were going to both sell our houses and pool our money so we can buy a house together and live together in Australia. Myself and my partner want to settle down there and raise a family.
It seems like there's no way for us to all go at the same time, as wed need to be residents in Australia for 2 years before we can sponsor anyone to come. Is this the case? Or am I missing something? Any advice would be appreciated. I'm not sure I could go so far aware without my parents for 2 years.
Thanks all.
submitted by mrsxyou to AusVisa [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 18:00 TheFerrari900 The second presidency of Trump is going to be worse than the first one and Trump is going to destroy the Cuban economy by strengthening the U.S. embargo on Cuba and empowering the Cuban conservatives in Miami who support his administration.
I feel like that the second presidency of Trump will harshly sanction Cuba than what he did on his first term and I think Trump is going to greatly strengthen the U.S. embargo on Cuba and empower the Cuban conservatives in Miami who want the U.S. embargo on Cuba to continue.
The reason why the second Trump term is going to be major threat for Cuba is because Trump is going to appoint Marco Rubio as the United States secretary of State and according to the newsweek, it says that "The president-elect nominated Rubio to be his secretary of state this week, and he would become the first Cuban American to hold the position if he is approved by the Senate in the coming weeks. But, far from bolstering connections, many fear his appointment could spell further complications in the fraught relations between the two nations. "There may also be a review of immigration policies after several officials of the Cuban regime have been identified as entering and living in the U.S. in recent months and years," he said. "It is possible that this administration will renegotiate migration accords with Cuban officials to seek ways to curb the high number of Cubans coming to the U.S.' and "U.S.-Cuban relations have been very bad ever since Donald Trump's first term in office when he imposed the toughest sanctions on Cuba of any president since Kennedy. Biden did little to relax those sanctions," LeoGrande said. "If anything, the new administration may very well intensify sanctions in hopes of collapsing the Cuban government. The problem with this strategy is that it is not likely to cause collapse, but is certain to increase the flow of Cuban migrants to the United States. When the Cuban economy is in crisis, Cubans don't rise up. They leave.". It shows that Trump reversed Barack Obama's Cuba policy and he also re-designated Cuba as the state sponsors of terrorism and the current U.S president until January 20th 2025, joe Biden, kept Trump's awful policies on Cuba and the second Trump term with negatively impact Cuba even more than Trump's first term.
I think the U.S. embargo on Cuba should be lifted immediately due to the mostly negative impacts on Cuba and the economy of Cuba.
submitted by TheFerrari900 to cuba [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 18:00 SouthernMobile4443 Feeling Left Behind – How Do You Deal with It?
Hey everyone, I’m 25 years old guy who’s never been in a relationship. I’ve never even held a girl’s hand. To be honest, it never really bothered me much before, and I’ve always been pretty comfortable with who I am. But recently, I’ve started feeling a little different.
I see everyone around me in relationships, and it’s hard not to feel bad about it sometimes. I can’t help but wonder what it’s like to experience those things—intimacy, companionship, all of it. There’s a part of me that’s starting to feel like I’m falling behind, or maybe I’m just not enough of something to attract someone.
Has anyone else felt like this? How did you cope with those feelings?
submitted by SouthernMobile4443 to AskIndia [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 18:00 flare499 Weekly making connections thread - Looking for friends, fun, etc.
Weekly thread for folks to comment about your interest in meeting others and making connections! Open to visitors and locals. Ideally include your age and location in your comment.
Posts on this topic outside of this weekly thread will be removed. A new weekly post will be created on Mondays at noon.
submitted by flare499 to chicagogaybros [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 18:00 Inevitable-Raisin306 Whatsapp call problem on tecno
I've noticed a problem in all tecno devices that when you get a Whatsapp call while the phone is turned off , the call doesn't appear until you open the phone and check the notification and then open it to be able to call it ... It's so so terrible ... Idk how they come with this...
If someone know how to fix it it will be great
submitted by Inevitable-Raisin306 to TECNOphone [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 18:00 ledlamp89 [OWOP Bot|#pixel-art] from edward_iscool#0: gave hima friend
submitted by ledlamp89 to OurWorldOfPixels [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 18:00 iseekdatruth Will taking Kratom relieve withdrawal symptoms or prolong them?
Am I just delaying the inevitable? I don’t want to delay, so if I must jump cold turkey I will. But if I can use Kratom for relief, taking a low dose while also tapering that down as well with each day.. then just stop after most of the physical symptoms have passed. Is this an option? It feels like I know the answer already
submitted by iseekdatruth to OpiatesRecovery [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 18:00 Independent-Air9966 Trains randomly combust, there was an issue here a few years back about it, but I have a photo if it interests anyone. Luckily, I made a replica train to copy paste.
submitted by Independent-Air9966 to CreateMod [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 18:00 Redranger888 Stage concept
submitted by Redranger888 to PlantsVSZombies [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 18:00 refguy13 Truck Shell Setups - sound deadening?
Hey folks, I've got a Leer shell setup on my F150 and I'm insulating and carpeting it. I also have some leftover Killmat from a previous project. Does anyone have any experience or insight on if adding that would actually reduce noise when I'm sleeping in it? Talking wind and noisy site neighbors mostly. I'm insulating with pink foam if that changes anything on your answers. Thanks in advance!
submitted by refguy13 to TruckCampers [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 18:00 AutoModerator Best Deposit Matches Bonuses and Promos
Best NBA NFL Sports Betting Fantasy DFS and Sportsbook Sign-Up Promos and Bonus Bets
Daily Fantasy Sports Promos
2024.11.25 18:00 Informal_Put_7325 F20
submitted by Informal_Put_7325 to currentlyfapping [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 18:00 SubstantialDebate601 Send/f33d me models? I can't get enough after a small sampling 057f44c68ef73ce5efb53156fd376afd21049c70d14a641f53f822dba869d25951
Or here: 8AQWZ25EF
submitted by SubstantialDebate601 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 18:00 Wish13_YT What was the most justified crime you've heard of/seen?
submitted by Wish13_YT to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 18:00 axealy40 Monday Menu: Thanksgiving Edition
Let’s hear what’s on the menu this week! Favorite dishes, desserts…have you started thawing your turkey yet?
Let’s eat, snark and be merry!
submitted by axealy40 to TeenMomOGandTeenMom2 [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 18:00 ai_jobs [Hiring][USD 180K - 200K] Software Engineer, Product
Meta Platforms, Inc. (Meta), formerly known as Facebook Inc., builds technologies that help people connect, find communities, and grow businesses. When Facebook launched in 2004, it changed the way people connect. Apps and services like Messenger, Instagram, and WhatsApp further empowered billions a…
Read more / apply: https://aijobs.net/J818956/
submitted by ai_jobs to NYCjobs [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 18:00 henkdepotvjis What to do with the alcohol I already own?
I had the impression that I just liked trying out new beers and wiskeys. I recently found out I am actually an alcoholic. I want to stop drinking alcohol. What do I do with the many euros of alcohol I have in storage. I thought of selling it but I don't know if that is legal.
submitted by henkdepotvjis to stopdrinking [link] [comments]