Looking to trade, whatever yall need drop link

2024.11.25 18:39 Impressive-Fact7842 Looking to trade, whatever yall need drop link

Looking to trade, whatever yall need drop link submitted by Impressive-Fact7842 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:39 IrishHeritageNews What’s on this winter at the National Museum of Ireland?

What’s on this winter at the National Museum of Ireland? submitted by IrishHeritageNews to IrishArchaeology [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:39 Beneficial_Fall8541 In South Korea, nations meet in final round to address global plastic crisis

In South Korea, nations meet in final round to address global plastic crisis submitted by Beneficial_Fall8541 to worldnews [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:39 Super-Foundation-741 Ką turėtume normalizuoti visuomenėje?

Pagalvojau, kad yra tiek daug dalykų, kurie turėtų būti normalizuoti, tačiau kažkodėl priimami kaip netinkami dalykai visuomenės nusistovėjusiems rėmams. Pavyzdžiui, matymas žmonių su negalia viešojoje erdvėje ir darbo rinkoje (kur gaunasi, kad nespoksotume į juos kaip į žuvis alvariumuose), kalbėjimas tabu temomis, nepopuliarios pagrįstos nuomonės priėmimas kaip lygiavertės populiariai nuomonei ir pan. Ką norėtumėt normalizuoti savo gyvenime, kas (galimai) kitiems yra nepriimtina?
submitted by Super-Foundation-741 to lietuva [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:39 Outside-Rice2262 I think I’m done fellas

I own 2 businesses catering and a construction business, no work for the past 3 months did a fair share of promoting. First 3 years I did AMAZING but I think my luck ran out I did my promotions bought better equipment….. still nothing I’m thinking of putting in my job application next week if I have no leads. what do you guys think. Any advice? Btw my customers are strong and always come back. My last 3 custome were old customers. That’s for my food and construction company. I mainly focus on my construction company the catering is my mom cooking 2 employees go out and serve super easy to run, construction is my full time and has been for years. but fellas I’m done for now I think? Any encouragement before I apply, December 4th is my deadline.
submitted by Outside-Rice2262 to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:39 yankishi Need at least one more player for Tsukumogami in Alice land

I'm trying to set up a Supernatural Slice of Life exploration fantasy campaign. It will be taking place in a world similar to Alice in Wonderland called Alice land. It will be using the city of mist system with very few modifications. However we will not be starting out with filled out character sheets. Start off all you need to know is your character's personality and what sort of object they were born from. Sessions will be a shifting schedule with most sessions hopefully being on Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. but it will be shifting from Tuesday Wednesdays and Thursday whichever time we can get most of our players. The first Meetup will be 1:00 p.m. at the crazy book lady if you're interested please message me and let me know
submitted by yankishi to atlantagaming [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:39 VonKrest November 25, 2024

submitted by VonKrest to AndrewKoloski [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:39 EdenEatsFlowers Any online shops that yall recommend? I'm trying to get good quality crystals without having to drive for two hours 😭

submitted by EdenEatsFlowers to Crystals [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:39 sami_lamb123 Sunny pictures =]

Sunny pictures =] submitted by sami_lamb123 to Pictures [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:39 sweetlynora on the verge of being fired after only 2 months - what to do?

hi! I was hired back in september for a "freelance" position with a company overseas - I'm technically a freelancer since I'm not a resident of the country the company's in, but I'm paid monthly + have all the attributions of a regular employee with a significant salary bump to compensate.
I went through their onboarding programme for about 2 weeks after my first day and it seemed to be smooth sailing up until early October. they assigned me to a specific project that, put simply, was terribly managed - the people who I was directly reporting to were offline due to holidays specific to their country of residence, the briefing changed about 2 times in the span of weeks, it was simply awful. it was supposed to be delivered within 2 weeks and it has not been finished yet (I have since then been assigned to a different task).
a couple days after they assigned this project to somebody else I was called in by the head PM for a chat. they were told by the director of our department to give me a few pointers since he and my supervisors weren't happy with my deliverables. it was stuff like being more attentive to feedback, communicating more effectively, etc - needless to say I wasn't happy about this call, since it felt like they were hoping to push the blame of a failed project to me. regardless, I voiced what happened in that project and accepted the feedback. I've been working on it for the past 2 weeks + sending detailed logs of everything I do, asking questions, doing my very best to showcase I'm trying to do better.
now, out of the blue, I have a 1:1 with the director (the one who initially voiced the negative feedback) scheduled for next Monday. no explanation and no specific topic - I know where this is going.
I don't know what to do for now. I've done everything in my power to try and keep this job, but it feels like I'm set up to fail. it's been giving me extreme anxiety ever since I've had the initial talk about my performance - I've never had a negative feedback session like this, let alone been fired. it's been keeping me up at night, I've had skin allergies due to stress and anxiety. I've been considering just outright quitting before this meeting is even up because I can't take another week of not knowing what to do or what I'm doing wrong. I've been feeling like a massive, absolute failure. any advice would be greatly appreciated. <3
also, please consider I'm not in the US nor is the company I'm referring to. thank you!
submitted by sweetlynora to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:39 HourDimension9557 Looking for top offering bottom (shiny pikachu is my prized possession)

Looking for top offering bottom (shiny pikachu is my prized possession) submitted by HourDimension9557 to PokemonGoTrade [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:39 MetisDev Survey on Prey's story

Hello. I'm performing a research project on the effects of fictional stories in video games and would appreciate it if the members of this community would participate. This survey will ask about the impact several games had on the individual taking the survey, with Prey included in the list. Any games you have not played, you can skip, and if you wish to talk about another game instead, there is a custom section at the end for this purpose.
The survey.
submitted by MetisDev to prey [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:39 Harmonica_Comics Camera Academy [OC]

Camera Academy [OC] submitted by Harmonica_Comics to comics [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:39 oneoneoneonetwo11112 Should I use chat?

Should I use chat? Looks like they are toxic and they hate the Reddit..
submitted by oneoneoneonetwo11112 to BleachBraveSouls [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:39 Desperate-Clerk7539 My hot irl 25⬆️ 0517690014b937d7676a8c74093b6ee78effb97dfdf7ff098080c41ab738577657

submitted by Desperate-Clerk7539 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:39 Fit-Progress6949 [WTS] Omega Speedmaster Professional 3573.50

[WTS] Omega Speedmaster Professional 3573.50 submitted by Fit-Progress6949 to watch_swap [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:39 LimpTelevision9120 AIO that my (23m) gf (18f) suddenly shows me just how deep rooted in religion she is in and I panic thinking I accidentally reinforced her thoughts?

AIO that my (23m) gf (18f) suddenly shows me just how deep rooted in religion she is in and I panic thinking I accidentally reinforced her thoughts? submitted by LimpTelevision9120 to AmIOverreacting [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:39 Aggravating_Bid2799 Is this a reasltic map if it was Bernie vs Trump in 2016?

Is this a reasltic map if it was Bernie vs Trump in 2016? submitted by Aggravating_Bid2799 to BernieSanders [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:39 UnfoldingDeathwings Free smoke zone

Free smoke zone submitted by UnfoldingDeathwings to GreenroomConfessions [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:39 yonurali SOOOO TIRED

Gotta get 700 more points to reach and secure red rank😭😭😭
submitted by yonurali to Stalcraft [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:39 Ok_Tomatillo7425 Sonos Beam gen 2 and Samsung JU7005

Do any of you guys know if it is possible to get Dolby Atmos through a Samsung J-series (2015) directly to Beam?
The tv supports Dolby Digital + and has ARC port available, but i can’t find any passthroug options on the tv. All it has is bitstream…
submitted by Ok_Tomatillo7425 to sonos [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:39 Spammy34 Grundsätzliche Frage: Kann man Kurse mit einer Gewinnbringenden Wahrscheinlichkeit vorhersagen?

Ich bin der Meinung dass das nicht geht. Man kann wetten und dann Glück oder Pech haben, aber man kann nichts vorhersehen. Man konnte sich denken, dass die Kurse steigen wenn Trump gewinnt, aber man konnte nicht wissen, dass er gewinnt. Höchstens darauf wetten (und dann Glück oder Pech haben).
Das ist wie im Wettbüro, wenn Deutschland gegen Griechenland Fußball spielt. Klar, wahrscheinlich wird Deutschland gewinnen, aber darauf setzen alle, dementsprechend niedrig ist der Gewinn wenn Deutschland gewinnt.
Deswegen gibt es so gut wie keine Bewegung, wenn die FED die Zinsen wie erwartet senkt. Das wussten alle schon vorher und haben darauf gewettet. Man hätte auf eine doppelte Zinssenkung (-0,5%) wetten können, well das nicht erwartet wurde. Dann hätte man aber extra Minus gemacht, wenn es gar keine Zinssenkung gegeben hätte.
Nach dem Bekanntwerden solcher Nachrichten reagieren die Kurse sofort (Sekunden). So schnell kann keiner von uns kaufen. Eine kleine Hand voll Leute mit viel Geld (in den von ihnen gemanagten Fonds) reicht, um den Kurs zu bewegen. Teilweise machen das Computerprogramme.
Welche Informationen kann man entdecken um die Entwicklung besser vorherzusagen als solche Leute?
submitted by Spammy34 to wallstreetbetsGER [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:39 DarthNiouf Cable housing routing on Triban RC520

Cable housing routing on Triban RC520 submitted by DarthNiouf to bikewrench [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:39 marzyb Yahya

Yahya submitted by marzyb to painting [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:39 WillieDFleming Datsun 4x4 / Amazon

Datsun 4x4 / Amazon I haven't been able to find this in my area, but I found it on Amazon for basically the same price as in store at Walmart. I'm pretty excited, it's a super nice truck and in my opinion, it looks better than the chase.
submitted by WillieDFleming to HotWheels [link] [comments]
