Namoro da minha melhor amiga por um fio, namorado pode achar que sou o culpado?

2024.11.25 20:42 Brief_Ebb_4456 Namoro da minha melhor amiga por um fio, namorado pode achar que sou o culpado?

Bem é uma dúvida que bateu em mim esses dias, pois eu estou solteiro 4 meses, e nos 2 primeiros meses minha melhor amiga me deu total apoio me ajudando a segurar a onda, n fazer merda e me deu dicas pq está a sofrendo muito e muitas crises de choro e depressão... Lá pro no segundo mês comecei a ter novas conexões, cuidei do meu corpo indo pra academia e etc.
Do terceiro já estava mais estável e comecei a seguir minha vida, e ela me apoiando muito como sempre fez desde que a gente se conhece e etc.
Hj tem 4 meses do ocorrido e ela me convidou para uma festa de aniversário com o grupo do ensino médio que a gente andava na época (junto com o namorado dela claro), com o passar da festa ela me elogiava pela minha evolução na academia até aí beleza pq ela só estava parabenizando os resultados só que o namorado dela a tratava male só ligando para os amigos dele e deixando ela de lado e tendo algumas brigas, e eu infelizmente observava o jeito dela e via insatisfação...
Ela se cansou e chamou outra garota pra colocar na minha fita e a gente (eu, minha amiga e a garota) ficou trocando do ideia por horas até embora...
Dia seguinte ela ficou desabafando sobre a briga, insatisfação dele tratar ela mal junto com os amigos e o fato dele estar frio com ela após a festa, ela acha que foi por que ela deixou ele de lado e foi conversar comigo e outra pessoa, até aí beleza...
Só que agora ela está com um papo que quer ser valorizada, curtir a vida etc (mesmo papo da minha ex)
Estou tentando fazer ela segurar a onda já que eles tem 6 anos juntos, e tento ajudar a ela conversar com ele e etc, mas segundo ela, ela já tentou de tudo e quer separar dele...
Só que tenho medo do namorado achar que por eu estar solteiro, com um corpo melhorzinho, estou incentivando a ela sair do namoro e sla, ele pensar que quero pegar ela algo do tipo...
Mas deixar claro, eu NUNCA tive intenção e tenho de pegar ela ou ver dessa forma, mesmo que ela me provocava (na época do início da amizade) nunca senti interesse nela, será que pode dar merda pro meu lado?
submitted by Brief_Ebb_4456 to relacionamentos [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:42 GuardMajestic2513 Please help me reach 500 subscribers. :) I was challenged to reach it before the end of 2024, but its not looking good. Also have a sub race against a fellow growing creator.

submitted by GuardMajestic2513 to selfpromo [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:42 Zealousideal1999 *Cut To* "Robyn Has Been Manipulating Meri For Years"

FINALLY some editing I can agree with!! Thank you, Puddle Monkey!! I nearly spit out my ice cream when I watched this scene. Christine's commentary on this scene FTW!!!
submitted by Zealousideal1999 to SisterWives [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:42 NoneTest

‽ submitted by NoneTest to VtNoneCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:42 roboticzizzz Biden does his final White House Thanksgiving turkey pardoning: ‘Last time to speak here as your president’

Biden does his final White House Thanksgiving turkey pardoning: ‘Last time to speak here as your president’ submitted by roboticzizzz to SocialPressBlog [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:42 tabouleh7amda SAI of -1467.. confused?

i just filled out my 25-26 form and received an SAI of -1467. i know that this generally means i'd be getting more aid, but FAFSA never asked for my income and my dad didn't have to fill his share of the form either? he doesn't live in the US (yet) but he does support me financially. he makes around 90k a year. my mom recently started working so their income combined is ~120k. they filed their 2023 taxes jointly. their foreign earned income exclusion was $0 (not sure what this means). we earned EITC and checked the Medicaid box because "Medi-Cal is California's Medicaid program" -- we use Medi-Cal. so i'm not sure if i submitted this form wrong because i know that an income of 120k (while it is not enough for our family of 4) is high in terms of FAFSA helping out low-income families. any help is appreciated!!
submitted by tabouleh7amda to FAFSA [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:42 Do_u_Do Chaussures Montlimart

Bonjour, Bonsoir, Quelqu'un aurait déjà achetou des échos des vêtements de la marque française Montlimart ? Leur chaussures type "Chelsea Boot" sont bien belles mais est-ce qu'elles sont réservées aux jours de pluie ? Peut-on les porter plusieurs jours de suite sans avoir mal aux pieds ? Avez vous un retour sur leur qualité et durabilité ? Merci pour vos retours
submitted by Do_u_Do to AchatPourLaVie [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:42 meganscrossing Trade

Trade Looking for these cards that aren’t gold and if I have a card you need I’m more than happy to send it
submitted by meganscrossing to FamilyIsland [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:42 PotentialKebab Little help with Cowboy hats frontier land

Hi all,
My niece had her first trip to Disney in October and on the way home, lost her cowboy hat her grandad got her in frontierland.
We were hoping the big man might be able to get her one for Christmas. I was wondering if anyone coming from Dublin or the surrounding area would be able to bring one over or if anyone has a photo of one or a source to get one it would be greatly appreciated
Thanks all! Enjoy your trip
submitted by PotentialKebab to disneylandparis [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:42 karim2k I was at the exact spot where the mighty Tiger 131 was captured

I was at the exact spot where the mighty Tiger 131 was captured submitted by karim2k to ww2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:42 North-Frosting9845 Suche w

submitted by North-Frosting9845 to stuttgart_nudes [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:42 shoppingbabe Fingerhut Black Friday Ads 2024

Check out the link for Fingerhut Black Friday Ads 2024. Once on the website, you'll have access to a variety of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly to help you save on your purchase.
submitted by shoppingbabe to ClearanceBreak [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:42 FlyingToaster02 Maybe someone needs to hear this today. I don't know.

Content warning: Discussing HRT.
Hello everybody! So, before I say anything else, I am a cis guy. Because I'm cis, maybe I shouldn't be the one to say this. I don't know in all honesty. But I want to say it anyways. I am autistic, and I really don't hope I come across as rude or anything. Please forgive me if I am. Also, my thoughts are all over the place, so I'm sorry if this seems a little confusing.
So, I've been talking with some trans people lately. One thing I have seen said by some is that they have a feeling that they "Aren't a good trans person" because they aren't on HRT yet. If it's ok, I'd like to talk about this. Admittedly, I do not know much about HRT yet, but I can tell you this: If you are a trans guy, and haven't started hormones yet, you are still a guy. You are as much a guy as I am. Hormones or not, you are a guy. In my eyes, it is the same way for women. Hormones or not, you are a woman. If you say you're a guy, I see you as one, full stop. It is the same exact way for women too.
Now, I'm not saying don't do HRT or whatever. I'm just saying, you are the gender you say you are. Nothing can take that from you.
This goes for Non-Binary people too. You don't need hormones to be one.
I hope I didn't come across as rude or patronizing or anything. It's just, someone was telling me about this last night, and I though that maybe someone might need to hear this.
You are loved. You are valid, no matter what anyone else says.
Have a great day, and may we all find peace.
submitted by FlyingToaster02 to lgbt [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:42 BearsBeetsBachelor Graders taking ages

Hi - I’m a masters student at UW and been out of the academic game for a while. I’m currently taking a class where a grader hasn’t graded assignments for literally a month. The quarter is almost over and most of our stuff has no grade so we have no clue if we’re doing well or on the brink of failing. This seems crazy to me - I’d expect grading to take no more than a couple weeks at most.
Is this typical these days? Trying to gauge if my expectations are unreasonable.
submitted by BearsBeetsBachelor to udub [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:42 h25082006 How can I get 1400+ points in December

I've gotten 1310 in my last Sat and 1440 on practice test 4 but need to improve. How can I achieve a score of over 1400 in two weeks time? Can any of you provide any resources for the Reading and Writing sections?
submitted by h25082006 to Sat [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:42 MaskedDegrader Emma Roberts

Emma Roberts submitted by MaskedDegrader to celeb_nylons [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:42 Wiskers480 Slot 3 LRDI: Were their really two cases in ATM set

I only made 1, i tried checking also, ek hi aa raha tab Someone please tell, I am panicking so bad. I can cry right now 😭😭
submitted by Wiskers480 to CATpreparation [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:42 Alarming-Ranger-7163 JBR looking for an unbiased podcast / documentary

I am new to true crime and have only recently heard of JonBenet Ramsey. Since everyone seems upset with the CJ podcast on her story, what is a good podcast or documentary that tells the whole story and is unbiased? TIA!
submitted by Alarming-Ranger-7163 to CrimeJunkiePodcast [link] [comments]


Sveiki noriu pasidalinti jog yra AUDI AIRBAG recalas dėl defektų. oficialiame audi servise NEMOKAMAI pakeis jeigu pas jus yra blogas.
Modeliams nuo 2006 iki 2018.
Pasitikrinti ar jūsų audine gali turėti bloga air bag
Galima per puslapi suvedus atšaukimas arba per linka apačioje
Kiek tai yra pavojinga? Kai oro pagalvė suveikia eismo įvykio metu, dujų generatoriaus generuojamas slėgis gali būti per aukštas. Tai gali sukelti metalo gabalų išmetimą į automobilio saloną. Tai gali sukelti rimtų sužalojimų ir blogiausiu atveju mirtį.
Pasidalinkite su žmonėmis kurie jums rūpi.
submitted by Niumeo to lietuva [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:42 Popular-Highlight473 Is there a list of last names that announcers say in EA Sports College Football 25 RTG Mode?

Why is there no complete list out there!? Guess I’ll start and try to update…11-25-24 330pm EST
Anderson Atkins Austin
Avila Ayomanor Banks
Barnes Bellamy Benedict
Blue Brown Bryant
Bush Chancellor Chatman
Clarke Cobb Cooks
Coleman Crosby Davenport
Davis Durham Fidone
Floyd Franks Garcia
Gentry Gibson Golden
Green Hampton Hawkins
Hemby Henderson Hendricks
Hill Hogan Huber
Jackson Jefferson Jones
Kelly Kelley Lambert
Lee McClain McCoy
McKnight McCown Mitchell
Muhammad Phommachanh Provo
Pugh Richardson Roberson
Roberts Rodriguez Russo
Santos Schroeder Segal
Shaffer Sharp Spiller
Street Taylor Walker
Washington Whitehead Williams
Wilson Witherspoon Woodside
submitted by Popular-Highlight473 to eaCFB [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:42 MyDeskIncOnYT15 What’s our sentence?

What’s our sentence? submitted by MyDeskIncOnYT15 to JackSucksAtLife [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:42 Additional_Crab_987 Join The Team
submitted by Additional_Crab_987 to IncrediboxSFSG [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:42 Immentallyunstabl3 r/MoonPissing better make this their image for December

MoonPissing better make this their image for December submitted by Immentallyunstabl3 to MoonPissing [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:42 gandr- Nachdenkliche Frau (Thoughtful Woman) (unknown date) , Gabriel von Max, [2401 x 3000]

 Nachdenkliche Frau (Thoughtful Woman) (unknown date) , Gabriel von Max, [2401 x 3000] submitted by gandr- to ArtPorn [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:42 JimmyGrahamRFC Theres a new update guys👍They cheats were doing my head in.

Theres a new update guys👍They cheats were doing my head in. submitted by JimmyGrahamRFC to 8BallPool [link] [comments]