Complexe d’Enazol, niveau -3, Secteur Oméga, réserve d’armement

2024.11.25 18:50 Ornery-Freedom-8173 Complexe d’Enazol, niveau -3, Secteur Oméga, réserve d’armement

La réserve d’armement dédiée à la neutralisation des SCP, en particulier le SCP-939, pourrait inclure un mélange d’armes réelles et fictives, conçues spécifiquement pour contrer ses particularités (silence, mimétisme vocal, et agressivité). Voici une sélection logique et thématique :

  1. Armes réelles modifiées
Ces armes classiques sont adaptées pour maximiser leur efficacité contre des entités comme le SCP-939 : • Fusil à pompe à munitions toxiques : • Modèles comme le Remington 870 ou le Mossberg 500, équipés de cartouches dispersant un agent neurotoxique ou un gaz incapacitant dans un cône large. • Utilisé pour viser les voies respiratoires sensibles du SCP-939. • Carabines à projectiles tranquillisants : • CheyTac M200 modifié pour tirer des seringues contenant un cocktail sédatif puissant. • Efficace pour immobiliser temporairement des SCP agressifs. • Grenades à déflagration acoustique (flashbangs) : • Des flashbangs amplifiés pour produire un choc sonore déstabilisant, contrant l’ouïe hyper-développée du SCP-939. • Permet de désorienter la créature et de faciliter son confinement. • Armes électriques à haute intensité : • Une version surpuissante du Taser XREP, projetant des dards qui délivrent une charge électrique capable d’induire des spasmes musculaires violents, neutralisant temporairement un SCP.
  1. Armes fictives
Ces armes imaginaires ou expérimentales reflètent la recherche avancée du complexe : • Fusil à onde sonore directionnelle : • Une arme projetant des ondes infrasonores à haute intensité, spécialement conçue pour exploiter la sensibilité auditive du SCP-939. • Peut provoquer des pertes d’équilibre, des désorientations, ou même une incapacité temporaire. • Filets électromagnétiques : • Filets métalliques imprégnés d’un courant électrique pulsé, capables d’immobiliser et de contenir des SCP agités. • Portable et utilisable par une seule personne. • Lanceurs d’agents biochimiques : • Armes capables de disperser des phéromones neutralisantes ou des gaz qui brouillent les capacités sensorielles du SCP-939, le rendant incapable de détecter des proies. • Canons à impulsion lumineuse : • Projette des flashs de lumière à spectres spécifiques, perturbant la vision ou la biologie du SCP. • Théoriquement capable de désorienter la créature ou de la rendre temporairement aveugle. • Projecteurs de fréquences vocales : • Dispositifs capables de reproduire les sons mimés par le SCP-939, utilisés pour le désorienter ou attirer son attention dans une direction spécifique.
  1. Équipements de soutien
En plus des armes, des équipements spécialisés sont indispensables : • Casques antibruit amplifiés : Protéger les opérateurs des vocalisations de SCP-939 tout en permettant une communication claire entre agents. • Armures renforcées anti-perforation : Conçues pour résister aux morsures puissantes du SCP. • Drones tactiques : Petits drones équipés de caméras thermiques et d’armes légères pour explorer et engager le SCP à distance.
La réserve d’armement pour neutraliser SCP-939 pourrait inclure un mélange d’armes classiques modifiées et d’équipements expérimentaux, combinant létalité et stratégies non destructives pour capturer ou contenir la créature. Si tu veux intégrer ces armes dans ton jeu, tu peux également créer des limitations tactiques (munitions rares, effets secondaires imprévisibles) pour intensifier le défi.
submitted by Ornery-Freedom-8173 to collectif_du_fugitif [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:50 tunapirate85 Saw this. Figure I share it here.

submitted by tunapirate85 to tressless [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:50 Mission-Shine-8691 Day 239

Reading : Day 239 The Phone Box at the Edge of the World, Laura Imai Messina (1p)
Skin care : Day 289 (AM)
Hydration : Day 239 Target: 2-3L Actual - 2L
Waking up at the same time everyday: Day 113
Clean Home: Day 211 Target: 2-3 tasks every day Actual: Bathroom
Work Goals: Day 132 Actual: Weekend pause Tracking Tasks : Day 0 Responding to mails <24h : Day 3 Milestones as calender reminders : Day 4
Supplements : Day 194 Ideal : 3, Today : 1/3
Meditation - Day 0
Wins: Productive day
submitted by Mission-Shine-8691 to NonZeroDay [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:50 JesterOfDestiny This is YOUR daily dose of Minuette

This is YOUR daily dose of Minuette submitted by JesterOfDestiny to mylittlepony [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:50 Warm_light_01 I've finally left home for good five months ago

My home was always kinda stresfull place to live And grow up. My father is short-tempered, bit agresive, emotionally immature and kind od selfish narcissist. My mom on the other hand is tiny bit lazy, dramatic and also a gaslighter. Ideal combination you could say.
I am the oldest of four sisters. Three of us are 18+ the youngest is in her teen years. My parents are very demanding in every part of life you could think of. School work, housework, yard work, hobbies, friends, relationships, behaviour, clothing and even general apperiance(make up, nails etc.) The presure Is enourmous. You simply have to be perfect or your not enough. I persosally Felt like I was never enough no Mather what I did. I got blamed for lot of things that were out of my control. All of us did but I as the oldest was carrying the biggest load.
Last christmas there was an incident that broke the camels back for me. I talked to my boyfriend And He said He Will help me move out. (I'm from a country where kids normally stay with their parents well into adulthood). I started to slowly move my things out of my parents house And finally five months ago I had everything out And finally told them I am moving out. There some comments but honestly I expected much worse reaction.
This weekend I went back to my hometown to spend some time with my grandfather. Also it was my moms birthday So there was a small get together. I was So relieved that I don't live there anymore. The ONLY thing that bothers me Is the feeling that I left my Sisters in all that mess. They trully Are my world. I helped raising all of them and Now I left them there. Feel like a bad Sister but I would probably 💀 myself if I stayed.
I feel like I failed them...
submitted by Warm_light_01 to therapy [link] [comments]


FB GROUPS CATERING OVERPRICED RESELLERS What's your take on this? It's one of the rules in one of the biggest FB POP MART groups in the Phillipines. Does this encourages overpriced selling?
Why do collectors have to adhere to these "Resellers" when in fact, these so called resellers are just cutting the market that should be directly accessible to the collectors because they're getting their stocks from retail pop mart stores.
Let me know your thoughts.
submitted by idlejowewen to PopMartCollectors [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:50 senthilraj My Grandfather's War Medal 1939–1945 - Need Help

 My Grandfather's War Medal 1939–1945 - Need Help Hello,
War Medal Back
I found my Grandfather's War Medal recently.(\_Medal\_1939%E2%80%931945) awarded to him for serving in WWII.
My grandfather died before I was born and the family has zero information about him. My father and ,y grandma died when I was very young and there is not even a picture of my grandfather in the family.
I am trying to locate any information on my Grandfather and his service.
Here is what I know about my grandfather through family stories,
He was born in India in a small village called Vaduvur, in Thanjavur District (formerly), Tamil Nadu State. Vaduvur is about 300kms south of Chennai ( formerly Madras). Him and a few others from the village joined the "military" and went to the Singapore / Malaysia region ( SE Asia).
I have no further information on the dates or exact location.
Based on the War Medal it seems like he served in the British Army.
Are there any sources to lookup records of him from his days in the Army?
I would at least like to know if there is a way to get a picture ( an id card ??) of my grandpa.
This would mean a lot to me and my family because I would love to pass on a little bit more information to the next generation about my grandfather.
submitted by senthilraj to ww2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:50 lucyferror How to safely remove glass front door from P1S?

How to safely remove glass front door from P1S? Help. I'm trying to remove front glass door to replace it with Panda Door like I have on my X1C. I've removed 4 front screws and rubber bits around but doors done even move. I could easily remove them from X1C. Are these glued on to metal hinges? I don't want to shatter them removing. My printer is quite low and with kids and animals I need them to be replaced.
submitted by lucyferror to BambuP1S [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:50 Bartlomiej67 Soft glans due to porn

İs here anyone who have soft glans due to pied (porn inducted erectile dysfunction)?
submitted by Bartlomiej67 to NoFap [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:50 YGLD $XCUR Our Wednesday Alert Back For More Today 🚨 Originally Alerted For An Entry Of $14.71 📈

$XCUR Our Wednesday Alert Back For More Today 🚨 Originally Alerted For An Entry Of $14.71 📈 submitted by YGLD to 10xPennyStocks [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:50 PenguinFuego Is MS Teams Linux client still bad?

Today I updated my Ubuntu 24.04 machine and it turns out I can't share my screen anymore even when permissions are the same. That made me think about using the official Linux client but, is it still garbage or is it a good alternative in 2024?
submitted by PenguinFuego to linuxquestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:50 yayogirls iced or hot coffee?

iced because hot coffee tastes weird yk but iced is very refreshing especially in the morning time before school and it just tastes amazing especially dunkins
submitted by yayogirls to TeenagersButBetter [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:50 Delicious_Suspect_72 Betano 20€ garantidos registo + oferta depósito

Boas a todos, tenho uma proposta, com 3 vagas, para criarem uma conta nova na Betano (só precisam de número CC, NIF, e número telemóvel). Depois de efetuarem o registo, mando 20 euros. De seguida têm q apostar um valor q também vou mandar para vocês (2 vagas 15€ e a outra vaga é 25€), se ganharem podem retirar o valor inteiro através de IBAN (costumam pedir por email o comprovativo) após efetuarem o levantamento. Não é promoção da Betano, é um serviço de teste que faço e é preciso contas novas. Mais info mando MP
submitted by Delicious_Suspect_72 to BeermoneyTuga [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:50 musicislifeik The guy ive been talking to is acting really weird. What do i do?

Hey, i'm genuinely so lost and I don't know what to do so I'm resorting to the help of strangers on the Internet. I don't know how to start this post so I'm sorry if this is a mess.
About 2 months ago, this guy DMed me on insta and we started talking. He seemed pretty interesting and wanted my number early on but i declined. Eventually we had been talking gor a good amount of time so i gave it to him and we started talking even more. We clicked, and with my past its really hard for me to vibe with someone as well as i did with him. Our humor was so similar which was also rare and our conversations were really interesting beyond just the flirting. I feel the need to note there's quite an age gap, I'm younger.
This wasnt really a problem for either of us since we both kinda knew it was just flirting and maybe something more but nothing romantic. Until the flirting started becoming true. He wasn't really okay with the fact that he was started to really like someone younger than him and that he'd give off the wrong idea.
So he texted me and told me he wants to keep it platonic because he doesn't wanna lose me but he just can't do it. I was fine with it since i felt the same way.
Spoiler alert; he didnt last a day being platonic with me. So we went back to talking and it was going really well. I also feel the need to add he had been wanting to meet up with me but i was avoiding it. (thats a whole other dilemma im not gonna get into). We've had 1 or 2 fights over it but he's gotten over it pretty quick since i reassured him id be ready sooner or later.
So it was going well. We stayed up to talk, we would laugh, we would flirt, we would open up (which wasnt easy for either of us), all that cheesy love shit. He had a huge ego and so did i, so when we got vulnerable with eachother it was something special because we both had rough pasts.
Until about 5 days ago. He got super weird with me. One night we were talking and everything was going fine. We said goodnight, next morning he texted me asking me for a favor, i did it. It was fine. We didnt text that night but i didnt think anything of it.
Next day, i texted him. He was being super super weird with me and i noticed. So i confronted after 2 days of this.
Unfortunately he kept denying that anything was wrong, he kept denying for like an hour but i kept pushing until he admitted something was up, but wouldnt tell me why.
We talked for 4 hours, me just trying to find out why and him just saying "i cant tell you" "its private" "i wont tell you" "let it go" he even said "let me go" ??? Now i wasnt asking for much detail here just the jist of it. Plus, i had full right to know why he was being weird with me since it involved me. But he told me it didnt involve me (which i dont fully believe).
So the conversation ended witht me asking if it was just something that happened with him and hes not feeling the best. He said its "something like that". Then i asked if he still wanted to keep talking and he said "we'll see".
So, i need help. This happened a few days ago and im not sure what to do honestly. Finding someone i vibe with without having to mirror them and just being myself is hard, so he's special.
Do i let it go and let him go? Do i text him again and confront him more? Do i just give him time and space?? Theres something fishy here and i dont feel like im getting the full story. Help a girl out. 😭
submitted by musicislifeik to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:50 djwatercup Does it make sense to do an evo that gives a PS+ but keeps the rating low? St. Juste is my example here

Does it make sense to do an evo that gives a PS+ but keeps the rating low? St. Juste is my example here I think he would have a lot of potential for good upgrades (primarily in dribbling and passing) as his rating is so low, but I fear the PS+ could be restrictive. Thoughts?
submitted by djwatercup to fut [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:50 Sad_Conversation1121 💀

💀 submitted by Sad_Conversation1121 to InternetCity [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:50 CarnivorousVegan What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by CarnivorousVegan to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:50 ___sea___ Need sturdy keychain capsule

I can't think of where else to ask this question and I hope someone can help. I have flare ear plugs and I lost my last pair. I've decided I want to carry them in a canister that is also a keychain like a pillbox type thing so I always have them and also don't lose them.
The problem is that I always break keychains. I broke a bunch as a kid, gave up trying to have keychains, thought as an adult I might try one and broke that within a week. I can't be trusted with keychains.
So anyway, can anyone recommend a sturdy pillbox that goes directly on a key ring and is at least 3/4 inch wide?
submitted by ___sea___ to autism [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:50 remvs98 Speciaal aanklager laat zaak tegen Trump om verkiezingsuitslag te dwarsbomen vallen

submitted by remvs98 to NUjijDiscussies [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:50 Wrangler_Such It's not much, but it's honest work 🚀

It's not much, but it's honest work 🚀 submitted by Wrangler_Such to dogecoin [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:50 hoosier1220 Overwhelmed

Hello, new here. Just bought the game last week and trying to figure things out but man, it seems overwhelming with all the mods and stuff.
At the end of the day, what I’d really like to do is get 3-4 friends into the same map online and either race or try different challenges together. How do I even go about that? Spawn into the same map with the same car and settings in an actual race. Or do a demo derby together. Anything, really
I have tried looking it up and don’t seem to be getting anywhere.
submitted by hoosier1220 to BeamNG [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:50 Hannahmartirah Help determine gender

Help determine gender
submitted by Hannahmartirah to spiders [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:50 Advanced-Abrocoma-30 1st medieval moc

1st medieval moc Seeing all the cool builds on Goldfyre's YouTube channel inspired me to build my 1st medieval moc, 2nd moc ever actually, LOL.
Call it "Surrounded " , a black falcon knight on patrol is surrounded by a few skeletons from the undead army.
submitted by Advanced-Abrocoma-30 to legocastles [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:50 Short_Algo $HALO Awaiting Short Signal based off 5 signals $3,677 net profit 9.07 profit factor 80% win rate on a 15-min chart. Free trial at #trading #stocks #investing #money

$HALO Awaiting Short Signal based off 5 signals $3,677 net profit 9.07 profit factor 80% win rate on a 15-min chart. Free trial at #trading #stocks #investing #money submitted by Short_Algo to StockTradingIdeas [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:50 Logical-Shake6564 Has it been explained in the manga what the chains on Pernida's fingers represent?

submitted by Logical-Shake6564 to bleach [link] [comments]