Who is Yamandu Orsi, Uruguay’s next president?

2024.11.25 19:23 urymasa1970 Who is Yamandu Orsi, Uruguay’s next president?

Who is Yamandu Orsi, Uruguay’s next president? submitted by urymasa1970 to monte_video [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:23 LowFaithlessness7747 Kommt jemand aus Altenburg oder Umgebung und will nudes von w tauschen?

submitted by LowFaithlessness7747 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:23 Queasy_Succotash6370 Top 5 predicciones del gobierno de Orsi

submitted by Queasy_Succotash6370 to uruguay [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:23 Appropriate_Form4875 Hur är detta okej i Svensk public Radio. I P1 så diskuterades det om en bok där en 17 år gammal grabb blir våldtagen av en gammal kärring. Program ledarna var väldigt positiva till detta och skämtade glatt runt detta hemska.

Satt och lyssnade på P1 när jag var på väg till jobbet idag. De diskuterade en bok av Göran Tunström. Det jag började höra var hur en gammal tant Fanny tvingade en ung grabb 17 år gammal att känna på henne i ansiktet. Och de skämtade om att han tog henne på brösten med mera. Var en väldigt glad ton från kvinnorna som läste upp samt mannen. Senare blir grabben våldtagen på ett hotell rum av Fanny fast han säger nej och hon tvingar sig på honom. Det verkade program ledarna gilla. Hur är detta okej i svensk radio? Hade det varit en gammal gubbe och en 17 år gammal flicka så hade det inte varit ok alls. Ena program ledaren skämtade om att hon tyckte det hade varit okej att om det vore hennes 17 år gamla son så skulle han få åkte med fanny för då blir han ju av med oskulden.
Det börjar vid 23.00 och slutar vid 33.00 ungefär. Ett av det värsta jag hört.
submitted by Appropriate_Form4875 to sweden [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:23 youdotcom_ The best tool. The best price. Now, just $10/month. Only for Cyber Week.

The best tool. The best price. Now, just $10/month. Only for Cyber Week. https://preview.redd.it/de4dvhjrl33e1.jpg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c18d4de6434ce27ca473a824287da4be127f2269
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submitted by youdotcom_ to YouSearch [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:23 Specialist_Echo_6891 What’s a kink or fetish you don’t understand but respect others for enjoying?

submitted by Specialist_Echo_6891 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:23 Jorge777 RFK Jr Will Not Make Food Great Again, He Will Only Make His Wallet Great Again!

RFK Jr Will Not Make Food Great Again, He Will Only Make His Wallet Great Again! submitted by Jorge777 to MarchAgainstNazis [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:23 trawlxx Tickets

Anyone got tickets for white gold stand I need 2 plz thanks
submitted by trawlxx to bengalurufc [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:23 NeverEnoughDakka Has anyone tried Tiny Legends' MK-38A heads on Cadians?

As title. For those who haven't seen them here's a link: https://tinylegend.eu/products/mk-38a-common-dust-masks
submitted by NeverEnoughDakka to SteelLegion [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:23 Theendofmidsummer Banana

submitted by Theendofmidsummer to recap [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:23 bigweeweepoopoo Is the game worth trying on xbox?

I've been wanting to play a mmo for quite sometime but I've heard bad things about it on xbox.
submitted by bigweeweepoopoo to throneandliberty [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:23 Ok-Memory2809 How to Handle to Threats from a Person with Mental Illness?

Long story short, I’m being harassed and threatened by someone who is mentally ill.
I know this person used to see a psychiatrist and take medication, but they stopped their treatment some time ago.
Under the assumption they were still following their treatment, I invited them to stay at my home. Without going into too much detail, I eventually asked them to calm down because I live with a roommate, and their behavior was disruptive (drug abuse also occurred during their stay). They left unexpectedly with the excuse being my roommates.
Later that same day, I received a series of harassing text messages from this person. The following day, the messages escalated to threats claiming that they would ruin my life.
I haven’t responded to any of these messages, but I also haven’t blocked this person because I’m afraid of what they might do if I do so.
How can o handle this situation?
submitted by Ok-Memory2809 to TalkTherapy [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:23 Working_Title_6965 Computer science (IT) - er den virkelig det værd?

Hey andre fantastiske udviklere.
Er der nogle der har erfering med Conputer Science (IT) uddannelsen. Jeg (31 år) står med en Datamatiker og skal snart i praktik på min professionsbachelor i softwareudvikling og jeg kan ligge en kandidat ovenpå.
Overvejer om jeg skal den 2 årige kandidat ovenpå eller om jeg skal "bare" gå i arbejde bagefter min uddannelse (prof. bach) er slut.
min egen tanke er at hvis jeg får tilbudt en fuldtidsstilling så tager jeg ikke kandidaten og ellers så tager jeg kandidaten. på den måde er jeg lidt sikret økonomisk
min tanker løber også på om kandidaten er det værd? da det kræver at jeg tager yderligere 141K i gæld. læringsmæssigt - er det bare noget man selv kan læse sig til? job mæssigt - er papiret virkelig det værd?
på den ene side vil jeg gerne have kandidaten (altid haft ambitionen) men på den anden side vil jeg også gerne snart ud og arbejde få en ordentlig indkomst i stedet for SU. - I ved ud og leve livet i stedet for skole skole skole skole skole og atter skole.
submitted by Working_Title_6965 to dkudvikler [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:23 Every-Replacement-20 Looking for shows better than fmab

Ive watched aot, fmab, steins gate , naruto series, alice and borderland (netflix) and frieren. i love these but cant find nothing as good or better. Im about to watch arcane because of all the recent hype just to see what its about but i hate gurren laggan and rezero with a passion so just don’t recommend me any of that overated dogshit. I also think deathnote and demon slayer and jjk are all a little overrated. Just give me something good.
submitted by Every-Replacement-20 to Animesuggest [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:23 stukacze Do cis gay guys actually find trans men attractive at all?

Hello all, i'm a gay trans dude (double whammy) and i'm lowkey starting to lose hope in ever finding a life-long partner. I've never heard a single dating success story that didn't end with "i found out he dated 19 other trans men" or anything like that. I'm still young, 17, but i'm really not feeling great about this.
To add onto all of that, i'm from Poland, which makes it 10x harder to find anyone.
I'm posting here because i can't really talk to my friends about this, all of my friends are cis women (that's what going to an art school gets you LMAO) and they wouldn't understand, like at all
submitted by stukacze to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:23 IAmAloneTomorrow My test results show that I am positive for Ureaplasma urealyticum. I am unsure how bad that is.

Recently I met a really nice guy. I like him a lot and we are taking things slowly. Partly because he is super conscious about STDs. We kissed and did just a bit of oral sex. We also agreed to get tested for STDs. On the spot, we were negative for syphilis and HIV. As for other things, we needed to wait a bit more. So I got my test results back and I am positive for Ureaplasma urealyticum.
I immediately contacted my doctor and she prescribed me doxycycline. From what I read online, it's not that serious. I also asked the guy from the gay clinic where I got tested and he said that it's basically not a STD, and it probably became a part of my microflora by now. Also the quantity is, I guess, low - 10^3 CFU/ml.
However, my boyfriend (yes he is my bf now) probably won't take this lightly. Obviously I will tell him once we meet in person, but I am just afraid that he got it from me, and that he will be panicking.
submitted by IAmAloneTomorrow to AskGaybrosOver30 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:23 Complete-Road-3229 Tommy said, "He ain't skiing sh$t!" 😂😂😂😂😂 #readytolove

Tommy said, submitted by Complete-Road-3229 to ReadyToLove [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:23 Happylilhooman A request to all only arcane fans and mains of other champions

We are mourning and we need this space to mourn. Please keep your shitty opinions to yourselves and enjoy what you see.. Let us mourn in peace and bid farewell to our machine herald. Thanks.
submitted by Happylilhooman to viktormains [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:23 BrandonApplesauce Father of missing Maui woman found dead in Los Angeles, LAPD says

So sad. I thought I read that she was on stand-by to flight to NY - but then I read that her connecting flight was only 42 minutes after landing and she may have missed it.
I think there is a lot we dont know - like who she knew in the area (maybe with) and conditions back in Hawaii unless that wasn't her texting sister or friend.
Hope they hear from her 😢
submitted by BrandonApplesauce to HawaiiUncensored [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:23 MatrixBlaze Internet provider question in Artesia

My Wife and I are moving to the Artesia community, does anyone have any internet recommendations? Unfortunately, Valley does not provide fiber optic in our neighborhood, however, I found a provider called Isp.net that claim they offer it.
Anyone have any experience with them??
submitted by MatrixBlaze to pahrump [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:23 Eem110 B.Duggan Painting

Anyone know this painting? Can confirm it’s an artist or original or anymore detail about it? I can’t find much on google or google lens.
submitted by Eem110 to Goodwill_Finds [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:23 rafaspvzgw2 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by rafaspvzgw2 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:23 bil-sabab Edwige Fenech (1969)

Edwige Fenech (1969) submitted by bil-sabab to 1960s [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:23 Artist_Gurl_thecat Animal ear physics on x and z look backwards

Hi this is my third model and I'm rigging this for my friend, but I've been having a bit of trouble with the ear physics. I'm not used to such thick ears (since i'm rigging a koala plush) but I figured i could use the tutorial I had followed for my previous model (who had chunky cat ears).
Long story short, I somehow managed to get both the x and z physics all backwards with no idea how to fix it. The problem is, the y and blinking physics are perfect and I don't wanna touch them for fear of messing them up D:
any help would be appreciated, I attached a video of the problem in the physics tab for reference of my problem.
*if the video doesn't work forgive me I am still new to all this "ask reddit forums" stuff and I am brand new to posting :/*
submitted by Artist_Gurl_thecat to Live2D [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:23 Semetersi Jeep groups and people

I'm still fairly new to Reno, staying in Cold Springs by Sierra Rock Park. I'm going to start putting money into my 04 WJ (4.7 v8 with the quadratrac 2). I haven't worked on cars much since high school, at my uncles auto shop. Graduated 2006, 18 years ago, so I'm very rusty.
I could use a hand, if anyone would be willing. I of course am willing to help in return. Miss having car days, a few ppl together working on everything. One thing I have now, is a new serpentine belt to put on and haven't done one in about 20 years.
Other than that, would love to join any groups. I know most groups revolve around Wranglers and Rubicons, etc, but my GC special edition is still quite capable.
Ty in advance!
submitted by Semetersi to Reno [link] [comments]
