Anyone have a list of regional comic newspapers in the US?

2024.11.25 20:34 satyricom Anyone have a list of regional comic newspapers in the US?

A couple years ago, I know there used to be some regional papers of local comic artists work (Magic Bullet in DC, and Desert Island Comics in Brooklyn had one, but I think they shifted lanes with printing).
What is out there now?
submitted by satyricom to altcomix [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:34 ShadowNinjaX42 Can i start smoking (weed) again?

Ill start with that i am in nevada as I'm sure it changes things. I was doing weekly phone check ins and random drug testing when ever my officer wanted. I was not on probation as i am 29 but i what was essentially the same thing. As of today, i just finished my sentencing hearing, i was told by my officer that i am done with him and done with drug testing. I am still going thru some things for alcohol but am i safe to start smoking Marijuana again? If any more info is needed or questions to give me a reliable answer, please let me know.
submitted by ShadowNinjaX42 to probation [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:34 theofiel Quite some people pass here, so might be easy.

Quite some people pass here, so might be easy. submitted by theofiel to GeoPuzzle [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:34 develasco22 14-time Olympic medalist Emma McKeon retires from swimming

14-time Olympic medalist Emma McKeon retires from swimming submitted by develasco22 to NowInSports [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:34 wechillinnn Data recovery sa ploče telefona BITNO! Kako, gdje?

Data recovery sa ploče telefona BITNO! Kako, gdje? Pozdrav raja. Na slici su ostaci mog starog mobitela koji je jedan sarajevski servis masakrirao prilikom onog sto oni nazivaju “popravke” (mogu objaviti i koji, ne krijem informacije, ali to bi svakako bio post za sebe.)
Oni navodno to nisu uspjeli, ali, kome i gdje u Sarajevu odnijeti da mi spasi podatke, nadam se da je moguce, molim vas da napisete ako ste imali iskustva sa slicnim. Na uredjaju mi je 256 giga podataka, srecom sam neke imao backed up, ali volio bih doci do svih, preko 15k slika.
Preporuke za servis, nekoga ko ovo radi, da li odnijeti u AT Store, Mekline, ili nekome drugom? Bilo kakav savjet bi super dosao, hvala svima
submitted by wechillinnn to bih [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:34 Grassstough Just got a console so that I’m ready for gta when that comes out.. in the meantime what games would yall recommend?

Just got a console so that I’m ready for gta when that comes out.. in the meantime what games would yall recommend?
submitted by Grassstough to PS5 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:34 Downtown_Row_1543 Trades!

Trades! submitted by Downtown_Row_1543 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:34 client42 [WTS] Seiko SNE095P2 V158 Field Style Numeral Dial Solar Quartz Watch Original Strap - $175

[WTS] Seiko SNE095P2 V158 Field Style Numeral Dial Solar Quartz Watch Original Strap - $175 submitted by client42 to Watchexchange [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:34 develasco22 Gwinnett County high school football player in ICU after suffering traumatic brain injury

Gwinnett County high school football player in ICU after suffering traumatic brain injury submitted by develasco22 to NowInSports [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:34 ObviousQuantity4082 Am I stupid??

Am I stupid?? submitted by ObviousQuantity4082 to okbuddychicanery [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:34 GHUNTERthaFIRST What does the Bonus Disc Contain in this Godzilla Vs Kong 5 Disc Collection!

What does the Bonus Disc Contain in this Godzilla Vs Kong 5 Disc Collection! I want more information about the bonus disc of what it includes on it. Please and thank you!
submitted by GHUNTERthaFIRST to Monsterverse [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:34 _cloudland It has been 248 business days and counting since I applied

All of you people with a few months timelines, communicative HR & security.. consider yourselves lucky! Some of us are stuck in a black hole constantly refreshing emails. We now have an added worry about the new administration and getting hired on time.
Very stressful times.
submitted by _cloudland to usajobs [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:34 ZayZaySlimeBall Hockey stop

Hi everyone. I’m in the process of learning to play and I just cannot get the hockey stop down. I feel like I’m close. Every time I go for it I definitely stop but also spin. Any tips?
submitted by ZayZaySlimeBall to hockeyplayers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:34 Vismajor92 My jump keeps unbinding middle game if i use jumpthrow?

I want to practise smokes so i added jumpthrow bind, but my jump keeps unbinding middle of the game, and jumpthrow command doesnt work nor my normal jump.
I used this in my autoexec:
alias revert "bind mouse_x yaw"
alias combo "-jump;revert"
alias +jumpthrow "+jump"
alias -jumpthrow "-attack; bind mouse_x combo"
bind t +jumpthrow
Any idea?
submitted by Vismajor92 to cs2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:34 CaptainMat111 Just waiting for the motherboard 😍

Note: This pc is going to be made for multitasking, so the amd has integrated graphics.
submitted by CaptainMat111 to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:34 CFoster69 My next 1000x small mc bag hold

Me and another analyst have been researching the next 1000x crypto meme token. By far out of all of our portfolio it seems that $TygeSol seems to be the diamond in the rough. With such a low market cap it seems like the token is a one of a kind. It has 0 competitors, low market cap, no sold tokens from original dev and has a great small community waiting for the token to boom. I could easily see this token going into the millions if Tiger Woods were to make major headlines (E.g. Retirement/Arrested). I bought a few hundred dollars worth to just sit on and wait for when he does. The community along with reddit is beginning to gain traction and the holder, market cap, liquidity pool and community has over quadrupled in the past month. Its easily worth the investment considering the intrinsic value of the coin. Don't get caught up in popular meme coins when you could bag hold the next million $ coin. Dex: ca: 9KqydaPcMzav5j6ZzyBttKuqy59mt58VYYQfvciF3SsS
submitted by CFoster69 to CryptoMoonShots [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:34 JailbreakFan01 Hear me out, new skin for Sypher.

Hear me out, new skin for Sypher. submitted by JailbreakFan01 to sypherpk [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:34 develasco22 [Highlight] Saquon Barkley finds the end zone on the first play of the half

[Highlight] Saquon Barkley finds the end zone on the first play of the half submitted by develasco22 to NowInSports [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:34 PrestonRoad90 Where do you NOT want to see the number 69?

submitted by PrestonRoad90 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:34 beautifullyhurt Salty Heart/watercolor by me

Salty Heart/watercolor by me submitted by beautifullyhurt to Paintings [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:34 Big_Pick_1145 LF: Super-visor, FT: Green Garbage

LF: Super-visor, FT: Green Garbage Looking to complete this trade, currently gold locked and need 3 more to complete my album :(
submitted by Big_Pick_1145 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:34 d0288 Struggling to apply ChatGPT to larger pieces of analysis

I am trying to get ChatGPT to match a list of job descriptions to a list of job titles.
When I give ChatGPT 1 job description, it matches it perfectly to one of the titles from the list of job titles. But for some reason it really struggles when i give it the full list of job descriptions.
I have thousands to get through, but I am only asking it to do 125 so I can test it out.
I've asked it to use the same logic it applied to the one job description and map all the job descriptions.
It either comes back with incorrect job titles or 'unclassified'.
I'm using ChatGPT4o paid subscription.
Based on how ChatGPT maps the one job description, i'm pretty sure it can do this task really well. What do i need to do to get it to work?
submitted by d0288 to ChatGPTPro [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:34 reallyskotos LF chest party potions

LF chest party potions Trading the following for party pots
Party forest - 15 party pots Party rc - 10 party pots Dragon wings - 20-25 party pots Party double wings - 1 party pot
submitted by reallyskotos to AnimalJam [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:34 Silver_Olive_1363 will we have christmas holidays?

submitted by Silver_Olive_1363 to BMSCE [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:34 General-Basil7224 Ram reccomendations

I’ve got a i7 11700kf 3060ti B560-a pro
I’m looking to replace my ram as it’s shockingly slow and a spare part I had lying around a while ago. I’m going to assume Id be wanting a 32gb setup for high graphic gaming and general app usage but I’m unsure on that and also the brands and speeds that I’d need etc. I don’t really want to be spending any more than £75 on parts.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
submitted by General-Basil7224 to buildapc [link] [comments]