Help I’m stuck in a gold lock 🙏🏻🤞🏻🙏🏻🤞🏻

2024.11.25 20:50 Cazbear48 Help I’m stuck in a gold lock 🙏🏻🤞🏻🙏🏻🤞🏻

Help I’m stuck in a gold lock 🙏🏻🤞🏻🙏🏻🤞🏻 Will post link if someone can help 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻
submitted by Cazbear48 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:50 BAVARIGRANDE Light flashes

Does anyone get occasional flashes in their periphery that are NOT related to migraines?
They're like a ball of light that briefly, for a second maybe, appears at the outer corner of my eye. Sometimes the ball also moves up and down for a few seconds.
It's definitely not migraine auras. I know that those look like.
These peripheral flashes seem to occur more in certain postures and be triggered by changes in lighting (when I lie down, sit, go from a dark room to a lit one, or vice versa).
submitted by BAVARIGRANDE to Candida [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:50 Heygirlhey559 I suck at screenshots lol

I suck at screenshots lol Thanks to all that traded with me. I wish I had more sends to give extras away but I did what I could. And Pete if you see this thanks for helping me pad my vault, you're a real one!
submitted by Heygirlhey559 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:50 aperhenon Anyone know about the brand Hot Music?

Anyone know about the brand Hot Music? Thrifted a super cool Hot Music puffer jacket from the vintage section. I tried to search up the brand online but couldn’t find anything besides secondhand retailers carrying their items. Anyone know about Hot Music’s history, which city/ country it was based in, what happened to it, anything?
submitted by aperhenon to VintageFashion [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:50 Slow_Passage4813 Poison tour book

submitted by Slow_Passage4813 to test [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:50 uphatbrew And So It Begins...with Matt Gaetz | Rick Wilson's The Enemies List

And So It Begins...with Matt Gaetz | Rick Wilson's The Enemies List And so begins the inevitable ball-fumbling that is a Trump Presidency. In our first episode back from a short break, Rick rants on the Matt Gaetz debacle and how we should see it in the context of Trump and his incoming administration.
(00:00:00) Intro
(00:01:21) Rant Time
About The Enemies List: American democracy is being threatened, and Rick Wilson knows exactly who is responsible. In each episode, Rick calls out those who are the enemies of democracy and exposes their treachery- because sunlight is the best disinfectant.
submitted by uphatbrew to LincolnProject [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:50 Ok-Common-3129 My Spidey Collection

My Spidey Collection submitted by Ok-Common-3129 to Steelbooks [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:50 No_Aspect1588 Colegio Mayor Felipe de Borbón

Colegio Mayor Felipe de Borbón submitted by No_Aspect1588 to Barranquilla [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:50 2_Blue Musicians Who Were Said To Be in League With The Devil

Musicians Who Were Said To Be in League With The Devil submitted by 2_Blue to Equivocal_News [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:50 perfectspare_300 First Gold Symbol Obtained

First Gold Symbol Obtained Just got my first Gold Symbol. Decided to go with the Dome since it gives you an idea of what your opponent has and that lets you plan accordingly..only six more to go! I hope I don’t completely lose my sanity…
submitted by perfectspare_300 to PokemonEmerald [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:50 mariusadrian2103 Average annotation time?

Hey guys, what’s your average annotation time? Not sure if I do it right, but it takes me around 50 minutes to do one annotation. Is that too much, or too little? What do you guys think?
I’m new, btw, just got accepted yesterday so don’t jump on me.
submitted by mariusadrian2103 to joinstellarai [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:50 Competitive_Pop_2345 Qualcuno di voi ha mai avuto paura di affezionarsi amorosamente come se fosse una specie di “fobia”

Account throw away qui, volevo sentire un po’ il vostro parere al riguardo la mia situazione che ho affrontato fino ai miei 23 anni. Sono sempre stato single,mai avuto una relazione amorosa e a me non mi hai mai pesato più di tanto, ho sempre pensato di mettermi in primis focalizzato su me stesso. Tuttavia quando arrivavo ad avere una cotta su alcune ragazze e si instarauva un buon feeling, ho sempre fantasticato su come ci si fosse da fidanzati ma tuttavia le poche cotte che io ho avuto (e intendo per me) la cosa non è andata avanti più di tanto, e intendo che c’è avuto la concorrenza di altri partner portandomi a volte in una gelosia, tristezza e vuoto, che per delle volte non riuscivo a distogliere il pensiero al riguardo per un paio di giorni. Questo mi ha portato a pensare quanto fosse spietata la concorrenza maschile e le ragazze abbiano tante facilità di libero arbitrio e quindi ho pensato di passare la mia pubertà spensierato con amici/che mettendosi in testa di non affezionarsi troppo ad una ragazza, proprio per questa non so se chiamarla “fobia”.
Comunque non mi pesa tanto il fatto di non aver avuto alcuna relazione con cui condividere momenti che non ti scordi facilmente con una compagna, ma tanto il fatto che quando mi ci affezionavo avevo la testa in primis sulla cosa perché il mio problema è che fantastico troppo facilmente. Premetto che sono un tipo particolarmente selettivo per il prototipo di ragazza, non sono uno che si accontenta della prima presentata dalla amica, e quando incontro la ragazza secondo che rispecchiano i miei canoni e valori (per quello ho avuto poche cotte) rimango poi in questo stato qui. Sono un ragazzo nella media, di aspetto che si cura molto ed estremamente estoverso. Cosa ne pensate? Qualcuno è già stato in primis come me?
submitted by Competitive_Pop_2345 to Relazioni [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:50 QueenYMB My Happily Ever After♥️!!!

Love a man with a full sexy beard🙈
submitted by QueenYMB to RomanceClub [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:50 Prior_Ad9479 My buddy was arrested in California, we live in Ontario. He has no money on him, what should I do who, should I call in California?

My buddy went to California San Jose for the weekend, he was supposed to be coming back today, but we got a call earlier today saying he has been arrested. We have called the San Jose airport, hospitals in the San Jose area, police department in the area, Santa Clara police department, and the inmate lookup. Nobody has any info on where this guy could be. We live in Ontario and don’t know the US justice system or how it works any info would be helpful
submitted by Prior_Ad9479 to findareddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:50 BroMandi [Red Pocket Mobile] Redpocket: Get up to $400 back on select iPhone models [Deal: $599.00, Actual: $999.00]

[Red Pocket Mobile] Redpocket: Get up to $400 back on select iPhone models [Deal: $599.00, Actual: $999.00] submitted by BroMandi to RedditShoppingDeals [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:50 smegmasterpiece Kjøpe ny TV, blir ikke helt klok.

Vil slå an å kjøpe en ny TV nå under Black Friday, men jeg blir ikke helt klok. Det er så sykt mye å velge mellom og jeg klarer ikke ha alle fordeler og ulemper i hodet samtidig.
Jeg kikker mest på de som ligger ute til 9990,-
Tenker 120/144hz da jeg spiller en del. Er ikke sp mange spil jeg spiller som går over 60fps tror jeg, men har forstått at det føles mer "smooth" ut uansett og at responstiden kan føles noe bedre. Korriger meg gjerne.
De jeg har kikka på nå er:
Hadde satt stor pris på hjelp her! Tusen takk på forhånd.
submitted by smegmasterpiece to norge [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:50 Rod_The_Blade_Star Who is the most by the book cop of the ones featured

submitted by Rod_The_Blade_Star to FIlm [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:50 LemonPleh [Security breach] How do Sun and Moon switch?

What I DON'T mean by this The rules of the switching like lights on Sun lights off Moon. I'm talking about in the literal sense for example how do the clothing switch, how do the face plates switch is there a compartment inside of them, where does Moon's hat comes from? I am very curious and want to build them in real life
submitted by LemonPleh to AskScienceFiction [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:50 reddit_lss_1 Test Title 25-November-2024 20:49:52

Test body 25-November-2024 20:49:52
submitted by reddit_lss_1 to lssAuto [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:50 Electrical-Ad-2542 Wtf tony doin

Wtf tony doin submitted by Electrical-Ad-2542 to fishtanklive [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:50 Winter-Efficiency310 My wife is going on a business trip with her 70 year old boss. Should I be worried? I have pics of them both. She has 36E cup tits. Will send nudes if you can do captions/stories. Not interested in tribs/feeding. Unique intros ideal! 0583500323f40160d1d88506c5861f4f5f39366ce6807be01a49e6bb78506ecb3f

submitted by Winter-Efficiency310 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:50 Faroisle Looking for galactus please

Looking for galactus please Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here:
submitted by Faroisle to monopolygo_fairtrade [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:50 enter_the_JAZONE Vivo v30 Pro vs Xiaomi 13t Pro vs Tecno camon 30 premier

Vivo v30 Pro vs Xiaomi 13t Pro vs Tecno camon 30 premier
I currently have the option to buy one of these phones 2nd hand at a great price of around 300-350 usd.
My priority is great camera + great battery. So far, I'm leaning towards the vivo v30 pro but would like a 2nd opinion here.
2nd hand Honor 200 pro was also an option but it already got bought
submitted by enter_the_JAZONE to PickAnAndroidForMe [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:50 D3NT4X Die heutige SMA 📈-Übersicht - 25.11.2024 - 21:50

Index Schlusskurs SMA200 Abstand SMA200 SMA100 Abstand SMA100
S&P 500 5.981,69 5.439,77 🟩 9,06% 5.664,58 🟩 5,30%
Nasdaq 100 20.786,41 19.091,27 🟩 8,16% 19.797,06 🟩 4,76%
DAX 19.405,20 18.451,57 🟩 4,91% 18.770,82 🟩 3,27%
(\*Automatisch erzeugt 🚀🚀)**)
submitted by D3NT4X to gehebelteETFs [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:50 FechaSTF22 Streak 14: Nous devons vivre pour nous-mêmes et non pour les autres.

Hier, j'ai parlé du fait qu'il nous appartient de choisir le moment dans lequel nous vivons : le passé, le présent ou le futur et que, selon la logique des choses, le présent serait le plus raisonnable. Aujourd'hui, je vais poursuivre ma philosophie sartrienne du choix et parler du choix que nous avons d'ignorer ou de nous offusquer de ce que les autres pensent de nous. La première chose que je pense, c'est qu'il s'agit d'un choix, que nous pouvons choisir ou non et agir en fonction de notre choix. La première option serait de se soucier de ce que pensent les autres et de vivre une vie qui plaise aux autres. Je ne pense pas que cela vous rendra nécessairement malheureux, mais je ne pense pas que ce soit le bon choix, parce que ce que les autres pensent n'est pas sous votre contrôle. Ainsi, vous pouvez agir de manière X en vous attendant à un résultat Y et recevoir un résultat Z, ce qui montre que la manière X dont vous avez agi était une erreur, parce qu'en fin de compte il n'y a pas eu le résultat escompté. Il y a aussi le fait que vous ne feriez X que pour le résultat Y, c'est-à-dire que vous feriez quelque chose pour faire plaisir à cette personne, ce qui montre que ce que vous faites n'est pas X pour le plaisir de faire X, mais X à la recherche d'un résultat, ce qui, à mon avis, est un choix incertain parce que rien ne vous garantit le résultat. Cependant, si vous faites quelque chose pour vous faire plaisir, vous obtiendrez le résultat Y, parce que vous connaissez vos pensées et, même si vous changez, vous pouvez changer d'attitude et obtenir le résultat Y de toute façon, parce que tout dépend de vous. Mais je pense que faire quelque chose pour le résultat n'a pas de sens, il faut faire X pour X, et cela n'est possible que si l'on fait les choses pour soi-même, car si l'on fait quelque chose pour quelqu'un d'autre, on cherche son approbation et alors ce quelque chose aura une condition, ce qui n'arrive pas si l'on fait X simplement parce que l'on a décidé de faire X. On ne peut donc être heureux qu'en choisissant de faire les choses pour soi.
submitted by FechaSTF22 to WriteStreak [link] [comments]