3. we can't solve this at our department end. I think it's better to visit the technical department. where in the sentences I mean there are two parties and one of them has nothing to do with the issue so I can't solve the issue (by myself) or (by the department that I'm in) or maybe (at my end). It's not my party that can solve it. – @WeatherVane If I said "nice to see you" to someone, I wouldn't even notice a difference whether someone replied "good to see you" or "nice to see you." Although I think it would be more colloquial to add "too" to the end (e.g., "nice to see you, too") when replying. – It's not the falling or rising intonation of the tag. The speaker's attitude comes from the declarative statement and the negative tag or a negative statement and positive tag. Both those are asked with certain answers the speaker expects to hear. John thought it would be a good idea going to the museum. is slightly awkward and would be solved by rewording. John thought going to the museum was a good idea. John thinks going to the museum is a good idea. use the -ing*(gerund) to describe actual events or experiences. Your second sentence. John thought it would be a good idea to go to the ... Response: It's all good – don't worry about it. In that case, "It's all good" essentially means: I understand; it was an accident. As for that is good , I'd probably say that as a contraction much more often than not: That's good . That's good的同義字In some places, the two are not interchangeable: “How is your job?”/“How does that tire look?”/“How is that trip you’re on?” “It’s good.” “That’s good.” [WRONG] “I’m getting married.” [someone makes a general statement that is positive, not a compliment] “That’s good.” “It’s good.” [WRONG - if you say “it’s good” the ... It's best that he bought it yesterday. or It's good that he bought it yesterday. 2a has a quite different meaning, implying that what is being approved of is not that the purchase be made, but that he is the one to make it. 3 "It's best (if) he (not) buy it tomorrow." is not a subjunctive form, and some options do not work well. a young woman with wholesome good looks I never chose people just because of their looks. She had lost her looks. Normally looks is only used with people. Otherwise, I would use appearance: The restaurant dish must deliver on both taste and appearance. You might get away with look as a singular noun: singular noun "Nice to see you, it's been a while since we last met." "Nice to meet you, what's your name?" Another phrase that is commonly used is "Nice to see you again". It is interchangeable with "Nice to see you". "Nice to see you again, it's been a while since we last met." "It's good for me" can be used to say something suits you. (For example) A asks: why do you bake cookies all the time? B says: Because it's good for me. So in this example, you are saying "it's good for me" to show your friend that baking cookies makes you happy, calm or that you just like baking. You can also say "it's good for me" when you ...
2024.11.25 20:30 GodlyGamerBeast Alarmo but it's really good!!!
submitted by GodlyGamerBeast to youtubepromotion [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:30 kleanupkru What’s y’all’s total money
This is mine currently, didn’t really have a need to upgrade my heroes submitted by kleanupkru to ShadowFightArena [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:30 MoistWoods Where is the original "minecraft"-video from?
I guess this has been stolen and uploaded on toktok (as nearly everything nowadays)
but I can't find the original source.
submitted by MoistWoods to find [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:30 Yvesm7 Machine Learning Tutorials - http://mlinsightscentral.com/
Learn Machine Learning with code. #MLInsightsCentral #Suscribe #MLTutorials
submitted by Yvesm7 to MachineLearningTuto [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:30 Repulsive_Location59 ich habe heimlich lore.danas ar.sch fotografiert: 05f845d39c259d27bdea4b35463a4f194a8ad0bd304c96d7b32c24e8ace84bfc51
submitted by Repulsive_Location59 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:30 Jojojorilla I need someone for trade Evolution in shining perl
Need someone for 3 Minuten to trade
submitted by Jojojorilla to PokemonSwordAndShield [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:30 EasyShame1706 The source and information about this photo are unknown to me!
submitted by EasyShame1706 to WWIIplanes [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:30 Parsley_Stock New Members Intro
If you’re new to the community, introduce yourself!
submitted by Parsley_Stock to BitBoyBitcoins [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:30 AdLogical5319 Work in Progress on my first Knight, a Castigator
submitted by AdLogical5319 to ImperialKnights [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:30 EricJ062005 Is it rude to take the money without even reading the card?
submitted by EricJ062005 to birthday [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:30 murshid_akram I’ve shared the best dumbbell cardio exercises that will take your fitness to the next level and help you achieve your best physique. From males to females, anyone who wants to perform weighted cardio training can explore this comprehensive guide.
submitted by murshid_akram to TheFitnessPhantom [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:30 Impressive_Craft_330 What is stronger if combined by mistake... Adhesive solvent or windshield adhesive?
Let's suppose you use solvent to remove old glue from a plastic or whatever object that fell off a surface...The remaining glue is old and feels rock hard so you pour lots of solvent/acetone. You forget or just don't let the solvent dry properly and immediately use windshield sealant, very strong one, to stick the object back onto its original surface. The problem is you've applied the sealant right in the same place where you poured the solvent...
Which will win the battle? Will the solvent just evaporate? Will the solvent weaken the sealant adhesive properties? At the moment the object feels okay...but IDK if there's solvent on the inside damaging the sealant?
Is adhesive sealant/acetone and stuff like that supposed to evaporate rapidly or can it resist and keep removing adhesive properties?
submitted by Impressive_Craft_330 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:30 lupinstolemyheart [A4A] Snowfall [BFE/GFE] [Snowy Woods] [Snowball Fight] [Snowstorm] [Cuddling Naked] [Waiting Out The Storm] [Kisses] [Rescue] [L-Bombs] [Tasteful Fade To Black]
Summary: “So, what do you think? First time in the snow. Are you a fan?”
Read my guidelines before you perform this script!
Script here!
Patrons got this script early along with other perks. Consider supporting me here.
submitted by lupinstolemyheart to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:30 BroMandi [Walmart] Walmart+ Members: Apple AirPods Pro 2 Wireless Earbuds w/ MagSafe Case $154 + Free Shipping [Deal: $154.00, Actual: $249.99]
submitted by BroMandi to RedditShoppingDeals [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:30 Mediocre_Cheetah9083 Who is the most overrated character?
Hey guys sry it took me so long to post this just busy with life sadly, but enough of about me it’s about you and your opinion on who you think is the most overrated character! submitted by Mediocre_Cheetah9083 to Yoru [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:30 IlustriousTea I often hear people argue that UBI won’t work at all, yet barely anyone offer any alternative solutions. I’d like to hear what they propose instead.
What do critics of UBI suggest as alternatives to tackle the coming issue?
submitted by IlustriousTea to singularity [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:30 AdmirableInfluence11 Mortars
submitted by AdmirableInfluence11 to BlackhawkRescue [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:30 Mindork888 Comunidad de La Manada
Somos una comunidad de streamers, viewers y players
REGLAS IMPORTANTES: -Respeto ante todo -Nada Sexual/desnudes -Spam permitido solo de contenidos que sumen a la comunidad y ayude a todos a crecer en twitch o entretenga. -Nada de links que puedan dañar a alguien de la comunidad o sus pertenencias
submitted by Mindork888 to ComunidadLaManada [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:30 Effective-Tradition5 Trade?
submitted by Effective-Tradition5 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:30 Independent-Bad-3087 Why everyone is so mad??
It’s very hard and frustrating to read posts about how bad a game is when people are just foaming at the mouth.
Yes, the game is not perfect, but the release turned out to be solid.
1. Graphics: In my opinion, the graphics are really good. The locations are beautifully and meticulously designed. I’ve lived in Ukraine my whole life, and I can confirm how accurate things are. 2. Optimization: I have a Ryzen 5 7600, 4070 Super, 32 GB RAM. On all high settings, plus some on ultra, it gives me 100-120 FPS at 1440p.
I’ve heard that for others it’s significantly worse, but I don’t think it’s TERRIBLE. Name me at least one game with such a large seamless map.3. AI: It’s not perfect, I agree. But this can all be fixed, and the developers are working on it, as they’ve mentioned multiple times. • The issue with mob spawning behind you.
In my opinion, the game deserves a 7.0/10 at release. Be patient and respectful. 2024.11.25 20:30 achargersfan [Walder] Outside CB Coverage Rate (top right Tarheeb Still)
submitted by achargersfan to Chargers [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:30 regulatorE404 Žena - što vas kod nje izbaci iz takta?
Što vas kod vaše žene naživcira? Što je ono na što joj prešutite a najradije bi planuli i skinuli joj sve sa neba? Mene: njeni su svetinja a u svetinju se ne dira; moji su zlo i ajmo im uskratiti posjete/druženje/viđanje sa unucima.
submitted by regulatorE404 to askcroatia [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:30 TriceratopsOrange Je fais quoi avec elle (lesb) ?
Hello Askmeuf ! Je suis actuellement en plein dilemme intérieur et j'aimerais des avis ou conseils sur ma situation. Particulièrement si vous êtes wlw mais tout le monde est bienvenu pour interagir !
Globalement je (F19) étais très amoureuse de mon amie d'enfance (F20). On allait tout le temps chez l'autre, sa famille c'était la mienne et ce pendant plus de 10 ans. Ces 2 dernière années on s'est particulierement rapprochées. Ayant pas mal de soucis je passais le plus claire de mon temps chez elle, je dormai chez elle car ça me réconfortait. Elle était là pour moi et m'épaulait toujours pendant ces moments difficiles.
Lors de la journée des fiertés de 2024 nous l'avons passé ensemble, on à manifesté ensemble, puis nous sommes allées à un Drag show le soir ensemble. Alors voilà ; pendant cette soirée il y à eu un slow et tout le monde était invité à venir sur la piste pour le rejoindre. Alors elle m'invite à danser, le tout sur "notre" musique, The Night We Met. Pendant ce slow elle m'embrasse, et là c'était une explosion d'émotions pour moi. J'ai pleuré tellement j'étais heureuse.
La soirée se termine et on finit par rentrées toutes les 2 chez moi. On se lave, je lui prête mes vêtements. On dors ensemble en se faisant des câlins et des bisous. Le lendemain matin pareil, elle repart en m'embrassant et en me disant 'je t'aime'. J'ai donc pensé qu'on était en couple, pour moi c'était évident.
Mais le soir même je reçois un long message où elle m'explique qu'elle n'est pas prête à être en couple, même si elle à des sentiments pour moi etc. Ça m'a détruit. On en à parlé en face à face mais c'était une discussion à sens unique, elle ne s'exprimant que très peu et ne répondant pas vraiment à mes questions. Je suis donc partie en lui disant que je méritait quelqu'un qui savait ce qu'elle voulait avec moi, et que je ne voulais pas rester à mi chemin avec une personne qui utilise mes sentiments pour avoir de l'affection que quand ça lui chante. J'apprendrai par la suite qu'elle m'avait caché qu'elle couchait toujours avec son ex (alors qu'elle m'avait dit à moi qu'il n'y avait plus rien entre elles).
Ça, c'était en juin. Elle m'a supprimée de partout des réseaux entre temps.
Cette semaine elle s'abonne à nouveau à un de mes comptes insta. Moi je m'abonne à elle sur mon 2e compte mais elle ne s'abonne pas en retour.
Depuis je fais des cauchemars et je ne sais pas quoi faire. Je n'ai plus de sentiments romantiques mais elle me manque. Ma meilleure amie, celle qui à été si présente et importante dans ma vie me manque. Elle m'a menti et m'a fait terriblement mal mais elle me manque et je ne sais pas quoi faire, je suis perdue.
Si vous avez lu jusque là, je vous remercie infiniment et attends de vos retours, n'importe quoi. Bises les filles et faites attention à vous <3
submitted by TriceratopsOrange to AskMeuf [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:30 Exastiken Dollar falls after Donald Trump names Scott Bessent to Treasury role
submitted by Exastiken to economy [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:30 alle15minuten Gerade ist es November 25, 2024 at 09:30PM
Gerade ist es November 25, 2024 at 09:30PM
submitted by alle15minuten to alle15minuten [link] [comments]