2024.11.25 22:37 SnooCapers938 The vibes must be strong with Bethell
Have England ever picked a batsman without a first class century to bat at three before?
submitted by SnooCapers938 to EnglandCricket [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 22:37 Good-Koala-1136 Hisense xumo TV 55”
Hey so I found this “deal” in target for a Hisense xumo 55” for 180. Is it worth it? I have read bad reviews. I currently have a onn 32 in
submitted by Good-Koala-1136 to 4kTV [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 22:37 Unlucky-Ad1787 Do I have a problem
I’ve ordered a set and seller shipped with sunyou and I’ve heard very bad reviews on it I also have two tracking numbers one for China ems and one for sunyou anyone know what’s going on
submitted by Unlucky-Ad1787 to lepin [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 22:37 angelwingscuts Heh
submitted by angelwingscuts to doodles [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 22:37 TheLineForPho Who’s gonna tell her?
submitted by TheLineForPho to worldpolitics2 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 22:37 Mindless-Road-5642 Super-visor for 12 stars
Swipe to see my available stickers! submitted by Mindless-Road-5642 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 22:37 drew-reilly Milkdud2020 - Haiku
submitted by drew-reilly to newmusicrelease [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 22:37 Loud-Geologist-8957 6🔁1 M I’m bored
submitted by Loud-Geologist-8957 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 22:37 Joycesspringers Sad game day pup!!
submitted by Joycesspringers to springerspaniel [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 22:37 Ambitious-Grape-8084 Alguém ai já fez cirurgia bariátrica?
Bom, história longa: gordinha a vida toda e de família, prognóstico muito ruim. Tenho 26 anos e faz 26 anos que estou tentando emagrecer. Já fiz (e ainda faço) acompanhamento com endócrino, clínico, gastro, terapeuta… Um tempo atrás consegui perder mais ou menos uns 15kg tomando trulicity (era o primo pobre do ozempic, agora ficou caro também) e meus seios ficaram MUITO flácidos, e o peso tem feito minhas costas doerem muito, tenho até dormido mal.
Fui em uma cirurgiã hoje (buscando uma mastopexia) e ela foi muito humana comigo, até pegou na minha mão enquanto conversávamos, e me disse que eu sou paciente para bariátrica. Tenho uma idade ótima, estou dentro dos parâmetros e tudo mais. Ela me encaminhou para o Cirurgião Bariátrico, estou criando coragem para marcar a consulta.
Não que eu esteja com medo, só nunca levei essa experiência a sério.
Por referência, tenho 1,54m, e 100kg.
submitted by Ambitious-Grape-8084 to ClubeDaLuluzinha [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 22:37 basic96 Question: Does feeding a baby breastmilk in a bottle reduce the likelihood of SIDS the way breast feeding does?
I’m genuinely curious - and absolutely no judgement on HOW you feed your child as long as they are being fed. I, myself, am a first time mom and an EP’er since day 3 when breastfeeding hurt so much due to batch latch/lip tie.
Recently, my LO and I were at the hospital (all okay) and the nurses asked if LO was breast or bottle fed. I told them that LO is fed breastmilk in a bottle, and I feel like they looked at me a little funny for it.
It made me think…
I understand how the process of breastfeeding can reduce it, but will giving him breastmilk in a bottle reduce the likelihood any more than formula in a bottle?
submitted by basic96 to ExclusivelyPumping [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 22:37 geovanyuribe Problems with Geometry nodes
Hi, hope you are doing well. I'm doing my first steps with geometry nodes and I'm trying to create a welding effect. I did the effect and here is working in a good way: https://preview.redd.it/g9nwbt6rj43e1.png?width=2545&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a5e13d038140047bced36e99e600d4c1bd66afe The problem is that when I try to add the other objects, the intersection is all the tube, no only the unions: https://preview.redd.it/hw8i9mo6k43e1.png?width=2538&format=png&auto=webp&s=686855b24cd4b46dfa3e00e3f88f2d543ba3955b submitted by geovanyuribe to blenderhelp [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 22:37 Door_Basic Is mikasa really a slave?
I finished watching season 4 of the anime, and the scene where eren was being a dick to mikasa and armin pissed me off, but the thing that made me mad was him calling her a slave, but is he right? It's becouse of her blood and when armin tried to punch him, she instantly defended him, like he said, so is what he's saying true?
submitted by Door_Basic to Mikasa [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 22:37 MrsAustin24 Post-Transplant Support
Hi, all!! What are some things you did or plan to do post-op for donors or recipients in your life?
My dad is unexpectedly in the hospital awaiting a kidney. He is an alternate recipient so won’t know until morning if he gets this kidney or not, but I’m saying lots of prayers for God’s will! I want to celebrate it afterward and looking for some ideas on how to do that!! I am considering a gift basket of some sort, so if you have any ideas for what to include let me know!
submitted by MrsAustin24 to kidneydonors [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 22:37 DucCat900 Drake has filed against UMG
Citing that they used Spotify to inflate the numbers for Not Like Us…. He is obviously not taking the GNX drop well.
submitted by DucCat900 to KendrickLamar [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 22:37 S1R_E Do any US school’s only look at last 2 years GPA?
My GPA in my science undergrad over 4 years looks like (1.4, 2.4, 4.0, 4.0), so I’m wondering if there are specific school’s I should consider applying to for my MSc? In my first 2 years I didn’t really go classes so the poor marks are entirely my fault. I was “gifted” as a child and skipped a year in elementary school so high school came easy to me and I got into my dream university, but I had terrible study habits because of this and everything came crashing down.
The GPA is measure on a 4.0 scale and my last 72 credits are all an A+. I’m from Canada and I’m already applying to UofT, UBC, & McGill, but I wanted to also try my hand at some US schools.
submitted by S1R_E to gradadmissions [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 22:37 Globetrotterfather Recommendation
Found these gems at a local Jamaican restaurant/grocery store submitted by Globetrotterfather to hotsauce [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 22:37 -runs-with-scissors- A real pool in Vienna
submitted by -runs-with-scissors- to poolrooms [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 22:37 Significant_Dust1845 DV..?
Im not super educated on this issue / topic outside of seeing experiences in my personal life. I really feel icky questioning peoples battles, but Is it not dangerous to be saying DV, liking comments that say DV, It makes me feel for victims who are sitting at home with their DV perpetrator without the audience or financial means to get any help and watching her TikTok’s. This is not to say she isn’t a victim, or a victim can’t live how they like, or even that money or social status mean you shouldn’t be in that situation. I guess I just feel like if she did experience something truly this horrible - one can only assume so did his prior partners. And she posted photos in the house deb and him had. While she knew Deb was silently unable to speak. I would actually have a whole lot more respect or consideration for bri if she could actually take any level of accountability or personal responsibility for her own choices and lack of consideration of others because otherwise she just wants to be a victim in any aspect of the word that sticks with her audience I fear, while still not acknowledging or giving a single fuck about anything she’s done to anyone else?
submitted by Significant_Dust1845 to briannachickenfrsnark [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 22:37 CozyMushi Ricciardo and Bottas fans clinging to Cadillac's 26 hopium
submitted by CozyMushi to formuladank [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 22:37 Independent_Use4148 Just installed air ride
I just finished up installing air management aka bags on my wife’s car(2023 Nissan Sentra sr). I ordered this kit through bag riders about a month ago when kit first went on sale. First picture was when we brought it home back in march of 2023. Second picture was a few months ago, we added; rims&tires, the light strip, front splitter, duck bill spoiler and some tint. Third picture is this past weekend(Sunday) added the “bags”, black mirror covers , rear black canards/spoiler. Planning adding some underglow, few other odds and ends, soon but was ready to get her car back on the road. Last picture is how the air management is setup. I did have a lot of help with this install. I’m here posting on to help provide some insight on the install process for others if needed. I still got some minor tweaks on the suspension but is fully drivable.
submitted by Independent_Use4148 to nissansentra [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 22:37 Vegetable_Guava_7577 my first secret smiski!!!!
first secret smiski ever 🥹 submitted by Vegetable_Guava_7577 to smiskis [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 22:37 r3crac 1/2inch Shank Tungsten Carbide Inserts Flush Trim Router Bit 1-1/4inch [EU] for 58.99 USD without coupon (Best price in history: 60.99 USD) [EUROPE]
European warehouse
Here is the link (Banggood): 1/2inch Shank Tungsten Carbide Inserts Flush Trim Router Bit 1-1/4inch [EU]
Current price is 58.99 USD. The lowest price in my database is 60.99 USD.There're already 2 records in DB. Price monitoring since 19.11.2024!
Price alerts and current coupons for 1/2inch Shank Tungsten Carbide Inserts Flush Trim Router Bit 1-1/4inch are here https://couponsfromchina.com/1-2inch-shank-tungsten-carbide-inserts-flush-trim-router-bit-1-1-4inch-eu-discount-price/
This is an example of a real deal with nice discount.
Image: https://i.imgur.com/kddDmoS.jpeg
submitted by r3crac to xiaomi_discount [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 22:37 Faloneaumax1421 Démission moins de 6 mois
Bonsoir, J’ai donné ma démission à mon employeur et j’ai été dans cette entreprise moins de 6 mois. Elle m’impose 1 mois de préavis et de plus ne veut pas me payer le mois actuel.
J’ai calculé et j’ai signé mon cdi il y exactement 5 mois et 21 jours.
Que faire d’après vous?
Merci de vos conseils..:
submitted by Faloneaumax1421 to conseiljuridique [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 22:37 RottenCherry666 Brinquedoteca vazia
As cores vivas e diversas em contraste com a solidão do lugar passam uma vibe estranha... é como o level Fun submitted by RottenCherry666 to espacosliminares [link] [comments] |