Cannot connect iPhone 15

大概长这样 「手记」基本功能 创建新「手记」. 打开「手记」,就可以看见屏幕中间下方醒目的「+」,轻点以后是三种创建新「手记」的方式,分别是直接创建内容的「新手记」,系统自动学习和整理的「推荐」以及系统整理的「最近活动」。 怎样在手机上截图,无需拼接快速生成长图,通过录屏的方式生成长截图,台词拼接,网页截图无论是聊天截屏还是公众号文章截屏使用滚动截屏,只需轻松滑动界面即可生成一张长图。 这种算是当前 iPhone/iOS 不越狱唯一好用的方法了。 只不过即使你上面都搞定了,这个长期挂着代理,电量还是会多费一些。 iOS 上并没有类似 Android 那种提供出来的辅助权限可以自动点击 App 启动界面的跳过按钮从而减少广告的,如果是想要这种的就不用找了。 打开苹果手机界面,点击图片中箭头标记的【设置】,进入下一步。 如果是 iPhone 6 、6s、7 可选用兼容 Apple 2.4A 快充协议的充电头。 如果是 iPhone 8 、iPhone X、iPhone XR、iPhone XS、iPhone 11 、iPhone 12、 iPhone 13 、iPhone 14、iPhone 15 系列,请优先选用支持 USB-PD 快充协议的充电头。 二、iPhone 标配的快充头和快充线 iPhone照片太多,想要快速传输转移到另一个苹果手机,可试试这 3 种方法! 一、iCloud同步照片. 苹果手机想要将手机中的照片传到另一个iPhone,可直接借助iCloud云备份功能。 1、iPhone在所登录的AppleID账号界面,将想要传输转移的照片,备份到此账号的iCloud。 5、点击【从iPhone传输】,等待传输完成即可。 注意:使用这个功能,要求两部iPhone都要升级到iOS12.4及以上的系统,同时新iPhone的系统要高于或与旧手机的同样的系统。 方法2:一键迁移数据. 如果已经错过“快速开始”迁移数据界面了怎么办? 如果是iPhone Xr以后的型号,更换电池(包括不是通过官方服务店换的苹果原装电池),会出现‘无法验证电池’的弹窗,电池健康处将会显示‘维修’。(对电池使用没有影响) X、8、7、6等型号没有此类情况。(注意iPhone X没有这毛病,不要搞混了。 用iPhone年年换新机真的比一部手机用三年更省钱吗? 很多人说把旧机卖了换新机,实现“年年换新机比一部手机用三年更省钱”,事实真的是如此吗? 显示全部 苹果手机iPhone由于它的安全性以及流畅度广受用户的喜爱。今天小编要和大家分享的是苹果手机如何关闭自动亮度调节。

2024.11.25 21:47 ScottG08527 Cannot connect iPhone 15

I have a new tree that came with Twinkly lights. I am unable to connect my phone to the lights. I have deleted my account, powered off and reset the device. When I try to add a new device it goes through the search process. I then have to select Generation II and it immediately finds the device. Once I select my network and put the password in I get an error that the device cannot be found on your local WiFi network. I can see both my phone and the Twinkly lights in my Google Home app and this works fine when trying to connect my wife’s phone.
Any suggestions?
submitted by ScottG08527 to TwinklyLights [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:47 Soup_21001 What a good number

submitted by Soup_21001 to recap [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:47 Own_Sky7948 No checks, no balances, just a fascist federal government

No checks, no balances, just a fascist federal government submitted by Own_Sky7948 to AdamMockler [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:47 Key-Quit-9004 Shoes not selling?

Iam selling some “Nike dunk why so sad?” My ask is the lowest ask but people are still buying the shoes but for higher asks. I found out this is a region thing is there a way I can expand my sale to other regions for a better change of selling ?
submitted by Key-Quit-9004 to stockx [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:47 Cynite_yt My logitech g305 doesn't work

Randomly one day my Logitech g305 stopped working. It turns on but it doesn't respond to me clicking any of the buttons, it doesn't show up on Logitech G HUB. Even when I move the mouse the cursor doesn't move. Anyone know how I can fix it?
submitted by Cynite_yt to logitech [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:47 Comfortable-Web6227 STB d'avoir fait des remarques eugénistes à mon ami autiste

Mon ami (24H) est diagnostiqué autiste, disons qu'il le camoufle bien mais qu'il souffre tout les jours d'une souffrance existencielle, anxiété sociale, dépression ou manque de potes. Bref on a discuté la dernière qu'on s'est vu et à un moment il me demande si je veux toujours des enfants, je lui retourne la question et à ma grande surprise, il a changé d'avis et souhaite des enfants alors qu'avant n'en voulait pas. Je me suis tout de suite demandé si il s'était fait une copine et oui en effet il a rencontré quelqu'un à un CMP.
Le premier reflex que j'ai eu c'est de lui dire que l'autisme ça pouvait se refiler à ses gosses parce que c'est une histoire de gènes à risque. M'enfin bref je regrette maintenant, ça a vraiment fait nazi mais sur le moment j'ai pas eu le temps de m'excuser qu'il m'a balancé un sandwich sur la gueule et est parti. Pour ça je lui en veux pas... mais suis-je totalement un trou de balle de lui avoir fait part de cette pensée eugéniste ?
submitted by Comfortable-Web6227 to suisjeletroudeballe [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:47 lonkbubba LF touch trade Zamazenta for pokedex

FT touch trade Zacian or other Sword if I have it
submitted by lonkbubba to pokemontrades [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:47 jumpandshootman27 Capital one referral zero annual fee
submitted by jumpandshootman27 to findareferralcode [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:47 New-Boysenberry-8875 Selling !

Selling ! submitted by New-Boysenberry-8875 to CreaturesofSonaria [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:47 Grand_Loquat_4519 Is this a good band to buy from?us

Is this a good band to buy from?us submitted by Grand_Loquat_4519 to GelBlaster [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:47 ApprehensiveTea7391 Marshalls finds this weekend. Good haul?

submitted by ApprehensiveTea7391 to marshallsfinds [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:47 Fabulous_County2990 PSA

Everybody get off the goat app(for everyones mental health)
submitted by Fabulous_County2990 to Goatapp [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:47 lacro_kuder Does anyone else keep all the bark and scrap from splitting to do a start up ?

Just curious I set up a 45 gallon trash barrel to save all this junk
submitted by lacro_kuder to woodstoving [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:47 Hornylewdster What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Hornylewdster to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:47 lss_web_1444 AMA post title 977

AMA post body
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:47 IN2TECHNOLOGY Hiking

Hiking submitted by IN2TECHNOLOGY to WiggleButts [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:47 buggy_environment Time for a propa WAAAGH! Krump up this big thinkin' bug report to finally fix all Greenskin chariots.

Time for a propa WAAAGH! Krump up this big thinkin' bug report to finally fix all Greenskin chariots. All Greenskin chariot units (except Pump Wagons), Grom the Paunch and the (still) multiplayer exclusive chariot mounts for Greenskin characters do no generate Waaagh! points while in melee, so upvote this bug report to let the ladz get some action too:
submitted by buggy_environment to totalwar [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:47 Mediocre-Code-8155 Mage players, would you rather...

Would you rather die instantly in real life, OR parry trade someone for 2.35 seconds
View Poll
submitted by Mediocre-Code-8155 to deepwoken [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:47 Itchy-Vast-8537 Got the skin and the rank after maining mortis my whole career since I got him a year ago🤠❤️‍🔥

Got the skin and the rank after maining mortis my whole career since I got him a year ago🤠❤️‍🔥 submitted by Itchy-Vast-8537 to MortisGang [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:47 1upconey FOUND! Oregon drivers license on 8th street downtown.

Please provide details if it is yours. Or if anyone knows what I should do with it. I want to put it in a mailbox but I'm worried it will just get lost.
submitted by 1upconey to cincinnati [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:47 Srihlfree Contam?

Contam? Hello. 1st time poster. 2nd grow. Are the white tips on some of these contam? Also should there be more coverage? -Hillbilly -UncleBenTek -Inoc 10/12. Went to bulk 11/12 Thanks in advance
submitted by Srihlfree to ContamFam [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:47 lucaplayz-rocket 🌟 Join TechCraft: The Ultimate Technical Bedrock Realm! 🌟

🌟 Join TechCraft: The Ultimate Technical Minecraft Realm! 🌟
🚀 Are you ready to master redstone and automation?
TechCraft, a technical Minecraft Bedrock Edition realm, is resetting the world and looking for skilled, passionate players to join our thriving community! If you love creating efficient farms, optimizing mechanics, and collaborating on ambitious technical projects, this is the realm for you.
🌍 What makes TechCraft special?

📅 New World Launch
Our exciting new world begins on 30th November at 12:00 GMT! Be there from day one and help shape the future of TechCraft.
🏗️ Past Projects: The Heart of TechCraft Here’s a glimpse of the incredible technical builds we’ve accomplished—these are the types of projects that define our realm:
📸 Peek at our Past Projects
⚒️ Who we’re looking for:
📩 Apply Now to Join TechCraft! Think you're a perfect fit? Fill out our application form and take the first step toward joining our community:
🎉 Join TechCraft and be part of a world where redstone and creativity come together. Let’s redefine Minecraft—one block at a time!
submitted by lucaplayz-rocket to MinecraftServer [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:47 Broad_Replacement_57 Confused about package

So I checked to see if my package was delivered today. To my surprise it says it wasn't, yet I was in my home when they told me it couldn't be delivered. But now the weirder part is that my package was at my doorstep and technically delivered to me.
Now I'm confused about what to do since the package has technically been delivered to me and I've opened it, but the site says it wasn't delivered at all. Even so, I don't know how to update to customer service that my package has been delivered to me.
submitted by Broad_Replacement_57 to UPS [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:47 RedDawnWlvrines Joel

Joel Christmas music has been blasting in our home so I introduced our daughters to Joel the Lump of Coal. Our oldest has been teaching herself how to needle felt and she just brought me this a few minutes ago. Joel will now keep me company while I work.
submitted by RedDawnWlvrines to TheKillers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:47 MindlessRoad9560 Looking for good wheel locks for my car… and some advice on lowering springs.

I have aftermarket wheels on my car, and I was curious if there are any good wheel locks that fit my wheel size.
20x9 front
20x10 rear
I’m also looking to lower it a bit. Thinking of RSR downs, but I’m not sure. Not looking to slam it, just to make it sit better with my wheels. What do you guys recommend?
submitted by MindlessRoad9560 to q50 [link] [comments]