How old are you?

Ha az Oldalszámok eltávolítása gomb nem érhető el, vagy néhány helyen továbbra is látható az oldalszám, kattintson duplán az élőfejre vagy élőlábra, jelölje ki az oldalszámot, és nyomja le a Delete gombot.. Ez történhet több szakaszból, illetve eltérő páratlan és páros oldalakból álló dokumentumokkal is. Az élőfej vagy élőláb bezárásához válassza az ... Tipp: Ha meg szeretné kerülni a Fájl > Megnyitás lehetőséget, és mindig a Megnyitás párbeszédpanelt szeretné használni, tegye a következőt: Válassza a Fájl > Beállítások > Mentés lehetőséget, majd jelölje be a Ne jelenjen meg a Backstage a fájlok megnyitásakor vagy mentésekor jelölőnégyzetet. Ezt követően zárja be majd nyissa meg újra az összes megnyitott ... Szövegdoboz-beállítások. A szövegdoboz-beállításokkal szorosabban futtathatja körbe a szövegdobozokat körülvevő szöveget. A beállítások használatához a szövegdoboz szegélyének áttetszőnek (sor és kitöltés nélkülinek), a körbefuttatási beállításnak pedig Szoros vagy A szöveg elé értékűnek kell lennie. Privát megosztás a OneDrive-val. Todd írt egy kutatási tanulmányt a legújabb tanulmányairól, de úgy érzi, valami hiányzik. Annak érdekében, hogy a tanulmány egyértelmű és tömör legyen, úgy dönt, hogy az egyik legközelebbi kollégája segítségét veszi igénybe, hogy visszajelzést adjon neki. Kézi oldaltörés eltávolítása. Lépjen a Kezdőlapra, és válassza a Megjelenítés/elrejtés lehetőséget.. Ez oldaltöréseket jelenít meg, miközben a dokumentumon dolgozik. Álló (függőleges) vagy fekvő (vízszintes) tájolás beállítása a dokumentum egészére vagy egy részére. A fájlformátum határozza meg, hogy egy adott alkalmazás hogyan tárolja az adatokat. Egy .docx fájl például egy Open XML formátumú Microsoft Word dokumentum. Tipp: Idegen nyelvű a videó? Próbálkozzon a feliratozási lehetőséggel.. Próbálja ki! Oldaltörések használatával szabályozhatja, hogy hol végződik az oldal, és hol kezdődik az új oldal. Ha egy megosztott dokumentumon olyan felhasználókkal dolgozik együtt, akik közül néhányan a Word alkalmazást, mások más programot (például Google Dokumentumokat vagy Writert) használnak, két külön feladatként gondoljon az írásra (a szavakra) és a formázásra (a megjelenésre). Ha egy új, üres fájlra mutató hivatkozást szeretne létrehozni, kattintson az Új dokumentum elemre a Hivatkozás erre csoportban, írja be az új fájl nevét, majd használja a Teljes útvonal csoportban látható helyet, vagy keressen egy másik mentési helyet a Módosítás gombra kattintva. Ezenkívül azt is megadhatja, hogy később szeretné-e szerkeszteni a dokumentumot (Az új ... Ha az összes oldalszámot törli, válassza az Élőfej beszúrása> élőfej & élőláb lehetőséget, és válassza a bal oldalon az Egyéb oldalak lehetőséget. Nyissa meg a Beszúrás > Oldalszám elemet, és állítsa be a szám helyét.

2024.11.25 23:30 20_comer_20matar How old are you?

Just want to know how old is the average Digital circus fan (or at least the fans who go on reddit to talk about it).
View Poll
submitted by 20_comer_20matar to TheDigitalCircus [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:30 Western_Risk3518 offers my user is ash.777

offers my user is ash.777 submitted by Western_Risk3518 to Soundmap [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:30 NordWitcher What are the best sub classes for PvE?

For returning Guardians and new ones to the game what subclasses are the best without focusing too much on gimmicks or min max. This is for those just looking to come in and have fun, no solo the highest difficulty content.
Under these three/bonus metrics.

Best at add clear. Best at team support. Best at boss dps. Best at all 3 combined. 
submitted by NordWitcher to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:30 4bhula Please help me pick my next work tote

Please help me pick my next work tote I am going back and forth between Strathberry and Demellier. What would you choose? Thank you in advance
submitted by 4bhula to handbags [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:30 metamorfose27 Would you date a friend of your ex?

So, I (28M) and my ex (29F) are coworkers. We've been together for 3 years but we broke up. It wasn't a ugly breakup, but we stopped talking aside from when we really need to, and it's always strictly work-related.
Recently, I've started getting interest in another girl. Unfortunately, not only is she my coworker as well, she is a friend of my ex. Although I guess many people will tell me that getting close to her is a bad idea, I'm quite shy so I always tend to find excuses not to approach/get close to someone.
So, my question is if this is really a bad idea, or if I should stop trying to find excuses and I should try to get close to my friend's ex, knowing that it could go better or worse.
Thank you all
submitted by metamorfose27 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:30 Not_perfectevolution Votanții Călin Georgescu

(Scuze pentru postarea lungă și câteodată poate nu prea clară, dar aceste gânduri mă frământă de când am văzut rezultatele alegerilor.)
Fac această postare ca să nu cădem în aceeași capcană. Până ieri, abia dacă am auzit acest nume. TikTok-urile despre el m-au ocolit complet, văzând doar câteva comentarii că unii votează cu el. Am râs, crezând că sunt boți și că nu va lua mai mult de 2%, maxim.
Mare mi-a fost mirarea a doua zi după alegeri. Nu doar că au votat mii de români, dar a ajuns pe locul 1. Cum a reușit? Și, cel mai important, cine este Călin Georgescu? Aceeași întrebare și-au pus-o și ceilalți mii de români.
După puțină căutare, am constatat cu groază ce „cult” a reușit individul acesta să construiască. Oameni – români – care știu că țara este condusă de hoți care și-au bătut joc de noi și de România. Oameni – români – care cred că cea mai mare problemă a țării este o femeie care nu se înțelege cu fiica ei, care „duce țara în război” și „sprijină Ucraina cu banii noștri.” Oameni care cred orice spune „salvatorul țării” Călin Georgescu, chiar și când le prezinți, alb pe negru, opusul.
De ce se întâmplă asta? Din același motiv pentru care mulți dintre noi nici nu am auzit de Călin Georgescu: internetul, mass-media și aplicațiile sunt programate să-ți arate fix ce te interesează sau ce ar putea să te intereseze. Ajungi astfel într-o bulă în care totul pare „roz” și perfect din perspectiva ta.
Pentru ei, acest individ este soluția, fiindcă telefonul așa spune. Votanții lui sunt într-o bulă informațională unde nu pătrunde nimic altceva decât vorbele lui. Am încercat să discut cu o doamnă plecată în străinătate, care a votat cu el. Orice argument împotriva lui CG a fost catalogat drept propagandă TV sau dezinformare din partea mea: „Cred orice îmi zice televiziunea.”
Problema nu este doar dezinformarea – că mulți au votat fără să știe cu cine votează. Problema este că mulți au votat căzând pradă manipulării și propagandei. Internetul a ajuns să ne despartă radical din punct de vedere politic și chiar și în modul în care vedem lumea.
Fac această postare pentru a atrage atenția că, deși vom vedea doar postări despre cum Lasconi va câștiga și despre cât de rea ar fi o alegere precum CG, alții văd exact opusul. Și, din păcate, mulți nu-și vor schimba părerea, chiar dacă le arăți clar ce se întâmplă dacă X ajunge președinte.
Ce putem face totuși?
Anti-propagandă. Dacă ei spamează cu votăm CG că e alegerea cea mai bună putem și noi. Poate careva se va trezii la realitate. Mulți postează și videoclipuri cu el făcând o campanie "gratis".
Informare. Sunt totuși mulți care au votat cu el fiindcă au auzit că și alții votează. Distribuirea informației despre ce susține el in realitate:fascism, antisemitism, pro Rusia.
Implicare totală. "Lasă că o să voteze alții in locul meu." Da o să voteze doar nu pe placul tău. Dacă până acum votul nostru sa crezut că nu contează acum s-a aflat de două ori că chiar contează enorm. Odată cu CG și odată cu Lasconi. Nu doar că PSD a căzut de pe podium, dar ia luat locul cineva abia intrat în concurs.
Și cel mai important. Să mai aruncăm un ochi și pe partea cealaltă a bulei create de internet. Sunt sigură că in următoarele zile vom auzii doar de rău desore CG și ca toată lumea o susține pe Lasconi. Nu vă lăsați păcăliți. Au pățit-o și americanii. Cutia aceasta atot știutoare ne arată ce vrem să vedem. Să nu cădem in aceeași capcană ca și votanții CG care sunt manipulați după dorința lui.
E trist și înfricoșător ce poate un algoritm și niște mișcări strategice să realizeze. În era informației când totul e la un click distanță manipularea și dezinformarea e cea mai puternică armă a indivizilor ca Călin Georgescu.
Vă rog să ieșim la vot. Să votăm în număr cât mai mare. Să ne implicăm. Să nu ne lăsăm soarta pe mână altora.
Acum că scriu asta am văzut protestul din București. Și bine se face. Democrație nu mai e democrație când oamenii votează manipulat neștiind ce votează într-adevăr. Am stat atâțea ani cu mentalitatea "lasă că o să fie bine și așa." Nu o să fie. Pe când noi stăm cu gândul că ne rezolvă alții, alții ne iau libertatea, drepturile și chiar viitorul.
submitted by Not_perfectevolution to GenZRo [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:30 NotSandyFromKentucky For anyone who wants to link documents, desktop and other Windows personal folders to iCloud Drive

submitted by NotSandyFromKentucky to apple [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:30 el_redditor_papucho How is the Cantonese language surviving in HK?

I’m from Guangdong and everyone is speaking mandarin more than Cantonese, more than once I got forced to speak in mandarin because the dude I was talking to didn’t understand what I was saying lol
And it hurt me a bit to see that the childrens speak mandarin even to their parents, the parents speak to them in Cantonese and they answer in mandarin and of course they speak mandarin to other childrens
How things is going in HK with this situation?
Why I care so much? I practice Chinese martial arts and I am proud that our province Guangdong is rich in that area, many of the best kung fu styles comes from Guangdong, which makes me feel proud of being Cantonese and made me more proud we have our own official language but now seeing how the language is dying… it hurts me a bit
submitted by el_redditor_papucho to HongKong [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:30 NotYourBabyFather Anyone want to trade the new presents for hand held items?

Anyone want to trade the new presents for hand held items? The new ones? I have one so far but when I gift them no one’s returning the favor so if you’d like to trade all of them or if there is one you’re looking for we can add each other and trade equally. I have the music one so far but am looking to collect them all. Let me know!
submitted by NotYourBabyFather to ACPocketCamp [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:30 mogambo1119 Smell Test….. 🤣😁🤪😎😜😆😂

Smell Test….. 🤣😁🤪😎😜😆😂 DirtyOldScorpioMan….. ♏️
submitted by mogambo1119 to DirtyOldMan1967 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:30 xyzygyred Unable to change password, but received acknowledgement of changed password

I forgot my password, then:

  1. clicked "forgot password"
  2. Received a 6-digit code via email which I used to change the password
  3. After entering the new password twice (yes, it was STRONG) a new screen appeared saying, woops something's wrong, we're working on it. Words to that effect anyway.
  4. Received an email saying my password had been changed, and to do nothing if it was me who changed it, do something if i hadn't just tried to change it myself.
  5. Strange, I thought and tried the new password. No dice.
Am I forever locked out now?
submitted by xyzygyred to facebook [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:30 Mental-Suspect5787 Now everyone, what are your favorite Afterglow ships?

Now everyone, what are your favorite Afterglow ships? submitted by Mental-Suspect5787 to BanGDream [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:30 No_Bat_5362 WIBTA if I told my partner I'm tired of spending holidays without him?

My (36f) partner (39m) and I have been together for about five years. We both have long-term intentions. I'm those five years, I joined part of his family for New Year's once and he came to my parent's house after dinner on Thanksgiving once. We have never actually spent the holidays together.
For context: I don't have a super close relationship with my family. There's no crazy stories or bad blood, but there's no real closeness. Still, I spend the holidays with my family like most people do; and not to compare relationships, but my last two partners and I always found a way to see both families on or around major holidays, so that gives me the impression that that's fairly normal.
His older sister lives just a few minutes away and he sees her and her family (husband and kids) frequently. Their parents live in the same state, about two hours away. He and his sister's family regularly travel and spend nearly a week with their parents for major holidays or for summer vacations.
To me, this is strange. They don't have to fly to see their parents - it's a long drive, but it's just a drive (I know things are different all over the world, but this is not uncommon here). He's nearly 40, and when I ask what his plans are for Thanksgiving, I get, "It sounds like I'll be in [parents' city] Thursday through Sunday" - as if he's being told what to do (because he is). This would be a bummer even if he had a close relationship with his parents and never saw them, but he meets his dad and brother for golf a couple times per month, and he didn't grow up with them. He lived with his grandparents and in the system growing up. I understand the urge to try to earn your family's love - I've dealt with similar issues - but I guess I'd expect different behavior from a man approaching 40 years of age.
I'm not here to rip on my boyfriend; I guess I'm just looking for reassurance that my feelings aren't crazy. I don't feel his approach to the holidays is indicative of him viewing our relationship less seriously than I do - we're on the same page, and he's done plenty to confirm that. He hasn't had a very serious relationship before, and his family is strange (they don't invite partners outside marriage to holiday gatherings; they're on the weird end of the religious spectrum and I've witnessed enough to know that's true. Still, he's invited me in the past, but I've declined because it would have meant missing my family for the holidays entirely since he wouldn't want to leave the same day).
I want to express to him that five years in, I need him to occasionally step up and spend time with me on the holidays - WIBTA?
submitted by No_Bat_5362 to AITA_Relationships [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:30 RHAWZZ New Jersey Buck

New Jersey Buck Deer
submitted by RHAWZZ to AnimalsOnReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:30 TechnicianAmazing472 How can Ainz use weapons, he's not allowed too isn't he?

How can Ainz use weapons, he's not allowed too isn't he? Weapon.?
Another weapon.
submitted by TechnicianAmazing472 to overlord [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:30 IcyMammoth What is the difference between 585 and 587, if both are in ‘rustic brown’?

I can’t find any helpful answers on this, but the two models that show up the most on Amazon are 585 and 587 but I can’t find the difference anywhere.
submitted by IcyMammoth to BlundstoneBoots [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:30 Due-Vast-9965 GIYU EDIT- XD🙏🏼🌊

GIYU EDIT- XD🙏🏼🌊 [I know I want to :p🙏🏼🌊🥰✨-]
submitted by Due-Vast-9965 to tomiokagiyu_supremacy [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:30 snydsss Blowout Cards

Just snagged a mega box of the chrome update and a holiday mega box from on a whim and was wondering if anyone has had any experience purchasing from them before?
submitted by snydsss to sportscards [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:30 IronicStar I want to share my princess cut 14k gold, .5 carat, E grade, I1 diamond. I mulled over whether or not an "I1 was good enough"... but it was the one we could afford. 3 years later and I must say, it's my favourite thing I own. (Polish = excellent, symmetry=very good, clarity=feather, cloud).

I want to share my princess cut 14k gold, .5 carat, E grade, I1 diamond. I mulled over whether or not an submitted by IronicStar to Diamonds [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:30 CallNResponse Interpreting Dexcom G7 data?

Interpreting Dexcom G7 data? Hi all. Two weeks ago my (65m) A1C test came back at 11.5. I saw my doctor a couple of days later and he set me up with Metformin, insulin, and Dexcom G7 sensors.
So for the past 10 days I’ve been taking my meds religiously and have made a lot of changes to my diet. I’ve been paying attention to the G7, and have been using their “Clarity” app to try to get a more detailed view of how things are going. The app reports have a lot of information - I am not certain what parts of it are significant. I plan to talk with my doctor about it when I can, but in the meantime, I’d be curious about any comments from those of you who are more experienced.
FWIW, my average blood glucose is now 130mg/dL w std dev 19mg/dL, and in the last week I’ve been 99% “in range” between 70 and 180. The attached picture shows my data for the last week - I wake up with circa 110, then my morning coffee/ light breakfast causes a rise, it goes back down, then dinner will make it rise again, then it falls. Again, any comments would be appreciated. Like: my blood glucose seems to ‘cycle’ over the course of 24 hours; does that look normal or problematic? Also: the 70-180 range is the default when I set up the G7; should I change that to (for instance) 70-160?
Thank you!
submitted by CallNResponse to diabetes_t2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:30 TheCartisien Building Stronger Apps: The Role of Community in Retaining Users

Building Stronger Apps: The Role of Community in Retaining Users
submitted by TheCartisien to cartisien [link] [comments]



2024.11.25 23:30 Alienlibra What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Alienlibra to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:30 supera8y I might be a genius

I might be a genius submitted by supera8y to Kagurabachi [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:30 SmolMephy Boykisser driving in silly miata car :3 (by me)

Boykisser driving in silly miata car :3 (by me) submitted by SmolMephy to boykisser2 [link] [comments]