This is such an adorable smile, she’s just :D

2024.11.25 22:36 IAmSona This is such an adorable smile, she’s just :D

submitted by IAmSona to UndeadUnluck [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:36 FrozenGunner1 Ideas on how to stop kids from tackling eachother

I'm a teacher at a learning centedaycare, our class consists of 4 1/2 -5 years old we have 5 boys and 2 girls in class and me and the other teacher are at a loss on how to stop the boys from tackling eachother, we arnt allowed to put them in time out or any sort of punishment, we try keeping them separated at different stations but they always leave that station to start running around the classroom and grab eachother. Our management doesn't want us telling the parents yet because they don't like when we deliver bad behavior news at pick up but we are at a loss our classroom is a mess, and the kids arnt listening and I've about had it with them.
submitted by FrozenGunner1 to preschool [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:36 LynxLucky8067 $30 off $100 !!!

$30 off $100 !!! I have an extra coupon if someone wants it. Dm if you want it please!!!
submitted by LynxLucky8067 to VictoriasSecret [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:36 citrusandrosemary Maxky Appreciation Post

Maxky Appreciation Post This man knows how to put on a distinctive presence on camera, and it definitely caught my eye when the Fourever Project pilot was initially rolled out. Good actor, easy on the eyes, and even more gorgeous when he smiles 😍
IG: maxky_rp
submitted by citrusandrosemary to ThaiBL [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:36 Khriss_132123 Just Stared Watching

Hello all, I just started watching GG and I’m on S2. Please tell me that S1 is NOT the peak of this show. I have been going through episode and episode and I really like the idea, but I just HATE the character development. REALLY hate Dan, he gets on my god damn nerves. I just reallyyyyyyy hope it gets better from here Cz I’m planning to call it quits if this is how it will be from now on….
submitted by Khriss_132123 to GossipGirl [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:36 netocrat Casselman residents win big lotto prize with OLG Triple Millions

Casselman residents win big lotto prize with OLG Triple Millions submitted by netocrat to OttawaNewsPulse [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:36 Ornery_Cucumber_6633 Manejar en Uber

Tengo la fantasía en la cabeza de salir a manejar en mis tiempos libres fuera de mi horario laboral para generar un ingreso extra. Alguien maneja o ha manejado en Uber? Alguna opinión/consejo?
submitted by Ornery_Cucumber_6633 to uruguay [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:36 Amazing_Pin_9737 Can we put $PEPE in the name?

I hate to harp on this but I see so many posts from pepecoin thinking they are here. Then they swoop in and make people buy pepe coin ($PEP) through a sketchy exchange. I think a name change would help with that. I don't want to convert people, I just want people to know which one is which.
submitted by Amazing_Pin_9737 to Pepecryptocurrency [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:36 Ihaveahugemachete What do you all believe are each and every character's fatal flaw is?

When you look at their downfalls and failures, what does it boil down to?
submitted by Ihaveahugemachete to PeakyBlinders [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:36 tonyjudemurphy The fucking JEWS BROUGHT IT ON THEMSELVES

submitted by tonyjudemurphy to StJohnsNL [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:36 ZacharyMoonshine New Promo: Scarecrow - New Album Scarecrow III Out Now! - @thebeast

New Promo: Scarecrow - New Album Scarecrow III Out Now! - @thebeast submitted by ZacharyMoonshine to metaldevastationpr [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:36 Angelus713 Angel

Angel submitted by Angelus713 to TensorArt_HUB [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:36 Educated_Clownshow XRP and DLO

Can someone ELI5 the interaction between crypto and the stock DLO?
I’ll admit, I bought my ripple in 2016 as a FOMO heard the most positive things about XRP) l and forgot all about it. I’ve got 2100~ of them just chilling, with a $.54 basis.
I bought into DLO right after IPO (fucking whoops) because from I understood, it was supposed to use XRP in some fashion, but the SEC launched that investigation and the stock tanked.
So, is the stock actually going to benefit from a surge in XRP or are they completely disconnected and I made an uh oh? Lol
I am a crypto dinosaur and my only understanding of it is “good to pay for things, potentially increases in value” when I bought in
submitted by Educated_Clownshow to Ripple [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:36 Popular-Employer-245 Nice lil live sweat hit

submitted by Popular-Employer-245 to fanduel [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:36 Atrocious1337 Gigabyte doesn't even foot the bill for a shipping label

They sell you a faulty motherboard, then when you fill out an RMA, they send you an email, tell you to print out the label and pay to send them the part. I have never dealt with a company so cheap that they won't even mail you a shipping label. I mean who the hell even owns a label maker and has a supply of sticker paper to fill it at home?
I think I will save the hassle and just buy a motherboard from a different company and never purchase from Gigabyte again. What a joke.
submitted by Atrocious1337 to gigabyte [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:36 ExternalAd9365 Samsung DDR5 96GB 5600 M321RYGA0PB0-CWM

Looking to get rid of 10k pcs of Samsung DDR5 96GB 5600 M321RYGA0PB0-CWM, anyone know what datacenter could use these?
submitted by ExternalAd9365 to StorageReview [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:36 Brave_Efficiency_174 Haven't posted in a while

Haven't posted in a while Here are a few sets I've done on myself recently 😊
submitted by Brave_Efficiency_174 to AllNails [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:36 BradyBales Reading the Yotsumura arc (on chapter 81), one question

without spoilers (if possible), is Yotsumura working with Slur despite their differences for his goal to destroy the JAA, or is he working on his own?
submitted by BradyBales to SakamotoDays [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:36 Commercial-Green-782 Lawyer claiming that my friend is not allowed to sue

Posting this for a friend.
Complicated situation, but family friends own a small business in front of one of the big box stores in Southern Ontario. An elderly couple jumped the curb and severely damaged the little trailer that they are working out of. They have insurance for the business that covers potential liability that stems from the business, however they don't have insurance specifically for damage to the physical trailer.
They are very mentally shaken as one of them could've died had they not moved away from the equipment that slammed against the other side of the trailer. However, the lawyers they talked to today claims that they can only sue the driver's insurance for personal damages to themselves, and not for loss of wages/employment and/or physical damage to their business and trailer.
submitted by Commercial-Green-782 to legaladvicecanada [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:36 SnooRevelations2604 LF: In Go English Marshadow for Custom OT. FT: Below, see description also.

LF: In Go English Marshadow for Custom OT. FT: Below, see description also. 1 for 1.
Shiny Deoxys both in premier balls
Celebi, Shaymin & Zarude in Pokeballs. Will do custom OT.
submitted by SnooRevelations2604 to PokemonHome [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:36 New-Internal257 [No spoilers] Jinx and Isha (art by me)

submitted by New-Internal257 to arcane [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:36 SocialDemocracies Oxfam America's Nabil Ahmed: Inequality Will Explode in Trump's Second Term

Oxfam America's Nabil Ahmed: Inequality Will Explode in Trump's Second Term submitted by SocialDemocracies to Wealth_Gap [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:36 AerikVon Thibodaux, Louisiana

Thibodaux, Louisiana submitted by AerikVon to photographybyaerikvon [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:36 therealGiant_rat Now I am become STALKER wearer of bread

Now I am become STALKER wearer of bread submitted by therealGiant_rat to stalker [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:36 weareetherecklesss Trades for Super-Visor??

Trades for Super-Visor?? Take one (or all!!) in exchange for Super-Visor! Its the second to last card I need to finish this set of cards entirely 😩😩
submitted by weareetherecklesss to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]