2024.11.25 22:20 B0ssc0 Collapsed ceilings and black mould: Government urged to act on terrible rentals
submitted by B0ssc0 to australia [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 22:20 Dramatic_Bathroom_72 Xantera pre-employment DRUG SCREEN and kratom
Well I've just been offered a job in death valley working for xantera. Have to pass a 4 panel drug screen. I know it doesn't test for kratom but in the past otc tests will show a false positive for benzos for some reason. Not even sure if xantera would test for benzos. Anyone have any experience with xantera and their drug screen? Kratom is legal in California so me using it really isn't an issue. It's only the fact that otc tests sometimes show false positive for benzo. However, I've had legitimate labs screen me for drugs during other pre employment screens and passed even though I took kratom. Maybe otc tests are just less reliable 🤔
submitted by Dramatic_Bathroom_72 to SeasonalWork [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 22:20 Parti_zanu O carte, Matrix si niste cautari pe Google
Am aflat ca in 2023 Georgescu facea turul tarii lansand o carte ("Marea Renaștere").
Carte pe care o mai lansase si in 2022. Ocazie cu care am aflat ca titlul complet al cartii este Marea Renastere. Adevar, libertate, suveranitate. Iesirea din Matrix
Ma uit la descrierea cartii si vad ca este semnata de Dr. Reiner Fuellmich. Cine o fi asta?
In September, 2022, Viviane Fischer, a partner with Fuellmich on the "Corona Investigative Committee" alleged Fuellmich had embezzled funds raised for the committee by overbilling for his legal services. Denying these allegations, Fuellmich claimed they were politically motivated, in order to sabotage this committee, and its investigation of so-called deep state involvement in the global Covid-19 response. An arrest warrant was issued in March 2023, when Fuellmich was in Mexico. Later in October, He was extradited to Germany and then arrested.Dar oare chiar el este? Pai asa se pare, din moment ce ii lua un interviu lui Georgescu.
In this revealing and insightful interview of ICIC, former UN Executive Director Călin Georgescu describes the process of infiltration and global takeover of the United Nations by oligarchs.
Georgescu categorizes the climate change as a myth. His view is based on a conversation he had once with one person, who worked for Greenpeace.
Georgescu categorizes the 2019-2020-2021-2022 pandemic as a myth.
Conspiraționist, antivaccinist, putinist? Nu, doar PATRIOT!Si un interviu descris asa: "Într-o atmosferă extrem de profesionistă și cu doi interlocutori de clasă, am avut condițiile optime să spun cu fermitate și răspicat ce-i cu demersul electoral, ce-i cu rușinea pe care mai toți candidații (recent instigatori la otrăvirea populației) ar trebui s-o manifeste, ce-i cu putreziciunea actualei construcții europene, cu România în stare de ocupație și cu necesitatea de a ieși din NATO."
Stop finanțării Ucrainei și stop implicării României în război!
În același timp, dorim să restabilim încrederea și coerența prin politica „O sănătate suverană”, respingând orice tentativă de impunere a vaccinării obligatorii prin lege
Acordăm o importanță deosebită familiei, considerând-o o instituție fundamentală a societății, bazată pe căsătoria liber consimţită între un bărbat și o femeie
Ne dedicăm apărării familiei tradiționale
Susținem promovarea valorilor și tradițiilor românești
Protejăm instituția familiei și promovăm valorile tradiționale
Societatea nu se poate dezvolta decât bazându-se pe familia tradițională și pe valorile morale pe care aceasta le presupune
Sâmbătă, 16 decembrie, începând cu ora 17:00, sunteţi invitaţi la Curtea Brâncovenească din Constanţa, la lansarea de carte a dr. Damian BaciuBanuiesc ca el este, in 2021, vorbind in Piata Universitatii despre vaccinuri.
Cu această ocazie, specialistul le va vorbi celor prezenţi despre importanţa vaccinurilor, având în faţă lucrarea „Vaccinuri versus vaccinuri”.
Invitatul special al evenimentului va fi IPS Teodosie
2024.11.25 22:20 CanopyreadsCups Credited with Accurate Analysis. Prediction based readings available.
Review - https://www.reddit.comCanopyreadsCups/s/AGX98EMsHS submitted by CanopyreadsCups to TarotReading [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 22:20 CryptoBand1t $INSOMNIAC
https://preview.redd.it/pea5lncqh43e1.jpg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a554f27148c424cf0d8fe06089bcd5935b6debe4 Some shameless self-shilling here. Just launched $INSOMNIAC https://pump.fun/coin/2rA2AP8x34G5Ha1pF1RdqrhtHZXh31KWkSgAhsUPpump It's got some great potential (if I do say so myself). Check out our site for more info: https://insomniaccoin.xyz/ submitted by CryptoBand1t to SolanaMemeCoins [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 22:20 Content_Hyena1895 Shopping offers have tanked lol
What’s up with all the 13 to 14 dollar shopping offers, 40 plus items with water, base use to be close to 30 but now it’s 11 plus tip no matter what basically
submitted by Content_Hyena1895 to Sparkdriver [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 22:20 Alfiessss Help with Algae?
Hello! So I just cleaned this tank of algae 2 days ago and it's already grown back 😅. Any suggestions on what I can do to get rid of it, and does anyone know what type it is by chance? I've only been leaving the light on since this started for about 4 hours a day, but it is on my bedside table so it does get a lot of TV light. I'm planning on testing the water parameters later today when I have time, ironically going to the fish store soon, when I know them I'll post it in the comments. submitted by Alfiessss to PlantedTank [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 22:20 alwaysmoisturizing Flaring face/body/hands one week after starting Dupixent
Hey, I started Dupixent a week ago and I have been flaring a lot on my face, body and hands since about 3 days after my shot. I'm fairly certain it is Dupixent since I usually flare in response to triggers and my period, none of which are happening right now, and I haven't removed any of my other treatments. Anyone have this happen and when did it die down?
submitted by alwaysmoisturizing to eczeMABs [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 22:20 IngenuityMelodic8607 Which gpu should I get
So I have a Ryzen 7 5700x with 32gb of ram and I’m in the looks for a new gpu I currently have a 1650 and I’m looking for a new one to buy I’m stuck between the rtx 4060 8gb or the rtx 3060 12gb I’m a casual player just ready for an upgrade could anyone help me out?
submitted by IngenuityMelodic8607 to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 22:20 Monique_ssr Trade?
submitted by Monique_ssr to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 22:20 ToonBRBR Meu pc simplesmente morreu enquanto eu tentava instalar o linux
Eu estava tentando instalar o linux mint xcfe, fiz o pendrive bootavel com rufus e tudo ok, colocou o pendrive, alterno a ordem de boot, ponho o pendrive e inicia na tela do linux mint, seleciono a primeira opção e ele fica lá eternamente, vi que não deu certo e retiro o pendrive e na teoria eu iria voltar pro windows, mas agr tá aparecendo "no bootable device" na minha tela, mesmo meu ssd nem tendo sido formatado, já tentei vários metodos, e detalhe, por algum motivo meu pc me impossibilita de trocar o boot mode (isso em questão era pra ser a solução mais famosa, só vejo vídeo disso no yt com essa exata mesma solução) obs: uso notebook
submitted by ToonBRBR to computadores [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 22:20 Mizzou0579 Holiday Lights Display 🎄
submitted by Mizzou0579 to StLouis [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 22:20 Critariss Question regarding my house setup
submitted by Critariss to woodstoving [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 22:20 Apprehensive_Foot123 Annoying Social Media Glitch In Fighter Creation
Basically, I'm trying to create Cris Cyborg but everytime I put in her social media, the game softlocks and I have to reboot, I'm on Xbox. Anybody else have this happen
submitted by Apprehensive_Foot123 to EASportsUFC [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 22:20 GirlyPopSwirlyPop Oil scalp
My husband got locs on 11/2. He hasn’t washed his hair yet but he has a very oily scalp. I have been washing in between his locs by hand with a rag but his scalp gets itchy after about 2 days and I can’t keep doing it every other day. Any advice? He does work outside and is a gym rat if that does affect anything.
submitted by GirlyPopSwirlyPop to locs [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 22:20 smileymax4 What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by smileymax4 to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 22:20 GetOffMyLawn714 Ember Mug Coaster & Travel Mug Coaster Interchangeable?
Can I use the coasters interchangeably between the Mug and Travel Mug???
Looking to pick up an extra charger (not the car charger) to keep in my bag so I can recharge my travel mug when I work remotely and the coaster charger seems smaller.
submitted by GetOffMyLawn714 to Embermug [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 22:20 Global_Algae_538 Is all faiths ministry legit and a valid choice
trying to get ordained in illnois and found https://allfaithministry.com and want to know if its a valid choice
submitted by Global_Algae_538 to wedding [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 22:20 shaden_knight Has anyone noticed that Ahistorical ai for Germany tends to be favoring the Historical path? (Base game, MTG, NSB only)
I've done nearly 20 historical retries to get the Kaiser back in power since the Austria-Hungary focus tree is broken in the base game. But out of those 20, only 3 times has the civil war procked for Germany.
submitted by shaden_knight to hoi4 [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 22:20 Classic-Plenty9821 My cats
submitted by Classic-Plenty9821 to sillycats [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 22:20 Darkvoyager26 A new bike dilemma
Hey all,
I’m looking for a new rig! (Exciting times). I’ve got a little bit of a problem on my hands though… I’m tossing it up between a high specced s-works enduro (has sram axs, ohlin rear coil, Shimano saint brakes and fr560 rims) - or a stock NORCO range c2. I’m not too much of a fan of the charger 3.1 dampener, but I’m Wondering if a high pivot is worth the sacrifice (Both same price on the used front)
submitted by Darkvoyager26 to MTB [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 22:20 DreamsofSaturday Explosive bolt spell from my light magick system.
submitted by DreamsofSaturday to worldbuilding [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 22:20 PhysicsIndividual434 Anyone got girls snap password
submitted by PhysicsIndividual434 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 22:20 Top_Entertainment_77 This bar is hilariously absurd lmao, I think this one bar made it more serious for K
submitted by Top_Entertainment_77 to KendrickLamar [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 22:20 CrypticMetaphor69 Customer States - whenever I brake it sounds like thunder.
submitted by CrypticMetaphor69 to Justrolledintotheshop [link] [comments] |