She’s not leaving (By: potpuu)

2024.11.26 00:53 Soya-Kun She’s not leaving (By: potpuu)

submitted by Soya-Kun to hatsune [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:53 Pigtron-42 How did you guys get good?

Training mode fucking SUCKS. Story gets really hard when you can’t get the basics down because training mode sucks. PvP is literally not an option….. like genuinely how?
For reference, I historically enjoy difficult games. Dark souls, Elden ring, Sekiro, Apex Legends, etc. I enjoy learning a specific game and getting good at it, but in SparkingZero I can’t seem to get my feet under me despite having played previous DB titles and it is extremely frustrating.
I did 100% of the training and that was kinda hard on its own because it appears that TIMING is everything, but there is no way to know if you went too early or too late and the help is very minimal. Furthermore, there is no dedicated training room where you can run scenarios of a specific situation to get better at it. For example, I need to get better at blocking and countering against attack spamming and I cannot fucking figure out how or when to block vs counter or dodge. The windows for every input feel tiny, maybe I’m just too old for this game.
This game looks fucking sick when it’s an all out battle but I can’t barely do fucking anything and it isn’t fun and feels like a drain on my life.
How did you guys get good?
Not to mention…. The fuck is this UI? Takes forever to switch between modes or replay a fight. God forbid you actually 100% lose now you gotta sit through 15 seconds of failed screen just to do it again
submitted by Pigtron-42 to SparkingZero [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:53 Alldaythrowaway6969 Albuterol dose for 40yo man

40yo man. 5’10, 235ish. Looking for a albuterol sulfate dose out of nebulizer. .083% 2.5mg/3ml twist top tubes. Had asthma as a kid so familiar with function of equipment. Have meds because some of the kids have asthma. Have had a virus last 1.5 weeks. Daughter went to pediatrician and got the gamut. Not flu, not rona, not strep just the funk. Anyway what dose and timing won’t kill me. I know 1 twist top every 4 hours to be standard for a child but could I as a sick adult take that dose every three hours? Diabetic, semi active, non tobacco nicotine user.
submitted by Alldaythrowaway6969 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:53 isimpforrubyFN My friend...

My friend thinks that gold plated custom pokemon cards are real. They don't even look real but he won't believe me.. it's driving me crazy. What do I do ...??
submitted by isimpforrubyFN to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:53 BritishBabe91 Sign in issue

Sign in issue Has anyone experienced this before? Basically does this for 2 minutes then crashes.
submitted by BritishBabe91 to DisneyPlus [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:53 aacceerr Here we go again...

Here we go again... My friend just dropped 10.36kg (~23lbs) of belly. Let the preparation begins.
submitted by aacceerr to Bacon [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:53 Pitiful-Log8467 GirlsOnly! Let me guess your age on session or teleguard 05694b71f638ae9f447920fbd6c2a6c2febc20d240ff5a510553edbad780e63a06 or teleguard SGPEJQ4BW

submitted by Pitiful-Log8467 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:53 InterestingPrice2910 Stage 2 Bladder Prolapse

I have posted in a couple other groups for guidance but I also feel like I need support. At 3 months PP, I felt like I had a UTI and waited a week to get it checked out to see if it would clear on its own. I have been struggling with almost constant urgency since March, 8 going on 9 months. I have seen an OB who referred me to a urologist who referred me to PT. PT discovered a stage 2 bladder prolapse and had me do kegels in a variety of positions, but PT did nothing and in fact made the urgency worse. I suspect I have a tight pelvic floor and mentioned this to the PT who essentially shrugged it off, and after 6 weeks of no improvement and almost $2k out of pocket I could no longer afford to go to PT and continued exercises on my own. I'm waiting to see a urogynecologist. Does anyone have urgency on top of prolapse? I have tried so many pelvic floor workouts and diet modifying and supplements including vaginal estrogen and I'm not finding relief. Thank you 🙏
submitted by InterestingPrice2910 to PelvicOrganProlapse [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:53 Proud_Clothes7881 Big brown bull jerk tribbing busty / thick babes. Kik: imholdennow or telegram: kappaking69

submitted by Proud_Clothes7881 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:53 MissGrimReaper Unexpected Internal Error every 10-15 minutes on a freshly installed game?

I'm asking since this error is related to corrupt game files, but I just re-installed? Does anybody know if maybe some addon could spam the server so much to cause this error? Game also seems to lose all brightness if I go Idle for 5 minutes, and then comes back to normal when I move the mouse. Something must be wrong, any advice?
I have an Nvidia 4060 Ti and 11th gen i7 if it matters, 2k monitor 144Hz
submitted by MissGrimReaper to elderscrollsonline [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:53 VanillaNo8984 Jasmine filling out the dress to perfection

Jasmine filling out the dress to perfection submitted by VanillaNo8984 to PhatWhiteHoes [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:53 SquamishEditor ‘Our ancestors are always in the room when we speak,’ Crystal Lewis on Sḵwx̱wú7mesh language revival

‘Our ancestors are always in the room when we speak,’ Crystal Lewis on Sḵwx̱wú7mesh language revival submitted by SquamishEditor to Squamishnews [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:53 southerngent813 Port repair in San Juan, PR?

Sailing in 4 days. Is the port in San Juan still closed for repairs? Wondering if my upcoming itinerary will be impacted. Thanks in advance.
submitted by southerngent813 to royalcaribbean [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:53 Impossible_Sector938 Is it bad to sit in the toilet like in pic 1, and better to sit like pic 2?

submitted by Impossible_Sector938 to hemorrhoid [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:53 Murky_Exam_6109 Newly Married, Husband telling people he is single on Grindr

I (31M) thought I was moving on and feeling better but it just hit me again today. My husband (35M) and I got married mid-October. Two weeks ago I got a flurry of messages from a stranger (call him John) online saying that my husband was messaging explicit texts and telling him he was single. John randomly searched up my husband on facebook and saw we were recently married. I guess he felt compelled to reach out to me which I appreciate. My husband and I were open in the beginning of our 4 year relationship. So we aren’t prudish when it comes to things like this. After we got engaged two years ago we went monogamous (mutual agreement). Messaging people on Grindr or apps never really bothered me, but HONESTY is key. When I confronted my husband in a casual manner, he lied and said that he didn’t have Grindr or Snapchat because he “deleted them ages ago”. On top of telling John he was single, this also hurt deeply. Having all the evidence and my husband persistently denying it. He eventually admitted it after I kept pressing showing him the screenshots I received. We have been on shaky ground since then. I’m so pissed that the high of getting married and the solidification of our relationship is followed by this. I’m very lost and confused on what to do. He has been trying his best to apologize over the past two weeks. I’m a forgiving spirit but today I’m starting to wonder if I’m letting him walk over me. Anyone else have to navigate this? Did you fully heal and did the relationship grow stronger?
submitted by Murky_Exam_6109 to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:53 Luna6102 Possible BMC mix?

Possible BMC mix? Hi, we adopted Maverick who was originally from Texas. Obviously his mom is some type of pit mix/bully breed, but we have no idea who dad is. His mouth is mostly black, and the very tip of his tail is black but you can only see if you look closely. We even found a few dogs who look identical to him that were also BMC mixes, but his siblings make me question it. His foster did say it was likely he was a BMC mix though so I really have no clue.
submitted by Luna6102 to Blackmouthcur [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:53 weresofreaky Comment économiser sa facture hydro

Salut! Propriétaire de ma maison depuis bientôt 2 mois, je suis toute seule et je struggle vraiment à trouver pourquoi ma facture hydro est aussi élever. Ma prochaine facture de 64 jours est projeter de me couter 850$ ce qui est ÉNORME, non? Pourtant, les lumières sont rarement allumer au delà de ce qui est nécessaire, j'ai un foyer au bois que j'utilise comme je peux avec des plinthes de chauffages que je tiens à 18-19 degrés et une thermopompe au 2e étage. Je fais une brasser de lavage et de lave vaisselle par semaine, donc je comprend pas. Quel sont vos meilleurs trucs pour diminuer votre facture hydro? Je suis vraiment pas down de payer aussi cher lol merci de vos conseils!
submitted by weresofreaky to QuebecFinance [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:53 Thatsprettydank Vacuums under 300$?

Mine is a 50$ walmart Bissel, holy moly 800 for a German vacuum is quite steep.
Gotta be a in-between somewhere here?!
submitted by Thatsprettydank to VacuumCleaners [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:53 Thatstockguy1363 Everyone Poops
submitted by Thatstockguy1363 to dexscreener [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:53 KitKatty657 When you ordered on glitch how long it took to arrive?

submitted by KitKatty657 to MurderDrones [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:53 green_girl209 Goodwill Corning

Goodwill Corning Got a few cuties today
submitted by green_girl209 to Pyrex_Love [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:53 -ItsKaze- Justified dropping Burial at Sea episode 2?

Ok, hear me out, episode one was pretty good, good gameplay, short n sweet, and a decent story, even if it does have some plot holes. But DAMN I could not be bothered to finish episode 2 because of how confusing the story is, it's slow, tedious, and just kinda bad tbh. Anyone share the same thoughts?
submitted by -ItsKaze- to Bioshock [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:53 hollyrosexo01 Best content for daddy there genuin good prices

submitted by hollyrosexo01 to onlinesugardaddies [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:53 FunPark39 So high I can barely type, I love gooning my cock with other pervs when I’m fucked up😍 Session 05f861b914a6595b12e40b08587c654285ed2c5cdd4591ea91cfa61ceb5fbdeb0f

submitted by FunPark39 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:53 Skeeter92619 Broke the site

Broke the site Alright yall we all gotta stop checking the site every 5 mins for our claims....I think they're catching on👀🤣(I was totally refreshing every 5 mins myself) Hows everyone's day/Night going?
submitted by Skeeter92619 to VeteransWaitingRoom [link] [comments]