Mission Health permanently shutters Asheville Specialty Hospital

2024.11.25 23:28 uncertaincoda Mission Health permanently shutters Asheville Specialty Hospital

Mission Health permanently shutters Asheville Specialty Hospital submitted by uncertaincoda to asheville [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:28 Messy_Sammy What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Messy_Sammy to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:28 Live-Palpitation-368 I put in my YouTube channel name and uh, why is this accurate?

I put in my YouTube channel name and uh, why is this accurate? submitted by Live-Palpitation-368 to Undertale [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:28 Lenaa64 took some pics of the egg this weekend

took some pics of the egg this weekend these two are a favorite from the shots I took, thought i would share here(pictures aren't edited)
submitted by Lenaa64 to GRCorolla [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:28 Ok_Flamingo_9221 Hey Mädels ihr könnt mir gerne schreiben wenn ihr über probleme reden wollt oder egal was, bin für alles da :D

submitted by Ok_Flamingo_9221 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:28 abysswalker_17th A person disappeared from my chats and from the search "feed". Found our conversation between us under the name of "unavailable user" in the archive inbox

It says that the person isnt available and that this often means that their account is inactive or was deleted. But could it also mean that I was blocked by that person?
Maybe that person clock the 3 dots in our chat and pressed "skip" and that blocked me? Or if you are blocked that person still appears to you with its name and all?
submitted by abysswalker_17th to duolicious [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:28 hawaiianpizzal0ver Anecdotas del sexto sentido femenino 🧐

cuéntenme sus anécdotas; mujeres, su sexto sentido las ha salvado?; hombres, ¿alguna vez los cacharon?
empiezo yo:
mi ex novio me estaba contando como le había ido en un evento del trabajo, todo normal hasta q específicamente mencionó a una tipa, me dijo q habían interactuado de forma cordial pq ella era la organizadora del evento y que fue muy atenta con el y su compañero, y me aclaro que su "relación" era meramente laboral... en el momento no pensé nada en particular hasta después, se me hizo un poco raro que me "aclarara" el tipo de "relación" que tenía con ella si yo en ningún momento le pregunte 🤨.
pasaron las semanas y yo pues me olvide del tema, hasta que una noche se bajo a comprar unas cosas, yo me quede en el carro, mi celular estaba sin carga y le pedí favor q me dejará escribirle a mi mamá desde su WhatsApp pq ya era algo tarde y tenía que avisar que iba en camino... me dio el celular, mande el mensaje y cuando iba a bloquear el celular algo me dijo q buscará el nombre de la tipa en su WhatsApp, fue como un presentimiento o intuición, dude pero decidí traicionar mi sistema de valores y buscarlo esperando no encontrar nada... ahi estaban los mensajes y se me revolvió la panza, me gano la duda y lo abrí, se notaba del inicio que faltaban mensajes (creo que su conversación empezó en el número del trabajo de el y luego se pasaron los # personales) al leerlo me di cuenta de que había coqueteo de parte de ella (hasta emojis de corazón) y de parte de él, no había coqueteo pero si le contaba muchos detalles de su vida, cosas de su trabajo, proyectos personales, y detalles de su día, lo cual me dolió más que cualquier cosa porque conmigo era distante, me di cuenta que todo me lo que no me contaba, que ignoraba mis mensajes por horas mientras a ella le respondía rápido y le dejaba ser parte de su vida mientras a mi no me daba prioridad.
lo confronte, primero se molesto pq revise el celular (si, se que esta mal) después de discutir por eso, le dije q me dijera la verdad de quien era esa tipa, me dijo que en realidad se habían hecho amigos en el evento pero que me había dicho que su relación era solo laboral para evitar malentendidos 🤔, le pedí que porfa tomara su distancia porque me había mentido, no me gustaba y me incomodaba como se trataban, el me dijo que "nada que ver" con ella y que por eso mismo no me quería decir 💀 al final se disculpo por mentir y accedió a ya no hablarle mas.
me di cuenta q aun la tenia en las redes pq la ella le contesto una historia q yo le pedí a el q subiera ya que necesitaba personas para un proyecto, le dije que si no se alejaba y no la quitaba de redes mejor termináramos pq se me hacía una falta de respeto, le tuve que dar un ultimatum de "ella o yo", me ponía mil excusas del porqué NO la podía borrar de redes, me decía que estaba "loca" q ella "nada q ver" pero yo le seguía insistiendo, la elimino a regañadientes y con eso deje en paz el tema. yo seguía teniendo una espinita muy a lo lejos pero no quería tocar el tema porque no tenía motivos reales (y lo amaba mucho 🥲)
pasaron meses de esto, y ya la relación se estaba acabando, peleábamos mucho y en una de esas peleas me terminó admitiendo qué ellos se conocían y hablaban desde antes del evento!!!!!
me dijo q se conocieron en persona ese día y q ella "andaba de intensa" y que tuvo la "oportunidad" de serme infiel pero que la "rechazo" porque sabía que EL no iba a soportar vivir con ese secreto 🤡 (no pq me amara o algo...) igual en mis ojos era lo mismo porque le dio entrada.
al final terminamos y lo primero que hizo después de terminar fue volverla a seguir JAJAJAJ.
ahí me di cuenta que nunca estuve loca, y que el sexto sentido me ayudó a descubrirlo 🗣
submitted by hawaiianpizzal0ver to guatemala [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:28 GetLOUD00 Hattrick please

Close on my hattrick, thank you to those who have traded clicks with me. Dr re 39705793. I got the bad end of a few trades, so I forget what clicks I can offer. I am happy to try yours first, and if it goes through successfully then you can return the favour. Thank you
submitted by GetLOUD00 to TemuThings [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:28 Straight_Upstairs_29 Any bulls?

submitted by Straight_Upstairs_29 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:28 Starlight9544 Feels like hakari could use his doors better but he just doesn’t

Feels like hakari could use his doors better but he just doesn’t Like, use them as shields, use them as platforms to move in the air, idk, do something with them man, summon the whole train next time
submitted by Starlight9544 to JujutsuPowerScaling [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:28 Resident_Ad_5383 Only %12 English, anyone with a mix feel like the English Shepard genes are strong.

Only %12 English, anyone with a mix feel like the English Shepard genes are strong. I probably have a misunderstanding of how dog genetics work but even so! Her mannerism’s are more like an English than Australian.
submitted by Resident_Ad_5383 to englishshepherd [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:28 Full-Mulberry5018 Black Cat Blep

Black Cat Blep submitted by Full-Mulberry5018 to AnimalBleps [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:28 QuickCobbler6767 Help me find this bathing suit

Help me find this bathing suit submitted by QuickCobbler6767 to findfashion [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:28 iocheaira #1449: “When you’re on the receiving end of No Contact.”

submitted by iocheaira to captainawkward [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:28 No_Relationship_7220 AT&T Denied Trade In

So back in March I purchased an iPhone 15 pro Max. Less than 30 days later I traded in my iPhone 13 Pro. I dropped it off at an AT&T store, and they sent it out. However I just realized I never got any credits for that trade in. I was still getting credits from a previous trade in that I thought was the new one, but those credits stopped last month. That’s when I noticed the new trade in from March never went through. When I contacted support they told me that the trade in was rejected because the old phone was received more than 30 days since I had purchased the new phone. I said no they were both in March 2024. Turns out they applied the trade in to my other line, and that phone was purchased last year. I asked if they could transfer the credits to my other line, the one that I had purchased in March, but they said that wasn’t possible. They also said they don’t send traded in phones back to customers. So they kept my iPhone 13 Pro that was in great condition, and I don’t get any compensation or any trade in credits. Is there anything I can do about this??
submitted by No_Relationship_7220 to ATT [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:28 Catfu123 Goodwill lego find!

Goodwill lego find! Awesome stuff:)
submitted by Catfu123 to lego [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:28 OrnaPilon 14" M4 Max 16/40 unbinned - How are your thermals?

Following a topic I previously created, I’d like to gather some data to better understand if my MacBook Pro 14” M4 Max (16c/40c) is behaving as expected. I’m a bit concerned about the overall thermal performance of my machine, as I’ve noticed some throttling and fans running frequently. This topic is specifically for owners of the M4 Max unbinned version in the 14” model. Please feel free to share your experiences!
- When idle or performing light tasks (e.g., browsing, calls, office work), what are your typical temperatures? Are your fans running (even at low, almost inaudible speeds)? - In high power mode, do you experience throttling, and if so, how severe is it? A good way to test this is by running a Cinebench multi-core stress test and monitoring metrics (P-core frequency and power) with a tool like MX Power Gadget. - Outside of synthetic benchmarks, how satisfied are you with the cooling and noise levels during medium / intensive workloads?
Thank you for your help!
submitted by OrnaPilon to macbookpro [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:28 ControlCAD Trump’s Biggest Fans Turn Against Him for Funniest Reason

Trump’s Biggest Fans Turn Against Him for Funniest Reason "Some MAGA fans are mad at Donald Trump over two particular Cabinet picks."
submitted by ControlCAD to Trumpvirus [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:28 Montre_efficace I know you want more so…

I know you want more so… Enjoy it guys
submitted by Montre_efficace to InsurgencySandstorm [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:28 The_only_Therapist [A4A] Little Red Riding Hood is the werewolf [Part 1] [Horror] [Plot Twist] [Yandere]

TW: Talks of Death
Synopsis: Your childhood friend, Red, has isolated themselves since their Grandma’s death. Concerned by recent wolf attacks you decide to check on them, but something about Red feels different, they’re not quite the friend you remember. Perhaps the true danger isn’t in the forest, but rather hiding within the cottage's walls.
Notes: Hello, it. It's been about two weeks since I posted my last script, and I was busy with other projects. I am back with another angst story, I know how much you guys love them, so here is one written and nursed with love. I got this prompt idea from u/ValerieVA, thanks much for that prompt list.
Listener: A friend of Red’s, they’ve come to check up on them due to the recent wolf attacks. They want to do their best to help them out, even going so far as to head there before sundown, but the darkness isn’t the only problem they’ll face.
Little Red Riding Hood (Red) - Speaker: Once caring and kind are now a shell of their former self since the death of their Grandmother. Now reclusive inside their cottage, perhaps there is more that they’re letting on.
Usage: Please give credit to me. While you can monetize my works, please don’t keep it behind a paywall!
You are allowed to change the pronouns/genders of the characters.
[The Listener arrives at a small cottage at the edge of a forest. They began knocking at the door until someone opened it, wearing a red cloak.]
[RED] (Angry to soft) “Who is o- oh-oh… it’s you… what are you doing out here so late, don’t you know it's dangerous?”
[RED] “You heard about the recent wolf attacks so you wanted to check up on me… of course you would come to check on me… you’re always so… thoughtful aren’t you. But as I told you previously, I’m fine, and there are especially no wolves around here. (Exhale) Well, I’ve been dealing with something, but it’s nothing for you to worry about. You-you should probably head back before the sun goes down. It’s safer in the village.”
[RED] “Why I’m not there then, (Stressed) well you already know why, this-this is grandma’s cabin… and now-now that she’s gone… It's mine. I have every right to be here, to keep her memory alive… besides it's not like I had anywhere else to go.”
[RED] (Annoyed) “You’re always too stubborn for your own good, why can’t you… ahh”.
[Red hugged their stomach for a while.]
[RED] (To themselves) “Why does it have to be now… no-no I mustn't… I… just a bit. (Calm) Sorry about that, I’m fine, it was just a tummy ache. You-you know what… I could use your help… come in, you're just in time for dinner.”
[The Listener goes in and Red locks the door.]
[RED] (Forced) “How have you been… it’s been quite a while since we last had a real conversation-not your fault or anything… I haven’t been easy to talk to lately.”
[RED] “That’s good to hear… about the wolf attacks, yeah I’ve heard about them… (Wavering) tragic isn’t it, but as I said, there are no wolves around here. Let's not discuss that right now, why don’t you take a seat at the dining table? I'll prepare the food shortly.”
[Red is finishing making dinner while the Listener sits.]
[RED] “How I’ve been, oh you know, life out here is… pretty quiet, but peaceful in a way. It’s nice to be free of the village, no wasting my time with unnecessary questions, no eyes prying into places they shouldn’t, no more… disturbances.”
[RED] (Agitated) “So what if they cared for me, they began poking into my business, asking too many questions, treating me like some fragile little thing… it was so suffocating.”
[RED] “I’m sorry, I haven’t been feeling well-well since Grandma’s passing. It’s just really hard for me to continue discussing it with them all, I just want it to be over and done with. Here the stew is ready, maybe we can talk over dinner. It’s not much, but it’s warm, and you must be… hungry after coming all this way. It’s the least I can do for you, friend.”
[Red is setting down the plates as the Listener notices scratch marks on them.]
[RED] (Nervous) “Marks on my wrist-oh this… it’s nothing. It’s just a little… accident, you know, I was just gathering some herbs and I-I slipped… you know how clumsy I can be.”
[RED] (Low) “You know you shouldn’t have come out here, it’s not safe. (Normal) but since you’re here… let’s enjoy dinner. Grandma always said a good meal solves everything.”
[RED] “The meat’s a bit underdone… well it’s an acquired taste I suppose, I guess I’ve been starting to enjoy eating rare meat (Chuckling).”
[RED] “Honestly I don’t know why you’re looking at me like that, it’s not a big deal. I don’t get weirded out at the food you eat, and tastes change over time… maybe you may enjoy this as well. So… how are things in that little village… anything positive.”
[RED] “Uh huh so the baker got with the florist, well I can’t say I’ve seen that coming with the way the two looked at each other you would have already thought that they were married. And the farmer was having an affair with the guard, how shameful… I pity their spouse.”
[RED] “I was expecting some positive news, but I suppose the wolf attacks are the talk of the town due to all the livestock taken- I mean that is what I suppose the wolves are doing aren’t they? Any reports?”
[RED] “So the wolves have so far killed over a dozen cattle, there are howls and growls that could be heard throughout the night and a hunter was attacked… (Lying) Oh, how terrible, it sounds like you all have a lot on your hands.”
[RED] (Softly) “A few people even got glimpses of it, they say it's bigger than a man, (Nervous) are you sure they are telling the truth about it being a wolf… I mean it could be a bear for all we know.”
[RED] “Well that sounds ridiculous, let's move on to something else, is there anything else about the village.”
[RED] “And they sometimes ask about me, well I’m surprised they still remember me. (Whispering) After what they did with grandma.”
[RED] (Sharply) “Why does everyone keep asking if I’m taking care of myself, I’m telling you-I’m fine. I don’t need you, or anybody else, checking up on me. I can survive just by myself.”
[RED] “If you don’t mean by that then what do you mean!”
[RED] (Angry) “Safe, you want to keep me safe, (chuckling) you think the village is safe. Wow, I didn’t expect you to be this stupid, you’re clinging to that false sense of security like everyone else there, wolves don’t care about fences or guards, especially ones that are having an affair. If they want to get in there they will… just like…”
[RED] “What did you just say, ‘Grandma would’ve been okay if she stayed in the village!’”.
[RED] (Loud Voice) “NO, don’t you dare try to start with that, you weren’t there, you didn’t see her fighting just so she could get out of bed every day. And all the villagers did was gossip about her. Saying what a burden she was, they didn’t care, they just wanted her gone so they could forget she existed.”
[RED] (Slowly growling) “You think the wolves are the real danger… that the village would’ve protected her, protected me… if you believe that then you’re delusional. Those people turn on anyone who’s different, anyone who doesn’t fit into their little narrow perfect world. They’d rather leave you to rot than actually help.”
[RED] (Bitter) “Help… you think you can help me… do you even know what you’re talking about… you can’t help me, no one can. It doesn’t matter anymore, grandma’s gone, the wolves, the village… none of it matters. Let’s just finish eating, after that, you can go back to your safe little village, where you can pretend everything is fine.”
[RED] “Help… there’s that word again, you think it’s that simple don’t you, that your kindness will fix me. Do you have any idea how insulting that is, how naive you are!”
[RED] “FINE, you want to help me with my problem. Let me start from the beginning. Grandma didn’t die from some illness, she was gone long before I buried her.”
[RED] “I… I went to her cottage, it was supposed to be another visit. She needed medicine, she was too weak to come to the village herself and the villagers didn’t care. They didn’t care enough to deliver it to her so I… I had to go. (Breathing) But when I got there… something felt wrong, it-it wasn’t right, I should have run but no I told myself, ‘it’s just my imagination’ Grandma needed me, she was sick, she… was waiting.”
[RED] “She was resting in bed just like always… but-but she looked so different… her skin was so grey… and her eyes, they were this awful growling yellow. I tried asking her about it and she said the strangest things, things that didn’t make sense. At first, it was like she didn’t even know me, then it got worse, much worse, she talked about how small I was, and how easy it would be to… and when we got to the mouth… her terrible terrible mouth, she smiled at me… no not smiled it was more like she bared her teeth… so sharp… so long. Then she said it… those words I’ll never forget, she-she said ‘The better to eat you with’... ”
[RED] (Myanical laughing) “Yes, those were the words, the words she said to her granddaughter. You won’t believe what she did next, she got out of bed and lunged at me… She came at me like some kind of… animal, like a wolf.
[RED] “I tried to fight her off, I begged her to stop, to remember who I was but it wasn’t her anymore… She clawed at my face, she even tried to tear my throat.”
[RED] “Our little scuffle attracted some attention from the huntsman. He burst through the door… he had a rifle, but he… he didn’t know what he was dealing with either. He managed to shoot her… but then when he came closer she… she bit him.”
[RED] “He kept shooting her over and over again until he stopped and dropped his gun… I thought it was in shock at first, but then I saw his eyes… They were the same shade of yellow as Grandma’s and at that moment I ran. I ran and ran and ran, I reached the river but I wasn’t fast enough… he caught up to me.”
[RED] “Whatever my grandmother had, she gave it to him and I couldn’t escape, we tussled at the water and he-(Suspicious) I managed to grab a rock and hit him a few times until I was free and the water took him below. After that, I buried my grandma and lied about her death and now here we are.”
[RED] (Nervous) “Hiding something, I-I don’t know what you mean. I told you everything already, how grandma died, the huntsman, there-there’s nothing else to tell!”
[RED] (Agitated) “You can tell when I’m lying, you know that I’m not telling you everything, but-but please please please just let it go. (Themselves) No no no, not… right now… this can’t happen… it's back.”
[RED] (Low/Calm) “Why… Why do you always have to ask so many questions, can’t you just sit and enjoy your meal? (Closer) After all, I made this just for you, for us… but now you continue to pester me. (Growling) If you want to know the truth, why don’t I show it to you ?”
[Red stands up and reveals their neck, it has bite marks.]
[RED] “I was bitten when the huntsmen caught up to me, he wasn’t human… not anymore.”
[RED] “Why I didn’t tell you (Laughing) why didn’t I tell you, and say what, (Angry) that I’m turning into one of them, that I am grasping at my humanity. This isn’t going away, in fact, it's getting worse, I can feel it… this hunger… this need. It’s clawing at me, trying to take over, sometimes I can’t even tell if my thoughts are my own.”
[RED] (Bitter) “HELP, AGAIN about the help with that word, tell me who can help me. No one can save me… not even you. You came here thinking you could save me from the big bad wolf, but did you ever wonder why there’ve been so many attacks after I left the village… (Soft) you’ve been looking at the wolf the entire time.”
[RED] (Quieter) “You should’ve stayed in the village, you never should have come here, you were safe, ignorant… but now that you’re here… maybe you can help me in a different way”
[The Listener stands up.]
[RED] (Teasing) “Leaving already, you’re not being very polite… I made dinner and everything… and it's so dark outside, you wouldn’t want to stumble and hurt yourself, who knows what might be lurking out there.”
[RED] “You don’t understand, do you, I don’t need saving. Wolves don’t just attack my dear friend, they choose. Grandma understood that and she welcomed it. She knew what it meant to be chosen… to belong, just like they welcomed her, just like they welcomed me.”
[The Listener tries to make a run for it, but just as they reach the door, Red pins them on the wall, facing them.]
[RED] (Growling/Wolfish) “You’re not going anymore, you came all this way, it’s only fair I give you the same hospitality grandma gave me, she was so kind you know.”
[RED] (CloseDeep Breathing) “What’s wrong, don’t look so scared little lamb. You came here to help me, to check up on poor lonely me. It’s only fair that I show you just how… hungry I am.”
[RED] (Singsong) “What big ears I have… the better to hear you with my friend.”
[RED] “What big eyes I have… the better to see you with, my dear.”
[RED] “What large hands I have… the better to hug you with.”
[RED] “And what a big and terrible mouth I have…”
[RED] “The better to eat you with-”
[Red flashes their teeth before lunging toward the Listener, digging their claws into the Listener, their laughter echoing the house.]
submitted by The_only_Therapist to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:28 heavnlymars is kou not normally purple?

is kou not normally purple? i just got my very first burst beyblade and i really like purple so i picked up Lucifer the end. i was just watching a video and realized the guys kou was silver and not purple
submitted by heavnlymars to Beyblade [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:28 nearbylWinI Increase in masculine energy after quiting porn and mastrubation

submitted by nearbylWinI to Celibacy [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:28 Hooked_on_Avionics I'm two weeks away from getting my degree.

I know it's not much of an achievement in the grand scheme of things, but I'm just so proud of myself.
I've never considered myself intelligent. I didn't think that I'd ever be here. I thought I was a limited individual.
I have failed in so many ways in my life. I failed my first attempt and dropped out at 19. I failed in pursuing my childhood dreams of being in aviation. I failed again on my second attempt at 22 and dropped out again. I failed social aspirations. I failed in professional pursuits. I have failed too many other things to list.
I have shed tears, spiraled in numerous depressive episodes, struggled with suicidal ideation, drastically fluctuated in weight both ways, and thought of just giving up so many damn times.
I returned to school after realizing I was going nowhere while locked in an empty grocery store freezer at the beginning of the pandemic. Someone had asked me to "check the back" for stock on something even though there was literally nothing on any of my shelves. I realized that I, like the task, was unnecessary there and that, in both cases, I was simply doing nothing in an empty room. No stock, No achievements.
I started fresh with a degree that has always interested me, ditching engineering for history, with plans to teach at the high school level, and though that no longer feels right, I am content with the future I have made possible. I know the stigma. I know many assume that the Social Sciences and/or Humanities are not big breadwinners, however, the overwhelming positive feedback that I have received since making the switch has empowered me to want to continue my education in a related field.
This is a culmination of over a decade of falling, standing back up, and trying again. I'm 29, and life has begun again!
I finally won one! I did something until the job was done!
submitted by Hooked_on_Avionics to aspergers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:28 gusbus1990 Help building my main team

Help building my main team I’ve just been using the auto feature but feel like it’s time to take it a little more serious, who should I invest in and make my top 5
submitted by gusbus1990 to NikkeMobile [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:28 TurbulentTrash8455 Que outro clube no mundo é assim?

Corinthians com 6 vítorias nos últimos 6 jogos do BR, escapou do rebaixamento ao mesmo tempo que acontece uma revolução no clube, torcida indo protestar contra o golpe, todo mundo se manifestando, muito foda! Amo demais ser Corinthians!
submitted by TurbulentTrash8455 to Corinthians [link] [comments]
