2024.11.25 23:30 x_p_z What is this?
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submitted by x_p_z to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 23:30 __shellshock__ [WTS] Boldr 5 in-a-row
submitted by __shellshock__ to Watchexchange [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 23:30 Offres Girl Adventurer
submitted by Offres to Gulf_News [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 23:30 Crump1er American Rare Earths fields highest rare earth grades to date at Cowboy State Mine By Proactive Investors
submitted by Crump1er to ARRNF [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 23:30 Full-Mulberry5018 Sleeping Black Labrador Retriever Puppy
submitted by Full-Mulberry5018 to AnimalsAsleep [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 23:30 TheRemedyKitchen [serious] Sick from inhaling alcohol fumes. What the hell happened?
submitted by TheRemedyKitchen to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 23:30 1caiosury Concursos do correios
Da pra passar no concurso do correio do cargo carteiro começando do zero e estudando 2horas por dia? Faltam praticamente 20 dias.
submitted by 1caiosury to concursospublicos [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 23:30 Dazzling-Tonight506 Dr****, abuso, depresión..
Qué se puede hacer cuando se encuentra a un conocido, en su punto más bajo? (Trataré de darles el contexto, por eso me disculpo si el texto es muy largo)
El domingo pasado estuve celebrarando mi cumple, todo bien, y al irme a mi casa desde el centro del pueblo donde vivo, traté de hacer una buena obra denunciando a unos flaytes que estaban haciendo fuego en la vasija de greda que estaba justo al lado de una palmera muy antigua y un edificio colonial (era faltando para las 21 horas y aún hacía calor). Llego a la comisaría, y me quedé esperando a que atendieran a una señora que se encontraba algo mal (se notaba por su voz que algo había consumido), y me quedé en la entrada.. volví a acercarme a la sala donde estaban con esta "señora" y la Carabinera le dice "vaya a su casa, tome una ducha fría, beba café y después vuelve.. disculpe, pero no se le entiende"), a lo que balbuceando, la señora sale y se para aguera de aquella sala. Yo la miré preguntándome "quizás que le pasó", "le habrán pegado mientras bebía", etc, y ésta, me queda mirando a lo que yo no pude quitarle la lista de encima, hasta que ella reacciona, y me llama por mi nombre. Ahí fue cuando entendí por qué se me hacía familiar su cara: era una chica de 26 años, a la que atendía de vez en cuando, cuando ayudaba a un amigo en su lugar, y ella tenía cerca de 13 o 14 años..!! Me vuelve a hablar y me decía "llama al Blanco, busca al blanco, porfa, dile que venga" con una pronunciación apenas entendible, y yo le decía "sí, no te preocupes, yo lo busco.. debo hacee algo aquí" . Yo creo que en su estado, confundió la salida y trató de entrar a por un pasillo, cuando otro carabinero la acompaña a la puerta y le dice que volviera más tarde cuando se sintiera mejor; la sacan de la comisaría y las 2 carabineras que la atendieron salen a verla.. ahí me les acerco y pregunto que "qué le había pasado", "yo conozco a esta niña y tiene la edad de mi hermano", a lo que las uniformadas me deciden "pobre niña.. anda todo el tiempo tomada, y a veces la encontramos botada en la calle. Anda con un gallo de unos 50 que le pega, Pero que le da alcohol y drogas, pero no podemos hacer nada, porque tratamos de interferir y ella negó todo. Ahora venía diciendo de que alguien le pegó (tenía la nariz moreteada de los golpes) pero no quiso dar el nombre de la persona. Es de buena familia, el tipo también, pero están metidos demasiado en las drogas". "Ella estudió psicología, trabajaba en la clínica que está aquí atrás, de asistente, mientras sacaba la carrera, y en los veranos, trabajaba de promotora y modelo de playa" (las caras de las carabineras eran de no creer). Continúe: "ella era muy buena estudiante, cantaba, modelaba, y todos andaban tras ella; fumaba de pintamona y se tomaba sus cervezas los fines de semana, pero conoció a un wn que se las daba de rapero, que se aprovechó de su dependencia emocional después de que su papá las dejara a ella y a su mamá, y de que una de sus mejores amigas se suicidara por los abusos sexxxxx que su padrastro le propinó. El tipo la metió en las drogas, le comenzó a pegar, pedía plata a nombre de ella y hasta se metió con su mamá... Nunca tuvo el apoyo necesario, siempre se aprovechaban de ella, porque daba mucho más de lo que recibía, y la metieron más en las drogas duras, sobretodo los últimos pololos que tuvo, que por lo que me contaron y por lo que ella subía a sus rrss" (Las carabineras estaban impávidas).
"Nosotros no sabemos cómo ayudarla, hemos tratado de que se interne por su voluntad, pero la última vez, a los 3 meses se salió y se fue de nuevo con el viejo que de seguro le pasa droga o la tiene trabajada psicológicamente, y mientras la familia no haga algo, nosotros estamos de brazos cruzados porque el sistema es así ". Les dí las gracias, me disculpé y me despedí...
La verdad, me gustaría ayudarla, o saber cómo hacerlo, pero ahora está en un círculo tan denso y oscuro, que temo que yo o alguien cercano, salga lastimado. Ví buenos cabros y cabras, sucumbir por las drogas, suicidarse porque éstas, ya no lograban calmarles.. no les resultaba como metodos de escape a los problemas familiares, y se fueron jóvenes, con buenos futuros, y con mucha gente que se preocupaba por ellos, aunque tal vez nunca pudieron verlo.
No sé si llegue alguien a responder, a comentar, a proponer alguna idea, o si pasó o vivió está experiencia de estar sumido en las drogas, o con alguien cercano en ellas, pero espero hayan logrado escapar y poder tener una vida o un final feliz..
submitted by Dazzling-Tonight506 to chile [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 23:30 ztev0og Hey, can you remove some snow tracks to make it look more clean. It's ok if there is some snowtrack in the back. I want it to look as if he was alone up there. Any other improvements is appreciated. Thanks!
submitted by ztev0og to PhotoshopRequest [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 23:30 GradeAPrimeFuckery Something different - Mining collector
I mine a lot (a LOT,) and since having a lot of AI techs deployed murders my FPS, I came up with a collector that has some built in defense, along with other utilities to facilitate resource extraction.
This is the Hawkeye version - I have GSO and BF miners, but I like the looks of the Hawkeye tech the most.
Top view showing the features
I can plop one of these down by resource seams and add conveyors to reach nearby miners. (For whatever reason, interacting with conveyors--even mousing over them--tends to crash my session when I've been playing a while. Ugh. This is the WORST for my style of game play.)
Once the seam is played out, I can fill partial resource blocks with Venture resources using the scrapper, and either haul away the excess to use in other collectors, or set the 'sell' filter to get rid of them. This has sped things up significantly, and since it can defend itself (from smaller techs--I *love* that they have added tougher techs now,) I don't need to put down as many sentinel techs to keep things safe. It's been working out nicely!
Mining in action, with a small sentinel in the background, along with my main tech in it's 'garage'
submitted by GradeAPrimeFuckery to TerraTech [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 23:30 ajpathecreature Help I’m new at this. Are these 26x2.125 tires just too large for my wheels?
submitted by ajpathecreature to bikewrench [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 23:30 foxarcus What may be causing Desktop & Dock Tiling Settings to gray Out in Sequoia?
I ran into this a few times where the tiling randomly stops working on my macbook. All options related to Drag windows and tile are grayed out when I go to System Settings > Desktop & Dock. What may be causing this?
Hardware: 14 in Macbook Pro M4 Max
macOS: Sequoia 15.1.1
submitted by foxarcus to MacOS [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 23:30 LegInternational8469 Will hypoallergenic cat food help my cat’s excessive grooming?
My 4 year old cat grooms excessively and has done so for quite some time. I don’t think it’s stress because he’ll actually do it when he’s very relaxed or even half sleeping. I’m looking into hypoallergenic cat food but I can only really see reviews relating to stomach issues. He’s currently on the Royal Canin urinary support, so does have a high quality diet. I am wary about also switching him off this because he’s prone to UTIs but this has really helped. Did it work for anyone else’s cat? I’d just like to try this before going down a medical route
submitted by LegInternational8469 to catfood [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 23:30 Calmstaycalm اكره امي
امي اكثر انسانه سيئة قابلتها بحياتي
هي سبب مشاكلي النفسيه كلها
وانا صغيره تسوي لي ابيوز ودايم تسبني وتدعي علي نادرا جدا تمدحني او تدعي لي قدامي كنت عايشه حرفيا على مدح وحب الاستاذات لي او امهات صديقاتي
يوم صحصحت لها ايام الجامعه وصرت افهم حركاتها قالت لي انتي تاكلين شبو؟قلت. اللي ياكل شبو ياخذ الاول على دفعته قالت اي عشان كذا ياخذونه ، بالله في اوصخ من كذا ؟
غير كذا قافطتها مليون مرا تكلم رجال انا بحياتي ماكلمت رجال عمري ٢٨ سنه لا واحنا صغار كنا نطلع معها وهي تديت 🤣
مصخره قسم بالله والحين انا مستقيله من شغلي وقاعده بالبيت وتسوي حركات كني مجنونه وضيعت نفسي وخربت حياتي لدرجه صرت ارقد واصحى واسوي كلشي بمجلس الرجال عشان ماقابلها واطلع نص اليوم اسوي شغلي بالقهاوي والمكاتب وهي يعنني مسويه شاكه فيني وين اروح
الصدق افكر ادور شغل برا مدينتي لاني مبي اعيش معها ابي ارتاح منها وففي نفس الوقت هي كبرت واحس في لحضه يمكن يصير فيها شي وانا اندم
ودي ارتاح
submitted by Calmstaycalm to SaudiForSaudis [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 23:30 MxTy6969 Is this monitor worth it?
I found this monitor for black friday : AOC AGON PRO AG326UD.
Now the downsides that I see: Matte not glossy Brand is meh 165hz refresh rate instead of 240hz
Pros: QD - OLED 4K 31.5 inch INCREDIBLE PRICE - 560Francs (around 600eur or 630 dollar) 3year burn in warranty
I wanted to buy the AW3225QF but it is 830 Francs or the SAMSUNG Odyssey OLED G8 at 700 francs. Now the AW3225QF is perfect as it has none of the downsides but costs 300francs more, and the SAMSUNG Odyssey OLED G8 costs 130 Francs more but comes at 240hz, Matte finish and reputable brand.
Which do you think I should get?
submitted by MxTy6969 to buildapc [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 23:30 nearbylWinI Increase in masculine energy after quiting porn and mastrubation
submitted by nearbylWinI to SRLounge [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 23:30 jess-the-messs How likely is HSV-2 transmission with Valtrex and condoms female to male?
I’ve been doing an insane amount of reading, but can’t find an answer.. Everyone is saying the chances are basically zero, but is that true?
Please correct me if I’m wrong, but this is what I’ve found:
Transmission rate for women to men: 4-5% Condom use: decreases likelihood by 30-50% Valtrex: decreases likelihood by 50% (numbers based on monogamous couples having sex twice a week for a year with no OBs)
Would the likelihood of me spreading it be 1-1.2%
That feels a little high, is that correct?
submitted by jess-the-messs to HSVpositive [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 23:30 ImportanceCritical62 f18 5’6 130lbs
i can’t hit chest or go too heavy due to recent surgery. so i’m like just coming back after recovery. should i bulk or cut first? or a mix? i dont know where to start since having a few months off submitted by ImportanceCritical62 to Physiquecritique [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 23:30 Purple_Research_3197 19/M) just trying to make friends or just a conversation
Quite late, very bored and this is my first post so if anyone does message it would be appreciated but would love to stay up and talk to whoever about anything I don’t mind what age. I like all sorts of movies and shows. I have a ton of hobbies like playing football or video games Im a chef lol just thought i should mention because why not. Just going to yap on also because of how bored I am I’m tired of bots texting me ngl it’s annoying
submitted by Purple_Research_3197 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 23:30 Ok-Cod-856 F33d me bi N'_L 😈 perv stuff. UBGR9JCU8
submitted by Ok-Cod-856 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 23:30 Silent-Criticism444 Is the Business and Leadership Program at Uni of Michigan, Ann Arbor provided by NSLC legit?
I’ve seen everyone saying that the NSLC is a scam and it pretends to be prestigious when it isn’t, but all of the bad reviews have been about their med or gov programs. Is their programs at University of Michigan for Business and Leadership like that too or does it actually have some value to it?
submitted by Silent-Criticism444 to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 23:30 fiddlesticks-app Fiddlesticks Match #1109
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submitted by fiddlesticks-app to Fiddlesticks [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 23:30 Exciting_Top_8402 I (21M) broke up with my ex (22F) 2months ago due to built up reasons and impulsiveness. Starting from 2 or 3 weeks ago I started missing her alot. What do I do?
Me (21M) and my ex (22F) broke up about 2 months ago after being together for 3 years. I fully admit that I was the one responsible for the breakup as I was the one who initiated it. There were many built up reasonings which led to the ultimate initiation. First of all, we've been doing LDR for about 7 months. During these 7 months it was extremely hard for me to keep the spark on, to find time to commit into calling, and find activities we could do together. Eg: Gaming tgt is out of question since we're on different server. Secondly, which is related to the first reasoning, we argue alot the longer we progress with the long distance. Almost on a daily basis we would argue, especially towards the end of the relationship. I totally understand this is normal in a relationship especially in a LDR, but during the time of happening (argument and cold wars), you feel really overwhelmed by the arguments. I am totally not making an excuse for myself, and I acknowledge I should've done better on handling the argument, which is why I'm asking for advices now on how I can get her back. Last reason is pretty much my main reason for breaking up, which is I might not return back to my home country after graduating, yes, the LDR is caused by overseas studies. There are uncertainty in terms of whether or not I'm going back home, because if I do get offered a really nice job post internship, I would stay here for another 2 or 3 more years, leading to more longer term LDR. She was not keen on me studying overseas in the first place, but she compromised on that part as it is unreasonable to stop me. Like I said, I initiated the breakup due to lots of built up reasons over the past 3 years, with 3rd being the main reason, 1st and 2nd being the catalyst during the time of breakup.
When we first broke up, I had not realized what happened. It is the feeling of knowing I lost something, but it hadn't catched on to me. She was devastated, crying, and trying everything she could to cope with it. And me? I was lagging behind on it. Not until 2 or 3 weeks ago the feeling of losing her finally caught on to me. I tried to hide and suppress it, because I know I was the one that initiated the breakup and I had no rights to regret my decision. Around 8 or 9 days ago I found out that she had blocked me eventhough we had always kept in touch post breakup (she said that she'd wait for me and she wants to continue being connected). I took another hit from this because I know she finds it hard to move on or she is already in the process of moving on. I continued to kept my feelings for myself, because I don't wanna hurt me or her further.
Fast forward 3 days ago till yesterday I was in an absolute mess. The curve of my feelings for her went exponentially up. it started off flat at the start of breakup not realising what had happened but these few days I missed her so much. I felt like I've fumbled a big time. Fumbled a girl whom had been with me since highschool. She kept hinting that she wants me back over the past weeks in our convo, and that she's waiting for me, yet I forced myself to disregard those hints.
Today morning, my friend sent me a recording of her story, which seems like a guy was holding her wrist (not hand). My heart sank, as if a fractured glass is slitting into it. Nothing had been confirmed yet but everyone said she probably got a new guy to cope with the breakup. My suprressed feelings that was already leaking exploded from that moment. I can't eat, talk, breath, think straight. All I want is to get her back, to compromise on things, to establish an even stronger foundation for LDR, to commit into a long term relationship, to have her by my side again.
But morally I know it is extremely wrong since she just got to know that guy, probably just from a week ago. I consulted 4 of my best friends. 3 said to just go for her because I realized how much she meant to me, and they've witness the relationship from start till breakup it is not worth it to give up at this point. 1 of them said to just accept it as a fact and move on.
Dear internet and redditors, tell me what should I do. Will I be the ass hole to go back to her. I know for a fact that I am already morally wrong for even thinking about this, but I need someone to push me or atleast an advice so potent to help me make the decision.
Tldr: We broke up due to LDR and uncertainty but I started regretting about it starting from 3 weeks ago and now I want to get her back. Should I go for it and if yes, what do I do.
Thank you all in advance
submitted by Exciting_Top_8402 to BreakUps [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 23:30 MugShots Two Arrested After LA Pursuit
submitted by MugShots to ArrestStories [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 23:30 weird_wandererr The 2v2 ranked effect
submitted by weird_wandererr to ClashRoyale [link] [comments] |