If “they” showed up at the Georgia coast, would you enlist?

2024.11.25 23:20 Equal_Personality157 If “they” showed up at the Georgia coast, would you enlist?

"They" being the enemy.
submitted by Equal_Personality157 to AskMen [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:20 DestroyerOfWaffles Castle Mont Rouge - Rougemont, NC, USA 🏰 The owner/builder let me film a music video there!

Castle Mont Rouge - Rougemont, NC, USA 🏰 The ownebuilder let me film a music video there! submitted by DestroyerOfWaffles to castles [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:20 chillbraww He is Jagjit Singh from Gurugram, who created heated beds from discarded drums for 1,200+ stray dogs to survive the cold.

He is Jagjit Singh from Gurugram, who created heated beds from discarded drums for 1,200+ stray dogs to survive the cold. submitted by chillbraww to awesome [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:20 Rare_Store_1497 Selling AR57 acc (na)

4 star characters:
C6: Thoma
C5: Sayu
C4: Razor, Bennett
C3: Beidou, Kachina, Yaoyao, Barbara
C2: yanfei, surcrose, sara, collei
C1: xiangling, xingqui, kaveh, noelle, rosaria, heizou, **kaeya**, yun jin, gorou, ningguang, chongyun, faruzan, mika, dori, candance, xinyan
C0: diona, fischl, lisa, lynette, layla, kuki, kirara
archon quest at natlan: Chapter V: Act III
every region not in screenshot is 10-80% explored so farmable
lf: cashapp (nyp pls..)
submitted by Rare_Store_1497 to GenshinTrades [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:20 LulaMosusco About someone's color pallet

I didn't know what tag to use so if I'm wrong on using this feel free to tell me in the comments
So. We're going through the serpo arc and looking really close to the cursed house and evil eye arc. And with every spirit/alien gaining a color pallet to paint the screen I want to know what are your opinions on which color will be used for Evil Eye when he eventually appears
submitted by LulaMosusco to Dandadan [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:20 DISPOSABLEHEROES69 OU Demise

OU has sucked for the last ten years,... They have no clue how to use the transfer portal, refuse to hire coaches that haven't played for them, they can't develop players, they're the only team in NCAA history, with the exception of the Marshall football team that perished in the plane crash, to go the entire season with their top 6 wrs and starting O Line to have never played a game throughout the entire season and they refuse to pay up for the top recruits
submitted by DISPOSABLEHEROES69 to sooners [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:20 andee_sings Lucas quit too soon!

Tried to have some fun with this guy tonight but he tried to stick to his script and then moved on. No fun!
submitted by andee_sings to ScammerPayback [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:20 8997Here How would you feel about someone who always thinks their coworkers want to get rid of them? Normal? Crazy?

submitted by 8997Here to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:20 l00t9 Swiffer mopping pads have ruined my vinyl floor with these spots/stains. I tried vinegar but it won’t get rid. Is there any way to get them to their original shine?

Swiffer mopping pads have ruined my vinyl floor with these spots/stains. I tried vinegar but it won’t get rid. Is there any way to get them to their original shine? submitted by l00t9 to fixit [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:20 riot-van-1893 Descobri algo bizzaro sem querer (ajuda)

Há algum tempo havia uma conta no Instagram que aparecia sempre na minha página de sugestões então, decidi ver o que era.
A conta não tinha posts e tinha muito poucos seguidores. Por curiosidade, fui ver quem a conta seguia e, meu amigo, esse foi um dos momentos mais estranhos que eu me lembro.
Nem sei como explicar sem soar tão mal, então vou dizer logo: a pessoa seguia cerca de quarenta contas, e TODAS ELAS eram sobre GAROTOS CRIANÇAS GORDOS SEM CAMISA. SEI QUE PARECE PIADA MAS N É eram especificamente rapazes. As contas tinham nomes como "chubbykid01", com fotos de crianças reais sem roupa, apenas com uma edição para tapar as partes privadas. As contas tinha cerca de 20 seguidores, ou nem isso.
Pra deixar ainda mais estranho, algumas das contas tinham fotos de meninos em posições s3xuais e links suspeitos nas biografias, com comentários em línguas aleatórias. Eu estava tentando processar o que diabos eu estava vendo.
Eu olhava a página das contas seguidas e pensava: "Eu literalmente acabei de encontrar um pedófilo" Estava sem saber processar o que estava a ver.
Continuei a explorar e comecei a sentir o peso da situação conforme MAIS E MAIS contas apareciam, e repito, TODAS SOBRE MENINOS GORDOS SEM CAMISA e muitas contas de carater adulto. Não havia uma única conta normal sendo seguida.
Achei que era uma brincadeira porque era simplesmente ridículo e decidi ver quem seguia aquela conta.
Vou ver os seguidores e vejo algo que me faz pensar que estou num episódio psicadélico: pelo seguidores, eu SOUBE que o dono da conta era um garoto que trabalhava comigo como garçonete em que eu tinha uma paixonete ENORME por ANOS. Não passava UM ÚNICO DIA sem que eu pensasse nele, e agora vejo essa porra. Eu sabia que ere ele também pela foto de perfil e nome da conta, que era de uma série que ele gostava, e eu não conhecia mais ninguém que gostasse da série sem ser ele.
Como se isso já não fosse estranho o suficiente, no dia seguinte vou checar a conta e ela tinha sido deletada mano
Ela estava ativa há algumas semanas, mas no dia seguinte a eu descobrir, simplesmente desapareceu porra.
Eu nem sabia o que pensar. Sei que parece piada MAS QUEM ME DERA QUE FOSSE.
Quando descobri isso já não trabalhava mais com ele, ainda bem
Alguém sabe o que isso significa? Isso é algum tipo de brincadeira ou fetiche bizarro? Ou o garoto que eu gostei por três anos é de fato um pedo- ? Será que ele sabe que eu vi aquilo?
submitted by riot-van-1893 to desabafos [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:20 Accomplished_Yak5295 born to be a slut forced to be a hijabi 05ebe75dd623fa445647581d270bb01c1032aedbf25121ef5f1632feb4aadae863

submitted by Accomplished_Yak5295 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:20 ElijahBlow Has anyone read The Actor/Memory by Westlake?

How does it compare to his other stuff? Worth reading?
submitted by ElijahBlow to hardcasecrime [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:20 BlandBiryani ARY's Hassan Ayub Khan claims that Army has now been deployed in Islamabad with orders to shoot protestors.

Disclaimer:Hassan Ayub is notorious for being a PML-N mouthpiece.
Tweet link
submitted by BlandBiryani to pakistan [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:20 Free-Lavishness1540 Suche Kanaken die mir nudes schicken von ihren Mädels. Egal von wem. Session 05e01f2d88c3f8408a3843da039f45a484761a134fe715f66f815455444fa1375c oder Teleguard 62A48AJM8

submitted by Free-Lavishness1540 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:20 Farhanito VENEZIA-LECCE 0-1 | HIGHLIGHTS | 13ª GIORNATA | SERIE A ENILIVE 2024/25

VENEZIA-LECCE 0-1 | HIGHLIGHTS | 13ª GIORNATA | SERIE A ENILIVE 2024/25 submitted by Farhanito to myspoty [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:20 doffy007_ .

. submitted by doffy007_ to Carola [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:20 LeafMeA10ne H: TFJ & Red Asylum dress W: a big ol pile of leaders + glowing pig

submitted by LeafMeA10ne to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:20 NazxyTQ Buying AMP w Robux!

7k available! :)
submitted by NazxyTQ to Cross_Trading_Roblox [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:20 The_Stalker45 hard bony bump where finger is and where the circle is. is it cancer?

submitted by The_Stalker45 to medical_advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:20 TrueRain8863 Baby shower requests

Baby shower requests I love children, I have children. And because of that I know how extremely tacky it is to do for. $250 Dagne Dover diaper bag or actual furniture. What happened to onesies and blankets? And the funny thing is, most were purchased. Entitled much? We bought expensive ticket items for our first. But besides a couple of things from grandparents, we did not put expensive stuff on the baby shower list, because we did not want to burden friends. I don’t know. It left a bad taste.
submitted by TrueRain8863 to ChoosingBeggars [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:20 HibacheeSauce I don’t know what I want to do

Not sure if this is the right spot to post this but I’m sure some of you will relate or maybe even have been in my shoes once.
I am 17, a senior in high school, and I’m feeling a huge amount of pressure to decide the rest of my life right now. Everyone just expects I’ll go to college because I’m “so smart” but I’m feeling super burnt out and college isn’t really what I want to do or see myself doing. The funny thing is just a few months ago I expected the same of myself and I wanted to become a doctor, but now I realize I have no drive or passion for that, or even anything college can offer me for that matter.
I’m currently thinking about joining some branch of the military because I want to live a little bit and see the world instead of being cooped up in some classroom for the next 10 years. However, everyone around me tells me I’m stupid and that I should lean into my gifted academics instead. I also just want to get away from home. I don’t hate my parents but if I never see them again I won’t be upset.
I don’t want a family, or rather I don’t see myself having one. I’d rather die drunk and happy somewhere on the street at 35 than live to be 80 and die sad and alone. Maybe I’m immature but this is my genuine outlook on life, I do think life is worth living but not if you can’t enjoy it. It feels like I’ve just been doing what everyone wants me to do and nothing that I want to do, I just want to start living for myself.
Someone who’s been in my shoes: What choice did you make? Do you regret it? Would you have done things differently if you could?
Any advice helps a lot so please feel free to drop anything you want down there.
submitted by HibacheeSauce to Life [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:19 Disastrous-Fig-2141 Help Finding Specific Book

Hello all, I've been looking for a book I read in high school for years and I can't find it so I was hoping someone might know something?
It had a green cover and wasnt too thick, maybe 10 or so chapters? The chapters all detailed a different like quirky bodily action or response and where and why it may have developed from, usually using animals to back up the theories.
A couple memorable examples were why we need to pee when we get cold and it talked about how some frogs get rid of excess water and freeze to survive (something like that). Another talked about why some people need to sneeze when they step out into the sun and it hypothesized that it may be a trait from our cave dwelling ancestors in order to clear the airways when coming out of their homes.
If this isn't the right place for this type of question, sorry. I've also checked the recommended books and didn't see anything like it.
submitted by Disastrous-Fig-2141 to evolution [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:19 eliahrose How to self fund a wheelchair?

Hello! I've been an ambulatory wheelchair user for about 3 years now and have always used relatively basic chairs that are quite difficult to self-propel.
My health has recently further declined quite significantly to the point where most days I need the use of my chair to leave the house for a trip more than about 200m (at a stretch) but as I rarely have the help of someone to push me, I often just can't go out.
This has had a profound impact on my ability to attend university, see friends and my mental health in general so after contemplating for months I've decided that honestly I just need a new chair. The problem being that as of right now I'm unable to work and have tried reaching out for government support to no avail, meaning my already struggling finances are even tighter now.
I wonder if anyone else has had a similar experience? Whether you managed to get a light-weight custom wheelchair through the NHS (for an energy-limiting condition or joint problems specifically) or perhaps used some level of crowd funding?
I'm also looking into other social care avenues that might help me get a better chair but honestly I don't think this will pan out, as the majority of help they offer focuses on home care support etc.
I'm in the UK and honestly any help/ advice you might have I would really appreciate!
submitted by eliahrose to wheelchairs [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:19 h3llboy777 would you let me drain you🙈

would you let me drain you🙈 submitted by h3llboy777 to GothGirls_ [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:19 Jazzlike-Compote4463 By the time I finished configuring my VR headset to work with my game, the battery was flat.

Guess I'll have to wait until Wednesday to fiddle with it again :(
submitted by Jazzlike-Compote4463 to firstworldproblems [link] [comments]
