I doubt my son or daughter is that stupid

2024.11.25 23:31 superfishies I doubt my son or daughter is that stupid

I doubt my son or daughter is that stupid submitted by superfishies to TheSimpsons [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:31 TheFireRises75 My 4K collection at the end of 2024, just waiting for my Alien Romulus steelbook to get here next week!

My 4K collection at the end of 2024, just waiting for my Alien Romulus steelbook to get here next week! submitted by TheFireRises75 to 4kbluray [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:31 RegExrBot [Link in Image Caption] POP & Buddy: Fruits Basket- Shigure W/Dog (Exclusive) With Funko Pop Sleeve - Single SALE now available at CrunchyRoll

[Link in Image Caption] POP & Buddy: Fruits Basket- Shigure W/Dog (Exclusive) With Funko Pop Sleeve - Single SALE now available at CrunchyRoll submitted by RegExrBot to funkopop [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:31 ResidualNothing Water Connection Help?

Water Connection Help? Excuse the incredible photo BUT I’m not understanding the water connection? This is just showing one pump and one filter connected to each other and to the entrance. Why is it saying no power? I’m totally lost and need it explained like I’m 5, please.
submitted by ResidualNothing to PlanetCoaster2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:31 Supremecomet49 Turnip prices

Hello! I bought turnips and I am looking to seek them but there is nobody on turnip exchange. Is anyone with high selling turnips willing to let me on their island? I would be happy to pay a fee, thank you!
submitted by Supremecomet49 to TurnipPrices [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:31 ComprehensivePoint0 2 BR/1BA apartment at 2860 W 32nd Ave

Reposting as the last person fell through. I am posting on behalf of a coworker moving out of state and needs help filling the house as she’s ending the lease early. The house will not be furnished, and they will not accept month to month.
Apartment for Rent
2 B1 BA 800 sq ft Apartment is on 2860 W 32nd Ave.
1 year lease - Monthly Rent $1,625 + $135/month for utilities(water, sewer, trash, snow removal etc). Tenant sets up and pays electric and internet separately. Gated/Covered off-street parking available for $60/month, $45/month gated/uncovered, $35/month uncovered/ungated parking. Pets okay with additional $250 Pet deposit and $25/month Pet Rent.
Available December 1st.
I’m creating this from my phone, so if you have any issues with the link above, here it is again for you to contact the leasing agency:
submitted by ComprehensivePoint0 to denverlist [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:31 Remarkable_Log_3260 Chicken Little is rehatching

Chicken Little is rehatching submitted by Remarkable_Log_3260 to repost [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:31 Far-Dentist5422 Drew is on here 100% , Hi drew

Drew is on here 100% , Hi drew He deleted the tweet I posted earlier today of him PREFERRING 18 year olds in his mid/ late 20s. The tweet was 14 years old, so he had to go LOOKING for it and its now gone from his Twitte X account. Hi drew, it's never too late to clean up your life. You're still relatively young- I think it's time for a change bc this ain't it. You remind me of the guys harassing this girl ik who just turned 18 for an O.F. Weird.
submitted by Far-Dentist5422 to sloanbaileyexposed [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:31 Techswitzerland Very nice Yuriko, 60 iPads have come to the store. Please if your current employer actually wishes for iPads for buy out, please email me by tonight. Otherwise I am putting these into the store to sell with standardized boxes. Labor labor labor labor.

Very nice Yuriko, 60 iPads have come to the store. Please if your current employer actually wishes for iPads for buy out, please email me by tonight. Otherwise I am putting these into the store to sell with standardized boxes. Labor labor labor labor. submitted by Techswitzerland to Kinorenschedules [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:31 RhodeStark Vendita di prodotti fatti in casa in una bancarella del mercato. Cosa mi serve?

Buona sera a tutti. È il mio primo post su reddit e spero di non sbagliare qualcosa o essere poco esaustivo. Premetto che ho 26 anni e da poco ho perso il lavoro. Sto mandando curriculum qua e là in cerca di altro lavoro, e mentre cercavo ho pensato fosse una buona idea aprire un'attività in proprio. Essendo che non ho capitale iniziale per acquistare un negozio (abito a 20 minuti circa da Varese - in Lombardia), ho cercato online un modo per "iniziare" con qualcosa ed essendo bravo ai fornelli volevo iniziare vendendo meringhe fatte da me in un mercatino di Natale. Ho pensato che per iniziare è potenzialmente un modo per guardarci molto rispetto al costo della materia prima. Ho cercato su internet se ci fosse bisogno di un qualche tipo di licenza per vendere prodotti alimentari, ma ho trovato vari siti contrastanti. In uno era segnalato che è obbligatorio l'attestato HACCP, altri dicono che non serve più ed è stato sostituito dalla SAB (Somministrazione di alimenti e bevande), un altro sito ancora spiegava che solamente nel Lazio serve il SAB. Ho provato a prendere appuntamento con il comune, ma dopo aver accettato la registrazione dell'appuntamento mi è arrivata una mail dove me lo annullavano perché non poteva essere accolta E se vado direttamente di persona mi mandano via perché non ho un appuntamento. Infine, mi sono messo a leggere gli articoli che mi interessano direttamente dal sito della regione e ho trovato un documento chiamato CARTA ESERCIZIO che mi permette di fare l'ambulante nel mio comune. Ora la mia domanda è questa: Non ho capito assolutamente nulla oppure effettivamente non servono più le licenze di un tempo e l'importante è scrivere allergeni e da dove provengono (nel mio caso ovviamente) le uova che userò per queste maledette meringhe?
Vi ringrazio anticipatamente a tutti per le risposte. Il nuovo meringologo di paese
submitted by RhodeStark to commercialisti [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:31 Mission-League-3065 Are You Looking For TV Subscription With Free Trial ?

+125.000 Live Channels (USA UK CANADA EUROPE...), Movies and TV Shows. - Free Trial Available only for interested people. - All Devices Supported. - Support 24/7 - AntiFreeze Technology. - NBA, NFL, PPV, DAZN, CHAMPIONS LEAGUE, EPL, EFL, SPFL, LA LIGA... - Contact me for more details : WhatsApp ( +44 7960661554 )
submitted by Mission-League-3065 to TVTooHigh [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:31 Isaacmobile ISO one or two tickets for SF

ISO one or two tickets for SF, tryna make my partners Christmas dreams happen so let me know!
submitted by Isaacmobile to AmigotheDevil [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:31 GarifalliaPapa New Alzheimer’s drug slows cognitive decline by 35%, trial results show | The Guardian

New Alzheimer’s drug slows cognitive decline by 35%, trial results show | The Guardian New Alzheimer’s drug slows cognitive decline by 35%, trial results show | The Guardian
submitted by GarifalliaPapa to immortalists [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:31 Complete-Salt-6046 20stars each

20stars each Gold locked with one sticker left and just want to be able to open my vault one last time! 🥲 20 stars each please
submitted by Complete-Salt-6046 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:31 timmydope7 Big up yourself

Big up yourself 1998-99 Metal Universe - Big Ups (inserted 1:18 packs)
submitted by timmydope7 to CoffeeAndACard [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:31 tomahawk123678 Leupold CQBSS 1.1-8x M Tmr for sale

Leupold CQBSS 1.1-8x M Tmr for sale 2500 shipped. I have the box and all original paperwork and 2 bdc dials. The body has a view minor scratches but nothing major the glass is in perfect condition and looks amazing. Will trade for other leupold or nightforce optics. Thanks
submitted by tomahawk123678 to QualityTacticalGear [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:31 Hot-Gift2592 Do all you guys use paid version?

I am learning premiere now and am thinking of pursue it professionally. But right now i cant pay that much annually or monthly. I use cracked version currently, by the reliable pirated source with 100k downloads. Do you all guys on this sub pay for it? I understand if you make money off it, but if you dont - how can you afford it? Or do most of you use pirated version also?
submitted by Hot-Gift2592 to premiere [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:31 shafd Coil Whine with Dedicated cables

Hello all, I recently bought the new Asus Aura Gaming PSU and a 7700xt for my 5600x build. When I first installed everything, there was no coil whine. When I was researching more about PCs out of interest, I saw that most said that you should install dedicated PSU PCIE power cables. Upon doing that, my GPU started having incredible coil whine above 100 watts of power usage measured by MSI afterburner. I have heard of a single cable that is split causing this, but haven't heard about it with dedicated cables. Is there something wrong with my PSU? Can I go back to one split cable? Note that with the split cable, I had no coil whine even above 200-watt power usage. Thank you!
submitted by shafd to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:31 Dense-Wafer-5085 TV Backlight 3 Lite- Matter Help

For the life of me, I can’t get a Matter code to show up in the app for my Backlight 3 Lite so I can connect it to HomeKit. I reached out to support, they replaced the device, and the new one still doesn’t show a Matter code.
Has anyone gotten it working?
submitted by Dense-Wafer-5085 to Govee [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:31 Exdover More cells

What is your strategy yo get more celles (I'm 34T LTC)
submitted by Exdover to TheTowerGame [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:31 tackle Kasm Workspaces + Cloudflare Tunnel on Unraid server

I'm experimenting with running Kasm Workspaces on Unraid. Installed it from the App store. I'm able to login as user and launch Workspaces locally without any issues. But if I add a subdomain on cloudflare tunnel that is pointing to Kasm, I'm unable to start the Workspace remotely by logging into the cloudflare url. The screen hangs on "creating a secure connection". I tried to troubleshoot and it looks like it is a CORS (Cross Origin Request) error. Anyone here got this to work on unraid. Any tips?
submitted by tackle to kasmweb [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:31 charliev18 turbo_frame/turbo_stream not working correctly on a recently migrated Rails 7 app

I'm working on a project where I'm implementing Hotwire in this Rails 7 app that was migrated from one of the 6.1 versions. I have this table that I want to replace with the new version of that same table after I submit a new value from a dropdown. The thing is, that it works as expected with the first submit but then I can't even submit a new value again, it's like it gets stuck.
This is the table:

# documents/_edit_tag_table.html.erb <%= turbo_frame_tag "new_tag_#{tag_name}_#{issuer}" do %>  <%= render partial: "document_tags/document_tag", locals: {document: document, tag_name: tag_name, issuer: issuer} %> 
Tag Acciones
<% end %>
This is the partial contained in the previous code:
# document_tags/_document_tag.html.erb  <% document.document_tags.each do |document_tag| %> <% if document_tag.tag&.tag_type&.name == tag_name %>   <%= document_tag.tag.name %>   <%= button_to document_tag_path(document_tag, return_to: u/redirect_url), method: :delete, data: { confirm: '¿Estás seguro que deseas eliminarlo?' }, class:"btn btn-outline-danger", remote: true do %>  <% end %>   <% end %> <% end %>  <% document_tag = DocumentTag.new %> <%= form_with(model: document_tag, local: true, data: { turbo_stream: true }) do |form|%> <% if document_tag.errors.any? %> 
<%= pluralize(document_tag.errors.count, "error") %> prohibited this document_tag from being saved:
    <% document_tag.errors.full_messages.each do |message| %>
  • <%= message %>
  • <% end %>
<% end %> <% tag_type = TagType.find_by(name: tag_name) %> <% if tag_type %> <%= form.hidden_field :document_id, value: document.id %> <%= form.hidden_field :tag_type, value: tag_name %> <% if @redirect_url %> <%= form.hidden_field :return_to, value: @redirect_url %> <% end %> <%= form.collection_select(:tag_id, Tag.where(tag_type_id: tag_type.id), :id, :name, {:prompt=>true}, {class: 'form-control js-example-basic-single', id: tag_type.id, onchange: "this.form.requestSubmit()"}) %> <% end %> <%= form.submit "Agregar tag", class: 'btn btn-primary' %> <% end %>
and this is the controller:
# document_tags_controller.rb def create respond_to do |format| if @document_tag.save format.turbo_stream do render turbo_stream: turbo_stream.replace( "new_tag_#{@document_tag.tag.tag_type.name}_false", partial: "documents/edit_tag_table", locals: { document: @document_tag.document, tag_name: @document_tag.tag.tag_type.name, issuer: false } ) end format.html { redirect_to edit_document_path(@document_tag.document), notice: 'Se ha añadido el tag exitosamente.' } format.json { render :show, status: :created, location: @document_tag.document } else format.html { render :new } format.json { render json: @document_tag.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity } end end end 
The table should be replaced everytime and item from the dropwdown is submited, but it only works with the first submit and then stops working, it doesn't even let me submit another item from the dropdown. What am I doing wrong?
submitted by charliev18 to rails [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:31 Danneeaadams Best place for a lunch date..

submitted by Danneeaadams to kentuk [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:31 Silven- What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Silven- to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:31 Sawruinous please it's all I ever hear now

please it's all I ever hear now submitted by Sawruinous to FortniteMemes [link] [comments]
