From the HCA website just now: PEBB and SEBB open enrollment extended.

2024.11.26 00:31 kilamumster From the HCA website just now: PEBB and SEBB open enrollment extended.

HCA: PEBB and SEBB open enrollment extended. PEBB and SEBB open enrollment extended Benefits 24/7 open enrollment closes at 11:59 p.m. on Monday, November 25.
Navia Benefit Solutions will accept online enrollment and print enrollment forms received by 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, November 27 for FSA, Limited Purpose FSA, and DCAP enrollment.
In case anyone was panicking!
submitted by kilamumster to WAStateWorkers [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:31 krysics Members Mark 36" lowest teml

I have the Members Mark 36" pellet grill and the lowest it goes is 200°. Does anyone know of any way to get it (or mod it) to go lower? I've heard with older smokers you could just toy with propping it partially open, but I don't think the auger on this is a static feed rate, it seems like it dynamically adjusts based on temp but I could be wrong on that.
submitted by krysics to pelletgrills [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:31 lustsznn Rares?

Just connected in my old account on France server and I was wondering if any of these were rare or even worth anything
submitted by lustsznn to MovieStarPlanet [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:31 IWasSupposedToQuit What's your least favorite weekly boss and why is it this mf?

What's your least favorite weekly boss and why is it this mf? Lots of fun just watching this guy fly around, waiting for those charges... 😑
submitted by IWasSupposedToQuit to Genshin_Impact [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:31 RandoUserlolidk How has the best CBB coverage, in your opinion?

How has the best CBB coverage, in your opinion? submitted by RandoUserlolidk to CollegeBasketball [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:31 deltadoggie Is this safe for my chin?

Is this safe for my chin? submitted by deltadoggie to chinchilla [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:31 Soggywater22 What minor should I buy?

So to keep it short, I’m trying to find a bitcoin minor that I can mine somewhere around 20 bucks a day power consumption isn’t a problem although it preferably low any ideas?
submitted by Soggywater22 to ASICMinersTalk [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:31 throwaway385710 Hello waayyy more unhealthy coping mechanisms :)

Hello waayyy more unhealthy coping mechanisms :) Be
submitted by throwaway385710 to TrollCoping [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:31 Enhancing_Guru [Suggestion] What if we changed underclothing and character models at the dye shops?

You could dip your shirt and pants in dyes, dip your hair in dye, or even take a bath in it to change skin color.
submitted by Enhancing_Guru to brightershores [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:31 Vivaldi786561 What's the song "Easy Money" about?

I find this song very fascinating, it's from the 2004 album, Abbatoir Blues
It comes across as the story of a young man who is in need for quick money and prostitutes himself.
But Cave says things like

Life shuffles past at a low interest rate
All the things for which my heart yearns Gives joy in diminishing returns
What does he mean by all this?
What are your thoughts on the song?
submitted by Vivaldi786561 to NickCave [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:31 drmaxwelll Ecarter dans le dos

J’ai rejoint mon entreprise en freelance en juin de cette année en tant que développeur informatique. Au départ, tout se passait bien : j’avais des tâches plutôt simples et une équipe agréable.
Pour la première fois, je n’étais pas en full remote, mais en mode hybride (3 jours sur site et 2 jours en télétravail), ce qui implique beaucoup de trajets : environ 1h30 le matin et le soir.
On m’a attribué un rôle pivot, nécessitant de collaborer avec plusieurs équipes pour faire avancer un projet. Certaines équipes étaient investies et la collaboration se passait bien, mais d’autres étaient plus réticentes, ce qui rendait le travail complexe.
J’ai eu deux échanges avec mes responsables pour faire le point sur ma mission, et ces retours ont été globalement positifs.
Aujourd’hui, je fais face à deux problématiques principales :

  1. Un manque de budget dans l’équipe L’équipe devait initialement être composée de six personnes en 2025. Cependant, en raison de restrictions budgétaires, plusieurs collaborateurs vont être écartés.
  2. Une fatigue mentale grandissante Je ressens une fatigue de plus en plus pesante, rien qu’à l’idée de me rendre au travail. Pourtant, il y a des responsabilités familiales à assumer et l’incertitude de retrouver rapidement un autre poste me freine.
De plus, mon responsable me confie de plus en plus de tâches en dehors de mon périmètre initial, ce qui m’épuise davantage. Lors d’une discussion, il a laissé entendre qu’il avait besoin de profils "solides" dans l’équipe. Par ailleurs, je sais qu’il est en contact avec un développeur d’une autre équipe, mais le manque de budget l’empêche d’intégrer de nouveaux membres.
Il m’a également fixé un rendez-vous le lendemain pour discuter de l’organisation et du travail d’équipe.
J’aimerais avoir vos avis et ressentis sur cette situation.
Merci d’avance pour vos retours !
submitted by drmaxwelll to AntiTaff [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:31 Helloshzhdhnd Oreos x zero gravity (H)

Oreos x zero gravity (H) Has anybody had this strain I got it for thanksgiving
submitted by Helloshzhdhnd to weed [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:31 InternBackground2256 A Holly Jolly Mix Up: A Small Town Holiday Clean Romance (Sweet Christmas Kisses Series)

submitted by InternBackground2256 to GoodFreeKindleBooks [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:31 Gantzzzz $darkguy is the new

submitted by Gantzzzz to memecoins [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:31 HamMcFly Monday night football with Natrone.

Monday night football with Natrone. submitted by HamMcFly to CoffeeAndACard [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:31 QFSJDEISO20022 U2-3 This then ALLOWS the Telluric and Doradic SHIELDS to RECEIVE 12th Dimensional OMNI-POLAR FREQUENCIES from the DENSITY-4 MAHARIC Shield.

U2-3 This then ALLOWS the Telluric and Doradic SHIELDS to RECEIVE 12th Dimensional OMNI-POLAR FREQUENCIES from the DENSITY-4 MAHARIC Shield. submitted by QFSJDEISO20022 to CourtofAges [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:31 stellabril Outpatient psychiatry LA USC unit is no more?

Has anyone have any info regarding this? Our friend used to get their services until they got shut down, they used to be at LA General Hospital. Would they be starting a new clinic or was this it for such program?
submitted by stellabril to USC [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:31 Mlks00 [Thank You] u/Destalena u/neona65 u/thecaledonianrose

[Thank You] u/Destalena for the wonderful birthday card and extras (yes those tiger stickers most def work)
[Thank You] u/neona65 for the wonderful hand stitched happy birthday flower card and extras
[Thank You] u/thecaledonianrose for the wonderful birthday card and extras
submitted by Mlks00 to RandomActsofCards [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:31 DTRMNTSband When rendering the multi out tracks, which ones do you render? Just the midi track? All the tracks? Just the busses? Every single mic channel?

submitted by DTRMNTSband to GetGoodDrums [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:30 thelavenderium Can anyone do this trade?

Can anyone do this trade?
I'm left
submitted by thelavenderium to AdoptMeRBX [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:30 A_Zesty_Carrot What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by A_Zesty_Carrot to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:30 Severe_Passion_2677 Dreame X40 ULTRA

I did it based on this communities advice! I thought a Dreame X40 Ultra!
Any tips before I set it up?
submitted by Severe_Passion_2677 to RobotVacuums [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:30 Grandmas_Cozy Community well listed as a superfund site?

I just found my community well listed on the EPA’s website as a superfund site. I’m confused and a bit concerned. It has a listing within the superfund enterprise management system, but all the fields are basically blank. Doesn’t say what the contaminant was or what action was taken or anything.
If anyone is curious it’s the Austin Well in Austin, NV, 89310
submitted by Grandmas_Cozy to water [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:30 Jack_Riley555 Unusual wind noise

I live in Canada and it’s quite cold this week — 10°F and lower at times. It snowed earlier this week. I own a 2020 GLE 350 with 50,000 KM and in excellent condition.
I’ve recently noticed a usual wind whistle when I’m driving above 30 km/h. Can’t figure out where it’s coming from. Any ideas on how to pinpoint where it’s coming from? Has anyone else experienced this? Thanks
submitted by Jack_Riley555 to mercedes_benz [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 00:30 funkadelikz Gamifying DIY home repair learning? Is it possible?

Hey all,
I'm building an all-in-one platform for home repairs where users can find step-by-step DIY repair guides or match with professionals if the repair is too difficult or requires expertise – saving users time and money while also providing professionals customers who are actually serious about getting a repair done. I have done home repairs myself and have found it rewarding once I've fixed something. However, some people might find DIY tedious and frustrating.
I thought about gamifying the platform where you can earn badges and awards for DIY projects you've completed as motivation to combat tediousness and frustration. It seems like a great idea, but I was wondering if gamification has been applied to physical learning platforms successfully. Any success stories you've heard of or resources you could provide? The only app I've heard about is Zombie Run.
Would love to get your thoughts, thank you!
submitted by funkadelikz to gamification [link] [comments]