[Science] - Watch: Japan rocket site gutted in fire, test halted | Times of India

2024.11.26 02:48 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Science] - Watch: Japan rocket site gutted in fire, test halted | Times of India

[Science] - Watch: Japan rocket site gutted in fire, test halted | Times of India submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:48 sneakyalien42 Bryce Young Week 12 vs the Chiefs 2024 Analysis

Bryce Young Week 12 vs the Chiefs 2024 Analysis submitted by sneakyalien42 to panthers [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:48 erik9814 Netflix commercial - “It’s so good”

Netflix commercial - “It’s so good” Fro
submitted by erik9814 to CommercialsIHate [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:48 JasperLWalker 𝙴𝚍𝚐𝚢 vs 𝙙𝙖𝙧𝙠 (How do you draw the line?)

submitted by JasperLWalker to GrimDarkEpicFantasy [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:48 darthsumo1 Your Go

I'm just over here trying out my jank red direct damage deck to see how many wins I can get with it, and along comes that guy or gal. I always start of every game with "Hello" just to be friendly, but some peeps love to spam those "Good Game" and "Your Go" buttons just to be toxic. Sometimes I mute them, but it does give me great satisfaction to hit them with a sarcastic emote when I am losing and come from behind to snatch a win.
submitted by darthsumo1 to MagicArena [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:48 thisholewasmadeforme at the end of my rope with terrible housemate

I live in a HMO with three housemates, two who are completely fine and one who is an absolute nightmare. I should have seen the writing on the wall when he moved in, immediately lost the keys to his room, and then spent three days living in the communal living-room with all of his belongings. (A debacle that included asking that we keep the front door unlocked throughout the night so that he could let himself in after his nightshifts.) But we each spoke to him and I marked some of the weird stuff he'd been doing down to cultural differences and an obvious language barrier.
Unsurprisingly, things have only gotten worse since then. He spends all day in the communal living room, usually shirtless and napping, and leaves it in such a mess that it's borderline unsusable for anyone else. The mess is actually the main problem. He leaves his rubbish in the kitchen (including piled on top of the bins when they're obviously full) and only cleans his pots when they need to be used again. He floods the bathroom everytime he showers and just leaves the literal puddles of water for whoever next goes in. His bedroom isn't my problem since we each rent our own rooms, but it smells quite badly and he always leaves his bedroom door open so that smell wafts through the house. We've spoken to him about cleaning up after himself and emailed the landlords, but he just cleans up once and then goes back to normal. I feel like someone's mum, having to remind a grown man to respect the people around him, but the only other option is to just live in a dump.
He's also got some weird habits that just, mixed with everything else, make me really uncomfortable. The worst one is the random screaming. He talks (I think to himself, but I'm not sure) a lot, which during the day is what it is, but sometimes he'll just starting screaming really loudly. Like properly at the top of his lungs. And he'll do it in the early hours of the morning as well. I'm not sure what he's saying because I don't speak the language, but the sound of anyone screaming at the top of their lungs is really offputting. He also used to ask me for a lot of favours. Just stupid stuff like how to use the cooker and help with online interviews. But then it got to the point where he just expected me to do it. Recently, he started knocking on my bedroom door asking for help. I said no twice and he wouldn't take it for an answer. (Instead, for some reason, asking if my boyfriend was round???) After telling him no for a third time, he just demanded I come and help him anyway. I lost my cool a little bit and he doesn't really come near me anymore. But I'm a bit off put by the expectation. I didn't know him before he moved in and have not given him any indication that this is OK behaviour. He doesn't really act this way with our male housemates.
I'm not sure what I'm hoping to achieve with this. I think I just need to rant to someone who hasn't heard it a thousand times already. It's so silly, but the situation is really starting to get to me. I'm sick of feeling like I don't have the same right to the space that I pay for as he does. It was a little better when he worked, but now I can't leave my room without seeing him. It's making me dread doing something as simple as cooking. Does anyone have any tips for making this sort of thing bearable until my tenancy ends?
submitted by thisholewasmadeforme to badroommates [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:48 SusieCarmichael_ LF Barre Exam

LF Barre Exam submitted by SusieCarmichael_ to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:48 AutoNewspaperAdmin [World] - ‘I never intended to kill anyone’: Florida woman sentenced to 25 years for shooting black neighbour dead | Times of India

[World] - ‘I never intended to kill anyone’: Florida woman sentenced to 25 years for shooting black neighbour dead | Times of India submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:48 momasosdiego_ Si

submitted by momasosdiego_ to MemesEnEspanol [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:48 juanflamingo [let's build] d100 Any "Port" in a "Storm"

Describe a threat and a refuge, and a surprise within (assume a medieval/D&D setting).
This is Plot #1 on S John Ross's famous list
"Any Old Port in a Storm. The Player Party seeks shelter in a place that turns out to hide something dangerous, secret, or supernatural. Common twists: The shelter contains the source of whatever they have been trying to avoid. It is the entrance to a Hidden Base (see below). They are Trapped With Monster. It is a Haunted Castle, a Town with a Dark Secret, etc. — and they are not welcome."
List is useful as a side-quest or complication to the main arc, or an adventure seed generator.
Format could be short: * Blizzard - trapper's cabin - lycanthrope
... or a bit longer: * Lost in the wilderness in a worsening blizzard, see the lights of a trappers stone cabin. The young trapper welcomes you in and feeds you a hearty stew. After dinner conversation leads you to believe he's actually very old... Unnaturally old.
submitted by juanflamingo to d100 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:48 Easy-Quality8896 Help finding a rugged phone

Hello everybody,
I try to get a rugged phone with an overall amazing camera quality and thermal vision with a battery that holds forever. Price range doesn't matter for me right now, should just be under 800€ atm Does anyone of you one of those, if yes, please tell me them. Thanks in advance :D
submitted by Easy-Quality8896 to PickAnAndroidForMe [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:48 AutoNewspaperAdmin [World] - Bitcoin millionaire hides $2m treasure across US in five chests filled with gold, gems and rare cards | Times of India

[World] - Bitcoin millionaire hides $2m treasure across US in five chests filled with gold, gems and rare cards | Times of India submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:48 Clear_willingness34 Can men overcome social anxiety and express PDA

My man has anxiety. Full respect for him, I get it. Being an interracial couple seems to get us stared down more than average. I'm fine with ignoring it, but it's hard for my BF and his anxiety. Yes I end up feeling deflated when this gets in the way of him hugging me or showing affection. I've talked to him about it and really don't know what to do. I want to stop having unrealistic expectations for someone who can't help it... but I also don't want to feel constantly in need of intimacy. Can men become more ok with pda overtime or is this not really reasonable?
submitted by Clear_willingness34 to AskMenAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:48 Weak_Refrigerator336 WHizlabs vs tutorial dojo

Which of these should I go for? I see almost everyone mentioning TD but whizlabs looks good as well from the free test I did. Any help/advise will be appreicated.
submitted by Weak_Refrigerator336 to AZURE [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:48 notanothrowaway How do you fix custom playbooks not having formations you put in?

I tried to make my own playbook out of the spread option, but when I go into a game, half the formations and plays aren't even in there. I heard this is a common glitch.
submitted by notanothrowaway to EASportsCFB [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:48 Soft-Preference1559 Morbo

Alguien para morbosear a una colombiana puta en TikTok? Está en vivo
submitted by Soft-Preference1559 to Tiktokersv2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:48 lauren444444 Dr. Phil’s little paradise

Dr. Phil’s little paradise submitted by lauren444444 to bettafish [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:48 wolvamp Beginner Presvoker PvP

Been thinking of getting back into PvP again since I kind of fell off from trying to push back in season 3 of Dragonflight on my resto druid. I'm by no means good at all so I play more casually with those willing to play with a new healer on alts for weekly cap/yolo rbgs. I'm currently maining an evoker now, and I know evoker has its unique playstyle as someone who has been actively playing pres on the PvE side due to its range limitations. While I am more of a casual pvper dipping my toes into a new healer, I am always eager to learn having watched my own vods, had others critique, read guides/asked questions, and so forth.
I've heard pres is huge on playing aggressively to push out both damage and healing, keeping up reversions/DB, sleepwalk for CCs, and I imagine trying to position well using hover as your big mobility.

  1. I'm curious to know if there's any streamers/guides people can recommend to watch so I see how to play through visuals and any commentary to get an idea,
  2. What are the biggest tips you'd give someone wanting to give evoker a go in PvP?
  3. Are they welcomed into rbg groups? I believe I heard people say they're good in bgs so I assume so!
submitted by wolvamp to worldofpvp [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:48 Meanie_Cream_Cake How can I attract fruit flies for my sundews to eat?

It's fall/winter so the bugs have disappeared. Any suggestions on how to attract fruit flies to feed my sundews?
submitted by Meanie_Cream_Cake to SavageGarden [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:48 forgettablefootcream Can someone help me understand what’s happening? I’m unable to delete my account:/

I keep getting stuck at this page. After I click delete nothing happens. I’ve tried on my laptop, the app, and safari on my iPhone. I couldn’t find anything on in the search. Can someone help me out pls😭
submitted by forgettablefootcream to facebook [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:48 TheGamerDarius Let's Play Victor Vran |07| The Devil’s Throat

I really don’t know why this place is called “The Devil’s Throat” Maybe from all the spiders hacking up projectiles? Except that’s from their abdomen. Well, anyways, there are a lot of essences here!
#victorvran #arpg #indiegame
submitted by TheGamerDarius to LetsPlayVideos [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:48 quitthechaos Is my cat happy? How can I tell?

Is my cat happy? How can I tell? My cat came from a very stressful environment (so the adoption agency told us). I adopted him when he was 10.
He purrs, comes out (only when I am home, when strangers come over he hides). He lays on me. He doesn’t really play. He is vocal, and he eats and drinks well.
I am mainly concerned because, sometimes, he pees on my bed, or has days where he is irritable and swats at me. I took him to the vet when he first did this, and they said nothing was wrong (but they didn’t do bloodwork, not sure if that matters.
Is he happy? Should I go back to the vet and ask for an anxiety medicine, or does he seem okay?
I just don’t understand why he randomly pees on me like once a month, or why he is irritable some days.
submitted by quitthechaos to cats [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:48 DragonfruitIll8370 Looking for Galactus please I need your help

Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/5KiupA1Z4X8
submitted by DragonfruitIll8370 to MonopolyGoDiceLinks [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:48 MtOlympus_Actual Why is NFL Primetime only available until Wednesday?

Licensing issue? I can't really think of a reason why they take it down.
submitted by MtOlympus_Actual to ESPN [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:48 Expert_Marionberry57 how is it like dating a resident doctor?

esp a gen surgery resident. non-med girlie here. there’s a stereotype kasi that i’ve been reading/hearing about them so i wanna ask their SOs here or those who dated one before if they live up to the stereotype
submitted by Expert_Marionberry57 to medschoolph [link] [comments]
