2024.11.26 01:39 IloveGOATS24 W I N N I N G

W I N N I N G submitted by IloveGOATS24 to LibTears [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:39 clumsycoco PC upgrade suggestions needed

build a pc in late 2019 and it's time for an upgrade. I would love to get more frames and a better look overall and willing to reuse some of my parts. I live in the US.
Budget : 900 to 1200 including all upgrades
Current setup :
CPU : AMD ryzen 5 3600 GPU : Geforce RTX 2060 Super 8 gb Ram : 16gb DDR4 Mobo : MSI B450 Tomahawk ATX PSU : EVGA 750W 80+ Atx Case : Cooler master H500 Atx mid tower SSD : Samsung 1 TB nvme Monitor : Viewsonic 27 inch 2560 x 1440 144hz
Requirements :

  1. cpu and gpu upgrade
  2. 1440 p gaming with focus on FPS games and battle royales
  3. would like a cooler and a new case as well.
Planning to re use :
  1. Mobo
  2. Ram , might add on if its a bottleneck
  3. PSU
  4. Monitor
  1. Any opinions on a LianLi case ? do they ever have deals for Bfriday ?
  2. what gpu is the best price / perf that Nvidia currently offers ?
  3. Is the Nvidia tax worth paying for G-sync and geforce experience. I do use the inbuilt recorder for a lot of clips from my games. Curious if the AMD experience is just as good
  4. would ryzen 5 be good enough for my needs? or does it make sense to invest in a Ryzen 7 or 9 ? Some games do have a CPU bottleneck I assume
-- Would appreciate if I got any suggestions or know of any good deals that align with my requirements. Cheers.
Excited to built out my PC for the holidays
submitted by clumsycoco to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:39 lavidadenicole Not sure

Do Christians ever feel dry in their walk? Like they basically just kept going but never really felt like they healed from things of the past? Like they basically felt forced to go church and they did have a walk with Christ personally but then something happened and they just kept going but never got to grieve anything? Unless I've got this thing all wrong when it comes to grieving.
submitted by lavidadenicole to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:39 Rough_Link_4910 Man down

Man down submitted by Rough_Link_4910 to Miraq [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:39 radbitchliv Nothing else matters but financially serving me.

Nothing else matters but financially serving me. submitted by radbitchliv to CashCowChannels [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:39 ItzMoonFire How do I claim a lyric?? I found one and it won’t let me claim it. This has happened twice now.

How do I claim a lyric?? I found one and it won’t let me claim it. This has happened twice now. submitted by ItzMoonFire to Soundmap [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:39 lss_web_1444 Text post title 801

Text post body
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:39 Starry_Nites3 Beyblade Anomaly

Beyblade Anomaly submitted by Starry_Nites3 to stalker [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:39 YahBoiiAsian My cool modded Gameboy

My cool modded Gameboy Just wanted to share my newly completed SP reshell I know you guys would appreciate it!
submitted by YahBoiiAsian to Gameboy [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:39 TheWhomster I found this old toy that I had as a kid who tf is this

I found this old toy that I had as a kid who tf is this submitted by TheWhomster to transformers [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:39 Rmckenna1255 Distorted sound

So I have an iPod touch 2nd generation. For the last while I’ve been using it with Bluetooth earphones as I didn’t have any wired headphones that were 3.5mm aux. I had bought In Ear Monitors to use with the iPod and they had arrived yesterday and when I plugged them into the iPod the sound that came out was a distorted mess.
The iems work on everything else I own well and sound good, the mp3s aren’t the problem either as I had listened to them on the laptop I use for syncing. I have already tried to clean the aux port and that didn’t fix it.
Is there is anything else I can do or do I need to replace it?
I’ve been looking at picking up a classic and was using the iPod touch before committing however idk if I should get a 5th generation or 7th generation.
submitted by Rmckenna1255 to ipod [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:39 thicc_goddess98 Bluesky

Hey guys! Has anyone tried Bluesky yet? I’ve been hearing about it for a while and am wondering if I should switch my X account to Bluesky, is the traffic heading there now, is it better fan base, are the guys less or more giving on there? I’m here for the thoughts and details thank you! ☺️
Also Happy Holidays!
submitted by thicc_goddess98 to onlyfansadvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:39 Intrepid-Fig-5130 Algún libro que los haya traumado de alguna forma?

En mi parte de “seda” de alessandro baricco, buen libro, una parte en específico me deja pensando si algún día tendré el control de algo en esta vida.
submitted by Intrepid-Fig-5130 to ClubdelecturaChile [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:39 mces97 So SpaceApe literally just out here lying to us.

First my deluxe box reward said unavailable and gave me 20 deluxe cards instead of a deluxe song. Now I hit 4 hours of freeplay, and They gave me 3 hours
submitted by mces97 to playcountrystar [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:39 Expensive-Plenty-836 Cuál es el equivalente de simp o incel para las mujeres?

Que palabras asi hay para describir a las mujeres? Solo conozco thot y karen, pero son distintas.
submitted by Expensive-Plenty-836 to RedditPregunta [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:39 LilOblisk [USA-NV] [H] PayPal [W] x870 Motherboard

Looking for motherboards! Send em my way
submitted by LilOblisk to hardwareswap [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:39 Purple-Anteater1449 Imagine being a film director and having to share a set for an entire month with these two..

Imagine being a film director and having to share a set for an entire month with these two.. submitted by Purple-Anteater1449 to AnneHathawayLovers [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:39 Dorky444 I love this community

I love this community submitted by Dorky444 to dragrace [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:39 eakin_kel27 She acts so innocent.

She acts so innocent. But it’s only a matter of time before she takes down me 😆🫶
submitted by eakin_kel27 to Flamepoints [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:39 carlos-huerta Alejandra Walle

Alejandra Walle submitted by carlos-huerta to AlejandraWalle [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:39 BasketCaseLife Great to see the USD strengthen against the THB for us in Thailand!

It's encouraging to see the USD gain strength against the THB for us here in Thailand!
Despite the fact that many here think ORANGE MAN BAD, I hope the USD continues to get stronger versus the THB as time goes by! More THB in our pockets from our Cambly USD is a wonderful thing!
submitted by BasketCaseLife to Cambly [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:39 DiligentPenguin_7115 WIBTA if I don’t attend my ex’s wedding??

I mean, I don’t want to be caught in the middle of all the explosives that I rigged myself…
submitted by DiligentPenguin_7115 to TwoSentenceHorror [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:39 M_anand_K Priyanka😍😍ufff

Priyanka😍😍ufff submitted by M_anand_K to instainfluencers [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:39 fanaodi How to knit this balaclava?

How to knit this balaclava? Seems similar to a balaclava/hood but much looser and open at the bottom. Was thinking to start just knitting a rectangle and then increasing for the hood part, sewing together at the top? Any suggestions are appreciated!
submitted by fanaodi to knittinghelp [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:39 Beneficial-Affect-68 Game crashes

Does anyone have a fix for the game crashing on steam constantly? I have a decent rig with: Intel i5 4070ti super Windows 11
Game plays for the first 5 minutes and consistently crashes.
submitted by Beneficial-Affect-68 to DiscoElysium [link] [comments]
