Chest arent working

2024.11.26 02:48 Lucas_rgm11 Chest arent working

Every time I place chests on my map, they either don't drop items, or they drop items from season 6 chapter 2, does anyone know if there's a way to fix this?
submitted by Lucas_rgm11 to FortniteCreative [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:48 SweepGamerZ494 Is sony xperia phone is good for gaming?

submitted by SweepGamerZ494 to sony [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:48 zuruspeedster What do you call this part that locks at the top and bottom? The bottom one broke, and I can’t open the door. Help please!

submitted by zuruspeedster to doors [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:48 JerseyGirl123456 The Falkenberg Family - Flight 77 - 💔💔

The Falkenberg Family - Flight 77 - 💔💔 submitted by JerseyGirl123456 to 911archive [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:48 Wonderingthoughts94 Fell pregnant and need to get off

Best suggestions of how to get off asap ?
submitted by Wonderingthoughts94 to leaves [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:48 crybbyblue The s*icidal starving artist trope

I’m definitely already clinically depressed (but medicated!) which may be influencing how I feel , but I’m really deeply regretting ever pursuing this path. I’ve been interested in the arts since I was a child, and every school I’ve been to has been arts related. I’m finishing up undergrad and the future is scaring me.
I’ve come to realize that I’ve yet to really sell anything aside from maybe t shirts and stickers, or make any major moves in my career. I’ve done group shows, but that’s about it. I once loved to paint out of passion and now I feel dread for my future because I don’t know if I can sustain this lifestyle. The people around me are doing amazing things in the arts- I have connections, I have the supplies, but I don’t have the hope and drive in me anymore… but I do still show up.
It’s expected, but applying to so many opportunities and facing rejections is really discouraging considering how long applications take. It’s like unpaid labor to show my work at shows and to be doing so much writing and research for seemingly nothing, aside from some “congratulations” and flowers.
Then checking LinkedIn and other job platforms there’s nothing that I’m qualified for or good at because I’ve spent my whole life striving to be an artist
It feels like my only options are to become an art teacher, (and I really don’t want to become a teacher) - or to be in retail forever. At this point I really just want to give everything up. I feel so trapped and I don’t know which way to move.
I really want to be a parent one day and even that dream feels impossible, because I can’t even afford to support myself. But then if I do become one, my free time (which to be an artist, you need a lot of) would be limited. I know I still have time for this part of life, But as a 25 y/o woman I feel like I have to start making definitive stabilizing paths for myself as soon as I can if I want to eventually have children- even if that’s in 5 - 10 years.
submitted by crybbyblue to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:48 Sm0kecaptain Usage in Thailand?

I live in Thailand and want to purchase the Ray Ban Meta for using out here. They're not officially sold out here so I would have to get from UK and get a friend to bring out for me. What I want to know is will all features work and is it worth it? If possible can you list features that will work and ones that wont work if this is the case. Thanks.
submitted by Sm0kecaptain to RayBanStories [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:48 Local-Ad-9470 I’m an L4 Area Manager… I hate my life.

I moved across the country days after graduating college to be an AM, and it’s one of the biggest mistakes I’ve ever made. I’m more stressed/depressed than I’ve been in my entire life, and I don’t know much much longer I can stay. Not that I have much of a choice - I’d have to pay back my signing and relocation bonuses if I quit.
I’ve found that Amazon brings out the worst in me. Being under constant pressure to deliver results and heighten my building’s performance is the WORST.
Honestly, my associates are awesome, and they’re very clearly the best part of the job.
If you’re considering becoming an AM, I’d avoid it if possible.
submitted by Local-Ad-9470 to AmazonFC [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:48 Lionsinmygarden How Do Track Cyclist Get Paid in the UCI Track Champions League Compared to Road Cyclists?

How do the economics of the UCI Track Champions League or other high-profile track cycling events work for athletes? Do participants earn a base salary or appearance fee, and are there performance bonuses or prize money? How does this compare to the financial structure for athletes in road cycling’s Continental or World Tour teams?
submitted by Lionsinmygarden to Velodrome [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:48 PomegranateTough4450 Callus

Does anybody know to get rid of bad callus on the feet ? It’s only one foot and no matter how much i scrub or peel it gets right back flaky and peeling. It looks so gross please help
submitted by PomegranateTough4450 to Blackskincare [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:48 Physical_Maize_9800 I learn how to play chess this weekend.

I learn how to play chess this weekend. submitted by Physical_Maize_9800 to chessbeginners [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:48 Acceptable-Clue1106 Packers are a different breed

Walking down the pack isle and get the FATEST vape cloud blown on me and the person next to them bc they blew it right into the fan then it blew back, with lots of managers around too. Idk what there plan was blowing it that way but ok 😂
submitted by Acceptable-Clue1106 to AmazonFC [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:48 C33ry_r0yal Teacher issues

I’m a high school student and I was recently diagnosed with dyslexia, dysgraphia, and dyscalculia like last year recent, I also have issue with my eyes, so since grade 3 I’ve been allowed to have a laptop for all writing, from notes to practice work I almost always have my laptop. I’ve only ever had one issue with a teacher and it was resolved within a month, but this year my science teacher has made it her personal goal to make things as hard a possible for me. If she catches me opening my laptop, she will tell me that “I don’t need it” or that “you don’t have the notes open” and whenever I’m confused with anything she blames it all on me being “distracted with my laptop” when it’s her fault I don’t understand? My friend who is also in her class is somehow able to explain better than a woman with a literal masters degree. She treats me like I’m a idiot on top of that as well, if I ever ask for help on anything she will just tell me “I don’t know how else to explain it, everyone else gets it, why don’t you?” And she will take any chance she can to belittle me and speak of herself higher, with things like “I’ve been teaching for 10 years, you’ll get over your dyslexia/dysgraphia if you practice” (which is a very stupid thing to come from a literal science teacher, but wtv) and apparently she complained about the fact I have a PLP to my resource teacher, ITS NOT MY FAULT I NEED EXTRA SUPPORT😭😞 I have literally no other problems with any other teachers, it is just her!! I really don’t know how else to explain to her, and I have spoken with multiple adults in my school but it’s gonna take a while for anything to happen. If anyone has been in a similar situation can I get advice please? Thank you for reading.
submitted by C33ry_r0yal to Dyslexia [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:48 Fit-Neighborhood513 free antivirus

What is a good safe antivirus software thatll protect my computer?
submitted by Fit-Neighborhood513 to antivirus [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:48 PuzzleheadedCoast246 Ephesians 3:16-17

Ephesians 3:16-17
Rooted in Love What is the purpose of a root? A root supports and holds a plant up. It delivers nutrients to the rest of the plant. The deeper the root is, the more it can support the plant. As a Christian, we need to plant roots in the love of God. These roots will support our growth in Him, hold us up, and support us when the world comes against us. When we are rooted in God and His love, we will have access to the unlimited resources that this verse talks about. He will empower us with inner strength, the type of strength that only comes from the Holy Spirit.
There is a promise that is rooted within this verse: Christ will make his home in your heart when you trust in Him. This is the promise God gives the believer at the moment of salvation. He plants Himself in the heart of the saved, gives him or her strength deep within them, and sustains them with His love. This promise never changes; it has stood the test of time.
A Prayer to Remember Dear Lord,
Thank you for your promises and for sending Jesus to live in my heart. You are good and are the source of my life. Amen
submitted by PuzzleheadedCoast246 to devotionsfromGod [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:48 Fantastic_Mammoth797 ESA Approval so grateful for my little soul boy 😍

ESA Approval so grateful for my little soul boy 😍 submitted by Fantastic_Mammoth797 to Pomsky [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:48 katgokes1 Joe Biden M&Ms

Joe Biden M&Ms submitted by katgokes1 to candy [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:48 Ragnarok_Lunar_1902 ¿Qué es esto?

Hola, he conocido a una amiga, ella es bi y yo no se aún cuando es mi orientación, nunca he estado con nadie, prefiero no adelantarme, como los demás jovenes de esta generación, tampoco he tenido la oportunidad, nadie se fija en mi :/, soy una persona muy atractiva y agradable, algo intensa y conversadora, hiperactiva y aja, pero esta amiga no sé, me parece muy linda y algo seductora, ¿tentadora¡, hace tiempo nos besamos por un juego, fue un pico pero yo lo odie y de ahi no lo quise volver a a hacer. puse cara de asco. Tipo jonteamos en broma, y nos tenemos mucha confianza, ella ahorita gusta de alguien y la verdad es contradictoria, si tiene alguien en su corazón, por que pensaria en besarse con alguien q no se la persona q esta en su corazón?. dice q se esta conociendo con esa persona. Quiero dejar en claro, que ella no me dijo quien es, pero nosotras nos tenemos mucha confianza y eso, yo la quiero mucho, tengo que admitir que me atrae de cierta forma, un fetiche y deseo de mi edad, nada más, pero es solo eso, un deseo de mi mente, admito que soy algo morbosa, pero lo soy en broma y ella tmb me habla de temas subidos de tono, aveces me gustaria que ella gust de mi, pero se q no seria capaz de sobrellevar todo eso, no quiero. nos conocemos desde este año, 11 meses y 25 dias, fue una amistad muy funcional, ella la descuido un poco pero nso arreglamos, no sé , ella saco mi lado celoso y posesivo, intento controlarlo pero odio que alguien me robe su atención, se q esta mal, no lo llevo a más, me controlo, se que ella es libre. me parece..algo ¿extraña?, ella quiere un chico, pero juego con una amiga de que se van a besar y dice normal, se beso conmgo y normal, esta como si nada, conocio a la hermana de una amiga, q es hermosa y como que le intereso, ¿que quiere ella?, solo estoy confundida, es una ilusión mia, quiero algo pero al mismo tiempo no m siento lista para eso. nosé varias beses le he dado indirectas para ser algo más, supongo que bromeo tanto con eso que pierdo creibilidad, pero cuando jugamos asi, la friego y aja me gusta la idea de ser algo más, de poder tocarla, pero no puedo, esta mal, aún soy muy joven, nosé si contar esto, pero lo dejaré por hoy y de ahi lo borrare, ¿q estoy sintiendo?¿q es esto?, ella y yo nos queremos mucho, nos tenemos mucha confianza y la verdad yo soy buena amiga, tenemos nuestras diferencias pero nos queremos, quiero ser su amiga,somos amigas, es raro, cumplo esta edad y ya me pasan tantas cosas que nunca pense que me pasarian, ella me deja que la toque, aveces, en privado, osea q la abraze, le de besos en las mejillas, y aja, somos muy cariñosas en exclusivo.
submitted by Ragnarok_Lunar_1902 to RedditPregunta [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:48 NomadDaGreatR6 H: 6 Vats Optimized Mods + 2 Arms Keeper's Mods W: 150 Leaders

submitted by NomadDaGreatR6 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:48 Enough-Dig5214 Anyone wanna rp?

Anyone wanna rp? Here are my ships, I can rp as up to 2 characters and do gender swap or au's. We can also RP on Discord, my user is Hazbinsimp. With the period. My timezones is CST (Central Standard Time)
submitted by Enough-Dig5214 to HazbinRP [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:48 himynameispjay ULPT - gynecologist charging $600 for a 20min consultation

Hi all, my Mom went to the gynecologist to consult on some things. The doctor saw her for around 20 minutes. Didn't do any tests on her and now is billing her $600.
The gynecologist never once mentioned the price of the consultation. She has health insurance, but is is a high deductible plan, therefore this charge is out of pocket.
What can my Mom do to fight this unjust charge. What steps would you take?
This is in USA,, Florida by the way
submitted by himynameispjay to UnethicalLifeProTips [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:48 daily_bargains Musicnotes Rolls Out Offers for Black Friday and Cyber Week 2024

The holiday season isn’t just about decking the halls—it’s the perfect time to stock up on resources that inspire creativity, especially for musicians. This year, Musicnotes elevates the shopping experience with an impressive lineup of offers spanning Black Friday weekend and Cyber Week. Whether you're a seasoned musician or an aspiring performer, these deals are designed to make music more accessible and enjoyable. Here's a breakdown of what to expect during these highly anticipated shopping days.
Black Friday Pro Weekend: Exclusive Savings for Music Enthusiasts From 6:00 a.m. CST on Friday, November 29, through 11:59 p.m. CST on Sunday, December 1, Musicnotes opens the doors to Pro Member discounts for everyone. No codes, no hurdles—just straightforward savings.

Mark your calendar to take advantage of these exclusive offers over the Pro Weekend, and let Musicnotes be your trusted partner in fueling creativity.
Cyber Week: A Treasure Trove of Sheet Music Savings When Black Friday fades into Cyber Week, the excitement doesn’t stop. From 6:00 a.m. CST on Monday, December 2, through 11:59 p.m. CST on Friday, December 6, Musicnotes unveils a rotating selection of deals that promise up to 50% off sheet music purchases.
Whether you're looking to prepare for an upcoming recital, build your library for teaching, or simply explore new genres, the extensive discounts available during Cyber Week provide the perfect excuse to dive in.
Why Shop Musicnotes This Holiday Season?
Musicnotes has long been a trusted name for digital sheet music, serving musicians of all levels. These holiday offers align with their mission to bring music into homes, classrooms, and performance spaces worldwide. With a vast selection of genres, arrangements, and formats available, it’s easy to find pieces that resonate with your unique taste and skill level.
Don’t let this opportunity pass by—explore the comprehensive discounts during Black Friday Pro Weekend and Cyber Week to amplify your musical endeavors. Visit the Musicnotes website and Sales & Promotions Page to make the most of these limited-time offers.
Let your next performance begin with a great deal!
submitted by daily_bargains to dailybargains [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:48 IfItIsToBeSaidSoItBe I was excited about the new slippers I found today, but Truffles is NOT a fan.

I was excited about the new slippers I found today, but Truffles is NOT a fan. submitted by IfItIsToBeSaidSoItBe to MiniatureSchnauzer [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:48 Nervous_Original9917 Spare pack codes

Hey all, I'm just getting into pokemon tcg live and irl tcg. If anyone has unused tcg live codes I would really appreciate it I could get a bit of help, charizard EX is severely lacking
submitted by Nervous_Original9917 to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:48 deergeekster13 transfer cancelled

If you have read my previous posts you would know that we have had a rough go at IVF so far. Our first ER yielded one mosaic embryo. We decided to move forward with transferring this embryo. Went in for my suppression check this morning and they are very concerned that my left fallopian tube seems to be filled with fluid as well as a mass.
They still started me on estrogen pills but have warned me that this could result in surgery/removed fallopian tube. I’m a mess and haven’t stopped crying for hours. They scheduled me to come in next Wednesday for an ultrasound to see if it fixes itself or if I will need surgery.
submitted by deergeekster13 to IVF [link] [comments]