Got a question about Game packages

2024.11.26 03:41 Temping_Neckrope Got a question about Game packages

I have a Mustang game package, but I really want the new Intrepid. Is there a way I can exchange my Mustang for the Intrepid or no? Like can I upgrade my game package to a different ship?
submitted by Temping_Neckrope to starcitizen [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:41 7L8620 Accident on this day..

Accident on this day.. I’m new to astrology. Out of curiosity I’ve just going been going back to major dates that happened in my life. I just wanted to see if anyone can see anything major for this day? A car accident happened back in 2018. Just for learning purposes.
submitted by 7L8620 to AstrologyCharts [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:41 Comfytendy Even if you do get a job, as soon as people see you as the “weird guy” your days are numbered.

submitted by Comfytendy to NEET [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:41 icydata Recap: CGY @ OTT

Recap: CGY @ OTT submitted by icydata to icydata [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:41 icydata CGY @ OTT - Mikael Backlund, tip-in

CGY @ OTT - Mikael Backlund, tip-in submitted by icydata to icydata [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:41 wewdwtnizrub AutoDesk Black Friday Deals

Find the AutoDesk Black Friday Deals
Get amazing AutoDesk deals and offers with our verified promo codes for November 2024.
submitted by wewdwtnizrub to CouponCodeReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:41 Own_Breadfruit_7955 You can place up to 10 markers on the map using the marker menu.

You can place up to 10 markers on the map using the marker menu. If you press tab or hold Right Click (KBM controls) on the PDA map it will open up a menu that allows you to select the type of marker up to 10 markers, I haven't heard anyone mention this yet but I just found it out and its really neat.
submitted by Own_Breadfruit_7955 to stalker [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:41 315Medic Need some advice please

I am a 40+yom. I am married to a wonderful woman who is my best friend. I’ve known for some time that I had curiosities. My wife was more than happy to allow me to explore this. I quickly discovered I liked women, men, transgender, etc. I haven’t really put a label on my sexuality.
Recently I got into trouble at work…. Like a disciplinary letter and suspended for a few shifts and I feel like I did nothing wrong. I almost wonder if it would be considered discrimination.
I haven’t really advertised that I was bi or queer or whatever you want to call me…. But I don’t hide it either. I half wonder if I mainly got in trouble because most people assume I’m straight because I have a wife.
On of my best friends works with me and is openly gay. He would greet female and male colleagues with “hey girl”. I started doing this as well. It felt like a great way to express myself along with other small ways I spoke and acted.
The disciplinary letter stated that regardless of intent, it was inappropriate and caused others to feel uncomfortable. No one except one supervisor ever said they had an issue with it. And I don’t remember exactly what she said, but stopped short of saying it wasn’t ok because I wasn’t gay.
The other thing the letter said was that I made inappropriate comments, statements, and told a female employee information about myself that was of a sexual nature.
I told another girl that I was part of the LGBTQ+ community and when she questioned that because I was married how was that a thing ? I said that I was in an ethically non monogamous relationship.
For more context…. At the time her and I were friends and this conversation took place outside of work. Apparently that didn’t matter because we have a professional relationship.
Saying you are LGBTQ+ is not sexual information, nor is saying you are in an ethically non monogamous relationship.
I really thought my company was LBGTQ+ friendly and supportive. I also thought I worked in a fairly relaxed environment where I could express myself. We have a large amount of LGBTQ+ people working with us.
I am totally shocked and disappointed. Actually I am totally gutted by the whole situation. I have worked so hard for this company and I have been nothing but nice to everyone and always there to help others. This really hurts.
I just wanted to check with others to see if I was in the wrong here. If I was…. Ok…. I’ll own it.
Thank you so much everyone.
submitted by 315Medic to gay [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:41 Itsnani87 15⭐️ Each

15⭐️ Each submitted by Itsnani87 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:41 joelshoe11 24M 172cm 64kg. Just started out

24M 172cm 64kg. Just started out submitted by joelshoe11 to Physiquecritique [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:41 jpm7791 Goal line stands?

Not allowing a rushing TD at home this year got me thinking: How many have we had this year? Feels like a lot.
submitted by jpm7791 to Huskers [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:41 sircockroachw little bitch ass bitch

little bitch ass bitch uh so me (13F) theres this little BITCH in my school and there really annoying and i swear i wanna beat there ass up so bad but there one of my friends boyfriends AS WELL as that its my friends cousin, and that friend likes me so IDK WHAT TO DO BECAUSE THERE RLLY ANNOYING AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH also the dogs not the kid its just i wanted to put a picture of my dog on anyway i think im aucstic bye
submitted by sircockroachw to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:41 RowWorldly7458 eu sou babaca por desafiar meu namorado a não se tocar? (atualização)

A algum tempo fiz duas postagens aqui, referentes ao problema enfrentado dentro do meu relacionamento referente a videos adultos assistidos pelo meu namorado.
Resumo: eu (m19) namoro a alguns meses um garoto perfeito de 23 anos, mas o ponto é, tenho duas experiencias traumaticas em relacao a homens, uma na infancia e outra bem recente, que me levaram a praticar celibato durante um ano. Agora que estou confortavel com meu namorado me senti pronta para iniciar uma relação mais caliente, no começo nós conversamos sobre videos adultos, ele se toca assistindo eles e é virgem, eu demonstrei o quanto me incomodava mas nao achava algo muito relevante apesar de me agoniar, ate que, na nossa primeira relacao onde tentamos colocar o coelho na toca, ele nao endurecia e para chegar ao ponto de soltar o seu suco, teve que ser se tocando, ele havia se tocado mais cedo no mesmo dia. Debatemos e chegamos num acordo de sem pornografia com pessoas ( apenas desenhos japoneses para adultos kkkk) e menor frequencia.
Postei isso tudo aqui, disseram que ele nao era capaz de parar, que era um vicio e etc. Mas houveram dois comentarios que achei que me trouxeram coisas novas: Um meio ofensivo, que dizia que eu nao me tocar era uma triste tragedia, que eu nao conhecia meu corpo e que esse era o motivo do meu namorado não ter ereção, porque eu era morta na cama. Outro bem interessante disse que para uma real evolução e mudança no quadro eu precisaria ser brusca e determinar um fim durante 7 dias nisso para ver como seria.
Entao eu apliquei isso e mais coisas no ato e quero dizer os resultados.
Depois de 4 anos decidi me tocar dnv, na minha cama, peguei uma foto adulta dele que ele havia me enviado, fiquei me tocando apos ver a foto e imaginar coisas com ele, e realmente, é uma delicia, porem, nao é algo que ocupe minha mente e me de vontade e isso é algo meu mesmo. Alem disso desafiei ele a fazer 14 dias num nofap, sem nada de se tocar ou consumir conteudos, e entao estamos fazendo um diario de como vem sendo a sensacao de passar esse tempo sem se tocar, ele foi de estou de boa a ‘talvez eu entre o dia 5 e 14 solte meu liquido dormindo’. Quando ele bateu a marca de 8 dias decidi ter algo fisico, comprei lingerie, stockings e um daqueles liquidos escorregadios kkkkk, o resultado em topicos:
Ele que iniciou, durante o ato verbalizou bem mais, manteve a rigidez por mais tempo e me beijou muito, houveram 2 rounds (sem colocar nada dentro de mim) e ele soltou muito mais liquidos e estava com uma cor menos transparente e menos liquida.
Porem: enquanto eu estava com ele na minha boca, veio a de novo murchar, acredito que porque ja estava a muito tempo entao decidi mudar as posicoes e voltou ao normal, ele se tremeu e sentiu MUITO frio (estava bem quente), ele tentou durante o ato se tocar, nesses momentos eu toquei por ele, e acho que isso foi uma das 3 coisas q ele mais gostou, porem, quando eu pedi para ele esfregar o joao na minha larissa KKKKK ficou murcho durante um longo momento ate que depois voltou.
Ainda tem mais uma semana pela frente, ele disse que vai continuar mas que quando passar voltará aos termos que combinamos anteriormente e que ele nao sentiu muita coisa diferente alem da maior frequencia em endurecer e ter mais sensibilidade.
Gostaria de saber se ha coisas que também sejam interessantes de se fazer com ele durante essa segunda semana, tendo em vista que ao fim dela teremos um ato com penetração mesmo.
E de novo: Não sou contra se tocar, apenas contra os videos, é algo que REALMENTE vai contra oque eu acredito entao se voce vier me colocar como puritana ou algo assim, saiba que esta criando uma versao minha que esta bem longe de ser real.
submitted by RowWorldly7458 to EuSouOBabaca [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:41 nukker96 Isles Goalies

It's mind boggling to me that Roy keeps splitting the starts. Varly's been OK, but Sorokin is elite and needs to play.
Isles fans, what on earth is going on? Is there something us outsiders aren't aware of? Does Sorokin hack a pack of darts a day and in need of the extra rest?
submitted by nukker96 to fantasyhockey [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:40 laloochoa29 8Ks arm problem

8Ks arm problem So this just happened to my phrozen 8Ks, the arm is still down, I tried to move the Z control but it doesnt work. Any advice?
submitted by laloochoa29 to Phrozen [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:40 GenTube0 insane cross-over lol

insane cross-over lol submitted by GenTube0 to PokemonUnite [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:40 mahec08 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by mahec08 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:40 Muchsquatch What did I just cut through?

What did I just cut through? Attempting to process my own deer and having trouble in front leg area. While slicing to remove the front leg I went through a large fat pocket (as expected) but also noticed the lymph / gland looking thing as pictured. Is that safe / ok?
submitted by Muchsquatch to Butchery [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:40 Accomplished_Sky411 So horny for celebs, make me goon to them. Kik bigdickswinging666

So horny for celebs, make me goon to them. Kik bigdickswinging666 submitted by Accomplished_Sky411 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:40 ElectricalRun7452 Do you think we will get the natural colour in this scene?

Guys do you think we will get the natural coulor in this acene? I hope so much that they dont put any filter in this scene just like when momo saw the monster for the first time. I think that the yellow and green filter on this scene wont be so impactful than a natural or darker colour. What do you think?
submitted by ElectricalRun7452 to Dandadan [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:40 Loose_Concentrate_78 New feature on Robinhood! Thanks for reminding me you **********

New feature on Robinhood! Thanks for reminding me you ********** Does this mean I win? 🤞🥇🙌
submitted by Loose_Concentrate_78 to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:40 CrustyTable The last verse on tv off has big "like that" energy

Skip to 2:23
Love that he referred The Super Bowl performance in the very last line "Walk in New Orleans with the etiquette of L.A., yellin' Mustard"
submitted by CrustyTable to KendrickLamar [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:40 BlackClb394 0lder Cucks give up W!VES to be blacked ♠️ 05c539ce400f9c4bed8b6be2ec7767bac2cabfc36b353c36ea719763483ed14c27

submitted by BlackClb394 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:40 Flurry_of_Buckshots Does this 1st Edition Blaines Charizard look real?

Does this 1st Edition Blaines Charizard look real? submitted by Flurry_of_Buckshots to IsMyPokemonCardFake [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:40 BlackmoreKnight Patch 7.11 Notes | FINAL FANTASY XIV, The Lodestone

submitted by BlackmoreKnight to ffxivdiscussion [link] [comments]