Can someone make a drive of all the mari songs they have

2024.11.26 04:24 ICEEdeLEGEND Can someone make a drive of all the mari songs they have

submitted by ICEEdeLEGEND to iLOSTMARI [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 04:24 Silver-Minute-4957 Show off your Milf Mom to me privately, ill rate and tell you how id fuck her while we goon kik jerkingAllDay101 snap jakeymilfy (session below)

submitted by Silver-Minute-4957 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 04:24 slows_motion Fruity GOLF Neighbors are the WORST! #slowmo

submitted by slows_motion to golf [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 04:24 Temporary-Yellow7314 Lucki vs Mike tyson

Me personally I think even tho the nigga fat af he could beat Mike tyson because he is the goat. Honestly I don't remember the last time I have listened to basically any other artist than lucki.
submitted by Temporary-Yellow7314 to Lucki [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 04:24 PuzzleheadedEagle193 Should I attempt the USNCO exams?

I’m a junior in ap chem and I enjoy the class and am interested in chemistry as a whole. Ive consistently done good on the college board unit tests with minimal effort. I am worried about a few things and have a few questions. Will whats covered in ap chem by march and additional studying on the topics be enough to make participating worthwhile? If I make it to the national exam part will I need to pay to fly somewhere to take the tests? Are the written sections on the national test comparable to ap chem frqs? Thanks in advance
submitted by PuzzleheadedEagle193 to USNCO [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 04:24 dreamed2life ‼️Falsely Rejected Audits‼️

I spent the last 3 days doing a ton of audits for some extra cash. In Indiana there are laws against having cold alcohol in certain city limits. I was very clear about this and what stores do not have cold sections in my notes. The. I just took a pic of the whole alcohol section since they had to have some picture for the cold alcohol section of the audit. And they rejected over half of my audits because the store literally is legally not allowed to have these sections!!! I have emailed their support but I will not do anymore work for them and will be very clear on social media and in review about how this app is a scam if they do not do the right thing. I spent so much gas and time that I didnt even have food for myself to eat. People literally use these apps because we need money.
submitted by dreamed2life to observa [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 04:24 Aggressive-Choice338 THEY TOOK MY WIENER!!!

submitted by Aggressive-Choice338 to HalfSword [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 04:24 Sea-Ad9306 How do you ask for cuddles without having to ask?

submitted by Sea-Ad9306 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 04:24 Ready_Secret7074 Hacking

submitted by Ready_Secret7074 to BO6 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 04:24 Pure-Top3502 23 [F4M] afternoon fuck now

Please if mag chat kayo sure niyo available kayo now, been very stressed 😩 i think deserve ko naman ng destresser momol or fuck! hmu and see if we vibeee now
about me: - 5’2 , normal bmi, easy on the eyes - has great lips and tits daw - hygienic
about you: - not older than 35 lol - clean - good kisser - hygienic ofc - mabango
hmu with your intro (pls dont say hi lang)
submitted by Pure-Top3502 to PHR4Rhookups2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 04:24 Dear-Law-32766 what is your biggest dreams in life?

submitted by Dear-Law-32766 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 04:24 Gracious_Heart_ Tricity stars shine in IPL 2025 Auction: Gurnoor Singh Brar, Harnoor Pannu, and Raj Angad Bawa..!

Tricity stars shine in IPL 2025 Auction: Gurnoor Singh Brar, Harnoor Pannu, and Raj Angad Bawa..! submitted by Gracious_Heart_ to ipl [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 04:24 KaleidoArachnid I am kind of confused about where Crisis Core Reunion fits into the timeline

Because it’s just that I don’t know when to play the game as so far, I finished FF7R Part 1, and a a couple of months ago, I played the demo of Rebirth.
My point is that even though I own a copy of Crisis Core Reunion Edition, I don’t know when I am supposed to play the game continuity wise as I am kind of confused on where it fits into the current timeline of the FF7R verse as I would like to know how that works.x
submitted by KaleidoArachnid to FinalFantasy [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 04:24 VincesMustache Seriously, f*ck everyone on this panel that contributed to verbally assaulting and bullying Ingi

Seriously, f*ck everyone on this panel that contributed to verbally assaulting and bullying Ingi submitted by VincesMustache to 90DayFiance [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 04:24 Keitiek Free Crash Pack Out Now!

Surprise crash, crashers!
We crash our crashular CrashBlog crashcast with a thundercrash drop of a brand-new crash as part of the Crash Pack #4, crashable for free now!
Let’s crash to the stage the (crashularly crashed) Crash map. You crashed it: this new crash is a crashrect crash piece to the Nemesis #2 - Crashteau d’Crashion mini-crashpansion, and free to all crashers of CRASH!
We’ll crash soon!
In the crashtime, crash the CRASH crashunity. Crash the latest crashes on the Steam Crash page or crash the Crash Forums. Crash crashgether with other crashers on either the excellent Crash server, Crash page, CrashTube or our Instacrash.
Crash you on the battlefield, commander.
submitted by Keitiek to warno [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 04:24 Eternald01 Armamant Display?

Armamant Display? Mobile?
submitted by Eternald01 to Terraria [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 04:24 deldge I'm looking for a commercial Vinny watched that contained possums, grapes, and guns?

I'm pretty sure it was a parody commercial. I can't find it because it was so quiet and Vinny kept talking over it.
submitted by deldge to Vinesauce [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 04:24 Spondylosis Please explain BND yield/return for me...

I understand that BND is a collection of bonds. Although bonds will mature, BND will not.
I understand that the price of BND will go down as interest rate goes up. This is because it's more attractive to get new bonds with higher yield rather than existing bonds. Therefore, existing bonds price will go down.
I also understand that for individual bonds, its yield will go up as the bond price goes down. This is because bond interest payment is a fixed amount, and since its price goes down, its yield goes up.
Therefore, as BND price goes down, its yield actually goes up which would offset some of its loss.
Do I understand this correctly? If so, how much does the yield offset the loss of price? Currently BND price was down 13% for the past 5 years. If I purchased it exactly 5 years ago, what's the actual return?
Is there a place to check its yield over time?
Conversely, it's expected that BND price will go up due to interest rate cut (pending on how crazy the traffic war is going to be and if inflation will come back). As BND price goes up, its yield will come down, which would reduce its return?
submitted by Spondylosis to Bogleheads [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 04:24 Staria8 Is this true?

So we grow up with dysfunctional families like eg, seeing our parents argue on a daily basis and we watch movies and scroll social media in hopes that we could have a better romantic relationship with our partners….. but in reality, a lot of these mistakes repeat and we end up feeling heartbroken.
Do you think we have an actual grasp of the concept of “relationships are hard work”? I don’t think there is any true love relationships that doesn’t have its beautiful and ugly times… I’m also guilty of this btw puts hand up
Is there anyone that has a different relationship to what their parents had? If so how did you realise it? Were you lucky to find someone that fit and made it work? Please be honest with struggles as there are a lot of lonely hearts out here thinking the grass is greener on the other side.
Or are we all still struggling?
submitted by Staria8 to lonely [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 04:24 VegetableEater16 Are these any useful for future event or should I sell it ?

Are these any useful for future event or should I sell it ? submitted by VegetableEater16 to WorldOfTanksBlitz [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 04:24 VaPiNgDaD819 LF: Galactus

Let me know...if interested Have: Green Garbage...Need: Galactus
submitted by VaPiNgDaD819 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 04:24 ur_fav_banana What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by ur_fav_banana to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 04:24 FlightArtistic4004 Hey Liz it is a GIRL 💕

Hey Liz it is a GIRL 💕 Just in case she thought we didn’t know 😂
submitted by FlightArtistic4004 to peestickgals [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 04:24 Ok-Cricket-1986 The aftermath of the 2000 Sydney mascots McDonalds commercial (art by my IRL uncle)

The aftermath of the 2000 Sydney mascots McDonalds commercial (art by my IRL uncle) submitted by Ok-Cricket-1986 to OlympicMascots [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 04:24 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Business] - Thonburi Healthcare Group denies role in B7.5bn fraud case | Bangkok Post

[Business] - Thonburi Healthcare Group denies role in B7.5bn fraud case | Bangkok Post submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]