2025 WR Draft class Yards Per Route Run leaders (as of Nov 19): 6. Tet McMillan - 2.97, 5. Jalen Royals - 3.00, 4. Jaylin Noel - 3.04, 3. Ricky White - 3.30, 2. Tory Horton - 3.45... 1. Tre Harris - 5.25

2024.11.26 06:55 gsink203 2025 WR Draft class Yards Per Route Run leaders (as of Nov 19): 6. Tet McMillan - 2.97, 5. Jalen Royals - 3.00, 4. Jaylin Noel - 3.04, 3. Ricky White - 3.30, 2. Tory Horton - 3.45... 1. Tre Harris - 5.25

submitted by gsink203 to fantasyfootball [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:55 Endless_smile_4ever Если бы вы могли перенестись на 10.000 лет назад и оставить свой рисунок/надпись в какой-нибудь пещере, что бы вы нарисовали/написали?

Вы можете перенестись в прошлое один раз, а после вернётесь в настоящее. Без вас тут время замрёт, так что вы ничего не пропустите. А, ну и имейте ввиду что у вас будет всего 15-20 минут))
submitted by Endless_smile_4ever to rusAskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:55 -Duckk Viktor having a visual update but no gameplay update is insane.

Arcane Viktor and current Viktor is going to be wildly inconsistent, they are basically merging two very different directions of a champion into one, gameplay is still going to play as mechanical old viktor but the model will be that of new viktor (which are polar opposite)
Arcane showed viktor with the ability of a hive mind, having his own universe, ability to fly and controlling summons?
How does any of viktors old kit relate to this, they have next to no connection and it’s going to be bizarrely disconnected. The difference in gameplay compared to the new visuals is going to be wild, we are basically playing two versions in one because they decided not to adapt his kit to what was shown. Also what is the point in changing all of viktors lore and visuals in arcane if it’s not going to be translated to game, it may aswell have just been a skin.
Btw I like viktors gameplay but the disconnect between viktors lore, visuals and gameplay is going to be incredibly disconnected now
submitted by -Duckk to viktormains [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:55 BoxWild41 مشكلة فى الدعم المادى للكوريسيرا

مشكلة فى الدعم المادى للكوريسيرا كنت بقدم لابن خالى فى كورس و بعد ما وفقو لاقبتهم بيقول الدعم 90% مش 100%
امتى الدعم اتغير ولا انا عملت حاجة غلط و انا مش واخد بالى
هل ادفع و لا اجرب بشكل تانى
submitted by BoxWild41 to Egypt_Developers [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:55 influesalope A votre avis c est quoi la "spécialité" d adeline qu est ce qu elle ferait le mieux

A votre avis c est quoi la submitted by influesalope to influenceuse_fr5 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:55 Ryotejihen What’s your opinion on infj guys? Do you consider them your type?

I see a lot of male Entp considering infj their perfect type, I wonder if this is same for women. Personally I don’t get this, but I see it a lot in Entp sub.
submitted by Ryotejihen to ENTP_women [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:55 Beautiful-Orchid9578 Prajakta Kohli ( mostlysane )

Prajakta Kohli ( mostlysane ) submitted by Beautiful-Orchid9578 to bollyarm [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:55 Bright_Blood1822 Sky Blue

Sky Blue submitted by Bright_Blood1822 to pinayinswimsuit [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:55 Waste_Speech5361 curious

I've been reading and revising, looking at pictures of mine and other peoples eyes for WAY too long that they dont even look like eyes anymore and my brain feels like jelly in my head, so I'm bringing it to y'all.
I'm like 90% convinced they're just Hazel, with lil freckles created by melanin distribution. However on the off chance someone actually feeds into my delusions.....
What do you think? Comments, thoughts, opinions, fun facts - I wanna hear it all!!!
submitted by Waste_Speech5361 to heterochromia [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:55 gearltofrivea Hey idk what im doing

Probaly the wrong place to post this but hoe does vr "work" exactly? Does the head need a seprate computer to download and play games or is it all contained in the head set like can i go to steam or itch with the head set itsself and download games that way?
PS not a boomer just dont wanna do my own reasearch
submitted by gearltofrivea to VRGaming [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:55 Sagecerulli How do y'all experience the bi-cycle?

I (21F) have considered myself bisexual for a few years now. In high school I went through a lot of intense questioning -- there were times I thought I was completely gay and times I thought I was completely straight -- but after an especially strong crush on another woman and a relationship with a man, I landed on bisexual.
I'm now in a (wonderful) relationship with a guy, who knows my sexuality and is accepting. But since we've gotten together, I've found myself mostly interested in men -- him, specifically, but also other men. And I feel like this attraction is different than attraction I (sometimes) feel to women. With men it seems more immediate; with women it seems to grow over time & emotional closeness.
This makes it kinda awkward when friends who know I'm queer ask me my opinions on women. Like one of my friends is a lesbian and was talking about a female crush, and went "she's cute, right?" And I honestly could give no response because I didn't see her in a sexual way at all. And I haven't really looked at any women sexually for a few years now. I used to have a pretty intense crush on a female friend, and she and I are still really close -- but I feel zero sexual or romantic feelings for her now.
This makes me feel like I'm lying about/misrepresenting my sexuality, even though in the past I've had intense crushes on women (which included sexual fantasies, much pining, and consciously thinking that I would have acted on my desires if external situations differed).
I've read a bit about the bi-cycle -- is this what this sounds like? How do y'all experience the bi-cycle? And do people here experience attraction to different genders differently?
submitted by Sagecerulli to bisexual [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:55 DisposeAfterPosting Anyone use the 20-35E 3.2-4.5 zoom lens on the 907x?

Curious how that works since it doesn’t appear as if this zoom lens has an aperture ring. How would you change the aperture on the 907x?? Thanks!
submitted by DisposeAfterPosting to hasselblad [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:55 BrendaWannabe 🔨 Some learn from the mistakes of others; the rest have to be the others.

🔨 Some learn from the mistakes of others; the rest have to be the others. submitted by BrendaWannabe to PoliticalHumor [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:55 VonFoodle Got this haul at Dollar Tree for around $10

Got this haul at Dollar Tree for around $10 I got 5 new flavours to add to my collection!
submitted by VonFoodle to monsterenergy [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:55 officialharecut Does rino do 1:00 or 60 on the microwave? Or yall think hes too classy and rich to even use a microwave?

Personally Id say he prolly does 60 cause its less work and obviously theres 60 seconds in a minute anyway 😂 But lmk what u guys think Share your thoughts and opinions down below 👇👇🔥🔥💯💯
submitted by officialharecut to SummrsXo [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:55 phroging How do I stop the habit of instantly crouching for every gun fight?

I always get a lot of assists because of this. My aim is fine but I feel like I’m losing a lot of gun fights because of it.
submitted by phroging to GlobalOffensive [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:55 IllusionistMagician How can I fix this?

How can I fix this? Is this chip damage or something? I genuinely don’t know because this is my second car and first was a beater I didn’t care about. Wanting to fix these marks but can’t tell if I’m gonna need paint or not
submitted by IllusionistMagician to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:55 Ginganinja6713 Is it just me or does what happened to Peeta seem similar to the MK ultra project.

They both use drugs to try and change the mind into doing or changing some to use as a disposable assassin
submitted by Ginganinja6713 to Hungergames [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:55 ConferenceLow4770 Am I done for?

So normally I use Grindr to gauge where my attractiveness level is at however I’m trying to break out of that and get actual real life people skills by going to gay clubs and gay events. However, I seem to be struggling. No one ever really approaches me and sometimes I feel when I approach people that conversation gets awkward. Am I ugly or something?
submitted by ConferenceLow4770 to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:55 Bitchgirlss S2 spoilers

Ekko had to of known she was planning on faking her death, first of all, they were together building a war balloon, alone? That can be up to the imagination, but if they were alone until the war, it would take the better part of a month, two at that. Jinx also had to build new bombs, unless she had a stash which is possible. Directly after the war, (or presumed directly after) we see Ekko sitting in the same outfit where Powder and Ekko were in the other universe. It probably took days or even months for Piltover to build back up trading units, (blimps) so Jinx had to stay low for a while, and I don’t believe she went off on her own, to some other region and started a new life by herself, Ekko definitely went with her.
submitted by Bitchgirlss to TimeBomb [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:55 Proper-Living-5994 Can't Subaru share his mental trauma using second shift? [Spoiler discussion]

Can't Subaru just use the second shift to share his accumulated mental trauma to his foe. All he has to do is get close to someone and then share it and they would crumble under all of that, because unlike Suburu they are taking it all at once.
submitted by Proper-Living-5994 to Re_Zero [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:55 ghe1385 Before/after

submitted by ghe1385 to postprocessing [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:55 ThatJ4ke Did she just randomly say "Brazil"???

Did she just randomly say submitted by ThatJ4ke to flightsim [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:55 Longjumping_Bison0 Sexuell zu verschieden?

Hallo, mein Partner (M,25) und ich (W,25) sind seit 6 Jahren zusammen. Vor c.a 1,5 Jahren kam es auf sexueller Ebene immer wieder zu größeren Konflikten. Grund dafür war, dass sich seine libido enorm erhöht hat und aufeinmal Wünsche dazu kamen, mit denen ich zu der Zeit nicht so gut klar kam.
Kurz zu mir: Ich bin eine Person, der Sex nicht besonders wichtig ist. Ich könnte lange Zeit drauf verzichten und auch generell sind meine Gedanken kaum sexueller Natur. Ich bin ein sehr sensibler Typ und mich erfüllt es schon wenn man sich zärtlich streichelt und tiefe, intime Gespräche miteinander teilt. Für mich ist Sex etwas magisches, bei dem sich zwei Menschen miteinander verbinden. Und das habe ich bevorzugt nicht täglich. Es ist für mich wie Salz. Es added das besondere Etwas zum bestehenden Fundament.
Mein Partner ist gefühlt genau das Gegenteil. Seine libido ist extrem hoch, er könnte es täglich mehrmals tun. Er mag es manchmal härter und steht auf Reizwäsche und Cosplays. Seine Wunschvorstellung ist, dass man am besten die ganze Zeit Geil aufeinander ist und die Finger kaum voneinander lassen kann. Er sagt er drückt seine Liebe so aus und dementsprechend fühlt er sich ungeliebt und nicht gewertschätzt, wenn er das gleiche nicht von mir bekommt.
Nun an all diesen Dingen hatte ich sehr zu knabbern und mir fiel es zu Beginn sehr schwer darauf überhaupt einzugehen, weshalb es oft zu Streitigkeiten kam. Mittlerweile stehe ich aber über meinen eigenen Wünschen und versuche ihm so gut es geht entgegenzukommen, damit Frieden herrscht. Ich versuche so oft es geht Dessous miteinzubeziehen. Durchschnittlich schlafen wir 3x die Woche miteinander. Ich versuche ihm im Alltag oft komplimente zu machen und liebvoll zu sein.
Dennoch habe ich das Gefühl, dass alle meine Bemühungen vergebens sind. Dass es einfach nie genug ist. Beispiel letzte Woche: Ich habe mir letzte Woche mehrmals Dessous angezogen und den Akt generell interessanter gestaltet. Zwei Tage später haben wir es zweimal an einem Tag getan. Ich habe versucht ihm oft Komplimente zu machen und ihm zu zeigen, dass ich ihn will. Auch in Momenten wo ich eigentlich keine Lust habe, versuche ich sexuelle Handlungen miteinfließen zu lassen. Naja aufjedenfall meinte er dann gestern zu mir, dass er sich mehr Erotik im Alltag wünscht. Ich habe ihm erklärt, dass ich mir sehr viel Mühe gebe seine Bedürfnisse zu befriedigen und auf ihn einzugehen. Ich habe ihm alle Tage vor Augen geführt. Daraufhin meinte er, dass das ja stimmen würde aber unserer Definition von Erotik einfach eine andere ist.
Auch jetzte heute morgen war er wieder sichtlich angepisst und meinte er würde es vermissen immer geil aufeinander zu sein und dass er immer Angst hatte, dass sich eine Beziehung so entwickelt. Ja gestern und vorgestern haben wir nicht miteinander geschlafen.
Ehrlich gesagt weiß ich nicht mehr weiter. Ich gebe mir enorm Mühe und ich habe das Gefühl es bringt einfach nichts. Wenn ich nicht konstant auf einem Leistungsniveau bin fällt das ganze Kartenhaus wieder zusammen und er ist unzufrieden und unsicher. Wie sieht der sexuelle Alltag bei euch aus? Ich bitte um Rat.
submitted by Longjumping_Bison0 to beziehungen [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 06:55 CorgiNo1449 Stretching is the worst thing you can do for back pain.

Dont @me.
submitted by CorgiNo1449 to backpain [link] [comments]
