2024.11.26 06:28 IllIBruskIllI What does the scouter say about his power level?
submitted by IllIBruskIllI to idleapocalypse [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 06:28 coffeebreak420 When Beauty Meets Grace
submitted by coffeebreak420 to cute_face [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 06:28 Zyr1987 Gearsy selfie
submitted by Zyr1987 to gamindustri [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 06:28 Garments-Worker লীগের নেগেটিভের চেয়ে পজিটিভ বিএনপি জামাতের চেয়ে অনেক বেশি।
কিছু জিনিস পরিস্কার করি।
১. বাংলাদেশের মানুষজন গনতন্ত্রের উপযুক্ত বলে মনে করি না। এরা মবতন্ত্রে বিশ্বাসী, স্বাধীনতা পেলে অন্যের অধিকার খর্ব করার জন্য ব্যস্ত থাকে।
২. জামাত ১৯৭১ সালে মেয়েদের ধরে ধরে গনিমতের মাল হিসেবে পাকি পিতাদের তুলে দিতো। আর ছেলেদের ধরিয়ে দিতো গুলি করে মারার জন্য। আমি জামাত পছন্দ করি না।
৩. বিএনপি আমলে বাংলাদেশ হতদরিদ্র একটা দেশ ছিল। রাত হলে কারেন্ট থাকতো না। উন্নয়নের ছিটাফোটাও হতো না। ডাকাত আর ছিনতাইকারী, বাংলা ভাই আর জঙ্গি দিয়ে দেশ ভর্তি ছিল। আমি বিএনপি আমলের তেমন কোনো পজিটিভ দিক খুঁজে পাই না, আর এরা না পাল্টালে নাইটমেয়ারিশ ভবিষ্যৎ দেখি।
৪. গনতন্ত্রের মানে বর্তমানে হয় বিএনপি, নয়তো জামাত। এই গনতন্ত্র নিয়ে আমি সিম্পলি ভয় পাই।
৫. লীগের ব্যাপক দুর্নীতি সত্বেও, আর ছাত্রলীগের তান্ডব সত্বেও আমি মনে করি শেখ হাসিনার ষোল বছর বাংলাদেশের ইতিহাসে সেরা সময় কেটেছে। দেশের পার ক্যাপিটা জিডিপি বেড়ে তিনগুণ হয়েছে - সেটা অল্প কিছু ধনী দিয়ে ব্যাখ্যা করা যায় না। আমি রাস্তাঘাট, ফ্লাইওভার যা দেখি সবই শেখ হাসিনার তৈরি - ঢাকায় দিন রাত কারেন্ট থাকাও তার অবদান। অন্য কেউ হলেও করত এই যুক্তি আমি বিশ্বাস করি না - বিএনপি সময় সুযোগ পেয়েও করে নি। আর, লীগ চমৎকার মব কবট্রোল করতে পারতো। এক্সট্রিমিজমকে নিয়ন্ত্রণে রাখতে পারতো।
৬. ইউনুস সরকারের আমলে আমি ভুয়া উন্নতি, ফেইক মামলার বহু কেইস পেয়েছি। ভুয়া দুর্নীতির হিসাবও দেখেছি। আমি মনে করি - দুর্নীতি যা হয়েছে তার চেয়ে অনেক বাড়িয়ে বলা হয়েছে। তৃতীয় বিশ্বের বাংলাদেশের মতো একটা দেশে দুর্নীতি ছাড়া উন্নয়ন সম্ভব না।
৭. উপরের কারণে জুলাইয়ে গনহত্যা শুরুর আগে লীগের একনায়কতন্ত্র সরিয়ে বিএনপি অথবা জামাত আনার গনতন্ত্রের প্রয়োজনীয়তা আমি অনুভব করি নি। গনহত্যা শুরুর পরে আর এদের সাপোর্ট করার কোনো উপায়ই ছিল না। লীগ গনগত্যা চালাচ্ছে - তখন আর উন্নয়নের অপেক্ষায় থাকা যায় না। পরে অবশ্য ইউনুস সরকার স্বীকার করেছে পুরোটা মেটিকুলাস ডিজাইনের অংশ, যাই হোক।
৮. গনহত্যার দায় নিয়ে লীগ চলে গেছে, নিকট ভবিষ্যতে এদের আসার কোনো সম্ভাবনা দেখি না। আমি বর্তমান পপুলিস্ট সরকার, আর আপকামিং বিএনপি অথবা জামাতকে দেশ চালানোর উপযুক্ত মনে করি না। দেশ নিয়ে আমি স্বপ্নের চেয়ে দুঃস্বপ্ন বেশি দেখি আজকাল।
-Nayeem Hossain Faruque
submitted by Garments-Worker to RealBangladesh [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 06:28 AgitatedAddress0461 🧿✨🔮 Blunt tarot reader available for personalized readings 🔮✨🧿
Hey everyone! My name is Cookie (she/her) and I have been practicing tarot since 2020. :) You can ask me questions about anything but death, pregnancy, time frames, past lives, spirits, paranormal activities, stocks, and legal issues. I mostly have your readings done within a day or two. One-Two questions per donation, depending on how much I get. Do take note that my readings are going to be brutally honest and I don’t sugarcoat anything.
You can reach out to me via reddit, email, or instagram. If you’re interested, do send me a chat :)
How it works: Comment ✨ on my post and shoot your question through DMs (context would be helpful), provide me with your name, pronouns, and whether you want it detailed or prompt and I will send you the payment link along with my disclaimer message. Once you’re done with the payment, I’ll answer your questions. In case of a reading involving anyone else, DM me the name of your specific person and your relationship with that person.
I have my reviews here: https://www.reddit.com/useAgitatedAddress0461/comments/1790rv5/tarot_reading_reviews/
Disclaimer: https://www.reddit.com/useAgitatedAddress0461/comments/175855e/open_for_tarot_readings/
Donations are accepted via PayPal only
submitted by AgitatedAddress0461 to TarotReadersOfReddit [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 06:28 hpandhe My Unreal Engine Cinematic reel
submitted by hpandhe to UnrealEngine5 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 06:28 Chillsadguy 26M fell for a close friend and don’t know what to do.
Exactly as the title says. I won’t share too much publicly but I am suffering rn. I never intended to fall for her and it’s absolutely killing me. She’s absolutely perfect in every single way but with my anxiety I always fear the worst. We have both really helped each other and for me to just drop a bomb on her like that? I don’t want to risk the chance of losing a great friend or even making things awkward, but at the same time what if I miss my chance. There are a ton of factors that complicate this but I can’t stop thinking of her.
Can anyone (female preferred) be able to offer any advice?
submitted by Chillsadguy to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 06:28 Complete_Victory_383 Any advice on how to be debt free
any idea on non banking loan settlement, got loan from so many places in small small amounts , would like to pay in just one place if we can find some company who can help us pay off all those non banking loans
submitted by Complete_Victory_383 to DebtAdvice [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 06:28 Parking-Jeweler-936 Anyone else think the new dasp is kinda OP
Just wondering
submitted by Parking-Jeweler-936 to pathoftitans [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 06:28 ihatelifetoo When are we going to launch off to the moon ? 🌕
submitted by ihatelifetoo to dogecoin [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 06:28 bischofff Revolutionary bioengineering research may transform type 1 diabetes care, pave way for tackling cancer and autoimmune disease
submitted by bischofff to gerosciencee [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 06:28 minimalistechie Rakuten Cashback - $40 Bonus
Receive extra cashback on your upcoming Black Friday / Cyber Monday purchases and we both receive a $30 $40 bonus: www.rakuten.com/ASELLE49
submitted by minimalistechie to referralcodes [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 06:28 janelley31 entire side of my face HURTS?
hi all, I’m a 24 y/o F, 5’0” and 120lbs. Relatively healthy, smoke/drink socially but not often.
About 12 days ago i got sick (congestion + cough) and im still dealing with it. I went to the dr yesterday finally and got antibiotics while i wait for the results of the pneumonia panel (although i don’t know if they’re helping much).
Tonight, though, my left side of my face began hurting out of nowhere. I can’t explain it. It doesn’t feel like my teeth necessarily it feels like my literal head and jaw? A dull aching pain not sharp or shooting.
Could this be related to my sickness? Or what could be causing this? I’m so confused
submitted by janelley31 to AskDocs [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 06:28 Responsible_Sir_5622 Bdjddbdbd
submitted by Responsible_Sir_5622 to a:t5_5zn767 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 06:28 OkRefrigerator7507 NEED NEW FISH RN.. I have new farm le*25, existing. Shan & Shan, fg, hattrick, coffee
1st Ask if I can still trade your game and please let me know the type of user you are whether existing or new
2nd After I confirm, do my code with an ELIGIBLE TRADE for a successful trade
3rd Finally after completing step 1 and 2 drop your username and code please.🐠
submitted by OkRefrigerator7507 to TemuThings [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 06:28 depressedhobbiesgirl I love it and it comes with a frame!!
submitted by depressedhobbiesgirl to diamondpainting [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 06:28 ParanoidDragon12 Realmente estoy bien?
Hola pues para no hacerlo largo voy en Secundaria, el caso es que nunca eh tenido un promedio de puro 10 siempre es de 9.6, 9.4 y así pero la cosa esta que a pesar de que no es un promedio bajo mi familia pide que me esfuerce más y la verdad no se si quieren que sea perfecto o es algún tipo de trauma que ellos tuvieron por qué sus papás los obligaban a sacar solo 10 o si no les pegaban, la verdad no lo se pero de verdad es algo malo o es simplemente una tontería?
submitted by ParanoidDragon12 to ayudamexico [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 06:28 exploding_myths ....What is a Conditional Commitment....
submitted by exploding_myths to Rivian [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 06:28 mohammed199797 482 Visa or Wait for the New core Skills Visa?
Hi all,
My employer is starting the nomination process for my 482 visa later this week, but I’m unsure if I should proceed or wait for the New core Skills visa. If you were in my shoes, would you wait or go ahead with the 482? I’m worried about wasting 2-3 weeks in waiting with no date on the horizon
submitted by mohammed199797 to AusVisa [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 06:28 Ok_Being_2003 Parisian sage hair tonic bottle from buffalo New York
submitted by Ok_Being_2003 to BottleDigging [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 06:28 discrete_moment Price update: still looking great!
GM guys! A fresh TA update for you all. Everything looks great! We got another daily close above the previous high from back in July. The wicks to the upside over the past two days show that traders have been taking profits. Yesterday's wick to the downside shows that others are stepping in to buy the dip. This is exactly what we want to see. It is only natural for the price to take some time to stop and breathe after a hard run. This makes the rally more sustainable, and it's a sign of a healthy market. I want to give a shout out to all you true OG Hegends in here. The insane strength we are seeing right now is built on your backs. Price was going down for a long time. But you believed. You kept grinding. Now us newcomers have to show respect by doing the same: keep grinding, keep spreading the word. That way, everybody wins. Love you all ❤️ TA for HEGE/USD for 26 November 2024: still looking great! submitted by discrete_moment to HegeCoin [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 06:28 monke2433 Nuked my roblox avatar
submitted by monke2433 to nukedmemes [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 06:28 Aromatic_Zebra_8708 Topaz at the pool (by @negi2713)
submitted by Aromatic_Zebra_8708 to TopazMainsHSR [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 06:28 AMoroboshi Trump Surrounding Himself with Operation Warp Speed Accomplices
submitted by AMoroboshi to Wild_Politics [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 06:28 anythingworkshere- Hey
I see you
I know everyone else around you is expecting something from you. I know you feel that weight of trying to hide your pain, put on a smile, power through, and keep everyone else happy. That has to be exhausting , everyday, for years, and I can’t imagine having to do that for so long. I know it’s been a hard month for you, harder than most. I know how you feel when you wake up, and what’s going through your head when you go to sleep at night. I know what it feels like to have a dream taken away from you when you expected something different, and I know right now that you’re trying to forget this pain you have however you can.
What I want you to know is this: the smile you put on for them doesn’t need to happen with me. I don’t want you to hide the pain from me. What I love about you is all of you, the good and the bad. I want you to know that I will love you no matter what. No acting, no facade, none of that is necessary with me.
I want you to feel better
I want to be there for you
I want to hold you in the bad times
I want to embrace you in the good
I want to be your safe place, where you feel you can say anything without being judged
I want to laugh with you at things only we find funny
I want to wake up in the morning next to you and watch you smile for the first time
I know what you’re going through, all of it. I see you, all of you. I love you, all of you.
submitted by anythingworkshere- to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]