Ich arbeite zu wenig und mache mir deshalb Sorgen

2024.11.26 08:20 Sea_Magazine7536 Ich arbeite zu wenig und mache mir deshalb Sorgen

Hallo zusammen, ich hab vor ein paar Monaten in einer obersten Bundesbehörde angefangen.
Es hat damit angefangen, das ich mich in das "Thema einarbeiten soll". Hab ein paar Unterlagen bekommen, an Meetings teilgenommen.
Arbeitsaufträge blieben aus, die wurden vom bisherigen Team bearbeitet.
Ein paar mal frage ich nach konkreten Arbeitsaufträgen, bekomme kleine Sachen, die parallel aber auch schon von anderen Kollegen gemacht wurden. "Zum ausprobieren".
Vor ein paar Wochen hatte ich ein Gespräch mit meinem Vorgesetzten. Ich werde in einen anderen, verwandten Aufgabenbereich umgesetzt. Er hatte selber gesehen, ohne dass ich es ihm erzählen musste, dass ich nicht genug Arbeit bekomme. Habe jetzt ein neues Fachgebiet, wieder was zum Einarbeiten bekommen.
Leider lag dazwischen etwas Urlaub von mir, Krankheit, und Urlaub vom Vorgesetzten. Gefühlt bin ich wieder am Anfang. Nehme an 1-2 Meeting teil, zu denen ich nichts beitragen kann, lese mir vielleicht ein bisschen was an, aber habe keine Aufgaben.
Ich werde natürlich das Gespräch suchen, sobald ich meinen Vorgesetzten wieder erwische, aber ich hab jetzt schon so große Schuldgefühle, ich traue mich kaum. Was sage ich, wenn man mich fragt, was ich die letzten Monate überhaupt gemacht habe? Viel rumgepimmelt, das hab ich.
Ist das, was passiert, wenn Leute von unterfordernden Stellen im öffentlichen Dienst reden? Ich meine, solange ich zumindest Aufgaben hätte die ich in einer Stunde am Tag abarbeiten könnte, wäre ja schon ein großes Upgrade...
Ich denke ich weiß schon was zu tun ist, aber passiert so was häufiger? Hat so was schonmal jemand hier so erlebt? Irgendwelche Tipps wie ich das am besten angehe?
submitted by Sea_Magazine7536 to OeffentlicherDienst [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:20 Ok-Tear193 Help first time grower and How far away should my light be

Help first time grower and How far away should my light be first time growing i have nightowl smqr seeds coming tomorrow but this is a random seed it sprouted 2 days ago anything I should change or look out for? The tent is a 2x4x5 in the closet with the door open at all times and 2 vs1000e lights only running 1 right now they dont dim so its at 100% is 24 inches away from the plant good?
I also dont want to mess anything up when i get the Smqr seeds I have it planted in some californias own potting mix with a. 3-1-1 ratio and plan to add perlite and worm casings when i move them to pots. I will be feeding with kellogg organic plus 4-4-4 during veg and the tent is running 75-78 degrees ~55 %RH during light and when everything is off ~60% RH and 70 degrees should this be good for grows?
submitted by Ok-Tear193 to microgrowery [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:20 entro987 Des cocus pour que je m'occupe de vos meufs sur Bruxelles (tlg Orion0600)

submitted by entro987 to influenceuse_fr5 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:20 Flat_Term_6765 Mint in boxes, it's 3am here.. please someone take her so she doesn't have to go to live on "the farm".

submitted by Flat_Term_6765 to acnh [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:20 rottingguts Is this a problem?

Is this a problem? 2 questions in one: I don't know about the front end assembly so I am not sure what this part is but it looks to be a new one. What is this, is it broken or could there be grease from when it was installed still? Is Les Schwab a trustable shop, is it just my location or are they problematic? I had originally started getting front end work done just to make the car last a lot longer and knew it would cost me thousands so I'm not upset about that part. But they lied about doing an inspection because I had given them a list of parts I wanted replaced broken or not so they only did that. They must have not done a drive test because I hadn't ever noticed any noises from my front end. The wheel hubs were very loud but I never noticed until they were replaced, it's something les schwab should have noticed but they did not replace them. As soon as I parked it there was clanking. So I took it to someone else and had him inspect and replace everything else. Les schwab replaced the axel seals and 4 months ago I noticed the axel boots were OFF and 2 seals they also replaced were torn. I took it to les schwab to fix because it's a rough spot to reach without taking the wheel off. They told me the boots were torn and they'd need to replace the axels and it would not be in warranty because they were not replaced before and could not put them back because they could be liable for damage. The boots were not torn, they were not put back on properly and it is their fault. I also had to show them the seals which were VERY visible if you are directly under or from the wheel, they said they didn't see a problem. The seals were in warranty and they would have replaced them but at this point I refused service. Now, I'm assuming if this is new this would be another part les schwab replaced.
submitted by rottingguts to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:20 BoxingAmateur1999 Thoughts on Ukrainian made equipment?

Im talking specifically plate carriers, I like to buy stuff and collect and have a fair amount. Recently Ive started looking into plate carriers. Are UA manufactured ones worth adding to my collection? They can be a bit hefty in price but always look cool and I think it would be neat to have one just for why not reasons yk? I also do not wanna have a bunch of crappy airsoft fake stuff because thats boring. I like my stuff real and authentic.
submitted by BoxingAmateur1999 to MilitaryGear [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:20 goldfishsociety Is there a way to contact mods because this kind of behaviour isn't appropriate 💀

Is there a way to contact mods because this kind of behaviour isn't appropriate 💀 I didn't expect to log on today and get called a fascist because im 17 This dude is running around calling people nazis because they don't want to be called the r word? Wtf is this behaviour
submitted by goldfishsociety to CoSRants [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:20 AncientWinter3063 The Irony & Disappointment

Rock really thought that Jr was going to be an A-list baby. As soon as he was born, he added Booking into to his Bio, hoping to land him Modeling gigs. She called him a Billion dollar baby & we couldn't go a day without her posting or going live with him. Then reality started to sink in. She went from that to now hiding him so that The World won't notice his physical & mental abnormalities. It was a culture shock for her! The billion dollar baby will have billions of dollars in medical bills. That's why she's been pressing so hard. She wants a miracle to happen before Blue gets out so that they can be that happy Family that she's been dreaming about. He's not the perfect baby that she wanted. In fact he's far from it. But I'm wondering perfectly if his issues are beyond repair. Is it too late for him to live even a partially normal lifestyle?
submitted by AncientWinter3063 to exposingchrisean [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:20 grlux24 Concept of variable, color & single-line font (with tribute for WOW signal :)

Concept of variable, color & single-line font (with tribute for WOW signal :) submitted by grlux24 to typography [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:20 Temporary_Strategy53 ASKING

Do you guys typically wait for your regional troops to complete their training before launching an attack on the enemy? Or do you sometimes send your forces into battle even if their training is incomplete?
submitted by Temporary_Strategy53 to songsofsyx [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:20 jujujokiba Creatures of sonaria trading

Creatures of sonaria trading Hey would anyone like to buy/trade for this glimmer Heiboktoruk?
submitted by jujujokiba to CreaturesofSonaria [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:20 LetterExciting562 LF: Special Delivery and Getting a Clue. Have: Fit for a King, Big Red Button, Wooferine, Comic Relief, Barre Exam, Black Panther, and Tangled

LF: Special Delivery and Getting a Clue. Have: Fit for a King, Big Red Button, Wooferine, Comic Relief, Barre Exam, Black Panther, and Tangled Looking for Special Delivery and Getting a Clue. Have: Fit for a King, Big Red Button, Wooferine, Comic Relief, Barre Exam, Black Panther, and Tangled 😊
submitted by LetterExciting562 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:20 MugShots ‘He heard gunshots, then his windshield shattered’: Three arrested after allegedly shooting at Uber driver in Valdosta

‘He heard gunshots, then his windshield shattered’: Three arrested after allegedly shooting at Uber driver in Valdosta submitted by MugShots to ArrestStories [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:20 Upset-Agency-1451 Need some help.

Need some help. So i was thinking about bying this LMG but wanted to the some other opinions on it. Does anyone has experience with it??
submitted by Upset-Agency-1451 to airsoft [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:20 Riversandlakes2024 I have selfish parents who make everything about themselves

When I was newly married , my in-laws used to taunt me over my age . My in-laws always said I am too old for him. Like my husband and I did love marriage and we were classmates . My inkaea were upset that I was just about own year less than him . They used to taunt me about it everyday . I felt my husband is also starting to think that although he was the one who had pursued me so much . Means that a girl is worthless unless she is significantly younger than the guy .
Then when once my husband was filling my parents date of birth in an app, my mom was embarrassed that they both have less than a year difference so she told my husband that she is actually three years younger to my dad .
Another instance. .
When I was newly married I put a lot of effort to cook nice dishes inspite of having a full time job same as my husband . The dishes turned out well but my MIL would keep finding fault or just stay quiet angrily if she could not . Like if my husband said I have cooked the dal so well ( first week after marriage ) , my MIL would make angry face .?
When my mother visited me , I had made very good dal and my husband praised it . Then my mother said ohh you didn’t fry the moong na , you should have done that .
Today we were filling our height and weight in a health apo . And my father kept saying I am two inches shorter than him . Already my In-laws say I am short because I am 5 2 and my husband is 5 Ft 8.5 inch . My dad is just less than an inch taller than me , but just to feel better about himself he kept asking my husband to fill two inches shorter than him without even checking my height .
Another time when I was newly married , some tv news debate was showing about extramarital affair should be criminalised or not . And I said that men should not have extra marital affair because in our society a woman can’t just leave a marriage easily due to taboo and they are outing her in a helpless situation . Then in front of my husband , my father started arguing with me how people have reasons for leaving their wife and it’s not wrong . He was not justifying affair but about leaving but is that the view he should support when visiting my house for the first time
Once my mother’s sister called us to meet us at a restaurant . And it was 2 pm peak summer . She doesn’t want o visit our home because she doesn’t like the locality . She is arrogant and snobbish like that . So my husband had to drive there in the hot summer . But he got delayed because he was cleaning the toilet at home so we were late to start as I didn’t communicate properly the timing as she also told us once she was on the way .. So we got delayed by 15 minutes and her sister had to wait . For that she scolded my mom , then me . And then my mom showed her anger towards my husband . Complaining and making a face while we were going I the restaurant . And then when we entered she started complaining to my husband for being late . I didn’t like that I said he had to leave important work to come here and then she wanted to give him some lecture but I turned him away and ignored her and asked him what he wants to eat and ignored her for the rest of the meeting and talked only to my husband . Then she was so frustrated she started talking about how she is so hi fi and hung out with elite people who eat in fork and spoon and she even scolded the waiter for her own misunderstanding about something . When I told my mother that she and her sister were not right to scold my husband , my mother didn’t admit anything was wrong with their behaviour .
submitted by Riversandlakes2024 to AskIndianWomen [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:20 cookiesss467 Feed me ur irls desi preferred cumtrib if worthy

submitted by cookiesss467 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:20 Downtown-Place8670 Rollback or bug?

Anyone else had this major rollback? Yesterday I unlocked the beanstalk marshes and I did the entire Maleficent quest right to the finale. And now I log in, the marshes are still blocked by this 10k ink and now I have unlocked it the entire quest-line pops up again. I lost some 2 hour worth of gametime despite having saved 🤔 anyone else had this?
submitted by Downtown-Place8670 to DreamlightValley [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:20 OkInjury6226 Breakfast Memory's

Breakfast Memory's submitted by OkInjury6226 to Deneysville [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:20 No_Administration793 What are the odds that an ex would make up the fact that he got an STD?

Hypothetically speaking, is there any world in which a guy would deliberately fabricate a story about receiving a message from a site that allows users to anonymous send alerts to their sexual partners notifying them of the need to get tested for STDs? If it were me, I'd just straight up tell the person.. but if a guy really had no idea who might have sent the notification, I guess I could see the need to run down your Recent checklist to try and identify a person (who didn't want to self-disclose in the first place).
From a girl's perspective, that would just be plain embarrassing. Whatever jealousy they might be attempting to evoke is immediately overpowered by a sense of yuckiness, providing instant closure to any mixed feelings that might have been lingering. It certainly seems preposterous that one would go out of their way to put themselves on blast like that...
But to ask a previous partner who you haven't had sex with in months whether they're the one who exposed them to an STD/STI seems even more outlandish. Would love to get your hot take on this!?
submitted by No_Administration793 to AskMen [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:20 LittleboysHamster EIEL what is the issue with limit here?

EIEL what is the issue with limit here? submitted by LittleboysHamster to IndianStreetBets [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:20 viktorsreviews Emt in urban tactical scenario

I am an EMT in Romania and was wondering what equipment I should get, as politics are getting out of hand here, and protests are popping up. PD is notorious for being extremely violent in breaking protests over here, I would like to get some recommendations for what equipment I should get to help people in this scenario. Please consider I might be doing most things on my own, with just 2 hands. Thank you for your help.
submitted by viktorsreviews to TacticalMedicine [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:20 Phendrana-Drifter Hoo boy

submitted by Phendrana-Drifter to airsoftcirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:20 TheShadowHatMan Long Uzi, +20 Range, Accuracy and Velocity.

Long Uzi, +20 Range, Accuracy and Velocity. submitted by TheShadowHatMan to ItemShop [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:20 SavagesLegacy This isn’t supposed to be two-toned correct?

Just curious if any else had a similar experience. I took it back to Walmart and they had a smaller game drive that was exposed that was just like this one. Bad batch?
submitted by SavagesLegacy to Seagate [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 08:20 Sad-Detail461 Nintendo wii u drying

I want to buy a Wii U and I heard that it might die if it is not turned on for a while. Is this true and which model should I buy? It's all because of this stupid chip. Is it true that black wii u consoles are more susceptible to damage than white wii u consoles? Or is it racist and not true?
submitted by Sad-Detail461 to wiiu [link] [comments]
