[AU] - Teenager spared jail over crash that killed unborn baby | Sydney Morning Herald

2024.11.26 09:40 AutoNewspaperAdmin [AU] - Teenager spared jail over crash that killed unborn baby | Sydney Morning Herald

[AU] - Teenager spared jail over crash that killed unborn baby | Sydney Morning Herald submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 sillylittledumbdumb Calories in that sandwich? Approximately?

Is this OK?
submitted by sillylittledumbdumb to caloriecount [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 unholydoctor Captain America Ends Friendship With Spidey

Captain America Ends Friendship With Spidey submitted by unholydoctor to YouTubePromoter [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 AutoNewspaperAdmin [AU] - Millions in government funding for drought | Sydney Morning Herald

[AU] - Millions in government funding for drought | Sydney Morning Herald submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 Immediate-Chard-5892 Meet the Cheater Video

submitted by Immediate-Chard-5892 to supervive [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 Menup_ New moderator and MAALIK of Yami Gautam here. Now the Pavitrta of this loyal wife will be taken in full swing

New moderator and MAALIK of Yami Gautam here. Now the Pavitrta of this loyal wife will be taken in full swing submitted by Menup_ to YamiGautamFap [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 Londoner1982 I’m “ahead of the pack” 😬

I accepted the updates to marathon plan. Let’s hope I can keep up with the demand of the training. My new predicted pace is 3:09:00 - 3:17:00 and that feels soooo optimistic. Over an hour off of my marathon PB from Paris in April.
I genuinely just cannot wait to see how this plays out though. I am absolutely loving every workout the app gives me.
submitted by Londoner1982 to runna [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 Accurate_Ad_2205 #baloghtamas miért? komolyan, ez a csávó kinek hiszi magát?

#baloghtamas miért? komolyan, ez a csávó kinek hiszi magát? submitted by Accurate_Ad_2205 to talk_hunfluencers [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 CDFAN2 Have you ever felt unsure or awkward about how to interact with someone who has a disability, only to realize later that there was nothing to worry about? What was your experience like?

submitted by CDFAN2 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 armyreco Focus: How North Korea’s Growing Role in Ukraine War Strengthens Ties with Russia

Focus: How North Korea’s Growing Role in Ukraine War Strengthens Ties with Russia The war in Ukraine, which has reshaped global geopolitical dynamics since 2022, may have reached a new milestone with reports indicating the presence of North Korean troops on Russian territory. These soldiers, reportedly deployed near Kursk, are said to have been integrated into Russian airborne and marine units, according to South Korea’s National Intelligence Service (NIS). This unprecedented military cooperation between Moscow and Pyongyang raises significant questions about its strategic and geopolitical implications. What is the reality of this alliance? How could it impact the Ukrainian conflict and regional and global balances?
In the longer term, the Russia-North Korea collaboration could have implications for other strategic areas, particularly in the Asia-Pacific (Picture source: KCNA)
Read full Defense news at this link: https://www.armyrecognition.com/focus-analysis-conflicts/army/analysis-defense-and-security-industry/focus-how-north-koreas-growing-role-in-ukraine-war-strengthens-ties-with-russia
submitted by armyreco to WorldDefenseNews [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 HTAwesome November 22, 2024. Is George Bush dead yet?

submitted by HTAwesome to isbushdeadyet [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 Retro545 Looking for a portable music player that I could take on a run or hike. Any recommendations?

Without any subscriptions tied to it preferably
submitted by Retro545 to DigitalAudioPlayer [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 Training-Tangelo4714 Hung bull showing off for your gf! Dm or kik @fastrb

submitted by Training-Tangelo4714 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 Fancy_Philosopher696 I am cool

I am cool submitted by Fancy_Philosopher696 to omnimatter [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 Jetoficialbr made my fursona on roblox finally!

made my fursona on roblox finally! couldn't nail the exact colours but monochrome looks cool, what do you all think?
submitted by Jetoficialbr to RobloxFurs [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 DazzlingHorror6328 The best DC squad since 2020?

I think, this is the best DC squad since 2020. It has mix of both experienced Indian and foreign players alongwith youth firepower, which makes the team exciting to watch.
I know this side on its day can score 250+ scores and someday crumble for just 120, but thats what DC 2020-2021 was like!
This squad is more like the SRH from last year, good strong bowling, an overpowered batting line up, the starting XI looks promising, so we wont waste much time on finding our best 11. Just glad that it has happened!
submitted by DazzlingHorror6328 to delhicapitals [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 bingo11212 First snow of season to arrive in Seoul Wednesday

First snow of season to arrive in Seoul Wednesday Winter's first snow is expected to blanket much of Korea, including Seoul, on Wednesday, as Tuesday evening's rain is forecast to transition into snow.
submitted by bingo11212 to korea [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 anowbsedu Megathread: Linkuri cu și despre Elena Lasconi - Distribuie și dă like pentru a sprijini România!

În aceast megathread, doresc sa centralizez linkuri de pe TikTok, Instagram și alte platforme sociale care promovează mesajele și inițiativele Elenei Lasconi. Scopul este să ajutăm la creșterea vizibilității acestor postări prin share-uri, like-uri și comentarii. Este momentul să ne mobilizăm și să luptăm împotriva dezinformării și influenței rusești care încearcă să ne destabilizeze.
🎯 Cum poți ajuta?

  1. Distribuie: Ajută ca mesajele să ajungă la cât mai mulți oameni.
  2. Apasă butonul de like: Algoritmii iubesc interacțiunea.
  3. Comentează: Fiecare comentariu ajută postarea să fie mai vizibilă.
🔥 Lista linkurilor
Am centralizat mai jos o listă de linkuri pe care le-am găsit utilă pentru promovarea Elenei Lasconi. Dacă mai aveți alte linkuri, vă rog să le adăugați în comentarii, iar eu le voi include:
Alte platforme
💬 Adaugă contribuția ta!
Dacă ai creat sau găsit postări relevante, adaugă-le în comentarii cu un scurt context.
💡 De ce facem asta?
România trece printr-o perioadă dificilă, în care persoane ca Călin Georgescu, cu viziuni pro-ruse și extremiste, încearcă să influențeze direcția țării. Elena Lasconi reprezintă o voce a schimbării, care susține transparența, democrația și valorile pro-occidentale.
Prin distribuirea și promovarea mesajelor ei, putem contracara dezinformarea și influențele care pun în pericol viitorul nostru. Fiecare share, like și comentariu contează pentru a arăta că solidaritatea noastră face diferența!
Hai să sprijinim România și valorile în care credem! 💙💛❤️
// Această inițiativă este strict personală și voluntară, fără nicio legătură cu finanțare externă, partide politice sau alte entități. Scopul acestui thread este de a centraliza și promova conținut public despre Elena Lasconi, fără a încălca regulile platformelor sau legislația în vigoare. Toate linkurile adăugate sunt preluate din surse publice, respectând drepturile de autor și normele de confidențialitate.
submitted by anowbsedu to Romania [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 truthisfictionyt A Response to Joe Rogan's "Dragon Documentary"

Recently, Joe Rogan (half seriously) shared a documentary talking about the existence of living dragons/dinosaurs. The doc, produced by creationist group Genesis Park, has a lot of flaws I want to point out.

submitted by truthisfictionyt to Cryptozoology [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 lonanannaa Elan School Research

I am a high school student from Finland, hosting a true crime podcast as a hobby. My current topic is Élan school, the abusive behavior modification program and therapeutic boarding school located in Poland, Maine. I have done my research about this topic for a couple of months now, and I’ve been very invested in it.
When I started doing my research, I thought I wouldn’t find any recent information about the case, as most of the posts are more than 10 years old. But according to the news, it seems like that on 17.11.2024 Élan school has been burned down? Does anybody have any information to share about this? Was it just a former student, who set the fire as a revenge?The case seems to be currently still under investigation.
I have booked the recording room for next Monday (2.12.2024), so any responses before that would be appreciated. If there’s any former students of Élan, or even just people who have any kind of interesting information about the case to share, please contact me:
[email protected]
With love, Ilona Niemi
p.s. excuse me for any typos, English is not my first language.
submitted by lonanannaa to troubledteens [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 Gaphnix How to use Text-to-speech in ankidroid specifically for anking deck?

I want to do cards while listening during a walk for example using a controller (8bitdo zero/micro). I found the TTS option in the ankidroid app but it reads everything even the tags. How can I make it read just the answer and the question and maybe the Extra field? and If you have a better way to do the thing I want to do, please share it. Thanks.
submitted by Gaphnix to medicalschoolanki [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 The_Man-Himself Aldus de heilige SGP in debatten

Aldus de heilige SGP in debatten submitted by The_Man-Himself to PolitiekeMemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 Tokimori Thanks CNE!

With the first Retirement sale since the introduction of Platinum being in it's second week now, I've realized I'm WAY less inclined to impulse buy now that there's a "2 step" process to buying anything now.
Especially when I have to do the math to try and figure out what bundle of platinum would cover the purchases I'd potentially make.
submitted by Tokimori to idlechampions [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 CelebrationOdd7137 How do you say "Chicken drumstick" in Dutch when you go to a butcher? "Kippenbouten" or "kippenbillen"? or anything else?

How do you say submitted by CelebrationOdd7137 to learndutch [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 Alien_reg City Lights at Night, Oh What a Sight! 🌆(Tangram Holo)

City Lights at Night, Oh What a Sight! 🌆(Tangram Holo) submitted by Alien_reg to AIArtwork [link] [comments]
