2024.11.26 09:25 r3crac 2.1-inch Water-cooled IPS USB Secondary Screen for 29.99 USD without coupon (Best price in history: 31.99 USD)
Here is the link (Banggood): 2.1-inch Water-cooled IPS USB Secondary Screen
Current price is 29.99 USD. The lowest price in my database is 31.99 USD.There're already 2 records in DB. Price monitoring since 9.11.2024!
Damn, coupon doesn't work anymore? Currently best price is here: https://couponsfromchina.com/2-1-inch-water-cooled-ips-usb-secondary-screen-discount-price/ You can also set price alert there. Have a nice day!
It's a real discount and real deal.
Image: https://i.imgur.com/gYcX4vd.jpeg
submitted by r3crac to xiaomi_discount [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 09:25 No-Fact6742 Lana Rhoades in saree
submitted by No-Fact6742 to Sareebeauties [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 09:25 sundayquiz Mega Alphabet Quiz - Round 2/26 - B
submitted by sundayquiz to sundayquiz [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 09:25 Leg-Man weird question about three of a perfect pair
I absolutely adore some tracks off the album and they are amazing to listen to. Especially the first 4 tracks. But I have been wondering why tracks like nuages, industry, no warning etc. exist. I might come off as some stupid guy on reddit not understanding art but genuinely how are these tracks fun to listen to? They have some parts with actual melodies in them which is nice I guess but I cant seem to like any of them. Again I dont mean to slander the album or anything i love certain parts of it but I just can not understand why they would do this
submitted by Leg-Man to KingCrimson [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 09:25 whoamikenken Help asking for your inputs
Currently, I am employed at a company for 4 years as a System AdministratoDevOps. We provide hybrid solutions for our clients, either on-premises or cloud deployment. I handle almost all of the cloud deployments and have changed the way we deploy in the cloud. I insisted that other developers use Docker for development environments and containerization in cloud deployments and also encouraged them to use Git. A year ago, we were still using SFTP to update the code, which involved a lot of manual and repetitive tasks, so I advocated for using these tools to lessen our workload.
I was doing DevOps work even though my position was Senior Programmer, but after a few months, I was promoted to System Administrator, which was fine. I tried to focus on DevOps work and optimize our system as much as possible. However, we faced a problem with a client who expected 120,000 users. I stress-tested our system and found that we needed a lot of resources to accommodate about 5,000 concurrent users. By checking the metrics and logs, I found that the bottleneck was mostly due to our code. It was running but not at an optimized level. That's why I wanna go back to being a full stack developer to recreate the system from the ground up
Around October, my mother-in-law convinced me to consider teaching at a university in a foreign country. The pay was four times my current salary, but I would need a master’s degree to teach at the university.
I am currently indecisive about what to focus on. I have three choices for what to do next year:
2024.11.26 09:25 lululululululululuu What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by lululululululululuu to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 09:25 AdSmart1375 Smacked my piercing
In my sleep I hit my nostril piercing. It didn’t come out or anything but it is bleeding. I’ve never had any issues with it before.
Will this be ok if I leave it alone for it to heal?
Nostril L bend stud not sure about the material. I don’t use any products on it just clean it in the shower. 5 ish months old.
submitted by AdSmart1375 to piercing [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 09:25 SirWillTheOkay Operation Prom Song- it took years to find it
submitted by SirWillTheOkay to venturebros [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 09:25 Fistofk M+ is extremely toxic
Hey, i play this game for 17 years, i was always warrior tank, occasionally i use alts but 5% of my time in wow, i always focus mainly on my warrior so i think i am a good player of the class and role. Now... what the hell happens in M+ that people are so toxic? if you pull quietly you get insulted, if you pull a lot you get insulted, if everyone interrupts and you interrupted half the time not because you didn't but because someone did it before, you get insulted, addons are something horrible that should be removed from the game, it can't be that a role is insulting others with a list of wthat is doing or not, is something totally toxic. i play M+ since its release in Legion, and i think it was an excellent addition to the game as i am always in favor of the biggest challenges that the game can offer, but I think Blizzard should take care of solving how matchmaking is managed, that people who leave the dungeons have higher penalties, and stricter rules and penaltires for excessive bullying of players, really since M+ exists I never saw the levels of toxicity that reached this expansion.
submitted by Fistofk to wow [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 09:25 XPBackup2001 bro does not like reddit ig
submitted by XPBackup2001 to notinteresting [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 09:25 Famous-Ability-4431 Spoiler: Question about Idira Tlass
Hypothetically: If Idira went to get sanctioned at the end of the game would she have survived, or was she doomed from the start?
She seems pretty confident that's "She's gonna die" and there doesn't seem to be a way to save her short of "embrace the warp" but then she isn't even her anymore. In fact both of the waves to "save" her are destroying her in different ways.
So is there any hope for her? My head canon needs some copium
submitted by Famous-Ability-4431 to RogueTraderCRPG [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 09:25 survivorboi5565 Bfdi charcters based on hoe much corn they watch
submitted by survivorboi5565 to ObjectShows [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 09:25 koukouliskwn What a man need guys invite ur buddies too!!
https://discord.gg/9v9cnNWx submitted by koukouliskwn to PromoteDiscordServer [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 09:25 mushblue What did they say
Fuck whispering im basically deaf fuck you binx
submitted by mushblue to fishtanklive [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 09:25 spartakkz Can a router be a main node in a mesh network?
I already have a two pack of DECO X20, but I am now trying to replace my ISP router since its a non mesh (ip provided router).
Which TP-LINK router would work well with the DECO X20? Or another brand of router?
I use my deco nodes connected via cable from wall ports.
I wanted my router to be a node in the same mesh network as my other 2 Deco units, for a total of 3 nodes (1 routenode + 2 deco nodes).
Is there a router that can do that? I havent been able to find a solution online.
submitted by spartakkz to TpLink [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 09:25 rusakovic 📩 Customer Service Representative II Salary: 💰$23.46. 📍Remote job in 🇺🇸 United States
submitted by rusakovic to likeremote [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 09:25 daluxe Fried sliced onion with some pork belly and chili peppers
Like to fry loads of sliced onion and occasionally add some toppings submitted by daluxe to OnionLovers [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 09:25 noodle_the_hognose Help?? So my dads monstera has been growing for years and last night my new cat decited it would be a good idea to climb in it… causing the most recent leaf to fall it. Will the plant continue to grow…?
submitted by noodle_the_hognose to Monstera [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 09:25 Otherwise-Sand504 Looking for fun
Any female for paid fun ( but must be 18+) may DM me.
submitted by Otherwise-Sand504 to ShillongNSFWGW [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 09:25 Extreme-Gas5351 Help Us Improve Habilitation for Children with Cerebral Palsy!
Hi everyone! We’re students from NTNU’s School of Entrepreneurship, working on a project to make Habilitation and training exercises more motivating for children with cerebral palsy. If you’re a parent of a child with CP (especially in elementary or middle school), or if you have CP yourself, we’d love to hear your experiences in this short, anonymous survey. Your input will help us design something truly impactful. Link to the survey Thank you for your time – we really appreciate it!
submitted by Extreme-Gas5351 to CerebralPalsy [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 09:25 AmantedeFutebol JORNAL RECORD: Villas-Boas exige reação ao plantel frente ao Anderlecht. Líder falou ao grupo no Dragão logo na noite de domingo e subiu a fasquia da responsabilização dos jogadores pela atual crise de resultados
submitted by AmantedeFutebol to fcporto [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 09:25 QankHD Womanhood: A Trash Tuesday Friendsgiving
submitted by QankHD to TrashTuesday [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 09:25 Vegetable_Permit_179 3:25 AM
Black swan with a sweet
In turmoil and tragedy
With sore eyes rejuvenation extends its hands to call my name
If I loved myself Id be blind to your gestures
We'd walk this life as strangers unaware of the existence of what is now
But that's not what we are, aren't we stranger
More so therapist is what I call you for you know all of me
And for me I know none of you
Hello my shrink
It sure is an expensive price to pay for peace of mind
submitted by Vegetable_Permit_179 to OCPoetryFree [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 09:25 AcceptableNorm Working at Costco is a serious workout.
I started working at Costco about 3 1/2 weeks ago. I'm doing front end, patio and carts, go backs, strays, box down and etc.. I can't believe how physical this job is. I'm putting in serious miles per day. I'm sore beyond words each night. Here are my screenshots for the past several days. I've already lost 10 pounds without even trying. Anyone who thinks that getting a job at Costco is chil is severely mislead. I'm doing a great job and my review said so, but goddamn it's taxing on the body. I'm on it for the long run but holy crap, it's beyond a workout. submitted by AcceptableNorm to Costco [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 09:25 Ok_Cauliflower8989 Part 2 - Transparentnost plaća, za juniore/početnike
Vezano za zadnji post, izostavio sam napredak mojih plaća.
Posao 1. Neto plaća je bila nekih 7000 kn, bruto se ne sjećam.
Nakon 6 mjeseci povišica od oko 30% što mi je diglo neto na nešto ispod 1300 net.
Posao 2. 2600 Bruto, što je nekih 1700 neto
Posao 3. 3400 Bruto što je nekih 2200 neto.
Nemojte nešto uzimati moj napredak plaća kao standard jer ovo spada u top 5% developera (barem developera koje ja znam)
Što se tiče "Top faks", neću nešto previše komentirati, ljudi koji idu na faks će znati da postoje razlike između fakulteta i kakve su to razlike.
Što se tiče "medior u dvije godine", mediori s 5 plus godina i seniora s 10 plus što sam upoznao u 3 firme, jedina razlika između mene i dobar dio njih, je to što su postojali duži period u ovoj industriji ne što su bolji od mene. Iskreno obožavam pričati s takvim nikakvim ljudima i pogotovo kad im kažem moju plaću kada odem na novi posao, to je moj najbolji dio mijenjanje posla.
Ovo će biti moj zadnji post jer su iskreno provoditi vrijeme na ovom redditu nije nešto pozitivno.
submitted by Ok_Cauliflower8989 to CroIT [link] [comments]