Wb dialga raid 840485150902

2024.11.26 09:40 ColdVermicelli2297 Wb dialga raid 840485150902

submitted by ColdVermicelli2297 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 FlanSouth8359 Zim dividend

Paying $3.65 a share to holders which goes x-dividend 12/2. Ka-Ching.
submitted by FlanSouth8359 to zim [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 Competitive_Big_2899 Will this work?

Suggest better ways to keep my Zaza wetšŸ˜¬.
submitted by Competitive_Big_2899 to IndianEnts [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 Cathal212 Conor McSaville

Conor McSaville
submitted by Cathal212 to ufc [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 Willing-Athlete-6756 Studenten Job

Hey all! Iā€™m looking for a job in a cafe or restaurant & wanted to ask you all if there are any ā€œjob searchingā€ websites youā€™d recommend.(for students or just in general) I know thereā€™s a job searching groupchat for students but I canā€™t find anything about it online..anyone know what Iā€™m talking about? Thanks šŸ˜Š
submitted by Willing-Athlete-6756 to Munich [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 TimTheGrim55 How to get the armoury web extension running again?

I know the shop is not what it was anymore due to the U&L update but I'm still missing a couple 430 Curios on my 4 characters so anyone have an idea how to get the web extension running again (or why it doesn't work anymore in the first place)?
submitted by TimTheGrim55 to DarkTide [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 pekoe_160 Off topic but wanted to share this about my reddit recap

Thanks yall :3 (im still proud of that drawing) and sorry for inactivity
submitted by pekoe_160 to necoarc [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 AffectionateAge3219 Dwarf in dungeon

Dwarf in dungeon submitted by AffectionateAge3219 to PixelArt [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 CriticismOver6895 I need encouragement to use my dildo. I Can send pics. Cei. M33. 0507f1ac42f5ece0b82b784f232f047f3effb68a7164d3a49d40f1fa8f36573927

submitted by CriticismOver6895 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 TabbyCat377 Here's something Cool I found. A jack pack mention

Here's something Cool I found. A jack pack mention I was watching through a video and I have found this. From SLG
submitted by TabbyCat377 to JackSucksAtLife [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 redbutlert [discussion]I'm curious what are all the ifs that exist counting the April fool's ifs?

[discussion]I'm curious what are all the ifs that exist counting the April fool's ifs? Cute academy if!!!!
submitted by redbutlert to Re_Zero [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 Peachmint561 Bussdown rolex with rainbow dials

Bussdown rolex with rainbow dials submitted by Peachmint561 to repwatches [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 BioTek39 Hunting sim 3 announcement trailer

submitted by BioTek39 to HuntingSimulator2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 Akasha-coast How do you know you are in a healthy relationship

My attachment style is fearful-avoidant. I recently started seeing someone and I think they are securely attached.
I like my relationships hot and cold. The pushing and pulling with a touch toxicity and I havenā€™t gotten any of that. I even stalked his socials to see if Iā€™ll get the feeling but itā€™s not there. Everything is just calm. No mixed feelings or hot emotions
What does it feel when you are in a healthy relationship??
submitted by Akasha-coast to Kenya [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 kingcapha THUNDERCAT WINS BEST PROGRESSIVE R&

THUNDERCAT WINS BEST PROGRESSIVE R& submitted by kingcapha to Thundercat [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 UnluckyLux Viewmodel FOV Bug Should Be The Standard

Viewmodel FOV Bug Should Be The Standard Please GSC make this an option in the settings. The guns are very big on screen and this bug makes it perfect. It wouldnā€™t affect performance at all. Sorry for the dark screenshots, this game is forever nighttime.
submitted by UnluckyLux to stalker [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 IExist11 Thoughts on PC build?

Just trying to see if there is any sort of issues or advice I should take into account. Thanks.
submitted by IExist11 to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 Minimum_Opposite5034 Iā€™m asking for advice- please help

Hi guys, Iā€™m nee to this sub but I thought it might be a great place to vent and maybe seek advice. Iā€™m a 22 yo african woman, i grew up in a country in Africa and moved abroad to study.
I met my boyfriend (white) last year and weā€™ve had an amazing relationship. I feel comfortable when Iā€™m with him, he treats me very well compared to my past relationships, and I genuinely love him, not because heā€™s white, not for money but I love who he is and I love myself when Iā€™m with him.
Initially, my parents sent me abroad just to study and the plan was for me to go back after I graduate. I secured a graduate job and I donā€™t want to go back because I donā€™t want to break up with my boyfriend. He is such a treasure and I dont want to loose him. I dont care if we end up breaking up in the future, he is worth the risk imo, i can just leave if that happens. But im hoping to take it further and get married.
My parents think Iā€™m making a mistake because life in North America is very expensive and they think iā€™ll never progress in mu career. Has anyone ever had to defy their parents when it came to relationships and do you regret it??
Also, My boyfriends family is pretty chill and very loving. They love me and always invite me to family meetings (which i really appreaciate ), but sometimes I feel like an imposter. They are all white and iā€™m black, I feel out of place - just in my head not that they discriminate me. Has anyone ever had to deal with this situation and how did you overcome that feeling?
Thank you for taking your time to read and even to respond, your comment means alot to meā¤ļø
submitted by Minimum_Opposite5034 to interracialdating [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 aitidina A question about external geometries in Sketcher

So, pretty straightforward: I have a sketch that has an external geometry for reference, and it works well. Then I update the original geometry (I just move it some mm, no new faces, no new edges), and I expect the external geometry in the sketch to be aligned with it, but I find out it's not.
So I have to manually update the sketch, delete the old external geometry and create a new one. This is a simple sketch and I have no problems to update it by hand, but the case may arise when this can be more problematic. So, my question is: is there any way external geometries can be automatically updated, or this is just how they work, and any change to existing geometries must be manually brought into a sketch?
submitted by aitidina to FreeCAD [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 m80logic Spent too much time on this

Spent too much time on this submitted by m80logic to 3Dprinting [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 Mary_jane_30 Em que regime se casaram/querem casar?

Qual foi o regime que escolheram? Gostariam de ter escolhido outro? Fariam algo de diferente? Escreveram algum acordo para alĆ©m do regime escolhido? Que cenĆ”rios se devem preparar antes de casar? Dicas, conselhos e sugestƵes sĆ£o muito bem vindos.
submitted by Mary_jane_30 to CasualPT [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 Alternative_Cut4491 Wrath of druids or season pass?

So the main dlc I'm interested in is wrath of druids, but i'm not sure if it's worth buying a single dlc when I could buy druids as well as paris in season pass for a bit more money. I heard that the paris one starts on level 200+ and I'm not even sure if I'll reach that level plus the ireland and druids just sounds more interesting to me, I don't really want dawn of ragnarok because I don't like when games try to be realistic and then suddently become fantasy
submitted by Alternative_Cut4491 to ACValhalla [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 depressofairy How can I remove this sticker from the bathtub?

How can I remove this sticker from the bathtub? Moved into a lovely little house, but the bath has this old sticker on it. How can I remove it? It looks like someones already hacked away at it. I have rubbing alcohol, would that work? TIA
submitted by depressofairy to CleaningTips [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 Miss_nikki128 Robins are so cute. Taken in different locations.

Robins are so cute. Taken in different locations. submitted by Miss_nikki128 to Animals [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:40 lmAnAlbatross Trading IO Rose Grey Fri

Trading IO Rose Grey Fri Looking to trade this IO Rose Grey Fri (hair dyed RG fade). MLF - events (not low tiers or 24 events). Iā€™m open to adding to a trade offer -if required- for something decent! If youā€™re interested please send me a DM :)
submitted by lmAnAlbatross to WildHorseIslands [link] [comments]
