M+ is extremely toxic

知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视 ... Sense 和sence的用法、区别是什么?sense和sence的区别:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、意思不同1.sense意思:感觉2.sence意思:感觉;觉得二、用法不同1.sense用法:接名词、代词、that从句,或疑问词引导的从 這個問題探討了“toxic people”的中文翻譯及其含義。 有一句话是这么说的,“有人的地方就有江湖”,在海外职场更甚。在语言和文化的加持下,可能我们作为留子在工作中更易遇到Toxic的行为而不能消解的情况。 工作中的有毒行为会以各种形式表现出来,对工作环境、人际关系、工作效率等等会造成负面影响。

2024.11.26 09:25 Fistofk M+ is extremely toxic

Hey, i play this game for 17 years, i was always warrior tank, occasionally i use alts but 5% of my time in wow, i always focus mainly on my warrior so i think i am a good player of the class and role. Now... what the hell happens in M+ that people are so toxic? if you pull quietly you get insulted, if you pull a lot you get insulted, if everyone interrupts and you interrupted half the time not because you didn't but because someone did it before, you get insulted, addons are something horrible that should be removed from the game, it can't be that a role is insulting others with a list of wthat is doing or not, is something totally toxic. i play M+ since its release in Legion, and i think it was an excellent addition to the game as i am always in favor of the biggest challenges that the game can offer, but I think Blizzard should take care of solving how matchmaking is managed, that people who leave the dungeons have higher penalties, and stricter rules and penaltires for excessive bullying of players, really since M+ exists I never saw the levels of toxicity that reached this expansion.
submitted by Fistofk to wow [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:25 XPBackup2001 bro does not like reddit ig

bro does not like reddit ig submitted by XPBackup2001 to notinteresting [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:25 Famous-Ability-4431 Spoiler: Question about Idira Tlass

Hypothetically: If Idira went to get sanctioned at the end of the game would she have survived, or was she doomed from the start?
She seems pretty confident that's "She's gonna die" and there doesn't seem to be a way to save her short of "embrace the warp" but then she isn't even her anymore. In fact both of the waves to "save" her are destroying her in different ways.
So is there any hope for her? My head canon needs some copium
submitted by Famous-Ability-4431 to RogueTraderCRPG [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:25 survivorboi5565 Bfdi charcters based on hoe much corn they watch

submitted by survivorboi5565 to ObjectShows [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:25 koukouliskwn What a man need guys invite ur buddies too!!

What a man need guys invite ur buddies too!! https://discord.gg/9v9cnNWx
submitted by koukouliskwn to PromoteDiscordServer [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:25 mushblue What did they say

Fuck whispering im basically deaf fuck you binx
submitted by mushblue to fishtanklive [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:25 spartakkz Can a router be a main node in a mesh network?

I already have a two pack of DECO X20, but I am now trying to replace my ISP router since its a non mesh (ip provided router).
Which TP-LINK router would work well with the DECO X20? Or another brand of router?
I use my deco nodes connected via cable from wall ports.
I wanted my router to be a node in the same mesh network as my other 2 Deco units, for a total of 3 nodes (1 routenode + 2 deco nodes).
Is there a router that can do that? I havent been able to find a solution online.
submitted by spartakkz to TpLink [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:25 rusakovic 📩 Customer Service Representative II Salary: 💰$23.46. 📍Remote job in 🇺🇸 United States

📩 Customer Service Representative II Salary: 💰$23.46. 📍Remote job in 🇺🇸 United States submitted by rusakovic to likeremote [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:25 daluxe Fried sliced onion with some pork belly and chili peppers

Fried sliced onion with some pork belly and chili peppers Like to fry loads of sliced onion and occasionally add some toppings
submitted by daluxe to OnionLovers [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:25 noodle_the_hognose Help?? So my dads monstera has been growing for years and last night my new cat decited it would be a good idea to climb in it… causing the most recent leaf to fall it. Will the plant continue to grow…?

submitted by noodle_the_hognose to Monstera [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:25 Otherwise-Sand504 Looking for fun

Any female for paid fun ( but must be 18+) may DM me.
submitted by Otherwise-Sand504 to ShillongNSFWGW [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:25 Extreme-Gas5351 Help Us Improve Habilitation for Children with Cerebral Palsy!

Hi everyone! We’re students from NTNU’s School of Entrepreneurship, working on a project to make Habilitation and training exercises more motivating for children with cerebral palsy. If you’re a parent of a child with CP (especially in elementary or middle school), or if you have CP yourself, we’d love to hear your experiences in this short, anonymous survey. Your input will help us design something truly impactful. Link to the survey Thank you for your time – we really appreciate it!
submitted by Extreme-Gas5351 to CerebralPalsy [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:25 AmantedeFutebol JORNAL RECORD: Villas-Boas exige reação ao plantel frente ao Anderlecht. Líder falou ao grupo no Dragão logo na noite de domingo e subiu a fasquia da responsabilização dos jogadores pela atual crise de resultados

submitted by AmantedeFutebol to fcporto [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:25 QankHD Womanhood: A Trash Tuesday Friendsgiving

Womanhood: A Trash Tuesday Friendsgiving submitted by QankHD to TrashTuesday [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:25 Vegetable_Permit_179 3:25 AM

Black swan with a sweet
In turmoil and tragedy
With sore eyes rejuvenation extends its hands to call my name
If I loved myself Id be blind to your gestures
We'd walk this life as strangers unaware of the existence of what is now
But that's not what we are, aren't we stranger
More so therapist is what I call you for you know all of me
And for me I know none of you
Hello my shrink
It sure is an expensive price to pay for peace of mind
submitted by Vegetable_Permit_179 to OCPoetryFree [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:25 AcceptableNorm Working at Costco is a serious workout.

Working at Costco is a serious workout. I started working at Costco about 3 1/2 weeks ago. I'm doing front end, patio and carts, go backs, strays, box down and etc.. I can't believe how physical this job is. I'm putting in serious miles per day. I'm sore beyond words each night. Here are my screenshots for the past several days. I've already lost 10 pounds without even trying. Anyone who thinks that getting a job at Costco is chil is severely mislead. I'm doing a great job and my review said so, but goddamn it's taxing on the body. I'm on it for the long run but holy crap, it's beyond a workout.
submitted by AcceptableNorm to Costco [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:25 Ok_Cauliflower8989 Part 2 - Transparentnost plaća, za juniore/početnike

Vezano za zadnji post, izostavio sam napredak mojih plaća.
Posao 1. Neto plaća je bila nekih 7000 kn, bruto se ne sjećam.
Nakon 6 mjeseci povišica od oko 30% što mi je diglo neto na nešto ispod 1300 net.
Posao 2. 2600 Bruto, što je nekih 1700 neto
Posao 3. 3400 Bruto što je nekih 2200 neto.
Nemojte nešto uzimati moj napredak plaća kao standard jer ovo spada u top 5% developera (barem developera koje ja znam)
Što se tiče "Top faks", neću nešto previše komentirati, ljudi koji idu na faks će znati da postoje razlike između fakulteta i kakve su to razlike.
Što se tiče "medior u dvije godine", mediori s 5 plus godina i seniora s 10 plus što sam upoznao u 3 firme, jedina razlika između mene i dobar dio njih, je to što su postojali duži period u ovoj industriji ne što su bolji od mene. Iskreno obožavam pričati s takvim nikakvim ljudima i pogotovo kad im kažem moju plaću kada odem na novi posao, to je moj najbolji dio mijenjanje posla.
Ovo će biti moj zadnji post jer su iskreno provoditi vrijeme na ovom redditu nije nešto pozitivno.
submitted by Ok_Cauliflower8989 to CroIT [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:25 IceOfPhoenix a cool cache I found back in january. In an area full of micros, this was a lovely surprise. It was at the holiday house of a prolific hider in the area. This was also the first time I took my grandmother geocaching and she loved it.

a cool cache I found back in january. In an area full of micros, this was a lovely surprise. It was at the holiday house of a prolific hider in the area. This was also the first time I took my grandmother geocaching and she loved it. submitted by IceOfPhoenix to geocaching [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:25 Independent-Pick-707 This is the amount of hair I lose if I run my hand vigorous through my hair, along with the flaky stuff. What's going on with my hair can someone explain, How to treat this, I'm a 21(M)

This is the amount of hair I lose if I run my hand vigorous through my hair, along with the flaky stuff. What's going on with my hair can someone explain, How to treat this, I'm a 21(M) I try getting timely sleep but it's messed, As of know, I don't deal with any kind of stress as such. Need to know the reason for this and possible treatment. Thanks everyone beforehand.
submitted by Independent-Pick-707 to IndianHaircare [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:25 thisisrealusername My free self-study German documents from A1 - B1 (DTZ Test passed)

This article hopes to provide some basic information for those who are new to German or intend to settle in Germany permanently in the future but come to Germany without knowing German.
You are welcomed to share this article and its content to anybody.
I took the test in Germany and got quite good results for the B1 - DTZ certificate for immigrants (TelC DTZ - Deutschtest für Zuwanderer).
- Hoeren / Lesen: 44 / 45 Punkte (sehr gut)
- Schreiben: 18 / 20 Punkte (gut)
- Sprechen: 96 / 100 Punkte (sehr gut)
Note: B1 - DTZ is only 70% of the difficulty level compared to B1 of Goethe Institut.
1. Reasons for learning German
I came to Germany more than 7 years ago (27 years old at that time, now over 34 years old - it's really harder to learn a foreign language when I'm a little older), I didn't know any words other than Hallo and Danke.
My English is IELTS 6.0 (average) and I use it in my daily work. My job doesn't require German and my colleagues don't have any Germans to learn from.
In addition, I'm also an introvert, so when I'm not at work, I just sit at home and don't interact with Germans.
Whenever I need to use German, like going to the doctor's office, I feel very embarrassed because I can't say the simplest sentences to make an appointment.
However, because I haven't met the job requirements, in the first few years of living in Germany, I didn't spend time learning German, because I wasn't sure if I could stay in Germany for long.
After 5 years, I knew that I could stay and settle down long-term, so I started to learn German carefully, because if I want to have an indefinite settlement permit, the conditions are: working and paying taxes for 5 years + German B1 certificate.
2. The process of self-studying German
German is a difficult language to learn at the beginning because of many new concepts, such as the gender of nouns (der / die / das), the cases (nominativ, akkusativ, dativ and genitiv), verbs with separable prepositions, verbs in different tenses, irregular verbs,... plus self-studying, so at the beginning of studying, there were many things I didn't understand and didn't know who to ask.
After a while of studying and reading many sentences, I also realized most of the grammar that I didn't understand before.
I studied German every evening after work for more than a year (if you study 8 hours a day, 6 months is enough), following 2 free online courses:
- Deutsche Welle (DW) from the alphabet, A1 -> B1 https://learngerman.dw.com/en/nicos-weg/c-36519789 (NicosWeg programme in which A1 and A2 are taught in English, from B1 is German)
- Volkshochschule (VHS), I only studied B1 (but I encourage you to study from A1 -> B1 if you are not good at English for the DeutschWelle course) https://deutsch.vhs-lernportal.de/wws/9.php#/wws/deutsch.php
Both of these free courses only helped me learn listening and reading skills because I studied according to the program on the web, no one taught speaking and writing skills. I spent about 1 - 1.5 months for a level on Deutsche Welle. With Volkshochschule, it took 2 months to finish level B1.
3. How to self-study German
In terms of learning methods, each person has a different way of learning, the important thing is that you choose the most effective way for yourself.
I did not study text books because I find it boring, but study according to the DW and VHS web courses because it has interaction through games and the computer checks the results afterwards.
Every day, I spent 1-2 hours in the evening to self-study according to the lessons on the 2 websites above.
For new words in the course, I write them down in an Excel file to find them quickly. In addition, I also find a few short, easy-to-understand example sentences to illustrate those words through the website, for example: https://context.reverso.net/translation/english-german/eat.
In addition, when reading in the lessons and seeing good sentence patterns for words, I also copy them and put them in the Excel file for those words, collecting a little bit every day.
For dictionaries, I use the English-German dictionary https://www.dict.cc/?s=lernen to look up. This dict.cc dictionary has German pronunciation, so it helps me learn how to pronounce correctly (or at least I try to pronounce it roughly according to the words I hear). When I encounter a word I don't know how to pronounce, I check the pronunciation on this website.
To be able to speak and write, I learn from the Youtube channels below. I copy good sentences and common words and make sentences according to my own ideas. The videos are compiled according to common topics of life and many sentence patterns and words that Germans use every day.
- Like Germans: https://www.youtube.com/c/LikeGermans/videos-
- Learn German Easily: https://www.youtube.com/@LearnGermanEasily2022/videos
- Learn German: https://www.youtube.com/@LearnGermanOriginal/videos
- Slow German: https://www.youtube.com/c/slowgermanpodcast/videos
- Especially for B1 DTZ exam - Benjamin - Der Deutschlehrer: https://www.youtube.com/@BenjaminDerDeutschlehrevideos
I have compiled (list of words and example sentences related to the words here) with the following Excel files:
- Noun 1: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RJuz-PAJl3hg5sYdiCKmtW7BfM9oYcOtdAhxEro3Siw/edit?usp=share_link
- Noun 2: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vwI4eerGdp1DRiz8m97e5AWTM_uAsKdy8XvqsaNqDjY/edit?usp=share_link
- Verbs: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14oZPiPDPwPdeNVajAMVdVCFf3cseASKJLQ0RxmUuBZ0/edit?usp=share_link
- Adjectives and prepositions: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kLZjfSXspIGkYJH-p7ua41c8pnRg9w98DyJsZuS7riA/edit#gid=785628503
4. Practice skills and take the B1 DTZ exam
As mentioned above, after completing 2 online courses to level B1, listening skills and my reading is quite good. However, I know that the two skills of writing and speaking are weak because I have not practiced.
First, I familiarized myself with the DTZ practice test through the website https://www.telc.net/pruefungsteilnehmende/sprachpruefungen/pruefungen/detail/deutsch-test-fuer-zuwanderer-a2b1.html#t=2 to know the format of the listening, speaking, reading and writing questions.
A little more about the B1 DTZ exam, the writing skill after reviewing from the Benjamin - Der Deutschlehrer channel: Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/@BenjaminDerDeutschlehrevideos will help you write a standard and complete letter.
As for speaking skills, part 1 is about introducing yourself, which can be learned by heart, part 2 is about describing pictures, which requires a lot of vocabulary about the topic, and part 3 is about making plans with your Partner, -in is the part that I find a bit difficult because I have not practiced before the test.
5. Conclusion
The time it took me from self-study to the exam was more than 1 year (sometimes I also gave up because I was lazy to study). I have achieved the result of the certificate needed for long-term settlement, but it is certainly not enough for me to communicate in daily life like those with B2 level or higher.
Therefore, this article only hopes to be somewhat helpful for those who are new to learning German or have come to Germany like me, using English and wanting to settle down in Germany for a long time. It is not a simple process and requires a lot of effort, but I believe that if you focus on studying, most people can do it.
submitted by thisisrealusername to German [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:25 Much_Respond478 trading 75k souls

submitted by Much_Respond478 to FiveNightsTD [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:25 This_Tomorrow_1862 Jodiektay

I am FED UP with the constant glow up advice 24/7 and how to get into higher social circles.
She is an accomplished woman in her own right having worked for Google and head DEI for companies but she is OBSESSED with networking into higher social classes.
I tried digging deeper on her and she seems to have scrubbed most of her old life off of socials.
A lot of women cape for her but I’m just not buying it entirely. She seems a bit phony and borderline desperate when she doesn’t need to be.
submitted by This_Tomorrow_1862 to NYCinfluencersnark [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:25 NoeLGGb IntersectPath

Hi all,
IntersectPath(, ) don't work anymore in Graphic ??
submitted by NoeLGGb to geogebra [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:25 Mission-Pilot-3330 Got 915 million and my tradeables are rw and lb what could i import on?

Got 915 million and my tradeables are rw and lb what could i import on? submitted by Mission-Pilot-3330 to FUTMobile [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 09:25 hexohorizon Do you think dr. T calculated for this to happen

Do you think dr. T calculated for this to happen submitted by hexohorizon to BoomBeach [link] [comments]
