What are your thoughts about this “intense stare” situation? (Not once but multiple times)

2024.11.26 10:39 Chemical-Burn_ What are your thoughts about this “intense stare” situation? (Not once but multiple times)

So, we have a person in our hospital who’s probably German (his features, and the way he speaks English tells me that he is), and seems like every time he sees me, he stares for too long and too intensely to the point it becomes uncomfortable.
Some brief moments of our interactions. He’s much older than me like in his mid to late 40s but he doesn’t look like it at all. I thought he was in his late 20s or 30s 🤷🏻‍♀️
So, this was my first interaction with him. I was a bit anxious and excited because A&E was hectic, I was hyperventilating a little bit (and walking with my arms swinging a bit too much on the side). I saw him staring at me while passing by, so I looked at him, and smiled and said hi very nicely. He never smiled but looked and walked away.
The second time, we had a patient in our ward and I figured out that he’s from the surgical team. He came to assess our patient and then, stared at me so intensely that my supervisor who was sitting in front of me even turned to look at me. The stare made me really uncomfortable. I didn’t look at him but I could feel it and I felt anxious. Even when he was gone after talking to us and standing like 10 feet away, I could still feel that the guy was staring and giving instructions to his team members. Gosh.. that was so nerve wracking.
So, later that day, he was fixing his notes in our ward for idk what reason. The patient was transferred and he was sitting in the same area where we were sitting and working that morning. I was looking for someone and I found him there and again, that stare. But this time, he was busy, so it was brief. So, I kinda smiled awkwardly and left. I shadowed some healthcare assistants in the ward and they were showing me around and somehow I felt someone was staring at me (from time to time) but I didn’t bother to look as I was busy.
Then, a week ago, we again met at the A&E. He was assessing some patients and I was looking for my supervisor. So, I was waiting and looking at my phone. He came out of the room and was slow walking and staring at me again. The staring was again that “intense”. Some of my colleagues noticed it and were trying to check up on me while I was mildly fidgeting and looking at my phone. When I noticed that they were checking up on me, I just smiled politely. And saw him leaving (with the corner of my eyes) while staring me from the side of his eyes.
This was so weird to me. Why did this person stare so much? Is it something cultural or was he zoned out or looking through me? I believe it is not me making things up in my head because other people around me noticed this too.
What are your thoughts?
Disclaimer: I’m not trying to say that there’s something wrong with the culture or staring in general. I’m not even calling a man out or saying that he’s inappropriate. People stare for multiple reasons. I am just curious and that’s why, I’m asking
submitted by Chemical-Burn_ to bodylanguage [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:39 Aaron_W_07 What is this?

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submitted by Aaron_W_07 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:39 siebeiwjd I’ve applied to 3 universities where I don’t meet entry requirements

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2024.11.26 10:39 smashed__tomato ?Pseudomyopia in one eye

I wear both contacts and glasses. I have no issue with contacts (except for one batch that I posted about a couple weeks ago). But recently I got some new glasses that are of the same prescription of my contacts. At the start of the day, they would feel very similar to my contacts, but then just an hour or so later, the vision from my right eye would start to feel blurry while the left eye is fine. Why is that? The whole thing will return to normal, for example, if I take a nap. I will be seeing an ophthalmologist in Dec but this is stressing me out.
submitted by smashed__tomato to myopia [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:39 Few_Guest_6823 È possibile mantenere costantemente la Post Nut Clarity?

Immagino che questo problema ce l abbiamo in tanti ma nessuno lo vuole ammettere, ovvero che una volta che raggiungiamo l orgasmo della donna non ce ne frega più niente, non ci interessa e vogliamo sentirci liberi di fare di nuovo quello che vogliamo senza vincoli e seccature varie.
Io ci ho impiegato una vita a capire e ad ammettere a me stesso che delle donne non me ne frega assolutamente nulla e ho solo bisogno di loro per soddisfare il mio bisogno sessuale, per tutto il resto hanno gusti e valori in netta contrapposizione ai miei, non convergiamo su niente. Quindi non vedo il senso delle relazioni visto che per un uomo come me significherebbe soltanto un inutile dispendio per il 95% del tempo di denaro e pazienza e salute mentale in cazzate e cose di cui non me ne puo fregar di meno, è solo stress risparmiato. Aggiungi poi che quelle che mi interessano sono pochissime e unicamente per il loro aspetto, e non mi filerebbero nemmeno fossi l ultimo sul pianeta.
Messo tutto questo a bilancio, io non ho bisogno di una donna nella mia vita perché comporta soltanto stress e dispendi inutili di risorse, e non voglio trovarmi incastrato in situazioni famigliari folli e odiose con persone di cui non me ne frega nulla solo per una donna. Io non mando a puttane la mia vita per la figa, non esiste, lo fanno in tanti e non ci penso nemmeno a farlo solo perché ho bisogno di chiavare. Io non provo più niente per loro, tempo fa si ma adesso che ho visto quanto pretendono dagli uomini e siccome non sono mai abbastanza per nessuna perché sono sempre stato un debole, un fallito e un cesso, ora pure con l aggravante di essere un vecchio di merda, sono diventato freddo e non voglio più amare nessuna, perché non voglio piu essere umiliato, preso in giro, giudicato e abbandonato sempre, perché so che non c è nessuna per me, nessuna mi vuole, quindi non voglio piu illudermi.
Questa lucidità mentale ce l ho solamente dopo l orgasmo, prima di quello sono il peggiore dei simp, un sottone totale che spende soldi su OF facendo il dolcino sottone e peggio ancora... Quando torno lucido, mi faccio schifo e vorrei picchiarmi perché la persona che ero prima non mi rappresenta più. È possibile mantenere la rotta anche prima dell orgasmo senza farsi guidare dal proprio bisogno di affetto e sesso? Ho bisogno di avere un istintivo promemoria per proteggermi da me stesso, perché non posso e non devo fare affidamento su di loro. Le donne non sono una risorsa, le donne non ti stanno vicino quando sei al punto più basso, loro arrivano solo e se sei tu una risorsa, sennò ti abbandonano o rendono la vita un inferno, e io non ci sto più. Aiutatemi a rimanere lucido per proteggermi. Vi giuro che mi sarei già tagliato le palle se non fosse che le conseguenze per l organismo sono tremende
submitted by Few_Guest_6823 to CasualIT [link] [comments]

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2024.11.26 10:39 isabelb_02 AI Production Crews clarification

I'm seeing a lot of posts in hear about production crews being laid off and replaced with an AI system that does literally every job.
Most stations already use automation, what makes potential AI systems different? Would the AI just sift through everything the producer puts into the rundown and decide for itself what it will look like?
The way automation works now, directors are coding shows to queue everything up automatically. Would the producers now have to take a director-ish role and complete the task of coding?
Any clarification or understanding from others with more experience with these systems is appreciated! I'm in my first year out of college in tv news and would like to know if I'm doomed.
submitted by isabelb_02 to Broadcasting [link] [comments]

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