best way to lose weight

2024.11.26 10:28 Repulsive-Mail4295 best way to lose weight

Got my heart broken twice this year and ang pinaka effective na pampapayat ra diay kay ang masakitan hahahahahahahaha. No need na mag calorie deficit or mag jog hahahaha damn
submitted by Repulsive-Mail4295 to pahungaw [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:28 QBin2017 From : script leak! (Spoilers)

I didn’t mean to, but I was upstairs with the kids and stumbled across the From original series outline in my daughter’s closet.
No idea how it got there?!?
I’m reading about Randall how he picked on his frenemy with one eye from the beginning (Elgin was originally called Mike). It’s all there. Even the town with unlimited electricity.
Mysteries solved :
1) The MIY is behind it all. But he’s also training the monsters every night.
2) Martin (originally called Sullivan) is the scariest of all of them, but he has a soft spot for Julie that is the key to their escape.
3) The MIY wants them all broken bc he and his crew literally lived off of the Fear like energy vampires
4) The MIY and the monsters are truly afraid of the Kids.
5) They’re never leaving. But once Martin and Julie show the MIY that there’s another way, they won’t need to. Mr Smiley has been trying to show them the whole time. The town can run even better off of … laughter.
6) The original script was called Monsters Inc, but had to be changed bc something to do with Pixar
You’re welcome. Hope you can still enjoy the mystery.
submitted by QBin2017 to FromTVShow [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:28 Mo_Mobii Panic Attacks from Mold

We’ve been out of our mold infested house for just over a month now (after being there for 2 years). One of the worst symptoms I got from the mold toxicity was panic attacks. I’m still getting them every now and then now (although not as bad) will these eventually go away? All the other symptoms I had such as constant runny nose, cough etc have all gone. Someone please tell me the panic attacks will stop!!
submitted by Mo_Mobii to ToxicMoldExposure [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:28 BM121290 Dialga origin 957109629778

submitted by BM121290 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:28 No_Koala_3513 NGPL

What is going on with NGPL?
submitted by No_Koala_3513 to NepalStreetBets [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:28 PresenceOk7644 I hope you're having a lovely day, any day's good when you can go lift heavy circles

I hope you're having a lovely day, any day's good when you can go lift heavy circles submitted by PresenceOk7644 to FitBabesofReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:28 elyd23 First Time Builder Dan A3

Hi Hoping to get some feedback planning to get the Dan A3 with build above in the next few days.. just want to get some info if I am missing something.. decided for aircool rather than AIO .. I'm assuming I would need more fans from top or bottom
submitted by elyd23 to mffpc [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:28 ApexAdhdAndAnime Going for a prestige challenge and was wondering if the crossbar for lmgs counts as hipfire?

The description of the attachment says “provides a focused hipfire with reduced spread” but then says “and improved aiming movement speed” The challenge is to get 10 triple kills hipfire smg or lmg, so as u can imagine not easy and very rng
submitted by ApexAdhdAndAnime to blackops6 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:28 Thuuursty Part 2: Councilwoman Inna Vernikov asked about professors not teaching their contracted subject and focusing on anti-Israeli propaganda.
submitted by Thuuursty to BeneiYisraelNews [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:28 Acrobatic-Sky6090 White on white is the best combo 🥳

White on white is the best combo 🥳 submitted by Acrobatic-Sky6090 to fashion [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:28 Notsosure5536 Helpppppppp!!!! 17yo M

Helpppppppp!!!! 17yo M Been experiencing very hair thinning and hair loss any tips to reduce it or stop it????
submitted by Notsosure5536 to IndianHaircare [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:28 Salt-Increase5432 Weather boosted Origen form dialga with one local 552487465736

submitted by Salt-Increase5432 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:28 Potatoveggie Baby steps🥹

Baby steps🥹 Guess who got her first legend weapon. And I must say I completely don't understand astral forging nor cosmic cast🥲(not that I have the requirements ready lol)
submitted by Potatoveggie to Survivorio [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:28 tzaeru Socket pairs getting desynced, TIME_WAIT issues, SYN cookies..

Hi. I wasn't sure which subreddit would be most appropriate, and where there might be enough users to get some insight, but I'll try my luck here!
For quick context: I'm a developer, with broad rather than deep experience. I've maintained and developed infrastructure, both cloud and non-cloud ones. Mainly with Linux servers.
So, the issue: One client noticed they had to restart our product every few days, or it ran out of file handles.
In subsequent load tests, we noticed that under some traffic patterns, some sockets and their associated connection are left on one side in TIME_WAIT state, while on the other side, the connection is in ESTABLISHED. While in ESTABLISHED, it sends a keepalive ACK packet and the TIME_WAIT MLS timer resets.
I was a little bit surprised to find that the timer for TIME_WAIT will reset on traffic. It seems like this is hard-coded behavior in the Linux kernel, and can not be modified.
On further testing, it seems that the issue is SYN cookies being on, and here the issue seems to have been the same:
We can fix this for now by disabling SYN cookies and/or by tuning the keepalive values, but this led me to another realization: Couldn't a misbehaving client - whether due to a bug or deliberately as a form of DoS attack - attempt to deliberately create a similar situation?
I'd suppose that the question thus is, are there some fairly standard ways of e.g. cleaning up sockets in active close state if file handles are close to being exhausted? What kind of strategies are common for dealing with these sort of situations?
submitted by tzaeru to linuxadmin [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:28 Kadarin187 Question for episode 24

When Suvi is on the ship and steel calls her, she calls her "the wizard sky. Suvi."
Is this an oversight on Brennan's part, intentional foreshadowing or does Steel still know her former name?
submitted by Kadarin187 to WorldsBeyondNumber [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:28 Lonelyguy999 Be Quick!

Be Quick! submitted by Lonelyguy999 to repost [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:28 purple_islands [Repost] UK uni students needed for dissertation! (optional raffle entry for amazon voucher!)

Hi everyone! I’m looking for participants to take part in a short survey for my MA dissertation research (link below). I posted about this project in the summer but I didn’t get enough participants so I’m recruiting again:)
I’m aiming to validate a new scale measuring attitudes towards women in a university population. I’m also investigating links between attitudes towards women and engagement with online communities. The survey will take about 10 minutes to complete. No personal information is required. Responses are completely anonymous. You will have the option to enter a raffle to win one of 15 £20 Amazon vouchers as a thank you for taking part (this will be done via a separate survey so no contact information is connected to your responses). This survey also contains credits to get free survey responses at Survey Circle.
Anyone who is aged 18 or older and currently a student at a UK University is welcome to take part. This includes anyone completing an undergrad or postgrad (taught or research). Further information regarding consent and withdrawal is included in the first page of the survey. I’d really appreciate any time you may have to take part. Happy to take part in other projects in return. Thank you!
submitted by purple_islands to Dissertation [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:28 Naive_Set_9727 Ausbildungszentrum kommt in die Hauptstraße

Ausbildungszentrum kommt in die Hauptstraße submitted by Naive_Set_9727 to landsbergamlech [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:28 Financial-Air-6197 Swipii | Discounted Vouchers 7% Off | Sainsbury’s, Argos, M&S, Tesco | Explainer

Swipii | Discounted Vouchers | Sainsbury’s, Argos, M&S, Tesco | Explainer
It’s not spoken about much or often posted because there’s no referral incentive
Swipii is described as a digital loyalty program but is essentially a voucher site. It rewards you with a 7% extra for adding credit to your account that you then spend on vouchers.
For example, if I add £100 to my Swipii balance I receive an additional £7. I can then spend £107 on a Sainsbury’s, Tesco, or other voucher that’s instantly available.
The choice of retailers is fairly limited compared to EverUp or Jam Doughnut but it does include Sainsbury’s and Tesco. Even better top up your Swipii account using Uphold to get an additional 1% cashback. It might work with Chase’s 1% cashback.
Swipii support is pretty much nonexistent so I’d advise against leaving a balance on the app. Top up and immediately make a purchase. That said when I had an issue with a Nike gift card (no longer sold) they resolved this within a week and refunded my money.
Steps: * Download the app from your App Store. * Register and add a debit/credit card. You can deposit using Apple Pay instead! * Ignore the cashback rates quoted on the “Offers” tab!!! * Go to the “Balance” tab. Click the “+” Buy button. Enter the amount you want to spend. Select the payment method (either Apple Pay or your registered card). Click “View rate”. If depositing £100, for example, it will show that you’ll receive £107. * Once deposited your “Balance” tab will likely show the bonus amount as pending (at the top of the screen) and “Available” will show the deposited amount. Wait 30 seconds and refresh your screen and the pending bonus amount will transfer into your available balance. * To spend your cash … go to the “Offers” tab. Click on the required store/voucher that you want. Click “Pay”. Enter the amount you want to spend (where it reads “how much is your bill?”). Toggle the switch (“Use v£ to discount this price”) so that it uses your available credit. Then click “Pay”.
submitted by Financial-Air-6197 to MakeMoneyInUK [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:28 No_Confection_88 Vanguard execution steals

PSA: Stop taking executions when the vanguard is on low health and hunting Majoris down for heals.
Sincerely vanguard getting spanked on lethal against chaos 😂
submitted by No_Confection_88 to Spacemarine [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:28 SameContribution9574 Came submit your fam to mean bull 05b580decfd910207e64d5875c302caaf23c5da6bb54e0dcb0b65c24001c18591e

submitted by SameContribution9574 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:28 RevolutionaryDelay77 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by RevolutionaryDelay77 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:28 Rector418 What the Gnostics Knew

What the Gnostics Knew submitted by Rector418 to SpiritualAwakening [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:28 Nica-Sama How do our Eldritch horrors beyond human comprehension (I don’t get them) feel about this?

How do our Eldritch horrors beyond human comprehension (I don’t get them) feel about this? submitted by Nica-Sama to traaaaaaaaaaaansbians [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:28 Vinuvinod2595 Anju

Anju submitted by Vinuvinod2595 to MalluHot [link] [comments]