2024.11.26 10:30 toliverroger Generative AI in hospitality: Integration, use cases, challenges, and future outlook
submitted by toliverroger to LeewayHertz [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:30 fiddlesticks-app Fiddlesticks Match #1161
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by fiddlesticks-app to Fiddlesticks [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:30 npmtsa Water Damaged Sony Cybershot
My 2012 cybershot got wet in the rain 2 years back and its been sitting in the cabinet since then. It turns on when the charger is plugged in and the software works fine but in camera/video mode, the screen is black. When i do record a video, although the screen is balck, the audio still works. Also it shuts down immediately on unplugging the charger and every time i boot it up again, i need to set the timezone and date. I just wanted to check if it was still saveable before i sent it to the service center.
submitted by npmtsa to Cameras [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:30 AntelopeWonderful983 What was your one sauna habit that elevated your experience to the next level?
submitted by AntelopeWonderful983 to Sauna [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:30 CustardBright3217 Send chubbyy thicc asiann latinaa nn irls with fatasses kik: yozohx 058a42c2909d28eab42e004eeb5230f908529fefad115eb7a2cfcde8bb71c14e13
submitted by CustardBright3217 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:30 External-Radish5260 Chemistry 1 Scaling
Did chem 1 get scaled at all?
Most people I talked to said they thought they failed but ended up doing nicely
submitted by External-Radish5260 to unimelb [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:30 oofpoofroof What should I get to replace my Tangzu Waner
i recently dropped my waner in the toilet and after a week of trying to fix it (putting them in rice, blowing, sucking, cleaning) i gave up and now im looking for a new pair.
my current options (+ prices) are: another Waner $17 Moondrop Chu 2 $21 Moondrop Space Travel $15 Truthear Gate $19
other recs are also welcome just around the 20 dollar range cs im not tryna go broke lol
submitted by oofpoofroof to inearfidelity [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:30 The_AxR_ I asked chatgpt to roast this sub
submitted by The_AxR_ to notinteresting [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 10:30 Brian1439 Could an old graphics card damage a new motherboard/pc?
I'm getting a bunch of parts for a new pc but their return period ends on jan 31st, but I want to wait until the new graphics cards drop in q1 next year, so I was planning on getting the rest of my rig and plugging in my 8 year old rtx 1060. Is it possible that my old card could cause any harm to the rest of my new build?
submitted by Brian1439 to buildapc [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:30 Distinct-Top6294 Osmanlı Halkının Görünüşüne Dair Net Veri.
Osmanlı yeniçerisi(devşirme) ve Osmanlı Kadını(türk) Malumunuz her kafadan ayrı bir ses kimine göre Osmanlılar Rum tipliydi, kimine göre saç sakal dağılmış,kimine göre de asyalı idiler görünüş olarak. İnsanlık tarihinin en yetenekli ressamlarından biri olan Bellini(aynı zamanda Fatih'in resmini çizen kişi) İstanbul ziyaretinde gördüklerini çiziyor ve bizde onun sayesinde o dönemin Osmanlı halkının görünüşüne dair fikir ediniyoruz. Tabi bu adam Avrupalı gavur olduğu için çokta net veri olarak bakmamak lazım çünkü Avrupalı ressamlar kendi hoşlarına giden şeyi çizmeyi severlerdi gördüklerinden ziyade ama genede bence değerli bir veri . submitted by Distinct-Top6294 to TarihiSeyler [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 10:30 Ok-Elk4505 Help with finding documents on Nico Dosenbach's experiment.
Hello all, I have been desperately trying to find the documents associated with Nico Dosenbach's psychedelics experiment! I plan on writing a research paper on this but my professor says that we have to use an empirical article. I assumed that the Nature article shown in the photo was just that, it spoke of the participants and results of the experiment but she still said "This is still not an empirical paper. Please find a paper where the researchers conducted an experiment themselves, with participants." I am totally stuck at this point and could use some help, thank you!
submitted by Ok-Elk4505 to psychologystudents [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:30 Dainelle_Speakstv Lefties Are Losing It And We Are Here For It. #Lefties #rileygaines #democrats #republican
Lefties Are Losing It And We Are Here For It. #Lefties #rileygaines #democrats #republican submitted by Dainelle_Speakstv to DainelleSpeaksTv [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 10:30 shogomakishima06 Mickey Rourke as Roberto?
I personally wouldn't want Monster to be adapted into live action. But if they did, I think Mickey Rourke has the Roberto look. Is it just me? submitted by shogomakishima06 to MonsterAnime [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 10:30 MugShots Two men face charges after fentanyl and meth bust in traffic stop
submitted by MugShots to ArrestStories [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:30 freddson Crown wins
Just won back my crown and it’s funny…Now I don’t want to play because I just know I will loose my crown next round 🤣 anyone that can relate?
submitted by freddson to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:30 Goddessayannamars The Weeknd & Anitta- São Paulo heels dance video
submitted by Goddessayannamars to youtubepromotion [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 10:30 Zealousideal-Note287 Nudestix vs H&M
Nagyon szemezek a Nudestix stick pirosítóival, sok jó véleményt olvastam róla krémmánián, de a H&M stickek is tetszenek, nyilván más alkategória a kettő, a Nudestix 2x annyiba kerül, de nem szeretek indokolatlanul 2x annyit költeni egy termékre, viszont a H&M stickekről nem találtam túl sok véleményt.
submitted by Zealousideal-Note287 to szepsegtippek [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:30 BumblebeeObjective16 Last user note per transaction
I have a transaction search (reminder) that shows the bills to approve for users. Mainline is True makes sure it shows bills instead of lines.
I added the user notes to this search. This shows notes form previous approvers. Not all bills have a user note.
When a bill has nore then one user note, the lines shows up multiple times. In this case I would only want to see the last user note.
I do not want to agregate/group lines, because people click on view to go to the document. Adding a group would mean people always have to click muliple times.
Is there a way to show only the last user note in a transaction saved search?
submitted by BumblebeeObjective16 to Netsuite [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:30 Qupzilla Asbest? Haus von 1976
Hi, wohne in einem 3 Familien Haus aus dem Baujahr 1976. Ich kenne mir leider mit dem Thema Asbest nicht so gut aus. Deswegen einmal hier die Frage: Ist es möglich das der Putz aus Asbest besteht? submitted by Qupzilla to Handwerker [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 10:30 test_block_4 To report 2024-11-26 10:27:11
submitted by test_block_4 to 17112022075331 [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:30 android_tests_pac crosspost to my profile 26/11/2024 10:29:33
submitted by android_tests_pac to LssAutomation [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:30 whoamiturf To relax
submitted by whoamiturf to therewasanattempt [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 10:30 Mr_Snipou Que se passe-t-il si je ne rentre pas de voeux pour le mouvement inter-académique ?
Bonjour tout le monde, ici un maladroit de l'administratif. Je n'ai encore qu'un pied dans l'EN mais je suis déjà complètement dépassé... Y-a-t-il de bonnes âmes expertes en administratif pour éclairer ma lanterne ?
Ma situation est la suivante : je suis stagiaire placé en congé sans traitement pour exercer la fonction de doctorant contractuel et j'ai accompli la durée réglementaire de stage. Comme je viens de l'apprendre, cela me fait obligatoirement participer au mouvement inter-académique. Le problème c'est que, comme j'ai été complètement en dehors de l'EN depuis mon concours il y a trois ans, je n'ai absolument pas connaissance de mes identifiants.
Comme mon intention première était de toute façon de demander une disponibilité pour faire un postdoc l'an prochain je me préoccupais peu de la machine EN qui tournait en arrière plan. Apparemment j'ai un NUMEN et une adresse mail académique depuis des années sans le savoir. Et il faut passer par là pour se connecter et saisir ses voeux. Du coup je suis un peu perdu, surtout que je découvre ça la veille de la date limite. Le rectorat ne répond pas par téléphone et par mail ça prendra trop de temps.
Donc ma question c'est : que se passera-t-il si je ne me connecte pas d'ici demain ? Mécaniquement je n'aurai aucun vœux ; est ce que je vais me retrouver à Versailles ? De toute façon je ne compte pas y aller parce que j'ai déjà prévu un postdoc l'an prochain (donc je voulais faire de mon mieux pour négocier une disponibilité). Est ce que je vais simplement me faire éjecter ?
submitted by Mr_Snipou to enseignants [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:30 Gygavolt Free demo of the sci-fi adventure Protocol "Surface"
Game Title: Protocol "Surface" Playable Link: https://gygavolt.itch.io/protocol-surface PC sci-fi adventure A catastrophic malfunction has occurred aboard a passenger space liner. Following the Surface Protocol, all passengers have been evacuated in escape pods to the nearest planet. The ship's captain is diligently working to resolve the issue, but once the malfunction is fixed, the passengers must be safely returned to the ship. To facilitate this, the captain's assistant is dispatched to the planet where the ship is stranded in orbit. His critical mission: to install orbital beacons on the escape pods. But will this task be as straightforward as it seems? Free to play https://preview.redd.it/wkowdtih383e1.jpg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8506163b158170a57f692d04bac04fa4d3be40f8 https://preview.redd.it/agv7r5lk383e1.jpg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fe76753ad218f9f0a397da3286b45d0b4ecbfea submitted by Gygavolt to playmygame [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 10:30 Select-Custard-1750 Maroon 5 GA TICKETS AVAILABLE @5.5k each (physical bands received)
submitted by Select-Custard-1750 to TicketResale [link] [comments] |