2024.11.26 10:31 Logical-Shake6564 Starting 11 for all teams after the 2025 Mega Auction
2024.11.26 10:31 Equivalent_Bowl3170 When does the purging face start
I have been on tret(0.025) for a week and I’m yet to see any signs of purging. Is this normal with tret.
submitted by Equivalent_Bowl3170 to tretinoin [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:31 nightstarrr P.W.F Guild Reqruitment (DC Server)
GUILD RECRUITMENT - 3 GUILDS Hi fellow cookies! Are you on the lookout for a guild that blends sweetness with a dash of excitement? Dive into our P.W.F Trinity Guild (All Grandmaster Guild), which consist of PejuangUMR, WageWarriors, and SalaryFighter.
By joining one of our guilds, not only can you reap all the benefits of a top ranking guild, you’ll also get the experience of being a part of an active community!
💰💰💰 PejuangUMR 💰💰💰
2024.11.26 10:31 wjones1701 Another new Whispers song ft. DOP. Stop sleeping
submitted by wjones1701 to Hardcore [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 10:31 Jedeyesniv 3.6 update, trouble with SD and external drives, stuck on boot
I’ve got a weird problem that I keep running into with the 3.6.20 update.
I’ve noticed that if I go to desktop mode, I can’t mount either the external hard drive or SD card. I can use KDE connect to mount the hard drive, but not the SD - none of the files are accessible even though it shows the correct data size, and when I go back to gaming mode it’s still broken and unusable (despite working previously). If I try to reboot the device it gets stuck on the logo at boot and will not start. I had this happen a couple of weeks ago and I used the … button and power button to boot back into the 3.5 update whereupon all the stuff works again. This week I updated again figuring it was a bad install maybe, but the same issue is happening and I needed to revert back to 3.5.
Has anyone else had this issue and is there a fix? I want to be on the current firmware as it fixes an issue I was having with POLYBIUS but this is straight up broke for me at the moment.
submitted by Jedeyesniv to SteamDeck [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:31 KingOfTheWorld_2000 (23 M) Looking for longterm friends
Hi, I’m a 23 year old male from England, looking for new longterm friends. Please be over 18 but any gender or location is fine.
Hobbies / Interests: DC comics, books, movies, tv shows, video games, music, Pokemon, Minecraft, musicals, Lego, RP, chatting with people, voice notes (sometimes)!
I’m looking for new friends to chat with regularly about anything, no matter if we share the same interests. Looking for someone that’s longterm and chats daily.
Message me if you’re interested :D
submitted by KingOfTheWorld_2000 to findnewfriends [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:31 HistoricalFennel9968 what do you think, am i hot? F18
submitted by HistoricalFennel9968 to AmIHotSFW [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 10:31 External_Cow9988 r/whatisthisbug Starter Pack
submitted by External_Cow9988 to whatisthisbug [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 10:31 LucianHodoboc E ironic să îî vezi pe toți votanții lui Lasconi zicând: "cum, dom'le, să-l votezi pe Georgescu?!"...
... având în vedere că ei au votat-o pe Lasconi când literalmente aveau opțiunea Mircea Geoană pe buletinul de vot. Dacă a existat vreodată în ultimii 20 de ani un candidat "overqualified" pentru funcția de președinte al României, acesta a fost Mircea Geaonă.
Ambasador al României în SUA, cu doctorat în științe economice, secretar general adjunct la NATO, vorbitor de engleză și franceză, cu numeroase cursuri de politică și economie absolvite în Franța și America, cu o vastă experiență în negocieri diplomatice pe plan extern... și lista ar putea continua, dacă ne uităm în CV-ul său de pe site-ul personal....
iar voi, da, voi, votanții doamnei Lasconi, ați ales o jurnalistă care a ajuns primar și a încercat și ea politica cu degetul pe ici, pe colo.
De ce? Păi, din răspunsurile pe care le-am văzut pe social media: pentru că nu e coruptă si pentru ca e femeie.
Da, Geoană a fost corupt în trecut, dar nu la un asemenea nivel încât să afecteze într-un fel semnificativ bunăstarea țării și în niciun caz la un asemenea nivel încât să anuleze competența sa politică și dorința sa de a cârmui țara către o creștere economică și un viitor cu pace și prosperitate.
Pentru mine, atât cei care l-au votat pe Georgescu, cât și cei care au votat-o pe Lasconi, sunt un mister. Nu le înțeleg perspectiva. Mi se pare irational să nu votezi meritocrația.
submitted by LucianHodoboc to Romania [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:31 definitelyNotaSpy69 Say how you would approach him
submitted by definitelyNotaSpy69 to RobloxAvatars [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 10:31 GP_uniquenamefail Warlord Games Epic Waterloo/Peninsular question
Bit of a niche question but one I hope the Waterloo Epic scale gamers among you might be able to answer.
Context: I've already got American Civil War Epic and working on a project for the British Civil Wars with the Pike & Shotte Epic sets. I passed on Waterloo as I am not really interested in the 100 days compared to the peninsular war and converting all the British infantry to stovepipe for the early war is more conversion effort than I would like.
However, Warlord released those Peninsula Brits boxes has me twitching my ears again for a small Anglo-Portuguese vs French army (Portuguese would be British figures but painted/flagged appropriately.).
My question, how much of the British and French sets Waterloo are viable for such a project - assuming a bit better than arms length accuracy but not grognard button-counting for an 1808-1812 period forces. I was thinking a lot of the French would be as is (sans cuirassiers etc) whereas the British would need their Peninsula infantry, light infantry, and foot artillery replaced but most of the rest of the British Waterloo would be useable - am I correct?
additional question - for ACW I used 3 stands for regiments, not five and filled out the necessary command strips with Kallistra figures and conversions. Any UK-based manufacturers suitable for that in this Napoleonic case?
Many thanks.
submitted by GP_uniquenamefail to wargaming [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:31 SuperSmellyMan-2 Cry Baby - Official Hige Dandism
submitted by SuperSmellyMan-2 to SoundTripPh [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 10:31 turtlenecksharks What are your thoughts on guys who run/work out shirtless outdoors? Guys if you ever do it, in what temperatures/conditions is it appropriate to do so in?
submitted by turtlenecksharks to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:31 amantiana Saw the first performance of Eureka Day
No spoilers really— this was the nice little nugget type of a play that really pleases me: 90 minutes, no intermission, darkly ironic comedy with lots of laughs provoked by characters that aren’t trying to be funny but are so earnest in their thoughts that you can’t help but think, “Oh, no, not one of THOSE.” If the premise pleases you, you’re the right audience and should enjoy it a lot.
-I really hope they do something with the sound. The actors could be heard but it was a strain and I really want some (more?) mikes on the lip of the stage. The theater, while cozy, is still too large to rely solely on the actors projecting.
-The set is gorgeous, if you are a bit tired of minimalist staging you will really appreciate this set. It’s a library in a prosperous school, shelves and shelves of picture books and primary colored rugs, tables, chairs, plus a beautiful structure to the glass doors and windows and the view behind. Seriously, I’d say you could see it for the set alone, it’s such a pleasure to explore.
-There is a sequence in the middle where no characters are really heard because of the very entertaining bit of stage business that is provoking almost continuous audience laughter. It’s deliberate, and made me realize how well they had established characters in the first part of the play, that I could imagine the kind of dialogue the characters were providing and knowing it didn’t matter if we could hear their words (while still being sort of sorry for the actors performing all this dialogue that goes unheard!). The sequence is a real highlight.
I had rush tickets that put me center front balcony, very plum seats. Leg room okay but not enough to cross your legs (typical classic Broadway theater space).
submitted by amantiana to Broadway [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:31 Max_Payne_reloaded Unable to setup the workflow for the dashboard
I am working on a dashboard that pulls in data from Microsoft Forms, but when I tried to set up an automated workflow in Power Automate, the form isn't showing up in the form I'd field. It shows error "no license found"
I am using a demo account to work on Power Bi and I am unable to create a form using the same demo account. I am getting the error "Your organization has not enabled Microsoft Forms for the account".
I know some features need a license, but has anyone managed to create something similar with a free account? If there's no other way, I can get a license, but I'm just looking for some alternative methods to make this work. I am a beginner.
Thank you all 🙏
submitted by Max_Payne_reloaded to PowerBI [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:31 _II_I_I__I__I_I_II_ Hitman dev pulls MMA star Conor McGregor from game after sexual assault ruling
submitted by _II_I_I__I__I_I_II_ to Global_News_Hub [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 10:31 NickPheros Constant 3 week headache.
Had a constant headache for 3 weeks, some days worse than others but always at least a dull headache constantly. With bad neck pain too. The headache is mainly in my forehead, behind my ears and always at the back of my head. I also feel like I’m slightly tremoring but on the inside of my body all over, hands are a lot shakier also. Bloods done and all normal for things to do with headaches, any ideas?
submitted by NickPheros to medical_advice [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:31 Select-Custard-1750 Maroon 5 GA TICKETS AVAILABLE @5.5k each (physical bands received)
submitted by Select-Custard-1750 to TicketSwap [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:31 shadow-satan Usopp’s big moment in the final arc will be lying so hard that even Imu believes him, It will be peak fict...
submitted by shadow-satan to Piratefolk [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 10:31 darkprinceimmortal Need Advice on My Mutual Fund Portfolio and Investment Strategy
Hi everyone,
I need some advice on my mutual fund investments. Here’s my situation:
1. About My Portfolio:
• I’ve invested in 17 mutual funds, including regular ones. • My XIRR is currently 16.08%, and I think it’s decent. • I recently reallocated some funds, so the profit numbers might look a bit low for now.
2. Why I Don’t Actively Manage It:• I’m a photographer and cinematographer. I also own a media production company and am working on another business. Because of my busy schedule, I don’t get much time to manage my portfolio. • A friend of mine, who is into the markets, is managing part of my portfolio, and his suggestions have worked well so far.
3. Extra Funds to Invest:• I have ₹1,00,000 to invest and want suggestions. I’m open to exploring options outside mutual funds, like gold, crypto, or anything else that makes sense.
What I Want to Know:• Should I change anything in my current investments or add/remove funds? • Do you think I should replace regular funds with direct ones, or are some regular funds worth keeping? • Any ideas on where to park the ₹1,00,000 for good returns?
Thanks in advance for your advice!2024.11.26 10:31 seductiveeexheart Sexy and curvy but not nude
submitted by seductiveeexheart to SexyButNotNude [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:31 VinylLair The Amity Affliction Announce Winter 2025 Headline Tour Dates
submitted by VinylLair to MetalLair [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 10:31 Malayanil Thoroughly enjoyed this game! Unfortunately devs announced that they will release one last update for this game.
submitted by Malayanil to steamachievements [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 10:31 Offres Poly Puzzles 3D
submitted by Offres to TurkeyMiddleEast [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:31 Due_Attorney358 Co-Op Live Tickets
Hi, I got my Sam tickets in the album presale for the 6th December show and it did it through SEEtickets. Still waiting for the QR codes though and the show is close, does anyone have the same issue or did you get yours? I know see tickets is legit and it was through Sam's website so it should all be good but the actual QR codes just aren't been sent and it's really close to the event.
submitted by Due_Attorney358 to Samfender [link] [comments]