2024.11.26 10:30 OwaddleS Books to understand Homo ludens
Hello, I'm from Brazil and I don't speak English very well, so I need books by philosophers or sociologists to help me understand the book homo ludens. Or better yet, help me understand the concept of "Game". I don't want a game design book, I want books strictly by philosophers or sociologists. For example, Man, play and games by Roger Caillois
submitted by OwaddleS to askphilosophy [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:30 abz_eng Supreme Court to hear case on definition of a woman
submitted by abz_eng to Scotland [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 10:30 TheRealLewdex What moves, stats, and marquee for her?
submitted by TheRealLewdex to SkullGirlsMobile [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 10:30 DemonInPinkk If anyone could watchg my game reports I'd really appriciate it.
I feel like I'm not adjusting to the Sombra rework very well, and I feel a lot less impactful when I play her. Am I doing something that's just not valid anymore? This is a game where I feel like I did a lot of good and a lot of bad, so im hoping it gives a good look into my gameplay.
Also, I'm like hardstuck Gold DPS so keep that one in mind XD
submitted by DemonInPinkk to SombraMains [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:30 Neoslayer You know it's bad.
submitted by Neoslayer to meme [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 10:30 Low-Astronomer4054 So about the site being down
Am I just being unlucky and checking the site each time it goes down again or is it down for the past hour
submitted by Low-Astronomer4054 to JanitorAI_Official [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:30 Gh0st-1492 Painted minis from first Kickstarter
submitted by Gh0st-1492 to TrenchCrusade [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 10:30 the_one_above_all__9 الحقوني صاحبي هيسبني والله
جماعه انا زعلت صاحبي وهقابله بكرا في الكليه عشان نسیب بعض بس طبعا مش هيحصل وعايز اجبله هديه حلوه هو بيحب السلاسل وهنزل دلوقتي اجيب سلسله هل في سلسله مثلا دهب صيني في حدود 300 او 350 جنيه عشان والله دول اللي معايا حاليا عشان شارية بكل اللي معايا جنيهات دهب
submitted by the_one_above_all__9 to AlexandriaEgy [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:30 0xde4dbe4d Add generic camera from home assistant to frigate
In my memory I once saw a documentation section that explained how to add cameras from home assistant to your frigate. For the life of me I cannot find it anymore 😭
I have a generic camera set up in home assistant that works fine there but that I cannot manage to set up in frigate. So i figured it might be much easier to just use the camera from home assistant in frigate, but I cannot find the documentation anymore.
Anybody able to help?
submitted by 0xde4dbe4d to frigate_nvr [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:30 Enderknights TradeZero overnight leverage allowing more than 2x?
TradeZero offers 6x leverage during the day but only 2x overnight.
Currently, I have 3x leverage pre-market, and for the past few days, I’ve been at about 2.6x after-hours. Does anyone else using TradeZero know why this is happening? I asked their support team, but they simply stated that 2x is the maximum leverage allowed overnight.
Additionally, if I’m holding two stocks with more than 2x leverage, how does TradeZero decide which one to sell to bring my account back to the permitted 2x leverage at close?
submitted by Enderknights to Daytrading [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:30 Right-Influence617 'Philippines target of advanced, Chinese hacking groups,' says NICA exec
submitted by Right-Influence617 to InternationalNews [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 10:30 PoliceMisconduct John W Cawley in Georgia
submitted by PoliceMisconduct to Decertified [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 10:30 Calmothe1a Test
submitted by Calmothe1a to cqs [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:30 VT_TURBSKI Coqutte
Anyone have one! submitted by VT_TURBSKI to GTACarMeetMarket [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 10:30 I_m_literallyfrmMars What should I gift myself on my 26th birthday?
submitted by I_m_literallyfrmMars to IndianTeenagers [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 10:30 Prudent-Draw994 Will i get ranked rewards when i derank from cheater rollback
i just deranked from diamond to emerald due to ig a ban wave of cheaters. Now i’m wondering if i’ll still get the diamond ranked rewards even tho i got the cheater rollback? i’ve only seen mixed answers so far, does someone know for sure?
submitted by Prudent-Draw994 to Rainbow6 [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:30 Thuuursty Part 4: Councilman Kalman Yeger champions anti-masking policy.
submitted by Thuuursty to BeneiYisraelNews [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:30 Key-Resident-8064 61F looking for pocket money, any generous daddy to be spoiled back? 8WS53VYSS
submitted by Key-Resident-8064 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:30 Professional-Box6243 Anybody else start off posting ironically?
I started off ironically making fun of toad but then you all showed me what a piece of crud toad is.
submitted by Professional-Box6243 to BubbaArmy [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:30 Thin_Masterpiece_448 My team
The name is cupcake chaotic and this is my team
submitted by Thin_Masterpiece_448 to FiveNightsTD [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:30 HappyCow2011 Darf ich hier nach Unterstützung für meine Masterarbeit fragen?
Hallo zusammen,
ich hoffe, dieser Beitrag ist im Einklang mit den Regeln dieses Subreddits. Falls nicht, gebt mir bitte Bescheid, und ich nehme ihn sofort wieder herunter.
Ich schreibe derzeit an meiner Masterarbeit und suche Teilnehmer*innen für Interviews. Es geht dabei auch nicht um andere StreameContent Creator, lediglich wie oder ob das Schauen von Hugo oder allgemein Gaming-Content das eigene Gaming-Verhalten beeinflusst.
Falls ihr Interesse und Zeit habt, würde ich mich riesig über eure Unterstützung freuen! Natürlich ist alles anonym und vertraulich.
submitted by HappyCow2011 to letshugotv [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:30 Var_Iran ادامهٔ زنجیرهٔ سرکوب اقلیتها در ایران ؛ مولوی نقشبندی امام جمعه اهل سنت پیشین در راسک بازداشت شد و دادگاه ویژه روحانیت مشهد علیه وی به پنج سال حبس محکوم شد و در زندان وکیلآباد مشهد محبوس است . #اقاليتها #زندانيان_سياسى
submitted by Var_Iran to NewIran [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:30 Ok-Cheesecake-8626 Favourite quotes? One of mine: “I always thought that by being gay I’d avoid fucking my mother, but I guess that’s not the case!” - Keith in couples therapy with David 😂
submitted by Ok-Cheesecake-8626 to SixFeetUnder [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 10:30 RAMendonca Restaurantes românticos na zona de Mafra/Sobral/Torres Vedras
Eu e o homem vamos casar no início de dezembro ( apenas conservatória, nós e os miúdos) mas queríamos ir jantar a um sítio diferente e romântico ( mas compatível com crianças) para assinalar o feito. Alguma sugestão?
submitted by RAMendonca to CasualPT [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 10:30 HarrysBellyButton I’ve been told to keep it in all day!! (It feels like a finger pressing constantly against my belly button)
submitted by HarrysBellyButton to Twinkbellybuttonplay [link] [comments] |