我以前也不觉得有多可爱。. 直到去了一趟四川基地。. 结果在一个偏僻的角落发现了一个熊猫在吃竹子。. 就我们哥俩,他在坑里吃东西,我就在旁边看他吃。. 头一次感觉被治愈了。. 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 ... 我元旦的时候去都江堰熊猫乐园参加了志愿者活动,很喜欢戴丽叔叔。. 他名气不大,也没有自己的直播摄像头,每次都是在直播蔓越煤的时候偶尔露出脑袋。. 他是在野外受重伤被人类救助回来的,但重伤所以不得不截肢后腿,一直都是三条腿生活。. 不知道是 ... 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视 ... 知乎用户. 不请自来,如果要了解熊猫智商有多高,你们可以去B站看一下“熊猫列传” 纪录片《熊猫列传》不只是卖萌,那些野生的滚滚们_科技人文_科技_bilibili_哔哩哔哩,然后,你们一定会觉得自己低估了熊猫的智商,而且是大大的低估了。. 最后说一句熊猫 ... 家族分布参考此图:. )。. 一定要选安定繁荣,社会和谐,人民安居乐业的国家。. 这样,你才能和娇羞的长颈鹿女士或者帅气的长颈鹿男士携手终身。. 我是问在中国需要什么样的物质条件可以养长颈鹿啊,你们的答案让人还害羞啊!. 最主要还是看你教练对你提出哪个方法,你觉得他说的不适合你,你就让他教你另一个就行了。. 你要是不回正…你往前继续走还没过线呢就压线了。. 如果不回正往后倒,而且不往后倒点直线,这么早就往左打方向盘,你确定你能倒进去?. 轮子都不一定能挨库 ... 日本語での質問に対する回答を提供するプラットフォームです。 因为最初大熊猫被归类到熊猫科的关系,所以大熊猫(giant panda)的称呼则是相对于小熊猫而命名的。. 但是大熊猫远比小熊猫有名,所以单讲“熊猫”时,渐渐变成专指大熊猫。. “熊猫”之词早在1915年间就有了。. 1915年编成、1935年出版的《中华大字典》“熊 ... 可上天残忍,生活太苦,她无奈先走一步。. 她大概变成了海,永远留在了唐家三少的心里。. 我的木子走了, 唐家三少 只说了这短短六个字,却让人感受到难以承受的悲伤,哀莫大于心死。. 他一百多万字的情书没能留住她,凄凄的深情也没能留住她。. 突然 ...
2024.11.26 12:40 Full-Mulberry5018 This Cute Panda 🐼
submitted by Full-Mulberry5018 to cute [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 12:40 CrimFandango What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by CrimFandango to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 12:40 Dramatic-Avocado4687 Snow in the Sahara Desert - the largest hot desert in the world. Although it’s common for winter temperatures to drop below freezing, snowfall has only been recorded several times in the last 40 years.
submitted by Dramatic-Avocado4687 to Damnthatsinteresting [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 12:40 anotherrandomman1 Anyone else sick of Deebo?
I’ve had enough of Deebo’s shenanigans and he needs to be shipped off. What do you think I could get for him?
submitted by anotherrandomman1 to fantasyfootballadvice [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 12:40 SecondDumbUsername Other wallets?
Hello all, what is the situation with Radix' wallets? I have yet to upgrade from Olympia to Babylon. I need a new phone to install the official wallet, and don't want to go through that hassle just for my small position before I have to. Is there any other trustworthy wallet(s) out there, where one can simply restore from seed phrase? If not, are there any on the horizon, and when will they be usable? Thx in advance and have a nice day.
submitted by SecondDumbUsername to Radix [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 12:40 Cep0wt rx6600 or rx6600xt or rtx3060 12gb
Hello, I recently decided to upgrade my gpu from a gt1030, and would like to know your thoughts on which one I should go for.
I also ordered an MSI A600DN 600W psu to match, so idk if the 6600xt would run comfortably on the 600w psu.
system specs are:
ryzen 5 3500 16gb ram
On a budget btw since im just a student.
submitted by Cep0wt to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 12:40 MazikaTrend Find High-Quality 3D Printers in KSA - ARKAKI Shop
submitted by MazikaTrend to 3DPrintServices [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 12:40 foodspaz Lady Deadpool!
submitted by foodspaz to hottoys [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 12:40 Ok_Juggernaut_5293 A realistic view of Willbender in PvP
Now you can argue MAT, Representation, and Counterplay till you are blue in the face, what cannot be argued, however, is the staggering amount of godly abilities WB has atm.
First Virtue: Rushing Justice
A Dash that gives 8 seconds of burn apply for every attack. And when their target is burning, they get 150 Ferocity and 10% more crit. It also blinds nearby foes and gives Resolution on activation and everytime they are hit for 4s. On top of an EXTRA 10% absorb to conditions from Aura of Light as well, so everytime you hit them they get -43% on condi. They also get 10% more dmg and 40% crit when they get resolution and another 10% when they activate a virtue for 6s. So that’s 20% more dmg and 40% more crit so now their crit is up to 50% when they click this virtue. But Righteous Instincts also gives 25% crit and 6 seconds of might generation. So that’s 75% crit. They also get protection, regen, and three stacks of might as well as 6 seconds of might generation and swiftness for 5 secs.
So one button click= Dash, Blind, Burning,+20% dmg,+75% crit, -43% condi dmg, -33% strike dmg, auto reapply -43% condi dmg, 3x might, 6 secs of might gen, swiftness and regen on a 15 sec CD that resets every time you down an opponent.
Virtue Two: Flowing Resolve
Another Dash that gives Evade for 1s, heals, gives 6 secs of proc heal and removes all movement impairing effects, lol and it has a 17 second refresh. It also gives resolution with 20% dmg increase and 65% crit and -33% condi dmg. Might and protection as well as 6 seconds of might generation.
So, one button click= Dash, Evade, heal, 6 sec of proc heal, remove all movement impairing, 20% dmg, 65% crit, -33% condi dmg,-33% strike dmg, 3x might and 6 secs of might gen. With 17 second refresh lmfao.
Virtue Three: Crashing Courage
A shadowstep that gives Aegis, and stability for 4 seconds, 2 stacks of 3 sec resolution, 2 stacks of protection, and resistance. 6 seconds of boon generation proc on hit. It’s also a stunbreak and grants 27% more dmg and 65% more crit. 3 stacks of might and 6 secs of might generation and swiftness. On a 30 second recharge.
So, one button click= Shadowstep, Aegis, Stability, Resolution, Resistance, Protection, Boon generation 3 stacks of might, might generation, 20% more dmg, 65% more crit, and swiftness on a stunbreak with 25 second refresh.
They also proc another attack with their relic every time they click a virtue due to them getting swiftness. They can also refresh all their virtues with their elite. And gain 1% more dmg per boon and when you look at their boon generation that is insane!
They can also turn an unlimited number of condi’s into boons every 32 seconds with an instant cast stun break, which, like almost all of their abilities, allows for zero counterplay.
If they are stacked with 25 vulnerability and bleed, they just got 50% more dmg ontop of any boons they also have. They are also constantly generating alacrity and reducing their CD’s.
So, they have the 2 best teleports, the 2 best dashes, the absolute best cleanse in the game, the best boon generation, the best defensive and offensive abilities all in one ability. Just listing all the effects on their abilities literally takes two pages!
Overall, these classes abilities are just BETTER than everyone else’s in every way.
submitted by Ok_Juggernaut_5293 to Guildwars2 [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 12:40 Essshayne 3 years later and my birthday twin is still in town.
I always find it odd sharing my bday with a video game character but I'm sure it happens. submitted by Essshayne to AnimalCrossingNewHor [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 12:40 hoggerjeff I asked AI the following: Taking into account the current USMCA trade agreement, can a US president impose tariffs on Canadian and Mexican goods without violating said agreement? And if the answer is "no" can that president unilaterally amend or cancel the agreement to allow those tariffs?
Here's the response from Google's Gemini AI...
The USMCA is a complex agreement with various provisions, including those related to tariffs. Here's a breakdown: * Imposing Tariffs: Generally, a US president cannot unilaterally impose tariffs on Canadian and Mexican goods without violating the USMCA. The agreement establishes a framework for tariff reduction and elimination, and imposing new tariffs would contradict this principle. * Amending or Cancelling the Agreement: A US president can initiate the process of amending or withdrawing from the USMCA. However, this is not a unilateral decision. The agreement outlines specific procedures that must be followed, including: * Notice Period: The US must provide formal written notice to Canada and Mexico of its intent to withdraw or modify the agreement. * Negotiation Period: A period of negotiation is mandated, during which the three countries can discuss potential changes or alternatives. * Withdrawal Period: If negotiations fail, the US can withdraw from the agreement, but there's a specific withdrawal period (usually six months) to allow for orderly transition. Key Points to Remember: * Legal Challenges: Any unilateral actions that violate the USMCA could face legal challenges from Canada and Mexico, potentially leading to disputes and trade retaliation. * Economic Consequences: Imposing tariffs or withdrawing from the USMCA could have significant economic consequences for all three countries, impacting businesses, consumers, and supply chains. * Political Considerations: Such actions would likely have political ramifications, both domestically and internationally, affecting relationships between the three countries. It's important to note that the specific legal and economic implications of any potential tariff imposition or agreement modification would depend on the details of the actions taken and the responses from Canada and Mexico.
submitted by hoggerjeff to the_everything_bubble [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 12:40 IdealOptimal Passive Rule needs to go
When will yall stop abusing the passive rule in rank???
submitted by IdealOptimal to Mafia42 [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 12:40 Distinct-Athlete9205 Asking the C&P examiner…
If I am seeming an examiner I saw two months ago for a claim am I allowed to ask how that went? Hell, can I ask him how my exam went tomorrow?
submitted by Distinct-Athlete9205 to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 12:40 xdJayms hair does hold memories
im currently in 11th grade, but back in 8th grade i noticed this guy 1/4 into the school year. hes so weird, but i loved him. it was in science class, his hood was up, laying his head down on the desk, asleep. the teacher was telling him to fix his hood & sit up. (or something like that) when he did so, i was so confused on who the hell this kid was. i couldn't help but look at him wondering if he was new. i spent the day asking my friends about him. none of them knew him. it was like he was a ghost. i went home that day (or was the next day) & found his snapchat. i added him. it took him awhile to add me back, he said how he was grounded. so we started using gmail... during school & all day after school. it was very difficult to communicate with him, he spoke so differently. like some caveman? i could tell he does not talk to people. he didnt really have any friends. it got easier as time went on, including my feelings. the second my eyes saw him, i fell in love. now i have never fallen in love with someone before, so it was so weird to me. i had never really thought about love & affection before. but seeing him every day, with his long brown hair, only smiling when he was being weird with his very few friends. his smile was so perfect. how is he so beautiful? how does no one know him? 11 months later, we got together. even to that day it was so awkwardly cute talking to each other. not painfully awkward, but cute because it was obvious we liked each other. i fell in love with him at first sight. the more i pushed myself to talk to him, he soon fell in love with me (i will forever be thankful that i pushed myself to talk to him, i was deathly scared due to this being my first crush, especially sense it came out of NO WHERE) i think he fell in love with me because i made sure he wasnt alone. being grounded with gmail being the only way to communicate sounds extremely depressing. this kid didnt even know how to talk to people. (he had literally one real friend from his childhood, i hope theyre still good friends) anyways, 11 months later & we were finally together. we have never had a conversation in person. but we had a group hangout a few days after we started dating, we didnt really talk. i sat there watching him run around with one of his friends. i was so happy seeing the life in him. whenever everyone else left, it was just me & him on a bench. we sat in silence until his mother arrived. we were both really happy, but too shy to say anything. we started to hangout more at his house, it was so pure. it took awhile for us to both be fully comfortable in person. i remember running around the room with him. (his room is the basement, it was huge) he always did this thing when he was happy, he would just jump over things running around with that beautiful pearly white smile i loved. one day we were sitting on his bed, talking about stuff (i wish i remembered more), but we kissed. both of our first kiss, it came out of no where. time entirely froze, i felt like i was about to pass out. as crazy as that might sound, its so true. time slowed down, my vision was going darker, no thoughts in my mind at all. i didnt realize how badly i fell for him. we made cards for each other for all of anniversaries, it was the cutest thing ever. i loved how close we were. we could do anything around each other without feeling judged. we didnt even think at all, everything just happened & neither of us cared. we were so in loved. i dont know what changed, but he didnt want me to text, hangout, or play games with my friends. i listened to him. i lost all of my friends because i was so stupidly in love with him. i didnt mind he hungout & played games with his one friend. they didnt even go to school together, & were childhood best friends. i overall did not see why i would have any say in it, i dont like controlling people. so he continued to hangout with his friend. i did blow up his phone time to time... but i swear i had a good reason. i was just upset that he could hangout with his friend & i couldnt. if you arent gonna let me hangout with a friend whenever you are, then you could at least talk to me a little bit instead of spending a day or two not talking to me. (sense i had no one to talk to, i didnt want him to be mad if i were to talk to a friend while he was with a friend) (sorry if thats really confusing) he only got worse. i got these piercings (my nose, & belly button) he was fine with it at first, but was upset that he couldnt get any to match with me. so after probably not even a week, he made me take them out. or else he would've left me. which i didnt want us to break up over some silly piercings? loosing him is nothing like loosing some piercings. one day i went to my friends house for the first time in forever, he was MAD. he broke up with me. i was left confused, upset, & ended up not thinking straight at all. i accepted everyones friend requests on snapchat, chatting with this one guy. the thing about talking to someone new, is that you know NOTHING about them. you get to learn about them, being focused on that person sense youre learning something new about who ever it is. so i sat there knowing nothing about this guy trying to forget that the guy i truly loved, just broke up with me. i forget this guys name, but he kept asking me for pictures. have i sent pictures before? yes. only to the guy i was dating though. even then i felt uncomfortable & cried when i did so. i didnt want to but i guess im a sucker for him. i kept refusing to, & made excuses. i should've just blocked who ever this was. but later on it sunk in to me & i did it. i was so disgusted with myself. i blocked him, & texted my ex telling him everything. how terrible i felt for doing that. i was not thinking straight at all. that was so unlike me to do. he calmed me down & we got back together (even though we broke up for like 3 hours?) I DID NOT CHEAT ON HIM! WE BROKE UP & I DID THAT! (i am not ashamed to say this because i have learned my lesson, & know how disgusting it made me feel) so were back to dating, he eventually cheated on me. with a few 18+ year olds, & a fake wizz account i made because i was getting suspicious of him. (the reason why he had wizz because i asked him if i could get it to make friends because i literally had none because of him, & he decided to get it too after awhile)
now we always shared our phones & accounts because we were used to that, cause when he was grounded he would have my phone for the entire school day because i wanted him to continue to feel normal (at this time of our relationship i would do his school work for him so he would avoid being grounded, but there was still once in awhile he would be grounded) but for some reason, he stopped letting me on his phone, even if we were just hanging out & i wanted to just watch tiktok. so while he was asleep at my house i checked his phone out. aka thats when i found out he was sending all these pictures & such words to these older girls. i texted his mother telling her to pick him up. i was really upset over it but we talked it out, i didnt realize until over a week later (christmas day) that it was considered cheating. i was so stupidly in love with him. & overall stupid at this point. i kept the grudge, but continued to date him. at thus point we already hit our 1 year mark of dating. he met this girl on wizz, she was 2 years younger than him.... he lied about his age to her & said i love you. im not sure why, they just met? this is when we became a major situation-ship for about a month. we were unlabeled but still in love. but sense he apparently loved her too, i tried to get them together. i dont know why i put him first over my own being. but they didnt work out. he was lying her about me. but he was telling me the semi-truth about the both of them. i hated how he said he wanted to get into my pants while he told her, "i love you". i feel bad for all of the girls he talks to. theres still so much more girls that he "liked" while still sleeping with me. but for all the girls, i warned them. i feel bad. because he wont leave me alone at all, i didnt leave because i loved him. but he kept leaving those girls like dropping flies. he was using me for inappropriate things while he was tryna get an online girlfriend. we stopped contact for a few months, but during the summer of 2024 we dated for about a week. but now theres this girl he's been talking to for probably most of 2024, i already warned her with so much proof but she in fact did not care. i heard shes known for putting herself in bad situations so obviously im just gonna feel worse if i didnt try to stop her from getting involved with such terrible teenage boy. plus around the time she started talking to my situation-ship, the girl got cheated on or something (dont really know atp) so it would suck ass if he would to do that to her now its the end of november 2024, i warned her near the beginning of the year about him, theyre still talking & stuff. im pretty sure theyre dating atp, but just over a month ago now, me & him were at the park kissing, texting a lot, we were about to start dating but he claims, "i would date you now but i want to date someone else before i got to my ex" "sense youre the only person i've ever dated" while she likes him, hes over here telling me all of this stuff about me & him. i couldnt let it continue. hes on & off about me while this girl has been liking him for awhile now. plus he mainly only says he likes me whenever he knows im talking to another guy (i never really talk to guys at all, it feels wrong to me & they make me uncomfortable really easily) but he convinced me to go to this strangers house where i got s/a at. it was really crazy. then he proceeded to be mad at me because he was jealous about how that guy got to touch me. (which i did not want, & cried about it for days.) while this was going on, i had to go to school, where that girl who he might be dating STARES me down the ENTIRE class, & he says im lying... then i got sent to a mental hospital because they honestly made me feel horrible about myself whenever i did nothing to them. (my ex & his new possible gf) whenever i did EVERYTHING for this boy. & all i did to her was warn her about him. its been about 2 weeks sense i got back from the mental hospital, i came back & was talking to my ex like the idiot i am i decided to lie to him & say that i have a boyfriend so he would LEAVE ME ALONE! he knows i love him, so he messes with me even though the girl he sorta likes, likes him? like why are you even talking to me? do you still actually like me or what?? but i told him i have a bf, then he said he MIGHT like me & that i should break up with my (fake) boyfriend so i mainly told him i have a boyfriend (when i dont) so he would 1). leave me alone 2). get closer with the other girl & now i think theyre dating, i honestly hope they are because then i know he's happy all i want is for him to he happy because ive known him for years now, he once had a lot of stuff going on & i would never want him to feel that way again it doesnt upset me at all that they are (most likely) dating, im happy for him i hope he knows one day that i lied about having a boyfriend just so he could leave me alone & finally get a new gf (so sorry if none of this makes sense anymore, i am running off of 0 hours of sleep & have been non stop typing this out for nearly 3 hours?) although he no longer makes any sense to me, i will forever love him, even if he loves someone else (im over him but i still love him, if that makes sense, i pretty much have been at peace with it) i watched him change over the years, everything really started going down hill whenever he decided to start cutting his beautiful long brown hair. i will forever believe that true love at first sight is real, along with hair holding memories. i hope one day i find someone, hes the only boy i have ever loved & liked ever since we broke up maybe they'll have long brown hair just like he once did.
submitted by xdJayms to teenagers [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 12:40 FederalHighlight3712 Alternate Careers for a SpEd Teacher
Hi, everyone!
I am a current pull out/inclusion teacher for students with disabilities. I have my bachelor’s in SpEd: Learning disabilities and an add on certification in SpEd Early Childhood.
I want to get my master’s soon, but I’m having trouble deciding what degree to get/what career path to follow. I don’t love my current position, but don’t mind working in the classroom in a different capacity.
I’ve thought about going into speech, OT, play therapy, visual/hearing impairments, or something behavioral like school psychologist or behavior specialist.
Looking for more information on those areas (good online programs, pros/cons, salaries) or suggestions on different career paths I may not have considered!! I’m a year 3 teacher in South Carolina if that helps! TIA!
submitted by FederalHighlight3712 to Teachers [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 12:40 TrollingForFunsies Nashua terrorist sentenced to 46 months in prison for harassing NHPR journalists and their families
submitted by TrollingForFunsies to newhampshire [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 12:40 Beeps_22 What do I think BONES most popular song should be?
HDMI is a great song but I don’t think it’s his best by a long shot. What do you guys think his #1 song should be on all platforms?
submitted by Beeps_22 to TeamSESH [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 12:40 ManBearPigsR4Real We need to bring back mental asylums
It’s the only real solution to open air drug markets and mass homelessness. No, you can’t come to the emergency department for narcan and a sammich!
submitted by ManBearPigsR4Real to Residency [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 12:40 Frosty_Sand7817 Sweet Mazakeen came home. Thank you all for your prayers and good vibes. It helped bring my baby home.
submitted by Frosty_Sand7817 to thumbcats [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 12:40 clockwork_1996 Anyone else miss jimmy deans dinner
Not sure if this counts as Australian nostalgia but I loved going to Jimmy Deans dinner as a kid in midland, the decorations on the wall, the projector playing music videos on the wall, the blues brothers car with the mannequins and the amazing food But as a child the best part was the birthday parties, the dinner would blast happy birthday and a cake would come out covered in sparklers submitted by clockwork_1996 to AustralianNostalgia [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 12:40 Grimm_Stereo Bowser Jr and Sage after DB's Bowser vs Eggman: | Art by Cmarshallartz
submitted by Grimm_Stereo to SonicTheHedgehog [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 12:40 Mikeyd0702 When should this happen
submitted by Mikeyd0702 to SantiZapVideos [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 12:40 kokoio123 Need christmas help!!
So this is one of my girlfriends favourite apps but due to being busy etc haven’t really been using. for her christmas card, i wanna answer the questions from December 1-24th in a card for her. would anyone have the time to message me a screenshot or just message me the question? Thank you
submitted by kokoio123 to SumoneApp [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 12:40 moonuki I hate my father
I am 22 years old female, my father nagged more than my mother. My hatred for him started when I was in grade 7, he slapped me and accused me that I was the one who shouted but it was my sister. Sinampal niya ako pagkagising na pagkagising niya and noong nag sorry Siya sa pagsampal sa akin parang sinisi niya pa ako na ako daw nagpasimula. Eto na Rin Yung time na nakikita ko na kung paano tratuhin ni Papa si mama. Kung Anong tingin ni papa sa mga babae, Ang mga babae raw dapat naglilinis, naglalaba Sila dapat lahat gumagawa Ng gawaing Bahay. Gumagawa Naman ako Ng gawaing Bahay pero kapag Nakita ka niyang nakahiga o nagpapahinga kung ano ano na sasabihin sayo. Ang tamad tamad mo at kung ano ano pa Dito na Rin nag-start na sinagot ko Siya sobrang Galit na Kasi talaga ako at punong-puno na sa kakadada. Lahat Ng sinasabi niya dinefy ko na. Ang tingin Ng tatay ko sa mga babae Yung past female na nasa Bahay lang dapat. And then Nalaman ko lang Siya lately, kapag nagsusuka ako dati sinasabi niya na buntis daw ba ako. Sana man lang inisip niya kung gusto ko bang magjowa pero Hindi e nag-conclude na agad Siya. And kapag Siya Ang may kasalanan, Hindi niya iaadmit na mistake niya Yun isisi niya pa sa amin. Syempre Yung kapatid ko Galit na Rin sa tatay ko Kasi hinampas daw Siya sa may cabinet niya noong nagalit siya sa kapatid ko. Wala ako nito at that time kaya Hindi ko Rin alam kwinento lang sa akin Ng kapatid ko.
Kahit ganoon sinubukan ko pa Rin na pakisamahan Siya at Gawin Ang lahat na dapat ginagawa Ng Isang babae...pero ngayon Kasi pagod na ako e Kasi kahit ginawa mo Naman tama susumbat pa Rin Siya at sa kada pag-uwi niya di mawawala Yung dada Siya. Puro reklamo. Hindi ko na kaya.
submitted by moonuki to FamilyIssues [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 12:40 Suspicious-Rent9908 Ecom Order Confirmation Service Startup
I had started a clothing brand as a side test project, in india all people do order cash on delivery and almost 99% of order on un reputed new e-commerce sites are cod, so store owners have to confirm them by manually calling them, and I would say it's the most boring thing to do in the brand, if they don't do that their RTO rate could go as high as 50-70% if they do than fake orders and unserious order gets unconfirmed and gets cancelled and ultimately it reduces RTO rate, I'm thinking of maybe if we start a business which helps e commerce brands with order confirmation and customer service, but mainly order confirmation,
This is nothing much innovative, but we can filling current gaps.
So there we have two ways either we develop a software which do ai calling and confirms order by like press 1 to confirm or press 2 to cancel, all this is know already exists but a more affordable way fixing many problems and gaps current tools have, this is require a lot of software development stuff.
or other way is we build a kind of team who does manual calling and confirms orders, I know they could hire internal team also but there are many brands who don't want that headache. a 15k employee can confirm like 6-8k order a month and if we charge brand 6-8 rupee per confirmed order than per employee that's 40-50k revenue per employee and per month and like 25-35k profit. Any yearly contract will be sufficient with companies with like 10k-100k monthly orders, so needs few contracts.
submitted by Suspicious-Rent9908 to StartUpIndia [link] [comments]