Vzemite in jejte od tega vsi, to je moje telo ki se daje za vas

2024.11.26 11:24 los_krompiros Vzemite in jejte od tega vsi, to je moje telo ki se daje za vas

Vzemite in jejte od tega vsi, to je moje telo ki se daje za vas submitted by los_krompiros to Slovenia [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:24 Diligent_Tour9118 HOTTEST GIRL COMPETITION🔥🔥!! Submit your irls/gfs/exes and see who has the hottest. Comp details in description. 05523d4b11617378fdafedc0543d5ed2854847f52e8c7892f1b09b98a02c6f1c66

Send pictures of your fav girl. Can be nude or nn.
The girls will be judged in the following categories:
Best tits Best arse Best face Best legs Sluttyest outfit Overall best looking.
Once the winners have been chosen they will. E announced both on this sub.
Submit your girls now!
submitted by Diligent_Tour9118 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:24 Affectionate-League9 #50 Inscryption

#50: Finishing off big with this amazing game. This game never stopped surprising me. Even when I'm raging up a storm it kept me coming back. And holy crap some great achievements and some tableflipping achievements. Skull Storm was unbearable. And the last few came from a second complete playthru in the second and third act....so tricky getting them... Such a perfect mix of card game, deck builder, escape room, horror, and the kitchen sink thrown in.
submitted by Affectionate-League9 to steamachievements [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:24 AskMeAnythingIAnswer Zollikerberg at 12:24

Zollikerberg at 12:24 submitted by AskMeAnythingIAnswer to Zollikerberg [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:24 Evtolstockman Lilium employees are confident! And express sadness over fake news media false reporting and bogus information regarding Lilium … 🍯🐦‍🔥

submitted by Evtolstockman to LiliumJet [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:24 jvc72 Buy Signal Kongsberg Automotive ASA - 26 nov 2024 @ 12:06 -> NOK1.400

Ticker: KOA.OL
Exchange: OSL
Time: 26 nov 2024 @ 12:06
Price: NOK1.400
Link: https://getagraph.com/OSL/stock/live-signals/KOA.OL/ENG
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:24 Impact21x My INFP girlfriend broke my INTJness, now I ass

My INFP girlfriend broke my INTJness, now I ass https://preview.redd.it/x5ygat1zc83e1.png?width=732&format=png&auto=webp&s=c26ceebe8f4a12458c57a6af5bce9fb3a24dfd35
I've always been typed an INTJ, dude. Now I brokey mf.
submitted by Impact21x to shittyMBTI [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:24 Intrepid_Paper_5554 Can someone help a mother out?

Can someone help a mother out? We lost our grandmother recently and my mom really likes this picture of her. We want to use it in a slideshow on her funeral this weekend. Is there anyway someone could brighten it up/make it better visable?, its a little dark because its an old picture.
submitted by Intrepid_Paper_5554 to PhotoshopRequest [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:24 OkZombie7645 Tra ding Lin k z : 0598847872f055ebde29018fb1543cb6da2d4302ccbabc37e1fd452c00b49f2c16

submitted by OkZombie7645 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:24 Beautiful-Archer4362 Pretty Bikini

Pretty Bikini submitted by Beautiful-Archer4362 to Fit_babes [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:24 UAF_Swampfire3 PEAK

PEAK submitted by UAF_Swampfire3 to CODEGOLD [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:24 PJ-The-Awesome The rest of Shie Hassaki are horrified by Overhaul's experiments on Eri, but go along with it so they won't get blown to pieces.

submitted by PJ-The-Awesome to BokunoheroFanfiction [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:24 BirdLadyTraveller Individualidade no casamento

Olá! Me casei há pouco tempo e amo meu marido e nosso relacionamento. Porém eu tenho um perfil mais introvertido e independente, e as vezes tenho vontade de ficar sozinha e fazer coisas só minhas. Por exemplo, eu curto sair sozinha pra bater perna, sair com meus amigos e até viajar sozinha.
Geralmente é nesse tipo de momento que eu tiro pra refletir sobre a vida, fazer atividades que eu gosto e curtir a minha própria vibe.
Vocês acham possível conciliar essas coisas em um casamento? Como eu posso ter esse espaço sem magoar meu parceiro?
submitted by BirdLadyTraveller to conversasserias [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:24 MindlessFill4766 Xaxa Red Eyed x Serial Designation J

Xaxa Red Eyed x Serial Designation J submitted by MindlessFill4766 to JSimpCorporation [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:24 creamsf Broken print towards top layer

Looking for any pointers what could be happening here. This is the second print that has failed exactly the same way and same spot, however, model sizes differ between prints (not just scaled, adjusted in Fusion). It seems to fail whenever the top layer is beginning and is meant to close the holes. I did not see the actual breakage but it sounded as if the printer got stuck behind something and applied force on the wall breaking it (ie not as if it was slow failure and I was checking the print earlier and all seemed fine). The other wall (one in the background) is fine on this same layer.
Could it be simple as need to increase the filled gap between outside wall and the slot pattern? Bad model in general? I'm new to 3d printing so maybe this is not easy for the printer to print? Anything else?
A1 Mini, .4 nozzle, textured plate, Bambu Lab PLA Matte filament, .2 layer height with adjustable layers enabled for smoother fillet.
submitted by creamsf to BambuLab [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:24 bumder9891 It's starting to look like Christmas in here (no fireplaces in the tropics so got to make do with 4k Fireplace on TV)

submitted by bumder9891 to malelivingspace [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:24 Skyer17 WB DIALGA, 2 local, add 9585 2575 8867

submitted by Skyer17 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:24 Calm_Opening_6517 Traditional Thai male costumes

Does anybody know where to find traditional thai clothes (male) in Singapore? TIA
submitted by Calm_Opening_6517 to askSingapore [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:24 CoolCool5565 Anyone know why Blast Processing felt so easy?

Anyone know why Blast Processing felt so easy? submitted by CoolCool5565 to geometrydash [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:24 rayanyago Qual seu sonho?

submitted by rayanyago to PergunteReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:23 GopalSangra2593 Hand tracking on pc via Pico connect

Is there a way to use the hand tracking in steamvr to play VRchat through Pico connect. I've tried it on the standalone version of VRchat but I can't seem to find a way to do it on the pc.
submitted by GopalSangra2593 to PicoXR [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:23 LunaVenusVortex my special babyyy

my special babyyy submitted by LunaVenusVortex to thumbcats [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:23 claum0y I can't help feeling worthless and lonely

I had my first relationship with a great girl, it lasted a year and a half and then it got complicated and ended and she started dating a guy I was always insecure about, we had issues and we were very supportive of each other but at others we were toxic. We were going to be parents at a young age but we stopped it, and she stopped trying to contact me until I found out she was dating that guy, I told her she was using me and things like that, she said I never cared for her and I should stop tormenting her, I really considered stopping to live because I never intended or felt like I didn't care for her. That was around April, May now we're in November and I still can't stop thinking about her and she's been dating this guy still. I just feel like despite losing 20kg, dying my hair and continuing school I'm still a loser, a disgusting energy sucking awful person and boyfriend who shouldn't live. I felt guilt so many times and felt hatred or resentment towards her for dating him and now I just keep feeling so worthless. I feel like you could say good for her, or good riddance about me as a person, but I really wanted to be supportive. I feel like I need another girlfriend to move on but it's not like I can do that, I feel like no matter what I just feel lonely and unwanted. Friends could ignore my messages to not play with me and I feel more worthless. Like what's wrong with me??.
I just 10 min ago followed her on tiktok from my new account so she can finally block me and I can stop looking at her profile. Like even when playing games I feel worthless, like no matter how much effort I put it's not enough to have a great physique or get better rank or have daily chats with normal people or something to distract from my daily prison cell of a room. Please if you can say something, I really am at a loss, I really tried therapy too for a few months but idk. And it's not like I'm super ugly or anything but I truly feel like she could celebrate I've been so miserable while she loves her boyfriend. I'm asking for help.
submitted by claum0y to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:23 MaleficentWealth880 What do they need?

What do they need? hello, I plantet those plants about 6 week ago. First i thought they had too much nutrients so i stopped using fertilizer as some people suggested. But now it’s getting worse… This is my 6th grow and all of my plants have always looked this way and i really would like to improve my growing.. the smaller one is Strawberry Banana XL auto and the bigger one is Cream Mandarin XL auto from Sweet Seeds. They live in Royal mix from Plagron and im using Spiderfarmer LED lamp. Please help me figure out the problem and if you need more infos or pictures please don’t hesitate.
Thank you for your time and hopefully help.
submitted by MaleficentWealth880 to CannabisGrowers [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:23 Standard_Ad_9126 Love in Vietnam: Navigating the Dating Scene as an Expat

Love in Vietnam: Navigating the Dating Scene as an Expat submitted by Standard_Ad_9126 to GetMoreViewsYT [link] [comments]
