Looks like he's having a good time

2024.11.26 13:40 blackshark_mario Looks like he's having a good time

Looks like he's having a good time submitted by blackshark_mario to lostpause [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:40 Caesalpinioidea Beef and Radish Soup (Soegogi-muguk)

Beef and Radish Soup (Soegogi-muguk) submitted by Caesalpinioidea to RateMyPlate [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:40 ALittleHumanBeing Chopin sonata no.3 mvt. 1

Chopin sonata no.3 mvt. 1 submitted by ALittleHumanBeing to piano [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:40 Oh_yes_I_did Devils advocate: I think it’s likely that Kendrick could’ve used bots , but why should we care? Hear me out.

Now we have seen many other artists, small or obscure, comment about how the music industry uses dishonest practices to inflate their numbers. Like when Russ and Tekashi were explaining the bundle packages or how prevalent bot usage actually is. So with all that being said it seems like botting and payola are just par for the course for this industry. Much like how juicing is to the Olympics, we all want to believe everything is as presented and above board but secretly every organization is trying to find a way to skirt around the rules or break them with out getting caught. I believe that’s what these major labels do.
Now besides that past discourse what else that lead me to this conclusion was in Whacced out Murals where Kendrick reflects on how the battle revealed some people’s true colors and Kendrick is drawing a line in the sand between him and them. When rapping about what he did to Drake he says “take it to the internet and imma take it there” which to me sounds like “if you want to play internet games, I can do that too” Kendrick not having a big presence on the internet while Drake is constantly on the internet plays into Kendrick’s hands. Despite never saying or posting anything Kendrick knows the reaction his music would get upon release.
But like I said, why should we care? I don’t think we should. Everyone is using these methods some way some how whether it was the artist decision or the label they belong to. Hell even the Boy himself had benefited greatly from these instances. Who remembers Scorpion being pushed onto all our music streaming platforms despite having listen to Drake previously or not.
Ultimately Drake trying to sue Umg is of course bitch made especially considering he himself have benefited from those same practices but when the powers that be decide to lean on the guy that bullies you now you wanna cry out.
Idk know. I’m pretty cynical about everything and don’t believe anybody is perfect. I would take is ultimately as a win still because that just means Kendrick and play that game better than Drake too.
Let me know what you think.
submitted by Oh_yes_I_did to KendrickLamar [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:40 dstaechs Dwarven hold WIP

Dwarven hold WIP submitted by dstaechs to bugmansbrewery [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:40 michalschiffle So I tried new beard style 1800’s style haha what do you think?

So I tried new beard style 1800’s style haha what do you think? I know this style with the goatee might not be very trendy and it does draw some attention, but honestly, I was unsure whether to shave it all off because it had grown too long and was becoming hard to manage. While trimming, I accidentally ended up with this look, and it kind of reminds me of the style worn by the Argentine president. It also has a very 19th-century vibe to it. What do you think? Maybe it’s a bit unusual, but I find it fun and charming—it’s nice to experiment with different styles sometimes!
submitted by michalschiffle to beards [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:40 FriendshipFirm8244 Why are some album covers on Spotify too colorful than YouTube Music?

Why are some album covers on Spotify too colorful than YouTube Music? submitted by FriendshipFirm8244 to truespotify [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:40 prateek-gupta 8 Reasons Why You Should Select the January Intake for Overseas Education

8 Reasons Why You Should Select the January Intake for Overseas Education submitted by prateek-gupta to AcelotInnovation [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:40 Sad_Garage_2221 Wound that has not healed for more than 5 months

Hello everyone, my father has a little wound that won't heal, he did that burning thing that the doctor cauterized and it didn't help, I want him to do a biopsy, what will it be?
submitted by Sad_Garage_2221 to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:40 ATSTlover Partisan fighter Stjepan Filipović shouting "Death to fascism, freedom to the people!" seconds before his execution by a Serbian State Guard unit in Valjevo. May 22, 1942.

Partisan fighter Stjepan Filipović shouting submitted by ATSTlover to WorldWar2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:40 Lazershark6412 To taste all the food at the table

To taste all the food at the table submitted by Lazershark6412 to TowerofGod [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:40 Jumiri Hardest AllChinaBuy Shoes‼️

Hardest AllChinaBuy Shoes‼️ Links: https://www.Spreadsheet-AllChinaBuy.com
submitted by Jumiri to AllChinabuy [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:40 stevesmd What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by stevesmd to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:40 NefariousnessMean336 Watch Sava Schultz Squeezy Nude Tits Playing On Bed Latest Onlyfans Leak

submitted by NefariousnessMean336 to pornnhottt [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:40 whooper1 This seems pretty in character for me.

This seems pretty in character for me. submitted by whooper1 to hazbin [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:40 Tiny_Author_5280 Where can I put the mushroom light so it wouldn’t be too much like now?

Hey, I really can’t find a place to put this lamp on my desk, right now I feel like there is too much going in the left side Do you have any ideas?:)
submitted by Tiny_Author_5280 to DesignMyRoom [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:40 The_Sneaky_Toaster Getting Off Wellbutrin (1 Week In)

I’ve tried Wellbutrin for the last time. It’s not working and causes significant anxiety, even though I’m on Lexapro (stabilized/been on it for over a few months now, 10mg).
I tried taking Wellbutrin for 1 week (100mg SR. And unfortunate, not I’ve already tried the XL (which is even worse I’d say). Wellbutrin is hands down terrible for those predisposed to anxiety.
Can I stop Wellbutrin cold turkey or do I need to taper off even though it was only a week? Advice would be appreciated. I will be continuing the Lexapro however, which I believe helps deal with my anxiety. Thanks.
submitted by The_Sneaky_Toaster to Wellbutrin_Bupropion [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:40 Either_Particular706 Need travel advice from Ko Tao to Phuket with ferries and flight on the same day

My fiancé and I (27F & 28M) will be travelling to Thailand for the first time next year on the 11th of March for our honeymoon and we need some travel advice about getting back to Phuket after travelling to Ko Samui and Ko Tao.
We have a return flight back home from Phuket on the 24th at 20:00PM and were wondering whether it's safe enough to leave Ko Tao on the morning of the 24th by catching a ferry to Ko Samui and then getting a local flight back to Phuket in time for our 20:00PM flight back home?
We would obviously try to get the earliest ferry to Ko Samui from Ko Tao as possible and select a flight to Phuket that gives us enough time to check our bags in etc before our flight home.
Is this too risky? Or do you think that this is manageable?
We are wondering whether we should just cut a day off our Ko Tao trip and fly back the day before but we have heard Ko Tao is incredible so would prefer not to.
We aren't first time travellers and are confident navigating airports and such, but wanted to get some advice from people here who have maybe done something similar or people who know Thailand's travel admin better :)
Btw this sub has been great in getting advice on places to go and things to avoid so thanks for all the tips! Also if anyone has any advice on when is best to buy local flights (like on Black Friday or something) that would be awesome cause DAMN these Samui flights are expensive haha.
submitted by Either_Particular706 to phuket [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:40 PhilosophyBeLyin Should I update my EA schools if I changed my 2nd semester schedule?

My school has semester long classes, and I’ve decided to change one of the courses I signed up for in the 2nd semester. I already reported the initial course to a bunch of EA colleges though. I’m like 99% sure I should send an update, but I just wanted to be 100% sure.
Also, my courses (current and expected) are all on my transcript. Does my school need to send a new and updated copy of the transcript to all my colleges? Because technically the old one isn’t accurate.
submitted by PhilosophyBeLyin to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:40 DingoAteYaBirdie Maiden voyage on the Ari Timp Peak!

Maiden voyage on the Ari Timp Peak! This bike is a BEAST
submitted by DingoAteYaBirdie to eMountainBike [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:40 Character-Fan-6168 Year 2 Resign period AR dev tier league

*DISCORD * https://discord.gg/Bw7QhFP3 *Cross play Next Gen Madden 25 Franchise just simmed to Year 2 RESIGN PERIOD
*IF YOU STAY 3+ advances will give a dev upgrade or Attribute boost to select player *Dev Tiers based off team rating 3 AR to every team . DEVS CAN BE CHANGED FOR NEW USERS 🚨
Looking for NEW ACTIVE users to . 4th down and no huddle rules Customs allowed
Going 4+ seasons this is a mid level league not beginner .
Weekly GOTW & streaming rewards
No toxic energy or quitting until after beginning of 3rd quarter allowed
Automatic boot 🥾for dashing or inactivity of 2 advances
FIRST COME FIRST SERVED 24-48 hour league
Bucs #29 pick Giants #13 pick Rams #21 pick Seahawks #7 pick dolphins #6 pick Titans #3 pick Broncos 1 pick Raiders #14 pick Cardinals #11 pick 49ers #18 pick Panthers #4 pick #16 pick Bengals #9 pick
submitted by Character-Fan-6168 to MaddenFranchise [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:40 michaelromero212 How Apple Could Dominate the Home Audio Space

I wanted to create this thread so people can share their thoughts on what Apple should do to dominate the home audio space. That could be anything from a central home hub, Apple TV, Homepods, Apple Music, etc.
What does Apple need to do "realistically" to take on competitors in this space like Sonos?
submitted by michaelromero212 to HomePod [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:40 shellmaster15 Má to ještě smysl?😔

Zdravím celou komunitu mám na vás otázku protože vým že vy dokážete pomoci se vším a tak má na vás otázku má smysl udržovat a oživovat umírající vztah?
Abych vysvětlil situaci já a moje přítelkyně máme čerstvě vytvořený vzath. Poznali jsme se přes Instagram byla pěkná. když ona napsal kámošovi že se jí líbí kámoš ji řekl že ne že ona neni jeho tip (psali si při hodině ve skole) a v tu dobu si kamoš vzpoměl na mě který si chce někoho najít ale nedaří se mu no a bych to zkrátil povedlo se mi ji přihodit dostala od kámoše na mě telefoní číslo a já její, potom jsem ji napsal a hned jsme se daly do řeči docela dobře jsme si seldy až jsem si řekl že by nebylo špatné si dát někde sraz. Sraz byl naplánován už se musel jen uskutečnit což se taky stalo sešli jsem se a začátek probíhal bez chyb program měla na starosti ona a ona si řekla že se pujdeme projít do parku já jsem to samozřejmě neodmital a tak jsme šli. Na schůzce ji pořád volala její kamarádka a já jsem jí ze zdvořilosti povoloval aby ji to zvedla no a potom co jsme přišli k jednomu z domů tak řekla náhle že jí bolý v krku jestli může jít domů já jsem ji to samozřejmě dovolil a zeptal jsem se kde bydlí abych jí tam aspoň doprovodil no ona bydlela hned v domě vedle nás takže jsem jí tam nedoprovodil a přislo mi že z odemkne chce vypadnout co nejdříve .
Schůzka zkončila rychle venku jsme nebyli ani 30 minut a já jsem šel domů od té doby jsme si moc nepsaly a po schůzce (ne rande) jsem si jí omluvil za schůzku že stála za nic no doteď s hrůzou vzpomínám na tu schůzku doslova to bylo peklo stala totiž za nic a příjde mi že ona chce spíše mého kamaráda než mě a tak nevím co dělat příjde mi že náš vztah umírá a já ho už nedokážu održovat tak dlouho jak bych si přál a tak se vás ptám má to smysl nebo to mám na dobro ukončit
Shellmaster15 vám děkuje za rady a tipy a omlouvám se za případné gramatické chiby přeji vám hodně štěstí do života a o větší štěstí na partnera nebo partneku tak zatím nashledanou
submitted by shellmaster15 to czech [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:40 Chapo0801 where can find college basketball sports betting

submitted by Chapo0801 to sportsbook [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:40 rlkeeney Personalized Handmade Christmas Ornaments Your Choice Santa In His Sleigh, Christmas Teddy Bear, Peace Dove, Or Nativity

Personalized Handmade Christmas Ornaments Your Choice Santa In His Sleigh, Christmas Teddy Bear, Peace Dove, Or Nativity submitted by rlkeeney to OdinsToyFactory [link] [comments]
