2024.11.26 11:49 SerlondeSavigny "Pierrreuse" by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, 1889, oil on canvas
submitted by SerlondeSavigny to RandomVictorianStuff [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 11:49 Bandwidth_Bandito View along Yarra River, Melbourne Australia [OC] Drone shot with horizontal strafe to generate 2nd view
submitted by Bandwidth_Bandito to ParallelView [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 11:49 my24hrtacobell I have a friend looking to make darts.
I remember seeing a chart of all the different brands and the thickness of their dart points. Does anyone know where to get that chart?
submitted by my24hrtacobell to Darts [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:49 Icy-Performer1514 New!! What did I just see!!! 😯😲😲 (From Hong Kong)! There are pinholes on them, but I didn't buy these.
submitted by Icy-Performer1514 to miniverse_makeitmini [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 11:49 Aof300 Pubs to watch Arsenal v Sporting
Hey Gunners - I've been watching Arsenal for years.. but its always a lonely experience , with whispered cheers and the occasional yes! when we score.
I'll be out in London today and would love to feel some community spirit. Could you tell me your fav pubs to watch the game around other Gunners?
submitted by Aof300 to Gunners [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:49 PhallicPhantom2 Mark Art
So I just drew this in the past, hour maybe? No stylus yet so I was all finger'. Mark liked it immediately, caught me off guard, especially since I finished it at like 6:40 something 😂 I am tired.
submitted by PhallicPhantom2 to lsmark [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:49 Atsaru WhatsApp Web avatars don't load
132.0.2 (64-bit), Windows 10 Pro https://preview.redd.it/4ftao1o4i83e1.png?width=294&format=png&auto=webp&s=cc8956d8a98f0e105cd4bbf672b3b43585c5357b submitted by Atsaru to firefox [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 11:49 Broke-Bride How to calulate the mean across specific rows without excluding NAs
Hi all,
I am trying to find a function/way to calcuate means of rows from my dataset in Rstudio.
I want to find the mean of certain rows without excluding NAs. When I run functions to try calculate the means across rows the end result always excludes NAs.
Here's an example of what I've been able to get:
I want a result like mean fat%
I've tried using rowwise but it doesn't work. Ungroup was used to prevent this from being grouped together.
rowwise() %>%
mutate(mean_fat_perc = mean(c_across(c("BMI_perc_BL", "BMI_perc_FU1", "BMI_perc_FU2")), na.rm = TRUE)
) %>%
I've tried other methods too but they either exclude NAs or do not allow me to exclude other columns (in this example i only want columns D, E, F).
Any ideas?
submitted by Broke-Bride to RStudio [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:49 OGBFREE This should scare you
submitted by OGBFREE to Dailyslant [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 11:49 nemesikrisztian33 Mrow~
submitted by nemesikrisztian33 to teenfemboy [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 11:49 No_Candle2537 ESA to UC
So my partner is currently receiving ESA, and has been informed they'll have to change over to UC sooner or later. I've been trying to look into everything to help out, but it's come to light we aren't sure if they're in the support group or not. Could anyone advise how we'd find this out? And what differences there are? It all seems overly complicated for what it us. Thanks in advance
submitted by No_Candle2537 to DWPhelp [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:49 FireRyuga LOOKING FOR OFFERS, U CAN OFFER FOR MULTIPLE PETS, + ride potion
submitted by FireRyuga to AdoptMeRBX [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 11:49 NaturalPerception621 canon RP
Hi everyone; I am new to photography :)).
I just got a canon RP, the RF 35mm F1.8 and the RF 24-105mm F4-7.1, all for 500€ secondhand. The camera had a shutter count of 7015 so it was an amazing deal I think. I was wondering if you guys had any tips for beginner photographers? And I also was wondering about your opinion on the lenses? Currently I'm really enjoying this camera, but I'm open for all tips and tricks with my combo. Thank you all very much!
submitted by NaturalPerception621 to canon [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:49 ThrowawayPing42 Click for click!
submitted by ThrowawayPing42 to PKMNTikTokDeals [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:49 pranavdabke Why does my loan manager keep rejecting perfectly good loan opportunities?
I have checked responsibilities and ensured I am in control of them. I’ve kept all wage percentages as unspecified and monthly fee demands as unspecified too. But still see perfectly legit opportunities rejected. Please help!
submitted by pranavdabke to footballmanagergames [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:49 Grillmyribs Claiming for a lost parcel, not insured! England
I've been using a shipping company for many years, never had an issue but a few weeks ago they lost an international parcel. It was getting picked up from me by DPD, then going to Cyprus with ups. Tracking shows it was picked up then nothing after that. I've been told it's been lost, sorry put a claim in. The retail value is £2500, (I never took out extra insurance). The agent told me, because I only had a basic insurance I can only claim for the cost of the goods to me. I've shown them this with proof (£918). I have this in an email. They have now said their basic insurance will only pay me £50.00 plus a refund of the shipping I paid. Am I fooked or do I have any chance of a claim legally?
submitted by Grillmyribs to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:49 weldoingthebest Life-Changing Quotes by Haruki Murakami
submitted by weldoingthebest to GrandmaSayings [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 11:49 Alarming_Tea_2234 Chumba bank verification
How long does it take Chumba to verify your bank?
submitted by Alarming_Tea_2234 to ChumbaCasino [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:49 Naturelle32 They screwed up again
Half of the daily party gems are shown as bound and cannot be sold like last time before the Winds for Fortune event went live.
submitted by Naturelle32 to DiabloImmortal [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:49 Hyloiriscope I disappeared for almost seven years
tl, dr: a vaporwave/future funk micro celebrity comes back
My name is Luca, but someone might remember me better by my stage name: Alpha Centauri アルファ. I started making this kind of music back in 2014, marking the beginning of my journey as a producer—a journey that continues to this day.
Between 2015 and 2018, I was very active in the online scene. My tracks were featured on the beloved Artzie Music, I collaborated with friends like Android Apartment and Quadratox, released music with the Future Society collective, and even had a remix included in Macro 82-99's DJ sets. It was quite an adventure!
During those years, my friends and I also launched the first Italian (and possibly worldwide) Vaporwave-themed parties. I traveled across Italy performing my tracks, often alongside amazing artists like Quadratox, Starloma, Cape Coral, Electric Dreams, Bl00dwave, Svccy, and many more. It was one of the most incredible adventures of my life.
Then, due to various circumstances and new musical interests, I moved on to other projects, leaving this music behind. Unfortunately, I also decided to remove all my material from the web, which means two of my albums, Heat Lover and Lavish Meditations, are now lost. (On that note, if anyone has copies and could upload them to their drive for me, I’d be incredibly grateful!)
Yesterday, however, I decided to re-release all the tracks that marked the start of my career and share them with the world once again. They’re simple, raw, and over ten years old—music I made purely for fun. I hope some of you will enjoy reconnecting with these songs!
Most importantly, I’ve decided to return to producing primarily Vaporwave. A brand-new album is already available on Bandcamp: a Signalwave record created with my friend Ryuichi Aware (Starloma), inspired by Italian music.
If you’ve read this far, thank you! Below, I’ll share some links to both my old and new works.
Greetings from your friend, Alpha Centauri アルファ.
old music: https://arufacentuara.bandcamp.com/album/ten-summer-whispers
new music: https://ryuichiaware.bandcamp.com/album/abstract-alchemical-vaporwave-vol-1-italian-late-night-tv-spells
some memories: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qINzmSXOCa8
submitted by Hyloiriscope to futurefunk [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:49 Few_Equivalent1079 Same Day Follow for Follow (No Unfollows)
I only unfollow if you unfollow me
submitted by Few_Equivalent1079 to follow4follow [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:49 jakubiakopa Výber USD na SVK?
Ahojte, riešili ste niekedy situáciu, kedy ste potrebovali USD v hotovosti? Riešim dilemu ako obísť bankové poplatky a spraviť to čo najlacnejšie. Dá sa niekde na SVK vybrať USD priamo z bankomatu ak mám USD účet s kartou?
submitted by jakubiakopa to Slovakia [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:49 Accurate_Tour_1470 Singurul argument ca parintii/bunicii sa nu voteze cu legionarul
Deci am tot discutat cu lume si las aici cateva observatii.
Cel mai greu sa ii convingi sa nu voteze e sa le arati ca e cu "Putin". Am constatat ca majoritatea care il vor vota deja sunt spalati pe creier, deja sunt cu Rusia, ca americanii vor razboi, ca rusia a invadat sa se apare, ca ucraina isi vindea pamanturile. Ca da violeaza ca asa e la razboi si in final americanii si UE bad, Rusia best friend.
Singurul argument care a mers la Russian lovers a fost cand le-a fost aratat ca omu din 90 pana incoace a facut parte din sistem, de legaturile cu iliescu + psd si posibil colaborator al securitatii.
Iar cine si-a mai convins parintii a reusit in final doar cu "daca iese asta, plecam din tara si nici in vizita nu mai calcam cat e rusul asta la putere"
Sunt foarte bine manipulati oamenii, argumetele logice nu prea au efect, dovezile a cine e legionarul nu prind pe motiv de"normal ca acum ii fabrica o gramada si raspandesc minciuni ca a dat sistemu la o parte".
Pentru tinerii ce il voteaza, nu prea am auzit de la apropiati interactiuni, maxim sa prinzi cativa cu " asta legionar e cu armata obligatorie si o sa te puna un an de zile sa faci armata ca apoi sa trimita militari pe front Rusiei ca sa opreasca americanii,".
Voi cum ati auzit/convins oamenii sa nu il.mai voteze? Nu ma refer la cei care si-au dat seama imediat cine e.
submitted by Accurate_Tour_1470 to Romania [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:49 complicada07 We can love our shadow ?
We can love and be at peace with our dark side ? Once we discover him and let him speak and behave freely ? Even if he is unhinged and without limits ?
submitted by complicada07 to askatherapist [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:49 PsychologicalKing597 I’m 24 M and my cousin 17 F (Daughter of my mother’s brother) we like each other
PS: I belong to Marathi Family Hi, so many times my mother, aunty or other relatives used to taunt us both that we would be great couple but I used to take it as a joke. But as we grew attraction developed between us and recently we were flirting with each other. Though due to age gap we are little hesitant for marriage, what should we do ?
submitted by PsychologicalKing597 to AskIndia [link] [comments]