2024.11.26 12:40 KiwiPastaYT What does it mean. WHAT DO THE NUMBERS MEEEAAAANNNN

What does it mean. WHAT DO THE NUMBERS MEEEAAAANNNN Theory: dude with the scar is the 3rd person heejun was talking about
submitted by KiwiPastaYT to DesignatedBully [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 Educational-Mind6563 Climb up to achieve success

Climb up to achieve success submitted by Educational-Mind6563 to MotivationalPics [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 Busy_Floor_4280 first time dumping and immediately regretting it

We’ve been fighting and arguing for 3-4 weeks, and I just couldn’t take it anymore, so I broke up with him. I know he’s not the type of person to stop me, so he just accepted it, but honestly, I wanted him to at least try to talk things through or fight for the relationship. I know I sound selfish, but I feel like I messed up and now I immediately regret it. I’m not sure if I should’ve tried harder or if I made the right decision.
since he sometimes leaves town for work we were in a long distance this time so I ended it in message, which feels crazy to me, especially since today was our anniversary too(6m). how do I even get over this? I’m fighting the urge to take back my words, but I know that would make me look stupid.
submitted by Busy_Floor_4280 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 Baal-Kagan Goku + Big Three done by HeyThereKarma in Berlin.

Goku + Big Three done by HeyThereKarma in Berlin. R.I.P. Akira Toriyama. ❤️
submitted by Baal-Kagan to tattoos [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 Wide-Sea85 Next JS + Nest JS with React Query (Authentication)

Hi guys has anyone tried using Next JS for frontend with React Query + Nest JS for backend authentication?
I am currently having some problems on how to implement this auth as a server action then use it as a mutation using React Query.
submitted by Wide-Sea85 to nextjs [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 TheMightosaurus Odyssey G8 - Service Menu UK

Im trying to get into the service menu of the Odyssey G8 in the UK but struggling to find a remote to buy that will allow me access so I can disable popups etc. Any advice?
submitted by TheMightosaurus to ultrawidemasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 deathbyvapejuice champ that feels like illaoi?

what’s a champ that gives you the same confidence in 1 v 2s, either with their insane damage or insane healing like with illaoi’s R? i just love standing in lane knowing no matter who comes at me since i have my R up im winning that fight.
submitted by deathbyvapejuice to Illaoi [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 RonnyIsreal H: Caps W: Weapons

Looking for a Handmade and a Railway with VATS Optimized as 3rd star. First and second stars are irrelevant so anything will do.
submitted by RonnyIsreal to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 Ok-Technology563 Gyp and Dee caught stealing at Hobby Lobby

Gyp and Dee caught stealing at Hobby Lobby A detailed account of Gyp busted for shoplifting, three years before brutally murdering her mom.
submitted by Ok-Technology563 to GRBsnark [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 AxeyAro wow :3

wow :3 submitted by AxeyAro to femboymemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 Prestigius_ Message me daddy, telegr @laup18

Message me daddy, telegr @laup18 submitted by Prestigius_ to Meet_SugarDaddy [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 slutfor8hrsofsleep Fingerprint sensor not recognizing fingerprints anymore

For some reason my Galaxy A13 stopped recognizing my fingerprints. I restarted my phone but it didn't work. I went in to my registered fingerprints in settings and my added fingerprints are still there but when I use the sensor to check, it said "No match" and I had to re-register.
Is this some sort of bug or is my fingerprint sensor all messed up now?
submitted by slutfor8hrsofsleep to samsung [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 Neotod1 got my first tws earbuds, qcy melobuds pro (HT08). any tips?

title says it all, the main problem that i had with it, was its microphone impairment with my phone. and for choosing, i went to https://www.scarbir.com/ and checkout the leaderboard. QCY melobuds pro was one of the best ones there.
but overall, i'm really satisfied with it and suggest other ppl buy that too.
if you have any useful tips, like your experiences with it, useful tips for better maintainance, etc, i'd love to hear that.
submitted by Neotod1 to Earbuds [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 teeth_as Teach the class in order challenge (IMPOSSIBLE!!!!)

Only for real sigma teachers
submitted by teeth_as to APStudents [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 Warm-Advertising-712 Girija prabhu

Girija prabhu Boobs khup badhleyt hiche
submitted by Warm-Advertising-712 to Madak_Marathi_Heroine [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 Mother_Welcome_1414 Chances for PFP or scoring below 12 for N’levels?

I would like to know what are the chances that i would be eligible for PFP application if i receive the Top 25% Academic Edusave Award yearly. I know that the award is given based on your results in school and not nationwide, so even if i did well compared to other people in my school, that doesnt mean i could do better than others in the whole nation.. moreover there are awards that are for even people like top 10%, etc. let me know pls😭😭
submitted by Mother_Welcome_1414 to SGExams [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 FeedEducational7471 Bwc ready to cum tr🅱️your girl 18+ 05e1b5d4676f06fc40f06f2c1bffab8730836290887e702284b2b597eaf95fcb29

submitted by FeedEducational7471 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 sophia_the_2nd Is it wrong to want answers after she was deleting texts, or should I just "move forward"?

submitted by sophia_the_2nd to okstorytime [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 Tolly_fyan Pushpa 2 shoot finally completed

submitted by Tolly_fyan to tollywood [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 Kruimelt Vegetable Stock – voor elke groentela

Vegetable Stock – voor elke groentela submitted by Kruimelt to BordspelNederland [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 LopsidedRazzmatazz90 My first Post.

My first Post. All clones(obviously). Student life,budget fuckery.
submitted by LopsidedRazzmatazz90 to DesiFragranceAddicts [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 BasicSliceNdice Shotguns

Ok so I've been using the Saiga and the kharod and I love that rifle and the shotgun fuckin smacks but I see people saying the ram is ridiculously powerful or some shit but I can't see it being better than the Saiga since the Saiga has a mag and a full bar more range
So which do y'all say is better and why?
submitted by BasicSliceNdice to stalker [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 Resident_Rub_5315 Sexy in this pic

Sexy in this pic submitted by Resident_Rub_5315 to SexyChicksInPics [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 walkerg123 Is this a problem?

Is this a problem? submitted by walkerg123 to LazarBeam [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 paradoxoros Offloading My Friend’s Car

My friend passed away last weekend due to cancer. He has a car loan with high interest (8%) and longest term possible. He also has no will. I am trying to help the remaining family with this matter. His credit card debt is luckily under control but his car payment is not something the family can handle right now.
What are the options here? We don’t care if they sell the car as long as they are free. I am also thinking to talk to an estate lawyer, but would be great to come half-full there.
Appreciate the support.
submitted by paradoxoros to PersonalFinanceCanada [link] [comments]
