[Top Stories] - Trump vows major tariffs on products from Mexico, Canada, China | NBC

2024.11.26 12:46 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Top Stories] - Trump vows major tariffs on products from Mexico, Canada, China | NBC

[Top Stories] - Trump vows major tariffs on products from Mexico, Canada, China | NBC submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:46 YasirAli99 Why do men rarely get compliments...

Men often receive far fewer compliments than women, creating a notable gap in how positive reinforcement is distributed. While women might hear praise for their appearance, skills, or character regularly, men are often only complimented on achievements or utility, such as their work or problem-solving ability. This scarcity can make the rare compliments men do receive profoundly impactful, with many remembering kind words for years. I remember someone saying to me "you'rethe purest soul I'veevercome across". It's been more than 5 6 years since these remarks and still i get butterflies whenever i remember this. I don't know what is the reason for this disparity but could it be due to societal norms that often discourage men from expressing vulnerability or seeking validation, leading to fewer opportunities for compliments.
submitted by YasirAli99 to RandomThoughts [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:46 haneen_op Cut and cotton shirt / digital print

submitted by haneen_op to streetwearstartup [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:46 Successful_Cost8781 Meine Mutter erzählt alle meine Geheimnisse

Meine Mutter ist ein sehr extrovertierter Mensch. Sie und mein Vater sagen immer, dass ich mit allem zu ihnen kommen kann und ich ihnen vertrauen kann. Ich (W19) habe aber schon öfters gemerkt, dass wenn ich mit meinem Vater über etwas gesprochen hat, er das meiste meiner Mutter erzählt hat und diese das dann meinen Großeltern und auch manchmal ihren Geschwistern weitererzählt. Ich fühle mich einfach unwohl mit ihnen über irgendwas zu sprechen mittlerweile. Mir geht es in den letzten Monaten (seit Ende August) mental immer schlechter und es wirkt sich auf mein körperliches aus (keinen Hunger, Abneigung zu essen, selbstverletzendes Verhalten usw.) und ich kann mit ihnen nicht darüber reden.
Auch bin ich jetzt seit ungefähr 2 Wochen in meiner mittlerweile 2ten Beziehung. Ich hatte ihnen schon von meiner 1sten Beziehung nichts erzählt, weil ich nicht will, dass der Rest meiner Familie irgendwas über mich weiß, weil ich fast keinen von ihnen mag. Mein neuer Freund hat, nachdem ich ihm das Verhalten meiner Eltern mir gegenüber gemeint, dass es verdammt toxisch sei, wie sie sich verhalten. Sie ignorieren mich, "lovebombing", vieles mehr und eben das mit dem weitererzählen.
Ich hab einfach das Gefühl, dass ich ihnen mittlerweile nicht mehr vertraue. Das bemerke ich ganz besonders daran, dass mich simple Berührungen von meinem Vater, wie Hand auf der Schulter, unwohl fühlen lassen und ich meiner Mutter manchmal regelrecht aus dem Weg gehe.
Deswegen hier meine Frage: Wie kann ich meinen Eltern wiedermals erklären, dass sie meine Geheimnisse für sich behalten sollen?
TLDR: Ich habe bemerkt, wie meine Eltern mit sich gegenseitig über Geheimnisse von mir reden und meine Mutter erzählt es weiterer Familie, was mich an meinem Vertrauen zu ihnen zweifeln lässt.
Vielen Dank schonmal.
submitted by Successful_Cost8781 to Ratschlag [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:46 meep-a-confessional Garmin recommendations?

Hi! I'm a newer runner, and looking to upgrade from a samsung galaxy watch 4 to a garmin (unless there's a better brand out there)
I don't need anything too snazzy, I don't really use the smartwatch functionality of my galaxy watch but here's what does matter to me

I'm mainly looking to upgrade because the galaxy watch gps is not good
It would be nice to have a bmi analytics function too but I can always put the galaxy back on for that.
The only other note is a slightly more robust watch because I climb (and if it can log climbing type metrics) and waterproofing would be nice because my last 3 have been victims of the shower or rain over the last decade.
I'm overwhelmed by the sheer number of garmin options so I guess I'm just interested to know if it has all the samsung features and more?
submitted by meep-a-confessional to Strava [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:46 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Tech] - Trump vows major tariffs on products from Mexico, Canada, China | NBC

[Tech] - Trump vows major tariffs on products from Mexico, Canada, China | NBC submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:46 New_Combination9425 First look at my Shonen project: Seikai no Tsumi. Feedback appreciated!

Hey, Reddit! 👋 How are you doing? I’m here with a mix of excitement and nerves to share a small snippet of a story I’ve been working on. This project means a lot to me, and I’d love to hear your thoughts or just see if it piques your interest!
Title: Seikai no Tsumi Genre: Shonen The snippet I’m sharing is a key moment in the story, and I hope it intrigues you as much as it excites me to write it. Thanks in advance for taking the time to read it!
Fragment: In search of more information, Takemi stumbles upon an old projector, covered in dust from years of neglect. Does this thing even work? he wonders, inspecting its worn state.
Suddenly, the projector whirs to life, casting flickering images onto the wall. Scenes of war, military leaders, and chaos flash by—but among all these images, one figure stands out above the rest: Kurogami.
Text on the projector: File 11-29: Project Kurogami. Status: Lost and under investigation.
Kuro reacts sharply upon seeing an image of Kurogami. Her body stiffens, and silent tears stream down her face.
Kuro (speaking): "I let it slip away... I let it go... And now..."
Closing: What do you think? Did this snippet catch your attention? I’m open to any feedback or suggestions as I work to improve and shape this story further. Thanks so much for reading! 🙏( Excuse me for my English being so basic and strange)
submitted by New_Combination9425 to WritersGroup [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:46 ArtfulDodger101 New comics from The Comic Jam - 26Nov24

New comics from The Comic Jam - 26Nov24 Take a detour from the main adventure with this week’s theme: Side Quest!
Knight's Errand - Story, Art, and Letters by Jack Van Thomme
submitted by ArtfulDodger101 to ComicBookCollabs [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:46 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Earnings] - Best Buy cuts full-year sales forecast due to softer demand for consumer electronics | NBC

[Earnings] - Best Buy cuts full-year sales forecast due to softer demand for consumer electronics | NBC submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:46 Most-Veterinarian403 Safest places in Chennai during WWIII

Since some youtubers (IYKYK) have been talking a lot about the beginning of WW-3, what do you think is the safest place in Chennai to go to if any country decides to attack us? we don't even have bunkers, do we? 🤔🤔🤔
submitted by Most-Veterinarian403 to Chennai [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:46 extod2 Genghis Claus is coming

Genghis Claus is coming submitted by extod2 to 2nordic4you [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:46 Sweet_Panic_8134 Local Dealer

🏆Trusted Local Dealer - Verified on theReptimeBST - been selling since 2020, Honest and Reliable!
👉Local Warranty - FREE Service Repairs!- Peace of mind, Nobody in the Philippines can easily repair superclones, I can repair, service, polish, and overhaul. (Save 10-15k for repairs! Repairing Superclones isn’t cheap or easy! BUT WE CAN)
🏆FREE Waterproofing, Professional Regulation, Ultrasonic Cleaning, Rotor Silencing, and Movement Inspection!!! - Make sure your watch is running at its best performance! Guaranteed better than stock, (FREE 10K PHP Value for all my services!)
👉No need to worry about customs seizure - Safe and Fast Transactions!
👉Local Payment methods accepted (Gcash, BDO, BPI, Crypto, Cash on Delivery (LBC), Cash upon meet-up), Paypal, Western Union - No Extra Fees!
👉Fast and On Hand Stock - FREE Shipping!
✅Newbie Friendly! Happy to help beginners buying their first superclone! I’ll help you make the best choice by default to make sure you get the best value for your money. Don’t regret it at the end!
👉LOWEST in the market.Nobody matches my pricing. Most people sell their used watches for the same price as my brand new ones🤭 Prices as low as 21k!!!
👇See detailed photos, videos, and more!!!👇
🔥NEW WEBSITE [BETA]: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1qUoaZGrRVMkKTKujxZFAgeV1PDtJDm4Y
👇Why buy from CarlosJrWatches??👇
😁Feel free to chat me once you’ve made up your mind.
I’m trusted by thousands😁 and have been selling since 2020! I’ll make sure you get a great experience and the best watch you can get out there. Feel free to check my reviews on my profile.👇👇👇
Review Thread 1: https://www.reddit.comCarloJrWatches/s/1uziLamRcg
Review Thread 2: https://www.reddit.comCarloJrWatches/s/Fo5rSM3ON1
submitted by Sweet_Panic_8134 to reptimeph [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:46 Fresh_Leading4011 Iskustvo sa Falken gumama? FALKEN 235/40R19 AZENIS FK 520 96 YXL FR

Iskustvo sa Falken gumama? FALKEN 235/40R19 AZENIS FK 520 96 YXL FR Imam neki popust u tokiću, a najjeftinija ova guma na usporedigume.hr je 146€ a u tokicu je 153€. 4 ove gume bi me u tokicu sa popustom ispale 440€, sto je 110€/gumi. Čini mi se kao okej cijena, no zanima me ima li tko iskustva sa Falken brendom te specificno sa ovom gumom. Gume idu na Alfu 159 1.9 TI ako nekog zanima
submitted by Fresh_Leading4011 to croautomobili [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:46 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Top Stories] - Abercrombie expects a strong holiday quarter as growth run continues | NBC

[Top Stories] - Abercrombie expects a strong holiday quarter as growth run continues | NBC submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:46 urfavsima Do u believe in "instinct over intellect"

Related to relationships,do u rationalize it or do u feel It ! Any opinions!!
submitted by urfavsima to Tunisia [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:46 eesteee What are you buying today?

What are you buying today? https://linktr.ee/PINOSOLANA
submitted by eesteee to SolanaMemeCoins [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:46 Ponsucas [Void] Her skin mod was updated so I gave a try to this new version

[Void] Her skin mod was updated so I gave a try to this new version submitted by Ponsucas to CyberpunkPersonas [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:46 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Earnings] - Abercrombie expects a strong holiday quarter as growth run continues | NBC

[Earnings] - Abercrombie expects a strong holiday quarter as growth run continues | NBC submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:46 Known-Morning9148 What wallpaper do you use ???

What wallpaper do you use ??? submitted by Known-Morning9148 to LGV60 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:46 Vast_Echo9018 Always buckle up when posing

Always buckle up when posing submitted by Vast_Echo9018 to Faces [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:46 Altruistic_Sail6746 Finally watched the show

After seeing the show get recommended several times on television, I finally got around to watching it and want to share my thoughts.
The show lived up to the hype and it's truly amazing. It scratched an itch for spy/espionage thrillers that I didn't I know I had till now. It's been a while since I watched something in this genre, the last being 'Secret Invasion' which was just horrendous. I'm definitely going to be looking for more shows like this (feel free to recommended any).
Things that I liked:

Things that I didn't like (basically just s4):
This unintentionally turned into a rant about season 4 but I really do like the show. It's a taut, well-executed spy thriller that rekindled my love for the genre. Even with all it's flaws I still thought s4 was alright and I'm looking forward to the next one. All the other seasons were amazing though and it would be hard for me to even pick a favourite. Oh, no book spoilers pls.
submitted by Altruistic_Sail6746 to SlowHorses [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:46 Anon_Ymou5 A mage mouse summoning a huge glowing-green owl by artist drachenmagier

A mage mouse summoning a huge glowing-green owl by artist drachenmagier submitted by Anon_Ymou5 to ImaginaryAnimals [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:46 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Top Stories] - Millions to hit the roads for Thanksgiving ahead of 'Arctic' temperatures on Thursday | NBC

[Top Stories] - Millions to hit the roads for Thanksgiving ahead of 'Arctic' temperatures on Thursday | NBC submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:46 Aggressive_Grass_515 Building portfolio (Republic Poly)

Hey guys so it's been more than 1 sem and I have yet to participate in any events/activities in school that can help in my portfolio. So uhm I'm just looking for people who are interested in participating in school events/activities that helps in portfolio and maybe I can participate in those activities with yall...? Cause my friend doesn't seem like she wanna participate in activities/events and I don't wanna go alone 😭😭
Please dm me if ur also looking for people to participate in events/activities with thxx 🥹
submitted by Aggressive_Grass_515 to SGExams [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:46 Agitated-Tear6097 duo with forjelance or monoaccount?

It is worth it playing with a DUO in Multi Server? I would like to play with Forjelance+another class. Any recommendation?
submitted by Agitated-Tear6097 to Dofus [link] [comments]
