
2024.11.26 12:40 yumyumgivmesumbum_ ava

submitted by yumyumgivmesumbum_ to AvaMaxWorship [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 Ill_Satisfaction7836 I came across this quote, and I’m trying to determine its origins. It may have been written by my father, but I’m unsure if it’s entirely original or if someone else may have written it. Has anyone heard this quote before or knows who the author might be?

I discovered this quote while going through my late father’s phone after his passing. For context, my father was a pastor who primarily used pen and paper for his sermon notes but occasionally typed them into his old Samsung phone. Among his notes were well-known English quotes as well as what appeared to be his own Samoan sayings or reflections. Many of the people he mentored would often share and use these sayings as well, which is why I’m not sure if the quote below is an original or something he had heard somewhere. Here it is…
“O se folauga, e lē fisiligia le fafati o auma ma peauvale ole ola. Peita’i, ole tautinoga; a iai Iesu i lo’u va’a, oute ata ile afā”
submitted by Ill_Satisfaction7836 to Samoa [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 front-page-watch [#220|+2598|216] "This is insane" - Elon big mad as Gov. Gavin Newsom plans to revive California's EV rebate if Trump ends the federal tax credit, CA Cybertruck buyers will be stuck paying more [r/CyberStuck]

submitted by front-page-watch to longtail [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 AggravatingWatch725 I have a question - with young Sheldon

Hello, everyone. I'm Korean who have studied English. I'm watching young Sheldon for my English speaking. I watch it with subtitle. There's a unusual phrase. The phrase has quote. It was written like this. 'Cause I'm dyin'
In my opinion, that sentence may come from a famous movie or a celeb. Could anybody let me know what it is?
submitted by AggravatingWatch725 to YoungSheldon [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 TheLaraSuChronicles Judge rejects Oxford High School shooter’s request to withdraw guilty plea

Judge rejects Oxford High School shooter’s request to withdraw guilty plea submitted by TheLaraSuChronicles to Michigan [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 tlozbotwamiibos “It’s been over a year since this was brought up. I expected Ovilee to have treated EE to some Filipino Food after that podcast episode but I guess apparently not. EE still hasn’t eaten any Filipino Food up ‘til this very day.”

submitted by tlozbotwamiibos to GinaDarlingxOvileeMay [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 Alternative_Leg_5505 I've been struggling with insomnia, please help

I've been struggling with insomnia for quite some time and was wondering if anyone has any advice.
For context, I'm a 23-yo guy, consider myself quite healthy (work out 3 days a week, eat healthy food etc), I have social (and probably general) anxiety that I've learned to manage over the years, and probably ADHD in some capacity (undiagnosed but fit the criteria).
Over the past 6-10 months I have been struggling to fall asleep consistently. I go to bed at a normal time, around midnight, but spend around 1-4 hours just laying there unable to fall asleep. Usually, after a while my thoughts start to race and I get stressed about not getting enough sleep (which ironically makes things worse). My mouth, weirdly, also starts salivating as if I am hungry, even when there is no reason for me to feel hungry. Once I fall asleep, I sleep fine and can get 8 hours of sleep no problem but I often end up getting 5-6 hours of sleep if I have to wake up at a set time. Its got to this point that I am dreading about going to bed, because I know I might spend the next few hours in a constant state of anxiety.
Interestingly, I don't feel tired during the day most days, even if I only get 6 hours of sleep, but I am worried in the long term since I know how important sleep is for overall health.
Initially, I attributed this to stress, as I was at university when I first developed this problem. However, I finished my studies in August and have been considerably less stressed since then, yet this insomnia has not gone away. I also thought it may be due to caffeine, so I tried moderating my caffeine intake. I limit myself to 1-2 cups of coffee a day and don't consume any caffeine past midday. I'm not sure if its possible, but I might have developed some sort of hypersensitivity to caffeine, though I'm not sure how or why. When I was 18-22, I used to being able to handle 3-5 cups of coffee well into the afternoon and would sleep completely fine. My parents are also big coffee drinkers and they have never had problems.
So far, I tried taking herbal medications, reading and stretching before bed but these don't seem to help at all so I'm not sure what else to do. Is this worth going to the doctor about or are there other things I could try to remedy this?
submitted by Alternative_Leg_5505 to Healthygamergg [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 onyony22222 Add me to N|_ G¢

submitted by onyony22222 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 TobiasG95 Autobot Test

Nur so
submitted by TobiasG95 to DrohnenDE [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 Own-Ad-2838 Is this an intestinal worm? 😩

Is this an intestinal worm? 😩 Found in my poop today. I can’t remember the last time I had a “normal” poop that wasn’t flakey and smelly. Slightly freaking out lol
submitted by Own-Ad-2838 to poop [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 newredditor84 (UK) Has anyone part ex'd a vehicle with Cinch

I've got a car that has got some mechanical issues that will be come apparent quite quickly after someone drives it so I want to get rid of it.
Cinch have given me the best offer for part ex but I don't know how solid that offer is. Are they like we buy any car who knock hundreds off for every bonnet chip ? How thoroughly do they inspect the car does anyone know?
PS aware that this is kind of a shotty thing to do, but I'm very short of options as the repairs are so expensive
submitted by newredditor84 to carbuying [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 mossyturf Off camera flash

Any suggestions on where to get used flashes for a Canon DSLR? How is Godox?
submitted by mossyturf to providence [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 Hungry-Status-2590 Crozer-Chester Medical Center Program - Internal Medicine

Anyone interviewed at crozer Chester for IM with PD ? What do they ask generally? My interview is scheduled in couple of days. TIA
submitted by Hungry-Status-2590 to ResidencyMatch2022 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 Ken789gh Sara Crumbleleg

submitted by Ken789gh to cuteygirls [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 KiwiPastaYT What does it mean. WHAT DO THE NUMBERS MEEEAAAANNNN

What does it mean. WHAT DO THE NUMBERS MEEEAAAANNNN Theory: dude with the scar is the 3rd person heejun was talking about
submitted by KiwiPastaYT to DesignatedBully [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 Educational-Mind6563 Climb up to achieve success

Climb up to achieve success submitted by Educational-Mind6563 to MotivationalPics [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 Busy_Floor_4280 first time dumping and immediately regretting it

We’ve been fighting and arguing for 3-4 weeks, and I just couldn’t take it anymore, so I broke up with him. I know he’s not the type of person to stop me, so he just accepted it, but honestly, I wanted him to at least try to talk things through or fight for the relationship. I know I sound selfish, but I feel like I messed up and now I immediately regret it. I’m not sure if I should’ve tried harder or if I made the right decision.
since he sometimes leaves town for work we were in a long distance this time so I ended it in message, which feels crazy to me, especially since today was our anniversary too(6m). how do I even get over this? I’m fighting the urge to take back my words, but I know that would make me look stupid.
submitted by Busy_Floor_4280 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 Baal-Kagan Goku + Big Three done by HeyThereKarma in Berlin.

Goku + Big Three done by HeyThereKarma in Berlin. R.I.P. Akira Toriyama. ❤️
submitted by Baal-Kagan to tattoos [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 Wide-Sea85 Next JS + Nest JS with React Query (Authentication)

Hi guys has anyone tried using Next JS for frontend with React Query + Nest JS for backend authentication?
I am currently having some problems on how to implement this auth as a server action then use it as a mutation using React Query.
submitted by Wide-Sea85 to nextjs [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 TheMightosaurus Odyssey G8 - Service Menu UK

Im trying to get into the service menu of the Odyssey G8 in the UK but struggling to find a remote to buy that will allow me access so I can disable popups etc. Any advice?
submitted by TheMightosaurus to ultrawidemasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 deathbyvapejuice champ that feels like illaoi?

what’s a champ that gives you the same confidence in 1 v 2s, either with their insane damage or insane healing like with illaoi’s R? i just love standing in lane knowing no matter who comes at me since i have my R up im winning that fight.
submitted by deathbyvapejuice to Illaoi [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 RonnyIsreal H: Caps W: Weapons

Looking for a Handmade and a Railway with VATS Optimized as 3rd star. First and second stars are irrelevant so anything will do.
submitted by RonnyIsreal to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 Ok-Technology563 Gyp and Dee caught stealing at Hobby Lobby

Gyp and Dee caught stealing at Hobby Lobby A detailed account of Gyp busted for shoplifting, three years before brutally murdering her mom.
submitted by Ok-Technology563 to GRBsnark [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 AxeyAro wow :3

wow :3 submitted by AxeyAro to femboymemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:40 Prestigius_ Message me daddy, telegr @laup18

Message me daddy, telegr @laup18 submitted by Prestigius_ to Meet_SugarDaddy [link] [comments]
