2024.11.26 13:30 Aromatic_Zebra_8708 Miyabi wants your care & attention (by @HimeHinghoi)
submitted by Aromatic_Zebra_8708 to MiyabiMains [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 13:30 Living_Jaguar_968 how do i take off these bars?
submitted by Living_Jaguar_968 to thedivision [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 13:30 Flinnguda Therians são um surto coletivo
Antes de tudo, achava que era uma brincadeira ou um hobbie por mais estranho que fosse. Poderia continuar assim.
Mas agora até nome tem pra esse tipo de gente e eles realmente se sentem animais. E cara, isso não é nem de longe algo normal. Isso não existe, é um surto coletivo, o mundo ta fritando a cabeça desses adolescentes.
Porque vejamos, eles se sentem animais mas colocam vários "poréns" quando falam de tratar eles como tal. Um humano que não se sente humano.... Eu nem sei o que dizer sobre, parece brincadeira.
submitted by Flinnguda to opiniaoimpopular [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 13:30 Fun_Safe_7795 Working on healing my gut
Relatively to the idea the world of gut health. I’ve been looking for a good probiotic & Megaspore seems to be a reputable one. Would the probiotic blend/ingredients cause a histamine response or trigger asthma?
submitted by Fun_Safe_7795 to HistamineIntolerance [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 13:30 Sarahhh030 Question about nausea on doses
I’ve been on 5.0 for 3 weeks now (going to take my 4th shot Thursday). The first 2 shots were fine, 0 symptoms. This 3rd shot however has had me nauseous since the day after I took it 😅. Unfortunately I already got my next dose up 7.5 last week right before I took my 3rd shot (per my doctors recommendations since my weight loss was slowing down) and now I’m worried that it will make me even more sick. I’m not sure if this is just a coincidence week though since I was fine with the first 2 5.0 shots. Anyone experience anything similar??
submitted by Sarahhh030 to Zepbound [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 13:30 CYB3R_THUG ⛵ Boat's speculation
• There is the painting of boats in the caves
• We are reminded about boyd's boat in every season
Boat Keys (S1E8) Boyd receiving boat keys during the flashback is highly symbolic. The song “If I Had a Boat” playing underscores a theme of freedom and peace tied to boats.
(S2 E6) Boyd in Martin's dungeon climbs the rope and sees the vision of ellis " dad it's getting dark , you said we take the boat out
S3 E10 In the photograph of boyd's house he specifically speaks about the boat as well
• There is lighthouse in middle of nowhere which essentially serves as navigation aid to guide ship safely
The Lighthouse (S1E10, S2E10) Boyd and Sara see the lighthouse during their journey, but the storm prevents further exploration. Tabitha is later ejected from the lighthouse by the Boy in White, allowing her to escape to the real world.
• If you remember properly there are multiple experiences of Elgin with water
• The pool at the motel
• Victor’s Past and the Lake (S2E4, "This Way Gone") Victor mentions a lake when he takes Tabitha to see the talismans in the caves. He says that the monsters came to the town after something happened by the lake.
If you remember specific details mention it down and help me make the sense of this theory .
submitted by CYB3R_THUG to FromSeries [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 13:30 CultPodcastsBot "Sex, Lies, & Sermon Tape: Relationships in a Doomsday Cult", Leaving the Message, 26 Nov 2024 [1:07:31]
submitted by CultPodcastsBot to cultpodcasts [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 13:30 Benigmatica Inugami Korone plays Donkey Kong Country until she finishes the game. Starts tonight (November 26, 2024) at 22:00 JST!
submitted by Benigmatica to Hololive [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 13:30 Pristine_Cake628 Holy inflation, Batman!
submitted by Pristine_Cake628 to LeopardWatch [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 13:30 StillSwitch403 starbucks interview
Hello barista community!! Im 16F and I just got an interview to work with Starbucks tmr. I'm really nervous and I was wondering what kind of questions they will ask? Anyone who has worked there/ gone for an interview please help!
submitted by StillSwitch403 to barista [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 13:30 ItsKingKong FC25 not loading profile settings
Hi Friends So, fc25 is suddenly not loading my profile settings Please refer to the pictures On steam i have over 150 hours, while on my EA account, it suddenly reset to 0 hours My settings are not loading
Please Help!!! Any solution for this? :(
submitted by ItsKingKong to EASportsFC [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 13:30 TemporaryRip9916 Friends
Hi guys,I've been loving in oman for 10 yrs now. For the initial 2 years i was admitted to a government school and the rest 8 years i studied in an international school. Bcz of that and the fact that i had no arabic speaking friends i eventually jst forgot speaking arabic. Ofc not entirely as i still remember the grammar part. So i was wondering if there's someone willing to practice arabic me like daily. This way i might end up enjoying speaking arabic without burdening myself w a tutor. And also it's a good way to make new friends
submitted by TemporaryRip9916 to Oman [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 13:30 Heavy_Pace4440 Anyone have any idea what indicator this is?
It's a graphic that sits in the same panel as the chart as opposed to it's own panel down below or wherever
submitted by Heavy_Pace4440 to TradingView [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 13:30 iKissedMedusa7 PowerSpec G717
All the hype around the CyberPower prebuilt, just picked up it’s counterpart at Microcenter. Same specs but better build quality/parts and all MSI parts instead of Asus (i can’t stand asus). You’re also buying from a respectable company in Microcenter as this is their in house brand.
submitted by iKissedMedusa7 to Prebuilts [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 13:30 EveryPost3567 Can't Decide which one to Buy
I'm looking forward to get a macbook air for college and some creative work (editing and stuffs). I live in Australia. In my budget range I have 2 options. Either I need to get a 13 inch Macbook Air M2 (16/512) or, 13 inch M3 (16/256).
I'm really confused. I feel like I'll need the 512gb storage and I'm planning to use it for a long time (4 years minimum). But I saw some heating issues in M2 MacBook air. What should I do?
submitted by EveryPost3567 to macbook [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 13:30 Infamous-Ad1285 Minion Prince at TH8
Accidentally logged onto my TH8 account after a while and it gave me Hero Hall 3 at TH8, allowing me the Minion Prince and two hero’s at once. Pretty sure that’s not meant to happen. submitted by Infamous-Ad1285 to ClashOfClans [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 13:30 Y0dis_ [M22] Hello everyone, how are you? I'm a bit sick but overall good
submitted by Y0dis_ to chat [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 13:30 PeachyyyyLuna Does that make me look hot or somewhat like a blot? F19
submitted by PeachyyyyLuna to AmIHotSFW [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 13:30 No-Machine-7397 17F seeking insights about future
17F right hand dominant submitted by No-Machine-7397 to palmistry [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 13:30 flyaway500 Has anyone gone back to instructing after getting a professional flying job?
So I recently completed training for my first 135 job. Initially super excited but the longer I am with this company the more I want to stop flying altogether. I knew it would be difficult and a change but I didn’t expect how miserable I would be. Flying is flying but dealing with all the other things make it difficult. Being away from family for almost two months was difficult. Having a terrible schedule and qol is difficult.
I have an opportunity to pretty easily become a career independent cfi. I know of plenty of airplane I could lease and pretty much a constant flow of students. I actually enjoyed teaching and found it rewarding.
I’ve crunched the numbers and could easily make 6 figures as a cfi while only working about 4 days a week. But in the long run would be missing out on a ridiculous amount of money down the line but then again I didn’t get into flying for the money.
Any advice or guidance would be appreciated thank you all!
submitted by flyaway500 to flying [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 13:30 Potenso Optimal learning path?
I want to learn Russian, and am wondering where I should start; should I begin with the alphabet or should I learn some words in russian (but written in english) so I get a feel for it? I'm not really familiar with learning new alphabets and am not sure if it's better to begin with A or B.
submitted by Potenso to russian [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 13:30 Dub_Sizzle1981 Vote on discord!
Can everyone please go to discord and vote for suit up? It's the last sticker I need! submitted by Dub_Sizzle1981 to monopolygo_fairtrade [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 13:30 Dark--Samurai Game
Let's play a game (cause Why Not) Answer on the fact of who is most likely to do these things , doesn't matter if they did that in the series or not. Day 1: Yeah, I commited war crimes ; so what ? submitted by Dark--Samurai to UmbrellaAcademy [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 13:30 radtech91 Do I need to change any tone/volume pots when changing bridge pickup from single coil to humbucker?
Hello all, I have a American Professional II Strat in SSS config, going to be changing the bridge pickup to a Seymour Duncan SH-1 and was wondering if the tone or volume pots need to be changed as well. I’ve seen some places say they’re 250k pots and others say they started using 500k a few years ago. Any info is greatly appreciated!
submitted by radtech91 to Stratocaster [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 13:30 Johnvanjop Terminus easter
Need help with the terminus easter egg. I know most of the steps i just haven’t been able to defeat the boss on solo.
submitted by Johnvanjop to BlackOps6Zombies [link] [comments]